Just a warning- this blog post has nothing to do with paper crafting.
I remember back in January, lots of us were picking our "word" for the year. It was a word that we would focus on... a word that was important to our well-being.
Well, to be honest, I didn't even remember what word I picked. I searched my blog and all through my facebook page until I found it. It was "TRANSFORM." Ah yes. Transform.
Well, my life has transformed into something completely different in the last year. I've lost weight. I got my blood pressure and blood sugar down into normal range. I have done quite a bit of house cleaning in my head and I have "thrown away" a LOT of the things that were not good for me. I'm truly happy and I feel a sense of peace.
Now don't get me wrong, there is always something to stress about. But I've made the commitment to get rid of the things that weren't serving me well, the things that were intentionally hurting me and I've replaced them positives.
I also went from having a senior in a small high school for the arts in the Northwoods of Michigan to a college student living in the heart of New York City.
Yes, I was so nervous for her. But she belongs there, no matter how much I'd rather have her right here at our local University. But I'm not stupid and I know that she wants to be a filmmaker and director. That's not going to happen from Madison, WI. She belongs in the biggest city in the country, where at any and every minute you are making important connections and learning from the people who are actually doing this stuff.
Typical day on the streets of New York. Filming an HBO show |
I'm originally from Philadelphia so New York is my second home. (My Dad was born and raised in Brooklyn.)
Alicia and me in Little Italy |
I really wanted to hate New York when I took her out there. But I couldn't. I just can't. I love New York with all my heart and soul and I don't blame anyone for wanting to live in the middle of all of that action, energy and excitement. And you know what else? It's safe. How can it not be? There are always a million people around you everywhere- you are NEVER alone! And New Yorkers are truly some of the greatest people in the world.
Grand Central Station |
As of yesterday Alicia is doing great, loving her classes and she's really happy that she is living her dream.
Alicia in SoHo- She fits right in. |
My girl. :) |
More Transformation to Come
My life is just beginning to transform. Over the next couple of months, more major personal transformation is in store for me and my family. If every once in a while we miss a day or two of videos, I hope you will understand that some of these personal changes require some of my extra time, but I'm not going anywhere. I just might need a day off here and there. :)
I've learned a lot this year. I've learned that letting go is hard but not letting go can be fatal.
I've learned that you don't have to be super woman. People will love you even if you drop the ball once in a while.
I've learned that some people ask how you are, not because they care but just because they're curious. Get the broom and sweep them away.
And I've learned that paper crafters are the most supportive, awesome people in the world. I am honored share this passion with you. Thanks for getting me through this year of change and transformation. Your sweet comments on my blog and on facebook and instagram have helped me more than you'll ever know.
Autumn Splendor Stamp Set |
So sorry about no videos this week. But I was completely out of underwear. I just had to get caught up. I promise that next week will be full of stamping inspiration! XOXO
Make it a great day and much love,
Alicia and me, last night in New York together |
I've closed comments on this article. Thanks so much for your love and support! XOXO