
Friday, June 1, 2012

New release blog hop- Day 1

Hi Everyone,

What an exciting day we had yesterday! The forum was buzzing with excitment as we rolled out our new products! Everyone seems very excited about the addition of clear stamps to the Gina K. Designs product line.

We have more exciting developments coming in the next few months including two new illustrators that will be joining our company and some new products that you have been asking us to develop for a while now.

We will also be introducing cut files for the Silhouette so stay tuned for that.

Today, our blog hop focus is on two on the new stamp sets that were released yesterday.

Stately Flowers 4 by Melanie Muenchinger

Ticket Trio by Tami Mayberry

The Design Team has created some fabulous projects for you and as you hop along the blogs, make sure you leave a comment on each of them. OnWednesday, we will choose 3 winners from all three days of blog hops who will each win a grab bag of prizes including some patterned paper, rubber stamps and embellishement!

You can leave your first comment here on my blog by letting me know whether you will be sticking with our tried and true Deeply Etched, Precut Rubber Stamps or taking the plunge into our brand new Premium Quality Clear Stamps.
Then, start hopping here:
  • Melanie Muenchinger Illustrator – Stately Flowers 4
  • Tami Mayberry Illustrator – Ticket Trio
  • AJ Otto
  • Carolyn King
  • Cathy Tidwell
  • Deb Felts
  • Emily Giovanni
  • Giovana Smith
  • Jimmi Mayo
  • Lee Murphy
  • Lori McAree
  • Sharon Harnist
  • Theresa Momber
  • Tina Gilliland
  • Vicki Dutcher

  • Stop back on Monday to continue on to the next New Release Blog Hop. Until than, have a wonderful weekend~
    Gina K.


    1. plunging!!! (holding nose and jumping in right now!) ker-splash!

    2. I think I would either style. Beautiful designs.

    3. I'm happy about the new clear stamps and I certainly am going to get my stamps that way. Always did love the rubber ones of yours too though. You have a top notch product and the best company ever!

    4. I started stamping a year ago and with CTMH clear, made is easy for me and I also had some inexpensive clear ones....inking those was a challenge, then I came across Stamp TV and tried yours and say the difference immediately....I will try the clear also, I am lazy the stampamaji does not work well with me...or me with it! I love both clear and rubber , your clear looks great so I will try them!! You are so inspiring!

    5. I will stick with the deeply etched, precut rubber stamps. They are top quality and love the storage sheets that come with them.

    6. Ill be doing both! :D LOVE this addition and so very excited for all the other 'soon to come' stuff!

    7. Oh, yes! I will definitely be trying out the new clear stamps!! Of course, I still love the deeply etched rubber, but sometimes I don't feel like getting out my Stamp-a-ma-jig, so the clear stamps will take care of that.
      Thank you so much!

    8. Wonderful party, love all the new sets and can't wait for my order to arrive, thank you to you and all your team you are all super stars in my book :-)

    9. So fun, Gina! Excited about your two new illustrators, too!

    10. As long as they are by Gina K, I will try anything! FAB COMPANY!!!!

    11. Such great new designs! Hard to pick between the rubber and clear - but coming from you I know the clear will be highest quality!

    12. Gina, how exciting with the new clear stamps, I will try them, however, you have such a superior product with your rubber stamps, I can't imagine I would ever not get them. They are wonderful. Thanks for all your care and concern for top notch products.

    13. While I've been "tried and true," I am taking the plunge after watching your video comparing the rubber with the clear stamp. Your videos are the best. Thank you! :-) Donna

    14. I just stumbled upon Gina K Designs and your images are great. I'm a clear stamp kind of girl, so I'm excited to see that you offer those.

    15. Another great release. I so look forward to seeing all of the beautiful new things you have. Can't wait for the new videos. LOVE your Blog and Stamp TV.

    16. I think I would stick with the rubber unless there was a reason I thought it would be easier for certain images or to line up better to use clear.

    17. I will definitely be sticking with the rubber. I have found acrylic stamps difficult to remove from the backing and have actually torn a couple of more delicate style ones no matter how carefully I try to remove them. They also don't work well with coloring directly on them with markers. It just doesn't come out well. Sorry, I just don't like acrylic stamps and won't buy them, especially if they're the same price as the rubber and not even any cheaper. There just isn't any reason to switch.

    18. I'm a red rubber stamp gal, so I'll be sticking with those for a while. But so good to have an option.

      Also, thanks for listing all the designers in each one's blog. It's much easier to see whether you have stopped by everyone's site when they are listed like that!

      Lastly, thanks for all the ongoing fun, beautiful products, and the oodles of inspiration!

    19. I am pretty partial to the red rubber stamps. I think it is a great idea to have the option for the clear rubber stamps for those who do love them.

    20. I prefer rubber stamps anyway. They are deeply etched and have better image on a piece of paper. I just love your blog-hops. Let's start!

    21. love all the new stamps. Planning to stick with the red rubber as I have a good storage system going for those. I have a lot of clear stamps also but they don't seem to be as easy to store in the current system.

    22. I think I'll give the clear stamps a try.

    23. I will be trying the clear stamps. Fantastic hop love these Stately flowers!

    24. I think I definitely want to try the clear stamps to see how they are!

      Kris in Alaska
      funamom at yahoo dot com

    25. I definitely will choose clear for sentiments, and might stay with rubber for images stamps with large areas. I am not completely decided yet though. Your rubber stamps require so little effort to stamp with and I like rubber for markers...

    26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    27. I will try the clear stamps, but there no better stamps in the market than your rubber stamps. They're gonna be hard to beat. Every single item you sell is top quality.

    28. I'm so torn...I love your rubber stamps and how beautifully the image is every time. However, I love clear stamps for the ablity to see what your stamping and where. I was amazed at te quality of your demo yesterday. So I think I will have a mix and not choose one over the other. Thank you do much for all the creative ideas and beautiful stamps and more!

    29. I'm so torn...I love your rubber stamps and how beautifully the image is every time. However, I love clear stamps for the ablity to see what your stamping and where. I was amazed at te quality of your demo yesterday. So I think I will have a mix and not choose one over the other. Thank you do much for all the creative ideas and beautiful stamps and more!

      1. I will stay with the rubber for now. I am OCD and don't like messing up the look of my collections! LOL I love the rubber any way.

      2. I use both the traditional as well as the clear stamps - depends on the stamp and project - no matter as GinaK is always the best quality no matter the item -

    30. Love the blog hop, I would love to try out the new clear stamps. They are easier to store and hopefully they are less expensive.

    31. Does anyone know where to purchase the larger, flat tins - about CD/DVD size? The sites I have checked you have to buy in bulk - need bigger than the altoid tin size Thanks!

    32. I will be trying the clear out. I love your rubber, but the convenience of clear is hard to beat.

    33. be honest I'm torn right now. I do tend to prefer clear stamps, but I've been really enjoying your particular rubber stamps and since there isn't a price difference, I really don't know. I'm leaning towards the rubber for right now.

    34. I placed an order yesterday with the clear. We'll see if I like them!! If not, I KNOW I LOVE your rubber!

    35. I'll have to at least try the clear ones.

    36. I like clear stamps because I can see what I am doing better, but I've been a long time fan of GinaK rubber! I'm excited to try the clear because I am sure that they will be of superior quality! Can't wait!

    37. I am definitely interested in trying the new clear stamps.

    38. I'm really not that fussy but will try the new stamps.

    39. going to try a couple of your clear stamp sets
      but i still think your rubber stamps are hard to beat. vanda

    40. I must say - the rubber stamps are incredible so I am hesitant to give them up, but I will try the clear ones - ONLY because I am confidant that if you didn't believe them to be of the same (or better) quality, you wouldn't be offering them. What would be good to know though, if you have posted anywhere best care and store tips for both types of stamps.

    41. I think you made me a Red Rubber kind of gal! Unlike alot of your DT Members, I {heart} my Stamp-A-Ma-Jig! :P

    42. If the clear ones stamp as well as the rubber (and by all accounts on the video, they do) then it will be clear for me. This is a great bunch of stamps.

    43. Wonderful beginning hop with so much inspiration. I, too, am deciding if I want to try the clear stamps but they did look like a clear image from your video. Hmmmmmmmmmm

    44. so happy to start the hop. I must say I love clear stamps so that's the way I'd go.

    45. These new stamp sets are just gorgeous. The only rubber stamps I've used are Gina K. I will give the clear stamps a try, since they do look just as beautiful as the rubber stamps.

    46. I love clear stamps so it is just a given that if given a choice I would pick them. So excited to see all the creations on the hop!

    47. I'm new to your stamps so I can't say what I would like better but I love these designs!

    48. I love my rubber stamps, but would like to try your clear stamps...the images look exactly alike on your video.

    49. At present, I will stick with the experience thus far with 'clear' has not been great - difficult to store and know what I have without spending a lot for storage. My wood stamps are stored in labeled pizza boxes lined with aluminum foil...$3 for a dozen boxes...have ove 70 boxes and can put my hand on any stamp I want in a minute!

    50. I LOVE the quality of your deeply etched rubber stamps! But I AM going to try the clear ones because I am curious (never really stamped with clear stamps before). I've ordered one rubber, and three clear sets this time. Thank you for all you do for us; and as always, for the chance to win! :)

    51. Lovely release, I absolutely love clear stamps, so I would go with that.

    52. I love your red rubber stamps because they give me the best impression I have ever had. However. I am willing to give your clear a try to compare. I can't buy two of the same sets but will try it out with two different sets.


    53. I don't do much stamping, but am gradually getting sucked back in - will probably try the clear stamps

    54. I think I have to have this set!! My home state and my adopted state both in one set!

    55. I LOVE these-can't wait to experiment with them!

    56. The deeply etched rubber is of such a good quality that I cannot imagine the clear stamps will be as good as that :-) But as you promised it will be, I have to believe you, lol.
      I love your Stamp TV videos!

    57. I will be getting the clear - love to see placement - love, love, love the flowers set

    58. I haven't decided yet whether to try the clear stamps. I really love the storage for the rubber stamps.

    59. I will be taking the plunge into the clear stamps, so glad you decided to offer these.

    60. After years of trying to get the clear stamps to work well, I think you've gotten it. So now is the time for me to try them. Thanks.

    61. Your rubber stamps are the best I've ever used. I hope your clear stamps will be just as beautiful!

    62. I use both red rubber and clear, but I'm sticking with your red rubber. I love, love them!

    63. I love my rubber stamps and they will always be my preference.

    64. I'll try the clear, but stay mostly with the red rubber stamps.

    65. HI: I have ordered 3 stamp sets in clear, I have a better placement and can line-up much better. If you produce them I know they are excellent quality. Thanks for hearing the need.

    66. I have been on several links here so hope i am notcheating and leaving two ..
      but i love the good clear i already ordered the birthday greatings....

    67. I think I will try the clear!

    68. When I can afford to order (I've got a multi-hundred dollar wish list....) I'll be going with the clear polymer stamps with the new sets. However, I must say that your tried & true deeply etched rubber stamps give are way easier than most to accurately place without using a stamp-a-ma-jig. You encourage, bless and inspire with your creativity and integrity. Blessings with joy! Virginia Weston (sorry, I don't do Facebook or such)

    69. I love the clear stamps. It is just so much easier to see where you want to place them. I've used both but clear is definitely my preference.

    70. I really am preferring the clear stamps nowadays. :-) Great job!

    71. I will be using both. I love your rubber stamps, so easy to stamp with but on images like the tickets I would rather use the clear stamps.

    72. After hearing all the acclaims for your stamps, I will have to try them. I am not having luck with other rubber or clear stamps. These are so beautiful. Bev L.

    73. I have been using mostly clear stamps from Stampin Up and enjoy them, glad to hear that you are switching to them also. Love the way you can see where you are stamping with them.

    74. I am a huge fan of clear stamps and am excited to see them offered. Thank you. Kathy

    75. I prefer rubber stamps. But, I agree with Linda, the clear stamps are better sometimes for better stamping within stamping. I like the ticket stamp set!

    76. I love the quality of your rubber stamps but it's easier to orient stamps that are clear, so I'm thrilled to see the clear!

    77. Yes, I will try the clear stamps. I have tried some brands and not liked them, but others I really enjoy using. I always want to try and then decide if that is the best way for me personally to go.

    78. my email address is not correct in the previous comment -- sorry. it should read

    79. The new sets are wonderful. I'll certainly try out the new stamps.

    80. I like the new stamps. I like to be able to see what I am doing a bit more than the rubber allows. The image seems to work as well on your stamps. I love all of them anyway.

    81. Thrilled to see you now have clear stamps!

    82. I watched your video comparing the two, and I'm thinking I'll try the clear ones. Somehow it seems that placing them exactly where I want them will be easier, although that probably isn't true. But, it's worth trying anyway.

    83. I think that I will use both. Anything that comes out of GKD are good products. Thank you for giving us the options. Keep up the good work.

    84. Gina,
      Just love the new "stuff." I have both rubber and clear in my collection, so I will probably continue to use both. I think I'll try your new clear ones 'cause I know your rubber ones are super! I have purchased several clear ones in the past that are not clearly defined and don't provide a very clear image. Looks like yours will be of top notch quality. Thanks.

    85. That's a hard question. I really like the quality of the rubber stamps, and changing to anything new is "risky". However, I really love the ability to see thru a clear stamp to KNOW you are getting placed right. I'd like to try just a small set of your clear stamps to decide how I like them. That will help me decide how to proceed. Thanks for asking, and thanks for making the effort to offer a premium quality clear stamp.

    86. Oh boy! choices! I guess I would try the new clear but I love red rubber!!

    87. If it's GKD, I'm all in :)
      Excited for you!
      Kim Marie

    88. What is a girl to do with so many choices? I think I would like the new clear as I like being able to see through things. GKD is the only way to go.

    89. WOW!!! some awesome news here!!! love the new sets!!! And I would love to try the new clear stamps you have!!!! Clear stamps are amazing!!! you can see exactly where you are stamping!! makes life so much easier :) And I know some clear stamp companies only work with certain inks, but your stamps sounds wonderful!!!! Can't wait to try them!!

    90. Loved the new stamps and looking forward to your new clear line. The cards are wonderful and full of great ideas. thank you all for sharing. Linda

    91. Tried and true.....will always love them.

    92. I think I'll be trying the clear, especially the ones with phrases, but I love your rubber ones as they stamp so clearly.

    93. I got 2 clear for now to see if I like them :-)

    94. I was just wishing the other day that you would think about going "clear" Hope to be able to try some soon! Thanks for all you do Gina and your wonderful team!

    95. Excited to see you have the option to choose either clear or rubber stamps - honestly, I don't really have a preference and I stamp with both types. The clear ones do take up less room on the shelf though!

    96. I know I will use both. Thanks

    97. Love your blog hops! I guess I will never get anything done! As for the stamps. I saw the demonstration of each and I think the clear ones give a better image; and they are easier to store. It will take some getting used to though.

    98. DEFINITELY change to the premium clear stamps! What a great addition to your line! I am soooo looking forward to using them!

    99. Hi, Gina,
      I just don't think I can lose either way. I am already an addict with your deeply etched red rubber. So now I will become an addict of your clear stamps, as well. I already ordered my first Gina clear sets this week, so here I GO-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!

    100. Love having the choice! I've always loved your deeply etched rubber, but will definitely be giving the clear stamps a try!

    101. I love them both. I have a lot of clear stamps and rubber stamps and find both worth just great. However, I am really impressed with the GKD rubber and how deep they are to give such great clarity to a stamped image. Having a choice is great.

    102. I started with red rubbah on wood blocks (didn't we all ?), and then tried some clear. I've been thru several companies, and so far I do have a favorite for clear stamps, and overall, I do prfer clear, because you can see what you're doing ! I used the stampamajig with my wooden stamps, and still do, but I am for sure a convert to acrylic, and when I get some Gina K stamps, they'll be clear too.

    103. I think I will be trying the new clear stamps. I am a clear stamp gal and was so excited to see that you were now going to have them.

    104. I was very leary of the clear stamps as I have not liked other clear stamps I have tried. However, seeing the video and knowing the quality of your products, I think I will try the clear. I am wondering though if I will be able to keep them in a 3-ring binder as I do with the rubber stamps.

    105. I'm taking the plunge to clear stamps. Thanks for the chance to win!

    106. I would try the new clear stamps. Thanks for all the great videos and blog hops.

    107. I will stick with the rubber stamps for now. I love the way they come packaged and I have a system set up to keep them organized since I have to work out of totes and a tall plastic shelf usually on the floor!

      I did think the clear came out looking great though. Maybe in the future

    108. I do prefer clear stamps. They seem to take less looking after.

    109. Hi Gina. It's great that you have the option of the clear stamps. Either choice rubber or clear, your stamps are cling which make them great for storing. I love my wood mounted stamps, but for storage reasons I usually choose a cling mount stamp for new purchases when there is a choice. Clear stamps are great especially for stamping words because you can see right where it is going. I like both choices! Thank you for that option! Happy Stamping!

    110. I have so many wooden backed stamps, and they
      take up so much room, so I really like your
      rubber stamps with the cling, easier to store. As my collection of stamps has grown, I now have
      so many clear ones. I like the clear ones especially for words/sentiments, I can place
      them exactly where they need to be. My Thing a
      majig keeps disappearing. Basically I guess I'm just a stamp junky..I'm excited to try you new clear stamps. Take care.

    111. I know there can be a world of difference in clear stamps, but can see from the video that yours work well, so I will not be afraid to purchase them... and there are some new releases tempting me. Fantastic blog hop! I can hardly wait til Monday.

    112. I love clear stamp so glad they are available now at Gina K!

    113. If it's Gina K, I'd love to give it a try!

    114. I'm torn since I love them both. The clear are easier to see which may give them an edge...

    115. I have a few clear stamps that came with magazines but since buy Gina K's rubber stamps I am addicted to them and a bit nervous to try clear ones even though, I am sure, they are the best quality.

    116. I've really been impressed with the high quality of your rubber stamps and I like the storage sheets that come with them. I do like using clear stamps and know yours will be the same high quality, so I'll probably give them a try.

    117. I really like using the clear stamps for precise placement and I'm sure yours will be just as excellent as the rubber stamps. Can't wait to get the new sets.

      Judy, Hometown, IL

    118. I like both types of stamps so will try your clear ones too! thanks for doing them.

    119. I can't wait till you do the sea life stamps. Love everything and the clear stamps too

    120. I would love to use the clear stamps, while I love the rubber ones, the clear ones are so much easier to store! Yours are truly beautiful. :-)

    121. Absolutely would prefer the clear stamps. Thanks!

    122. I have never seen flower stamps as wonderful in detail as these. Wow,
      just amazing.

    123. LOVE YOUR STAMPS...I love both styles...rubber and clear. Hard to I say both!!!!!

    124. Although I was never a fan of the clear in the past I decided to try the two sets I ordered in the clear and give it a trial. I hope they work as I would love to be able to use them. I know the red rubber is always awesome.

    125. I love the red rubber ... but after seeing the video comparison, I think my next order will be for the clear stamps. Gotta try 'em!
      THANKS for all the wonderful videos and hops!

    126. I love the wonderful rubber stamps, but I expect that the clear stamps will have the same excellent quality that I have found in all of the Gina K products I have purchased so far. I'm looking forward to trying them out!

    127. I've always loved working with clear stamps--find them much easier to get them where I want them!! Happy to see that you are now carrying clear.

    128. I think the clear stamps sound very promising- will try them!

    129. Thank you for sharing more inspiration with us.
      I love both rubber and clear stamps. Both work perfect for me. Allthough I find placement is somewhat easier with clear stamps.
      Love having an option to win . Unfortunately I dont use to win anything. But does´nt matter...So much FREE inspiration to pick up from your videos !!! them. You are so talented !!
      Sunny hugs from SPAIN

    130. Awesome release! The clear stamps would be my choice from now on. Thank You!

    131. Will definately want to try the clear ones, I use the stamp m jig with clear ones too.

    132. I will definitely be trying the clear stamps. I really prefer clear stamps. I'm thrilled that you are producing them now.

    133. Since I am running out of space I am going to switch to clear stamps.

    134. I have to tell you that I am unsure if I will go with the clear stamps over the rubber. For me this was a sort of revelation. A while back I had decided I liked the idea of the clear stamps and do have some, but since being able to use rubber on an acrylic base to stamp, it has not been as big a thing for me. Sometimes it is nice to see exactly where you are placing the stamp, which is easier at times with the clear ones. Any way- I have a dilemma, but not a bad one. I may decide to try the clear to see if I like one over the other- not sure yet. Wish I could try one of each in person just to see if I like the "feel" of one over the other. Just gives more choices!

    135. I use both kind of stamps but really prefer the clear ones and love using the stamp-a-ma-jig with my shaky hands. Regina

    136. I so love your rubber stamps, but am thinking I would like to try the clear stamps you are offering. Not sure which I will continue with, but I am excited about the new choice.

    137. I love clear stamps but your red deeply etched rubber stamps are just so high quality and produce such clear images, it will be a difficult decision to decide which ones to order. I just discovered Stamp TV and Gina K Designs a few weeks ago, and I am so hooked. Your products and designs are simply amazing. Can't wait to order more and see some new designs. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us.

    138. That's a tough one!! I started out with red rubber stamps and loved them. The Clear Stamps are easier to use since I can see exactly where I'm putting them. Your stamps are all so wonderful I use both!

    139. Will be going clear!! thanks Gina for the great quality clear sets. I like being able to see through them. Also with the clear word sets I cut the words apart and change them around.

    140. The answer for me is clear!! I love the ability to position exactly without using a positioner.

    141. I like the ability to see through the clear stamps, but I will probably stick with the rubber stamps since they are not wood mounted either amd I can line them up easily with a stamp-a-ma-jig. Love your stamps!

    142. I have both kinds of stamps(not your clear yet, Gina)and wood block toO.I think each kind has its place in the card making world. Storage is an issue with wood block.Some clear stamps don't always give the sharpest image. The rubber ones (yours especially) give great images. I think the key is good workmanship in the manufacturing process. Thanks Gina for giving us a choice.

    143. These are awesome! I love clear stamps and how easy they are to work with!

    144. I will probably stick with wood block stamps. Your rubber stamps give such a clear image.

    145. I will definitely be using your new clear stamps. I'm so excited about these. Thank you for listening to our requests!

    146. I will definitely be trying out your new clear stamps! I love the fact that you can see exactly where you will be stamping.

    147. Hi Gina,

      I find the rubber stamps sp pretty to look at!
      But eh who am I motto try some clear,

      Sonja x

    148. I am a fan of the rubber , but want ot try clear as it is easier to see what you're doing.
      I love Stamp TV , I have learned a lot from videos on techniques and lay outs. Thanks!!

    149. Love those flowers!! And tickets are sooo hot right now. I love clear stamps, for words they're a must for me

    150. Love the hops, all the ladies have done an amazing job. And your new stamps are awesome.

      I like 'em both, when you use the stampamajig, you get perfect positioning with both. I like the see through of the clear, but I find the rubber doesn't slip as much as the clear, so it's a toss up.

      Love Stamp TV, have watched alot of the technique vids, and made a few of your cards. Thanks for all your hard work, you're doin' an amazing job.

    151. Definitely switching to the clear!! So happy you do these blog hops so I can get inspired!!

    152. I'm really glad that we now have the option of buying either rubber or clear stamps. In my case i will be using both. I know that you and everyone involved in the making of either your clear and rubber stamps picked the best materials to make them, therefore no matter which one i buy i will always get a crisp image. Thank you Gina for creating such great and wonderful products Bless you and everyone around you!!!!

    153. I can't decide, I love the great impression that rubber gives but I also love how easy it is to position an image with the clear stamps. What's a girl to do???

      Carol B

    154. Love By The Sea, can't wait for it to arrive

    155. My next order would no doubt be for clear stamps. But I love the effortless superb images with your rubber stamps so will be critically comparing them and going from there. If it's a set with many small images, the rubber would be selected. It's difficult keeping track of tiny clear stamps, especially during clean up.

    156. My next order will be with the clear mount stamps. Thanks for releasing them.

    157. I will be sticking with the rubber stamps I like them best. :)

    158. Hi Gina, I prefer the red rubber stamps best, just for appearance sake really, so I will be sticking with those. The clear do seem to be the same beautiful quality though :)

    159. I will definitely try the clear stamps. I bet they're great!

    160. I think I will try the clear stamps. I have other "high quality" clear stamps that work wonderfully. I'm sure the quality of Gina K. clear stamps is even better as everything else I have purchased has been well worth the money spent!!

    161. Hi Gina ~ Oh, I am definitely going to take the plunge and go with the Clear Stamps...I have no doubt the quality of your stamps will be amazing! Thanks so much for giving us a choice!

    162. Wonderful post,i really like this post. Thanks for sharing important post with us.
