
Monday, June 4, 2012

New release blog hop- Day 2

Welcome to day 2 of our new release blog hops.
Today we are featuring two more fabulous stamp sets including Under the Sea by Theresa Momber and Enjoy the Journey by Rupa Shevde.

Under the Sea

Enjoy the Journey

The Design Team has created some fabulous projects for you and as you hop along the blogs, make sure you leave a comment on each of them. OnWednesday, we will choose 3 winners from all three days of blog hops who will each win a grab bag of prizes including some patterned paper, rubber stamps and embellishement!

You can leave your first comment here on my blog by letting me know whether you like making cards, scrapbook pages or both.
Then, start hopping here:

  • Gina K
  • Theresa Momber Illustrator- Under The Sea
  • AJ Otto
  • Cathy Tidwell
  • Deb Felts
  • Emily Giovanni
  • Giovana Smith
  • Jimmi Mayo
  • Lee Murphy
  • Lori McAree
  • Melanie Muenchinger
  • Suzanne Dean
  • Tina Gilliland
  • Vicki Dutcher

  • Stay tuned for a new video tomorrow and a blog hop featuring the new StampTV kit and more!
    Gina K.


    1. Cards are my favorite but I am putting together scrapbooks for my grandchildren.

    2. I'm a card maker!!! I started out scrapbooking, but then got sucked into stamping and card making and sadly my scrapbooking hasn't been touched since!! LOL!!!
      I am in love with that ocean stamp set!!! I must get it!!!! :)

    3. does any of your stamp come in FRENCH

    4. Love the Under the Sea set! Summer cards are so colourful!

    5. I mainly make cards but do a little scrapbooking.

    6. I mainly do cards; but do some scrapbooking.

    7. I LOVE checking your blog site just to see what special goodies you've come up with! Keep up the good work and THANK YOU for sharing your amazing talent.

    8. Cardmaking ROCKS! This is definitely a must have set!!
      Anna in TEXAS!

    9. Cards mostly. Like to scrapbook too. Also little boxes for gifts.

    10. I scrapbook, but haven't really touched that craft the past six years when stamping and cardmaking became my new love. I'll get back to scrapbooking again soon, though. I enjoy both crafts.

    11. Cards are beautiful. Love the colors.

    12. I'm definately a card maker and especially love to CASE T Mombers beautiful creations.
      loyaz1 at wbhsi dot net

    13. Beautiful Hop love the stamps and the Wonderful projects are Amazing thanks for sharing and for the chance to win

    14. Definately cards! Don't have time or storage space for scrapbook albums with 1 or 2 cards per page

    15. I much prefer making cards
      Thank you on this giveaway opportunity

    16. I have a passion for make uplifting and inspirational cards. I also like very small memory books.

    17. I am a cardmaking man. I have also done some banner work, but, yeah, cards. Cards.

    18. I make cards and life books. The life books show how the Lord has worked through lives over the years.

    19. I love making cards
      Right now I'm trying to do scrapbooks

    20. For me I like the pages, but they're more journals than scrapbooks. I'm the mother of 4 and we homeschool, ages 10 down to 3. We have been working on nature studies and we're trying to journal or scrapbook what we find. The kids LOVE being so hands on with it and having a hand in making something from what they find.

    21. I do both, but have been doing more cards since I finished scrapbooks for all of my children.

    22. Oh definitely both! I love cards and layouts and truly I love mini books and home decor projects as well. Love your technique videos. thanks,Sharon

    23. I am a card gal. Did some scrapbooking after a vacation trip (didn't finish it) so I turned to card making because I do love working with paper. I also like to make little gift boxes.

    24. I am a cardmaker and love all your products and designs!

    25. I too started working doing scrapbooking but then I got into making greeting cards using all types of techniques. I especially love Theresa Mombers design stamps because I can use my own creativity using copic makers and matching Gina K. design pattern paper and many of Gina' techiques with the stamps.

    26. I just love them all..they are going to make some great looking cards

    27. Most definatly cards!!

    28. Cards are my hobby! I have made a couple scrapbooks but that was years ago for my kids.

    29. Gina, I am mainly a card maker. I did do one scrap book for my son for his wedding but other than that I never tried it again. I need the more instant gratification from doing a card it seems.

    30. Gina,I am just starting card making.I love all the stamps and cards you and your team do.Just waiting for my new stamps to get here.I ahve 11 cards to make before i go back home.Will be spending the summer with my kids,grkids and fingers are crossed:)Have a great day.Hugs....

    31. Actually I make more cards than scrapbooks, but I like to do both when I have the time. I get so involved with whatever I am working on that I totally lose track of them. I really enjoy your site Gina and love to watch your videos. The videos are very helpful to learn how to make different types of cards. Thank you for your wonderful instructions.

    32. I love making cards! I started last September. Wanting to learn more I searched on you tube and discovered your videos. I became a fan and a member of stamp Tv. I have learnerd so much in such a short period of time and now feel confident to begin doing some card challenges.

    33. I forgot completely scrapbooking since i found you on you tube!(recently) now just LOVE making cards! Thank you Gina!!!

    34. Great new sets! Card maker, but on a rare occasion, will make a scrapbook.......

    35. Love the under the sea set! I make cards now, but plan to do more with scrapbooks in the future! But I love making cards!

    36. Just cards, but I'd love to start scrapbooking!

    37. I prefer making cards. I like completing a project in a short amount of time.

    38. I definitely prefer making cards, but these sets have given me some ideas for scrapbook pages that I would like to try.

    39. I do both, (but cards a LOT more than LO's.)

    40. I do both. Scrapbook for my kids to have someday but my passion is cards. I love to see happiness they can bring other people especially when they are surprised with one in the mail.

    41. Definitely cards - I do my scrapbooks online.

    42. I am a scrapbooker, but since i've been a member of stamp tv. Stamping and cardmaking is fast taking over. I've got 6 GKD Stamp sets and i am so glad you have started shipping your wonderful cardstock internationally. Love the new calypso colours. Thanks for a great site and friendly and supportive service. Here's to many more GKD stamps for me.

    43. Many years ago I was given creative memories scrapbooking items, cutter, papers sticker etc....I still use some of those supplies now, but I am now addicted to card an afternoon i may get 3 cards done, you know in an hour you have a finished product.

    44. I absolutely love card making. I actually can finish the project in a short time with all you designs and lesson in coloring. Love, Love Gina K designs!
      Sandi Doemel

    45. Fantastic stamps and amazing cards made by your DT!!!!

    46. I only make cards. Not sure if I'll venture into the scrapbook arena...

    47. I am a card maker. I have so many I don't know what to do with them but I can't stop making another. I did make an 8 x 8 scrapbook for my dog though ;-) It was fun but to think about going through all the family pictures seems over whelming ;-) Guess I'll stick with what i know best!Thank-you for all the wonderful videos!

    48. Wonderful inspiration from the DT again! They really rock! My primary passion is cards. I keep thinking that one of these days I might try my hand at scrapbooking but since I don;t have any grandchildren yet that hasn't happened. LOL!

    49. Card maker for me! For some reason making LOs seems too daunting to me I don't know why, cards seem more managable, go figure.
      Your new sets are really cute, might have to get a couple, TFS!

    50. You have taught me so much. I never miss any of your videos. I only make cards.

    51. Love those stamps, they would go very nice with my mermaid-stamps ~_^

    52. I enjoy making cards the most.

    53. I love making cards because the time to make one is quick. I also love making scrapbook pages, because I love the idea of telling our family's story to the future family! I love working with paper, and glue and goodies and creating something wonderful!

    54. Great stamps!! Love the fish!! I make both but latly only have time to make cards!
      reissfam10 at aol dot com

    55. I enjoy both cardmaking and scrapbooking, but lately I've been doing more cards.

    56. I love making cards but need to do more scrapbooking too. Love this new release series!!!

    57. I make more cards, because I am way behind on my scrapbooking. I do love them both!

    58. I enjoy making cards & mini albums.

    59. Wonderful new release Gina! I only make cards now. Funny thing is I used to make scrapbook pages back when I was a kid - way before it became popular!

    60. love your stamps -the only thing to make them better is matching dies

    61. Hi
      I like making cards, would like to do some scrap booking but havn't tried any yet!!!!

    62. I'm a card making fool but I do enjoy making a good page now and then

    63. I used to scrapbook a little...but I prefer to make cards now. I love the Under the Sea set! I have never been able to purchase a stamp from you yet...but I'm hoping to be able to in the future because of your comments letting us know how deeply the stamps are cut which would make a very clear image! Love your videos! detailed!

    64. Gina , I do scrapbooking and cardmaking. Love your designs and stamps. Just finished a one hundred page scrapbook for my granddaughters graduation using stamps and accents on each page.

    65. I like making cards and boxes for gifts.

    66. I love card making still new at it .
      have learned a lot from you in the last year
      you make it so fun. I am going to give the clear
      stamps a try. but really like your rubber stamps

    67. Fantastic inspiration once again from your design team. I like to do both cards and scrapbooking.

    68. I haven't gotten into scrapbooking but enjoy card making. I am new to card making and enjoy learning from your videos and DT. Love trying different techniques.

    69. Just love these two sets, can't wait to see what the DT have in store :-)

    70. both! I mostly make cards but am going to be making scrapbooks soon

    71. I love both scrapbooking and card making. These stamp sets would work very well for both. I am now going to see what your talented design team has done with the wonderful new stamp sets.

    72. Everyone I know who scrapbooks is always "behind" on their scrapbooking, and I know I would be constantly lagging, too! So I choose to make cards; they don't take a lot of time, and I use them to bless others.

    73. Cards for sure ! With 7 kids, their spouses, 17 grandkids and one great granddaughter..... well...that's alot of birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and on and on and on.... I live 30 miles from the would LOVE under the sea ! !

    74. Love the set "Under the sea"
      That set will make some beautiful cards. My favorite thing to do.

    75. This comment has been removed by the author.

    76. I'm a card maker, but I have all kinds of stuff to start scrapbooking some day.

    77. Gina, thank you for your continued interest in each of us who browse, blog, buy, build with Stamp tv Gina K! Card designing and building remains a focal point of sharing. Organizational scrapbooking recording history and tips for future officers is a close second. Family items remain a work looking for progress.
      Thanks for tm's wow stamp images this month. Sentiments set makes for varied cards and pages making stamping go outside the box or bulge the box enough to mystify stamping as an artform. Any ATC ID stamps out there displaying a touch of elegance, not flashy? Likin' your release! mt23stamperatyahoo Keep Looking UP!

    78. Love these sets, particularly the Under the Sea set. I started years ago with scrapbooking. I discontinued when the kids grew up & no longer wanted pictures taken of them. I then switched to cards & have been concentrating in this area since.

    79. I am a scrapbooker however I love making cards. I get so carried away its hard to get back to my pages. I love all things Gina K

    80. Definitely a card maker, love the new sets. Am supplying most relatives with cards now.


    81. I am a scrapbooker and I also love to make cards. I really like the new sets, especially the flowers and the fish

    82. I'm a card maker - no scrapbooks for me - tried it & didn't care for it. But I have also put my foot in the door to art journaling, which is quite fun and very liberating.

    83. I have done some scrapbooking, but I much prefer card making!

    84. I have many scrapbook pages in my head but can't seem to follow through. I totally enjoy making cards and mini books for friends and family. And oh yes collecting supplies is so much fun too. he he.Thanks for the hop, Gina and the team.

    85. I have always been a purist when it came to my cardmaking; however, recently I have really been doing a lot of digital scrapbooking pages. I also LOVE to pull elements from digital scrapbooking kits to use on my cards.

    86. I love making cards! I have started scrapbooks but then got completely overwhelmed! Cards are a shorter project and I love being able to give them away!

    87. I like making cards the best. They feel like special gifts of love when I give them. I like my smash books too. Yes I use the stamps in them.

    88. I used to be all about scrapbooking. Now Im into cards.

    89. Gee, I hope someone can make me a retirement card using the second set soon.....LOL!! I enjoy making cards, used to scrapbook and may actually start that up again (if I ever get to retire!) ;-)

    90. I have only been crafting since January, however I am a card girl all the way!

    91. I'm 99.9% cards. I do some scrapbooking but usually that involved die cuts more than stamping.

    92. I do both, cards and scrapbooking....and many other crafts projects.

    93. Cards for sure! I'm only 33 years behind in scrapbooking, so I just can't get motivated!

    94. I agree with another poster--I am a scrapper first, but cards are so much fun to make, so it's hard to fit it all in!

    95. My introduction to paper crafting was through scrapbooking, but since I discovered STV, I only make cards. I need to finish my scrapbooks, but I'd rather be making cards. :-)

    96. I started with photography after retiring...then walked into a stamp store - hooked! Prefer cards, but will make a scrapbook page if I have to....grand kids you know!
      Paper Hugs,

    97. At this point and prior I have been making cards, but now with a first grandchild, I will be doing some scrapbooking!

    98. I started out scrapbooking, but have just been making cards, cards, cards :O) I'm sure scrapbooking will inch it's way back...!

    99. I am a cardmaker. I love all your products and thank you for the wonderful videos.

      Margie F.

    100. I make more cards but love doing both!

      Carol B

    101. I like making scrapbook pages, and have many to do of Florida & Europe.....but I LOVE making cards! :)

    102. Cards definitly

    103. I just love to make cards. All kinds of cards. I love the more intricate ones. They are a challenge

    104. Hi Gina,
      I like cardmaking the best, but I have done a few scrapbooks too. I've really gotten into both types of papercrafting since I retired from teaching 5 years ago.

    105. Hi, Gina - So far I've stayed with cardmaking only. It does keep me busy - primarily perusing the wonderful blogs that are so inspiring and provide an infinite source of ideas. All of my cards are used for family and friends so they are made specifically for the recipient.

    106. Love making cards, and love to try the new techniques, products, and the new stamps. Definately like the clear stamps, as storage is a premium. Could spend all day doing that , then I'd never get any of my other work done!!

    107. love to scrapbook but cardmaking is by far my favorite!!!! I enjoy seeing my family/friends faces when they open their cards!!! love the ideas!!!! thank you for all you do!!!!!

    108. Wonderful day 2 hop, Gina. As for me I am a card person. I don't scrapbook but am trying to talk myself into starting special ones for my grandchildren. It seems overwhelming though.

    109. Very cute sets. I do both scrapping and card making. More card making of late! Your videos are so inspiring. Thanks for sharing your talents! :)

    110. I enjoy both. I do find I spend a bit more time on cards; however I love scrapbooking with my club!

    111. Linda D.
      I have a baby shower coming up. Theme for is Under
      the sea. Perfect. I would use it for cards, decorations, ect.. It would be so much fun to use.

    112. Cards have been and continue to be my favorite paper craft for the last 15 years :)

    113. I am a dyed in the wool cardmaker for over 10yrs

    114. I'm basically a card maker and love to also make 3-D objects (boxes, table favors, etc.) Want to get into scrapbooking "some day"!

    115. I am a carmaker and I love your Stamp-TV videos and the wonderful way you help all of us learn new techniques. Thanks!

    116. I make cards, mostly but have benn working on my wedding album (finally)!

    117. Cards do it for me - once in a while I like to make a small book for a special occasion.

    118. I've never done scrapbooking but I ADORE making cards!

      Kris in Alaska
      funamom at yahoo dot com

    119. I enjoy both! Cards are quick and satisfying but scrapbooks gives me the opportunity to poor more of myself into each page!

    120. I have made a few scrapbooking pages but, my primary interest is in making cards, etc.

    121. I started with scrapbooking and then I got hooked on making cards and havn't done much scrapbooking since.

    122. Card making is what I enjoy. Thank you for all the inspiration you and your team provide to help me make them :)

    123. I like making cards and layouts but cards seem to be my thing these a days.

    124. Hi! I primarily make cards, but do ocassional layouts, too!

    125. Great Question Gina, I am definately a card maker. For some reason scrapbooks scare the crap out of me!!! :)

    126. I live on Vancouver Island, BC. About a one our drive north from here is a little town called Parksville. It was a very small beach community when I was a child, we spent every summer there in either a trailer or a cabin that our Grandparents rented for us. My father now lives there and my 14 year old son loves it as much as I did as a kid and still do. We still spend hours collecting shells, sand dollars and what ever other sea treasures we can find.

    127. I do both scrapbooking and cardmakign, although I am doing more cardmaking these days. I live on Vancouver Island, BC. About a one our drive north from here is a little town called Parksville. It was a very small beach community when I was a child, we spent every summer there in either a trailer or a cabin that our Grandparents rented for us. My father now lives there and my 14 year old son loves it as much as I did as a kid and still do. We still spend hours collecting shells, sand dollars and what ever other sea treasures we can find. Your new stamp set reminds me of all the sea treasures I have spent hours searching for over my 50+ years

    128. I do mainly cards. Love the stamps!

    129. I do both, but cardmaking is way much more fun and stress free than scrapbooking.

    130. Another really great blog hop, Gina! I've been scrapbooking and card making for several years, but over the past year, I've done more card making. I think it's really appreciated by family and friends, so it's very gratifying.

    131. Never liked making cards really but now after watching so many of your videos - you make it seem so easy and the cards are always so amazing

