
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Personal Update- Life has a way...

Hi Everyone,
Just a disclaimer- this is a personal post with no real crafting involved so if you aren't interested in that sort of thing, carry on with your day and thank you for checking in! XO

For those interested, here's an update.

Life has a way of bringing the right people together at the right time.

Lately, life has been a bit crazy. My beautiful mom, Ruth, celebrated her 91st birthday last week.
Here is a photo of her at the DMV a couple of weeks ago. She finally decided to surrender her driver's license which was very hard for her. It made her feel sad. I am sure she liked knowing that she could jump in her car anytime and go somewhere without help. But it was time and I am proud of her for admitting it. There is so much dignity in surrendering rather than having something taken away. And it's a mature and thoughtful decision.

My mom's health has been failing lately and she really needs someone to take care of her. We talked about assisted living but she is totally against it. 

So Tom and I decided that we would sell our house and buy a different house that had a first floor bedroom and full bathroom so my mom could come and live with us. And I would take care of her.

We close on our new house on May 7th and my Mom will move in around the first week of June. I am a little nervous because I have never done this sort of thing before. But I also never took care of babies before and somehow, love helps you figure it all out.

I am moving my studio, office and craft room into my home so I can start doing videos from home as well as work on designing new products and projects. I am actually pretty excited about that!

I think it will be good. My Mom tends to eat a lot of microwave frozen foods because she can't lift her arms due to bad shoulders so I am looking forward to cooking her healthy, yummy meals. I am also looking forward to her being close by so at night I don't have to worry that she is laying on the floor with nobody to help her. (I'm thinking of adding a baby monitor into her room so I can hear her call me at night if she needs me.) I am also excited that she will be part of my every day life and the girls will get to see her whenever they come home. I know they are happy about that too. They love her so much.

Here is a photo of all of us this past Christmas in our current house. We currently live in a tiny two bedroom condo. 

This past week, we headed out to Philadelphia for a wedding. We were so excited to go because BOTH of our girls were coming in for it and it was a little bit of family time for us.

Then it hit. Poor Rina got hit with what we think was food poisoning. That was TWICE in a matter of four weeks. I guess it takes a long time to come back 100% and you are especially vulnerable to anything that a healthy person could tolerate for awhile after you have been poisoned.

So Rina spent the entire weekend in bed at the hotel and then we moved to a hotel by the airport and I stayed an additional two days with her until she was able to fly again without being sick.

We actually tried to leave and Alicia agreed to stay with her, but our flight got canceled due to weather and when we got back to the hotel, she was bad enough to want to go to the hospital.

I am so glad she is feeling better. She was so worried about not doing her Monday video. I told her it had been two weeks since I did my last video and every single one of my subscribers are the kindest people on earth and would never be upset! 

Here is a photo of Alicia from the wedding.

And here is one of Alicia and Rina together during a moment when Rina felt good enough to come down and meet a few relatives she hadn't yet met. (That lasted about 1/2 hour.)

Here is a photo of Alicia and me. (no filter, haha, just bright sun!)

And here is a photo of Tom and his brother Steve. Everyone thinks they looks like twins. :)

So like I said earlier, life has a way of bringing the right people together at the right time. I am so thankful my flight was canceled and I could be there to take Rina to the hospital. I am so thankful my mom is coming to live with us and that I can do my job from home. And I am SO thankful for your patience with me as a very behind and somewhat frazzled YouTuber.  

I know things will get better soon and the inspiration and videos will flow again. I actually postponed my new kit a couple of weeks so I can get caught up. Once I am settled into my new space, I will give you the grand tour. 

Much love and thanks to all of you for sticking by me and giving me the time to take care of my people. You all mean so much to me. XO

Gina K.


  1. You are an amazing mother, daughter and crafter. Thanks for sharing your amazing news!

  2. Gina ! U r the sweetest will be really so excited to stay with ur mom all over again...I wish for her long and healthy life ...looking forward for ur new studiošŸ˜hugs

  3. That is so wonderful that your Mom will be able to move there with you. Also the studio and design space in your home will be awesome. We will need a tour of that! :) You have a beautiful family! I know you must be so proud of your girls!

  4. Life brings us great joy even in the hard times, doesn’t it. You are such a bright light, full of grace and integrity. So grateful for you and all that you do. Big Love Gina! What a blessing it will be to be with your mama. I’d give anything for even just an hour with mine. I miss her so. So good!

  5. Gina
    You have a beautiful family.So glad you will be having your mom with you. I had my dad in assisted living and it was so hard.I go to work everyday and go see him everynight because i didnt want him to feel like he was all alone.It was the hardest two years of my life and thankgod i had the support of my husband.but i would do it all over again.He passed away two years ago and im just now starting to feel like myself again.Please give your mom a hug for me.........

  6. Gina, you are a amazing person. Family comes first and you are doing everything right! Sending big hugs to you and your mom. ❤️

  7. Gina, your heart is so big, loving and giving. All that you are doing for your mom is admirable. Being a caretaker is challenging. Be sure to take care of yourself and be a priority. As women, we sometimes try to do too muc, trying to be all things to all people...especially those we love. We are at a time of life that continues to challenge us. But, we always have each other to lean on. Hugs!

  8. You will treasure this time with your Mom for the rest of your life. Enjoy! And enjoy working at home!

  9. Ahhh, it's great you are going to take care of your Mom! My parents took care of both of their parents, and I plan on taking care of mine, when the time comes...which hopefully will be quite a while yet as they are just in their early 70's. God really does work things out for the best, so I have no doubt thats why your flight was you could be with your daughter. (BTW, both of your daughters are so beautiful!) Hopefully you can find time to design and make video's and run your business while still being there for your Mom, but...she comes first, so Bless you for being there for her! You will be missed by us ALL if you have to take a break from time to time, but I totally understand. Thankfully you have people helping you run your business, so we can at least still get that fantastic card stock and ink...and any other goodies you have that we need! :-))) Enjoy this time with your Mom and make lots of memories! Hope you enjoy your new home too!

  10. I just read your post and it is beautiful and sincere and loving. Your love for your mom and girls and Tom is so apparent. Selling your home to enable your mom to come and live with you is such a caring unselfish thing to do. You are a loving beautiful person. I will keep everyone in your family in my thoughts and prayers. I am happy for your mom too because it will make her life easier. I remember when you used to post about her winding up all the ribbons for the kits!

  11. I could tell what a great person you were before I met you but once I got to really know you I found out just how wonderful you are. This is an example of just what a beautiful person you are. Can't wait to see your new place!

  12. Kudos to you for doing what is right for your family. That is the most important thing. And, maybe this move will be a better one for the whole family when you get together for family gatherings. I know we moved my Mom into her own mobile home next to our house on the farm years ago. I could look out my living room window and see her bedroom and it was only a hop and a skip more or less to get to her home. This way she had a sense of independence but we were still close enough to check on her multiple times in the day. In fact, our kids loved to visit Grandma's house. And, I did not think it a burden at all but a privilege and I am sure you will feel that way as well. God bless your wonderful family!

  13. Gina, you are such a wonderful person with a beautiful family! I think you are fabulous for finding time for your mom and you will be so happy that you are able to have time with her. My mom gave up her driving voluntarily also, due to macular degeneration and she really was very sad for a bit, so it’s great that you will be there for her. I think our elderly just want to know that they are loved and part of our world. Wishing you the best in this new chapter!

  14. What a beautiful family. You will never ever regret your decision to make this move. It will give you such peace having your Mom with you. This will be a joyful time for you all. Bless you and treasure every Mom hug you get from her. I miss my Moms hugs each and every day.

  15. So happy that you are able to take care of your mom. We bought one of the Great Call GPS Urgent Response Devices for my mother. She wears a necklace with a button to push anytime for help.

  16. Gina - you will not regret this move. I moved in with my Dad after my Mom passed and we were uncomfortable with him living alone. He was alert, oriented, and active but his health was fragile at times and we worried about him being alone. As years went by his health became more fragile, but luckily he stayed alert and oriented until the end. He was 83 when I moved in and we lost him four years ago at the age of 96. It was VERY stressful at times trying to be his caretaker and work a full time job also. There were times I had to put out an SOS to my siblings who all lived out of state to come help for short periods. But I also consider it to have been a privilege to be able to spend so much quality time with him. And we had quite a few adventures together. I don't regret it for a minute. Best of luck to you, your Mom, and your family.

  17. Gina, bless you for taking your mom in. I did that as well with my mom until she died. You will be giving your mom a gift that you can't put a price on and with learn and enjoy things with her that you would not have experienced otherwise. I would never change my decision to have my mom live with me at the end and she was so grateful. I truly believe she lived longer by staying with us. She also taught my husband how to make a pie and he makes one for all the holidays now!

  18. Gina, thank you for telling us about your concerns for your mom and taking care of her. My mom was 90 in Feb., and I see the days coming soon for me to do more for her. She still gets around well, and does still drive, but I'm hoping she will see the need to give that up before too long. It's wonderful that you are getting a new home and will have her with you. Don't forget to take care of yourself, too. Many blessings to you and your whole family. Looking forward to your tour of the new house.

  19. Bless you!! My husband and I did the same for my father, but ultimately decided assisted living was the best for him (he had become legally blind, and I was fearful that I wouldn't be able to take proper care of him). Cherish the moments!! No matter how frustrating they might become they're moments of inspiration, love, and compassion. You are doing a great thing for your family and family should be a priority. You won't regret anything done for those you hold dear. Remember...Cherish the Moments!

  20. You know Gina, You NEVER have to apologize for things like this. What a HUGE heart you have. I love that. God bless you. Praying for peace and comfort for you all.
    Don't worry about us, we'll leave the light on... and be right here.
    Get moved, get well, get organized in your new place.
    Can't wait.
    Much love, old friend.

  21. You will not regret having your Mamma living with you. My Mother was with us for 8 years till God took her home. It was such a blessing. I had a baby monitor in her room so I could hear her when she needed me at night. God will give you the grace and mercy to take care of her and strength. Love you and love your products.

  22. I am very proud of all you do for your mom, that the love you have in your family shines through. I know you will be blessed beyond measure for taking care of her. Tell her she did the right thing, giving up her driving, as hard as it is to accept such limitations on life. Take care of you - we'll be here!

  23. enjoy being with your mother - it is another chapter in the book we call life -
    Barb Housner

  24. Oh my dear, I so know what you are going through with your mom. I, too, have been dealing with this, so I can identify! As you know, I lost my dad a couple of days ago, but before that he and my mom were getting so elderly and we had to figure out how we could best make their lives as peaceful and happy as possible. Thank you for your transparency. Life had dealt you some stressful times, but I think you have found some peace with it all. Please know I am here if you need to talk. Blessings my dear, love you!!!

  25. This is so beautiful that it has brought tears to my eyes. You , Gina, are a beautiful person with a beautiful soul, God bless you and your family!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. How wonderful that you are able to care for your mother. That is a blessing to both of you. Don’t worry about your videos. Your followers will be here!❤️

  28. I applaud your decision, Gina! Enjoy each other while you can. Take your time...we will all still be here because of your great company!! Take care...

  29. My mom moved down to Florida and lived with me - while it lasted. It was one of the happiest times of my life. She was my best friend. She left us in 1998 and I still miss her every day. Treasure every moment, every meal, every laugh, every kiss and hug. And take pictures. I didn't take enough and there wasn't digital then. It still makes me sad. Congratulations.

  30. Your family is the most important. Please take care of yourself, you will need to be healthy and rested to take all this on. You are strong and have a wonderful family. Bless you and your family.

  31. I am so glad you posted this. Your mom and daughters are all lucky girls to have you. Your mom must have raised you right because your heart is at least 2 sizes bigger than anyone I know.

    And be sure to leave some room for me...because if my mother ever moved in with me, I’d have to move in with you.

  32. Sending hugs and prayers during this season of change. We look forward to when you can return to crafting!

  33. Gina,

    I give you all the credit in the world stepping up for your mom. I came back from MA to take care of my Dad. Ive been here in WI for 2 years. You will figure out the flow with mom. You will feel relieved for sure just with the meal thing going on. Been there. I was able to craft so much taking care of Dad because he napped often. Ive enjoyed your store so very much these last 2 years. You have a wonderful crew to back you as you take this journey. Enjoy the time left with Mom. Savour every moment, you wont regret it.

  34. Hugs and prayers to you and all your family. Utube can wait, family can’t!

  35. You will never regret one moment of it. How blessed your mother is to have you. I'm sure you share such a wonderful bond and will only grow closer. May the love and joy you show to others come back ten fold to you.

  36. Spend as much time as you can with your mama, you won't regret it. Thank God you can take the time with her. Hugs and prayers.

  37. You are so very lucky you can move your mom in and work from home! I had to make the difficult decision to keep not only my mom in the nursing home after she broke her hip, but take my dad there too because I work so much and my house is too small for 2 hospital beds and wheelchairs. It's under 400 ft on the first floor. And all stairs. Bless you!

  38. Take care of family first and all the other will fall into place. Prayers, hugs and all the best for you and your wonderful family.

  39. Thank you for sharing and you are surrounded by adoring fans with huge hearts. Much love to you all during sickness, moves and changes. God Bless you and family is your main priority. Oh. And taking care of YOU!!! Hugs.

  40. Darn. Unknown is me!!! Donna Kozel

  41. I had the privilege of xaring for my father in law for about 7 years in our home before he got lung cancer and passed (peacefully at home with his sons). It is an amazing way for us to give back to tbose we love. It is awesome you are able to do more from home as you help to provide a more safe and healthy environment for your mom. Love seeing yours amd Rina's videos and no apology needed, family first for sure! Can't wait to see the new set up!

    1. Apparently I can't type (dealing with a migraine)

  42. I love what you are doing! That is wonderful but certainly hectic. It looks like you have a few busy busy works comign up here. But God will help you get thru it all because you are doing it for such a wonderful reason.

  43. We have to take care of family first. It is wonderful that you are able to take care of your mom. Take care, we'll (GK fans) will be here when you come back

  44. You are amazing Gina and a wonderful daughter. God bless you.

  45. Prayers to you and your family at this season of your life.

  46. You have such a beautiful family. I am very happy for you that you are able to be with your mom at this point in her life. Thanks for sharing some of you life. It is always nice to get to know people a little rather than only via the web.

  47. You seem to be an inspiration to all of us on so many levels -- wishing you and your family the very best. You have a lot on your plate right now, so although we anxiously await the new kit, we support your need to get on track and get your crafty mojo flowing again. Hugs from San Diego!

  48. Congrats Gina on you decision to help you mother. You are blessed to still have her in your life. My parents have passed and I have taken care of two of my siblings. Believe me you will have "those" days but the blessing will outweigh them. Good luck!

  49. I'm excited for your new journey! I am sure your mom will be so blessed by you... and you by her! Lots of love to you and yours. Hope your girl is fully recovered.

  50. So glad you will have your mom close by. This will be a very special time for your whole family. Don’t worry about videos etc., family is ALWAYS first. God bless you and your family!!!

  51. Gina, you have the most beautiful family and we are blessed that you share that part of your life with us. It is so refreshing to see and what a great reminder of what is really important. My very best to you all.

  52. Gina, you are one in a million. You will never regret being loving and kind. Best of luck to you!

  53. Gina, Thank you for sharing your story with us. I am so sorry your daughter was sick, and despite being ill, she and her sister are very lovely. You are truly blessed to have the ability to work from home and take care of your mother. Don't forget to take care of yourself as well. God bless you on your new adventure!

  54. Gina - What a beautiful family. God Bless your mother & God Blessed your family to keep her with You for more time. Most all of us crafters appreciate you & your family. We are glad that you are taking care of family & the family needs as well as your business. That makes you the great business owner you are. The craft folks will be here when your time always it. God Bless you & your husband for moving to a bigger place & caring for your Mother. Bless wishes for your entire family . Take the needed time your crafting folks understand. Family is the important thing in life. God Bless you all. Best Wishes on you all getting settled into your new home! šŸ™❤️

  55. God bless you and your family! Thank you for sharing. I am truly touched by the love in your family. Your children will love and honor you for the kind of love and respect you are showing your mom. ❤️

  56. Gina I enjoyed hearing your story about life how it happens! We just never know and can never predict it! Love you and yes we all know life happens and need a bit of time in our life at times. Hang in their you will rock it all! Thanks for doing what you do and your passion!!! Enjoy your new adventure and Journey!!!

  57. I love that you ate so open and honest and keep your fans informed. Its that personal touch that you add that makes your business stand out. Take care. You are an amzing wiman and I feel very blessed to have found you on you tube. Just love all you do.

  58. Hugs to you Gina!! You are the sweetest lady!!

  59. Happy Birthday to your mom, Gina and God Bless you and your family.

  60. God Bless you and your family and I pray that your Mom will flourish under your care. Enjoy the precious hours that you will have with her on a daily basis, the honor of serving your mother will be with you forever. I have just lost my Mom and I would not trade all the hours I spent with her. At 95 1/2 she was spunky, super creative, generous, giving of her talents to all who knew her. I miss her deeply, so enjoy having her with you and give your Mom a hug from me.

  61. Wow! Gina! Life hits you in waves. Thanks for sharing these things with us. Best wishes to your mom & Rina. And it's wonderful that Tom is on board with these changes. Please keep us updated.

  62. You are an amazing woman! You are on the right track with your mom. A baby monitor is a great idea and will give you piece of mind. I personally did everything I could for my mom for the last few years, including spending every day with her. No regrets and my adult children were very understanding as well as helpful. I would do this all over again to have more time with her. She passed away 6 years ago today at the age of 79. You have truly been blessed to have your mom so long. This part of your journey will be different but remember no matter how difficult it may get make a new memory of each day & take lots of pictures while you still can. My prayers are with you and your family.šŸ’•

  63. I have been where you are exactly. It gets easier and settles. Family always is first. Good luck and best wishes. Your lucky to still have your mom. I would give anything to talk to my mom. She died very young 64. I'm almost her age now. I thank every day for my family. Thanks for sharing. You make a lot of people HAPPY in case you didn't know that

  64. Gina you are an awesome daughter and your Mom is lucky to have you. I am sure that having her so close to you will be a great comfort and less worry. BUT don't forgot to take care of the caregiver, don't let you get run down. You have a beautiful family and looks like they are there for you and each other. Thank you for sharing this part of your life we have missed your videos and are happy that you will be doing them again, maybe Mom will be in a couple, didn't she used to do all the ribbon? Sending hugs to you and all your family.

  65. Dear Gina & family, I may not know you or ever meet you in person and thats okay. However, we all (Gina K crafty's) know your heart! Your story is very touching to me for so many reasons and Im sure to many other craft er's! The most important thing in life is our faith, family, friends and crafting! I did put a baby monitor in my fathers room when I took care of him and its a game changer for all, talk about peace of mind! Please, take care of you, so you can take care of the ones you love. We will be here, when you're ready and or need us! Hugs and prayers to you and your family! PS I too live in a small 2 bedroom home

  66. What an awesome thing you are doing. I took care of both my parents who lived in my town but on their own. It was difficult but I managed even with a full time job. I often tried to get my mother to move in with us but she was very independent and wouldn’t think of it. Her only ailment was her eyesight. Then a little after she passed my husband started with dementia so I was again a caregiver. It was all difficult but the one thing I learned through it all is you must take care of yourself. Enjoy your time with your wonderful mom. You are doing the right thing for you and for her.
    I adore Rina and look forward to her next video. Glad she is feeling better.
    I am praying for all of you trough this big transition.

  67. Gina there is nothing that says I love you more than that. I took care of my parents till their dying day. My father died 6 years ago and my mother died last year. I promised my dad that I would look after my mom and not put her in a home of any kind, I did just that. ❤️❤️

  68. Gina, I am very sorry for the mixup in your life right now. You are a special daughter for what you are doing for your Mom. I am now 80 and can relate to your Mom as I have apprehensions of living alone as I age. I pray God gives you the strength to accomplish all your dreams. I'm also praying that Rina recovers very soon. I will look forward to your next video when ever that may occur. Hugz to you and your family.

  69. Gina, I have so much admiration and respect for you! You are not only a blessing to your family, but to the world as well. Your beautiful Mom will have such happy times with you. It may get hard at times, but all the love that is in your home will weather any troubles. Your girls are beautiful, and yes, Tom and his brother could be twins! ♥️ How gs, Cindy

  70. You are the Best, Gina. Thank you for sharing your story with us-we are all going through the same challenges and ups and downs of life. And through it all you continue to be creative and share that with all of us. Blessings for you and your Mom's new adventure!

  71. It's wonderful that your mom is moving in with you and at the same time you will be able to work from your home to be near her:-) I know you will treasure the time with her. I remember right after I had my first child my grandmother has started with dementia and my great-grandmother being in her 90s could not take care of her so I moved over there with my newborn. I treasured the time that I got to spend with them. When my mom was there after she got off from work we had five generations under the same roof and I wouldn't have traded anything for that time. I'm sure Rina loved having you there for her when she was so sick. There's nothing like having your mommy there when you are ill ❤

  72. Mostly I don’t read personal updates, not that I don’t care, but I feel overwhelmed. In reading yours, I knew I had to say something to you. My Mom Dies last August, and the pain is still very real. You are blessed to have her , and I hope you do for many more years. Having her close is going to be wonderful, and I know you are going to treasure that time. You are an amazing, thoughtful lady, so I know your Mom must be too! God Bless you both and all your lovely family!

  73. Sending good wishes to you and your WHOLE family. Family comes first and that's the way it should always be.

  74. You are blessed and so is your Mother. As I follow you I wonder how does she do all she does. Your business has grown, new things coming out all the time for our love of card making etc. So we might have to miss you different times. You given us so much all ready, we can work with that. Best wishes to you and your beautiful family.Hugs

  75. Oh my, Gina you have so much going on!! - thank you for sharing - Birthday wishes to your amazing mom and hope Rina makes a full recovery - Youtube can wait lol!

  76. Gina thank you so much for sharing such an important part of your life with us. I love having a glimpse into your personal life story, it truly inspires me. You are a kind and loving person, proven by your willingness to take in your beautiful mom to love and care for her with all the sacrifices that implies. You and your family will be blessed in ways one cannot foresee because you are honoring your Mom. I cherish the time I spent taking care of my mom when she became ill. When God called her to Him almost two years ago, I grieved her loss but felt His loving comfort. I believe with all my being that this was God's way of letting me know He was pleased that my siblings and I took such good care of our mom. You and yours will also find this to be true when your time comes to return your mom to God. So, continue to put your family first because it's the right thing to do and your fans all understand. Hugs & Blessings.

  77. Life does have a way of delivering surprises, doesn't it! Sometimes the twists and turns are happy ones, and sometimes we face challenges. Looks like you are in a challenge phase with the love and support of your beautiful family. Instead of grumbling and grousing, you chose to meet the challenges head-on with love and grit! Please be kind to yourself, and take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time, as necessary. Being the loving person that you are, you had only one choice, the one you made! I'm glad you feel comfortable that it was the right decision for you and your family to prioritize people first. The business will take care of itself; you have a loyal following. Hang in there. This can be a precious time, building more memories on the already good ones you have with your Mother. When I faced some life challenges with my parents, doing something beautiful each day helped. Back then, I started a king-sized quilt so that I could have something crafty and pretty to look forward to before going to bed. Now, I would turn to card making. Try to build 30 minutes into your schedule to do something crafty that you really, really enjoy. Maybe it's just coloring a card front; perhaps it's the experiencing of hearing that die crunch in your machine. Maybe it's a decadent bubble bath!! Whatever it is, save a little time for you to refresh and re-energize. I wish you the strength to meet each day with the gratefulness you expressed in this post. Keep this post and read it often; it's inspirational to me, and certainly will be to you! Sending extra hugs and love.

  78. Gina, you are an amazing daughter, wife and mother. Please don't forget to add some time for yourself. I was in a similar situation 18 years ago when my Mom came to live with us. I took care of my Mom, my husband and my children, but didn't leave any time for myself. We all need that time, even if it's just 30 minutes a day, to do something for ourselves. I cherish those last few months with my Mom & I wouldn't change anything except to wish it had been longer. God Bless You and Your Family Gina.

  79. You are an inspiration to all of us, in so many ways. God Bless you and your family for changing your entire life to take be able to take care of your Mom. Sending lots of hugs and prayers to all.❤️šŸ™

  80. I think it is awesome what you are doing for your family. May god bless you and your family sending lots of prayers and hugs.

  81. My heart is with you. My father had to surrender his license and then moved in with me and my family. Losing his independence was tough for him but I believe living with us made up for it. He was with us for 5 years before he passed away this past October. Being able to be there for him was a blessing. I believe you will be blessed also. Do not stress about it, it will all work out just fine. Just being family and loving one another is all that matters. You are an amazing woman with a big heart. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. God bless you and thank you for sharing your blessings and struggles with us.

  82. Hugs to you, Gina.

  83. Gina - Your story rings such a bell. A few years back we up-sized to allow space for Mom & Dad if needed. Dad passed and Mom eventually moved into a retirement community (independent/assisted/skilled & memory). She also was against moving, but after several falls and other emergencies, she made the decision. She has many wonderful neighbors and has made quite a few friends - she seems quite happy - there is always something going on for her to join in. The baby monitor idea works great. Mom had to stay with us, after a hospital stay, for rehab and it was a godsend. Good luck and prayers are with you.

  84. What a wonderful family. I know your mom is very appreciative that you will be spending more time with her and even went as far as to move to be with her. Her health may even improve once her diet is better. Tell Rina not to worry about missing a video. We all have problems once in a while. Besides, she is well worth waiting for. You too.

  85. Fortunately God knows what we need,when we need it better than we do. this last year we have gone through major changes because of "Harvey". In a matter of hours your like can change! So proud of your mom for realizing that being on the road (at any age!) can be dangerous. She made the decision! May you and your mom be blessed with this time together! Can't wait to see your new office! God bless you and your family!

    1. Do not know why it put "Unknown"!
      The above comment was sent from Kathie M.

  86. My mom lived a few blocks from me, so I purchased her a life alert that she wore around her neck. If she needed help, she could just press the button, and through a device that they installed (like an intercom), they would be able to talk to her. Good luck with your new journey.

  87. Big hug Gina family is so important best wishes to you and your family sending prayers for everything to go as planned.

  88. Gina we did exactly the same thing and had mom with us for another three years, good for you, you will not regret it!

  89. Your mom sounds amazing! And she raised an amazing daughter! Kudos to you during this next stage of your life! I know you'll do well! Thanks so much for sharing!!! xoxoxo

  90. I am so happy for you, your mom and family Gina! It is awesome to have family close by to love on. So glad your daughter, Rina is doing so much better. I know that the move will tire you a little, so take your time and get that much needed rest before you get back into the swing-of-things after the move. We'll still be here awaiting your return patiently. God's mercies for you and the family.

  91. Sending Hugs! Totally understand as your family should come first. The baby monitor is a great idea. My Mom fell at her home and she was alone on the floor for an hour waiting for my niece to hear her. A monitor would have been a big help. She has a necklace she should wear to press to get assistance, but she hangs it and couldn't reach it. So glad you can make changes to make life better for both you and your mother.

  92. Gina, I wish you much luck with taking care of your mom. I wish I had been able to do that with my parents, but they were happier in their own community. My dad lived to 99-1/2 and my mom to almost 98, so they needed much more care than I could provide. Bless you for being able to do this.
    Don't worry about your blog. We will all be waiting patiently for your next ideas.
    Your daughters are beautiful. Poor Rina! To have that twice in a short time had to be draining for her, AND you. I hope she's feeling much better soon.
    Take care and take all the time you need to get things done right.

  93. As I always say, "Where God wants you, you'll see." Great blog - thanks for sharing.

  94. Hi Gina, I enjoyed reading the post about your family! We moved to NY a year ago to do hospice for my FIL, after he passed we purchased the house from the brothers, remodeled and my 91 year old mother is moving in with us next month! Same, tired about worrying about her on the floor or if the lean cuisines are making her glow in the dark. Everything has it challenge and it's blessing! Good luck to us both! xo Ginny M

  95. Thank you for sharing this with us. I brought my Mom home with me and it will ber a year this June. We also, moved to a home where we could accomodate Mom downstairs. It will be an adjustment but over all, I believe you will have more inward peace. The great thing for you is that your Mom is mobile. My mom is not and the hardest part is her Dementia. Kudos to you! May the good Lord meet all of your needs and your families.

  96. Prayers conning your way. What a beautiful family. God works in mysterious ways so must listen to Him.

  97. Gina,
    Family is the very most important thing in our lives!.. So glad you get to spend quality time with your Mom! Good luck with this new adventure!!! and don't worry we aren't going anywhere!
    P.S. You have a beautiful family and your Mom looks awesome!

  98. You take whatever time you need, girl! Your products are worth waiting for.

  99. It sounds like you will have your hands full, but, believe me, you will never regret it. My mom came to live with us and I also had my grandson, when he was a baby, come during the day when his mom and dad worked. My mom loved being with my grandson so it really was a win, win situation.

  100. Gina.....there are SO many things that I could say after reading all that you've shared...but collection of words would sum it all up adequately....
    So I will simply say...YOU are as beautiful you are outside...

    You are blessed to have your Mom...and she is blessed to have you...
    May each coming day bring joy and peace to your heart...happiness in your new home...and many cherished moments with your Mom.

  101. I love that you can and want to take care of Ruth! I wish I lived closer to my mom and aunts so I could take care of them..... Your hubby and his brother do look like twins! And your girls as usual are exquisite. A beautiful mix of mom and dad! Thanks for sharing a life update! We are “with” you! Love and prayers! ❤️

  102. My little mother lived with us for 20 years! We were fortunate when her health began to fail we could keep her at home! We had the baby monitor and it was a big help! God bless and hope all goes well! Hugs!

  103. Bless your kind and beautiful heart, Gina! I'm so happy for you and your family....and what a beautiful family it is! Sending hugs!

  104. Hi Gina, Your letter brought tears to my eyes. My mother lived with me for a long time. I have such incredible memories of our time together and I know you and your family will as well. You have such a beautiful soul and it shows through your work and your family and friends. I'm originally from Milwaukee and can't wait to go back home (yes, I still call it home) this summer. I looking forward to seeing your store and hope that you'll have a class or two that I can take while there. May your move be easy and your continuing journey be filled with love and peace and family.

  105. I was misting Rina's hilarious videos. Great looking family! Thank you so much for sharing this news with us. I wish you the best

  106. So enjoyed reading you post about you’re beautiful family !including you’re lovely mum .I know you’re doing the right thing by her and I’m sure God will bless you mightily.Whatever we give He returns tenfold .Im sure you will have an adjustment time but with the love you have in you’re heart all will be well.I will pray for you’re family all of them,and yes you’re husband and his brother look just like twins.Gods blessings on you .ps let’s say thumbs up to Tim too he must have a big heart .x

  107. Life is one curve ball after another......and you seem to be handling them all with grace and class! It will be better soon-and you will feel so secure in knowing the decisions you've made are right.

  108. You will be so glad that you changed your life to accommodate your mother. I know it will all work out. Family has to come first and I admire you for doing the right thing. My mother lived with us the last 9 years of her life and it was such a blessing. Best wishes and God bless.

  109. Ecclesiastes 3 King James Version (KJV)
    3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

  110. You are an amazing daughter; not many daughters would disrupt their life to care for their mom; cudos to you. We will all wait anxiously for your return.

  111. Cherish your time with your mother. Take all the time you need. We'll still be here. Beautiful family!

  112. Happy birthday to your Mom! You are a good and loving person. Glad to hear Rina is feeling much better. In the midst of taking care of everyone, don’t neglect to take care of yourself, as well. Please tell Rina not to worry about her videos. Life happens. I look forward to y’alls next videos. Sending positive vibes your way.

  113. Gina, you are amazing and your family is amazing. We are currently getting ready to retire out west (cannot stand midwest weather any longer) and we want to take my parents, but my mom is resistant. I am an only child and I am all they have, so thank you for posting this, I am going to show it to her…I hope it helps sway her. Hugs!

  114. Blessings to you and your wonderful family.

  115. Gina, thank you for the update on your family. You will not regret taking care of your mother. I took care of my mother, and I would do it again in a heart beat. The baby monitor is a good idea. I had one when I took care of my mother. I have met you at the stamp shows, and you are a kind person. You are an inspiration. I love your Stamp TV and spend a lot of time with you. Your daughters are beautiful, and I love, love, love Rina's videos. She makes me laugh. I pray that she is feeling so much better. You are blessed with a lovely family. God be with you in this busy time. I look forward to hearing from you when you are settled.

  116. I do agree with everyone else’s comments. You are an amazing woman and your hubby is apparently a kind and caring guy too. God will be with you in all your new challenges. No worries. We can always sleep well because God is awake and watching over us like a doting father/mother. Hugs! Connie Kocher

  117. Gina - There's nothing more important than family and what a blessing for your mother and your family to have the opportunity to share life together under the same roof. It may be hard at times but I'm sure you will all cherish the memories you make. God has surely blessed you with a wonderful husband...many men would not be so understanding and accepting. Your followers will be looking forward to seeing you back at crafting, but take your time, get yourself settled with as little stress as possible!

  118. Thank you for sharing your family story. Wish you all the best in moving and starting life in a new home.

  119. It is nice that you shared all of your personal news. Its funny how people become a part of families and things without really knowing it. šŸ˜ My mom is a little older than she used to be as well and i would love for her to live with us so we could card together.
    I am so glad to hear Rina is ok, I actually just asked about her when i placed an order today because i missed my weekly laugh at work! She is absolutely hilarious and i love how she allows her imperfections be a part of her videos.
    Take care, good luck and congratulations on all the new things happening.

  120. Life at it's fullest is the best! Your family has it right - take care of each other through everything. I've asked my Mom, a young 89, to be honest with herself about when it's time to stop driving, but I know it will be hard for her too when the time comes - but it's important since there are others to consider. Best wishes for everything to go smoothly - and don't try to do too much, ask for help so you stay healthy!

  121. Dearest Gina,
    I chose to take care of my parents at the homestead. It was difficult, but it was the most blessed time in my life. You will never regret it. Take care of yourself first so that you can be a better care giver. And I strongly advise a baby monitor. Mine had video and audio so that if I needed to go to the basement, I could see what was going on upstairs. You don't seem to need video yet, but it might come in handy down the road. Sorry to run on like this, but caregivers are near to my heart. God bless you and your mom and all your loved ones. Know that each of you are all being held in prayer!

  122. Awe, you're such a good daughter, mother, wife and friend. I loved hearing about how much you love your mother and would do anything to help her. You're a special person! God Bless you and your family. I love your videos and website.

  123. thanks for your update on family and work. It is so comforting to hear that the daily life decisions that are upon all of are being managed with such love. It is important to know you can keep going when there is so much love among the players. I am new to carding and think I have found the place to knit the discrepancy of my very creative mind with my total lack of artistic ability. I can work with what I see and make wonderful is like taking a daily session of art training and feeling the joy of creating the beauty from the gifts you present so intelligently, carefully and with such pleasure. I love it. My best wishes to you and your family and especially to your mom. She she has the best of it with such a loving family.....but that family is a product of the beauty she has created her whole life for all of you.

  124. You are so fortunate to be able to take care of your mother. God bless in this new phase of your life.

  125. Wow. You have been a busy lady. You mom looks wonderful and is probably very happy to be moving in with you. i am sjure there will be an adjustment period but I'm sure things will be fine. So sad about Rina. I have been watching her videos. I like her because she so relaxed and down to earth. Both beautiful daughters. I met you in Chgo last year and have been a fan of yours for a long time. I still want to visit your store in Wisconsin. Take care and hoping everything works out fine for all of you. Great family.,,

  126. What a gorgeous woman you are and look at the beauties in your family.. i can hardly believe your mom is that age she looks so young and so good. it is the love in her life that has done that.. now she will be spoiled and loved even more by you in your new home. it is a new phase and new beginning for all of you that brings great joy and sometime even sorrow with the changes that are not always as easy as expected. but life brings us us and downs always. i too have many health challenges and love your videos your inspiration your kits. i have a very low income so cannot order much as i wish i could, but enjoy seeing your creations always. you have such a calmness in doing them and love to see you in them.. so inspiring and yes you are a beautiful woman inside and out. take good care of yourself and thanks for sharing your home and life with us i have so enjoyed this post from you.. real life... love real life. take it easy now with special hugs and love to a fine lady i would love to have as a friend.. God Bless and keep you all safe, sane and happy as you make the new transitions.. oxxoxoxo Sharon

  127. My mom got very sick and was in a nursing home. I had made plans with the rest of my family and her Hospice Team that I would take her home to my house. Sadly she passed away 2 days later. You are blessed to have that time with your mother.....
    Mary Ellen

  128. Gina, as like it's been said many times before FAMILY COMES FIRST! You do what you have to do that's more important THAN ANY THING else in the world. Just please remember to take care of yourself as well. Take all the time that is needed. Linda

  129. How blessed you are to have your mom live with you. I also lived with my mom until her death (age 91). She was unable to do anything for herself after age 89. But, I so enjoyed having her with me. She looked after me when I was little, so it was my pleasure to look after her. When I was 23, she had a stroke, so every year her ability to have a conversation when down, until she had much difficulty talking. But, she was truly a blessing from God.

  130. Gina, you are well worth waiting for. Take care of your beautiful Mother, family and YOUR SELF and take as long as you need. We will be here waiting until you are able to return to your work. Your products are wonderful and so is your staff, they will be fine in your temporary absence. Just do what you need to do and get settled. (((HUGS)))

  131. What a wonderful blessing, to be able to have your sweet mother with you and work from home! My mom is the same age and also recently gave up her DL; we moved her and my sister to an adorable little house and soon we are moving nearby them. I want to cherish every minute of time I can with my mom and I can so relate to your situation.

    So sad for Rina!!!! Terrible!! Keeping her in my prayers!❤️ But how special to have some time with the whole family.

    Hang in there, we’ve got you!!

  132. What a beautiful family you have and how wonderful for all of you that you are able to change your plans and lifestyle to accommodate everyone. Life happens and it is great that you can adapt for the changing needs of your family.

  133. Barbara Bush said that at the end of your life you never say you regret not working enough but you would regret not being with husbands, children, friends, etc. (In more or less those words.) It is true. You will not regret the changes. God bless.

  134. I commend you for being human and being something other than a crafter. I happily read your blog. I would love to have a mother live with me. They were us in the beginning and we should be there in the end.
    You are blessed. Everything happens for a reason, it’s no accident that your flight was cancelled. God bles

  135. Your Mom will be happy for the security and to be so close to you and her grand daughters. I can see your hubby is a real gem. Family is so important and comes first. I love your family stories, take care and best of luck .

  136. Thanks for sharing your news. I too, live with my 97 year old mother, who also, sadly, surrendered her license when she was just about 95. Although aging is often difficult for my mother, her move to my home has been a blessing for our family. We are so lucky that my children and grandchildren live nearby and my mother gets to see her great grandchildren on a regular basis. Thanks again for sharing.

  137. Dorette mc PhersonApril 19, 2018 at 2:42 PM

    Gina, what a wonderful thing you do for your Mom and for you too. you will be so glad to have her with you. God will bless you for all you do for your beautiful family and family always comes first. I am 89 1/2 and my daughter, son in law and granddaughter wanted me closer so I moved to Pennsylvania from California so they can help when needed. So far I am well, but I know what it means to take care of a loved one. I took care of my husband at home for 5 years and I am so glad I could do it.
    You are a wonderful person and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
    We will wait for you and your beautiful videos and. take care, hugs. Dorette.

  138. God bless you! You are an amazing mom and daughter!

  139. Thank you for sharing. Gina. You have such a lovely family. Your mom is lucky to have you. Family first, always!

  140. There is nothing more important than family...should always come first and I admire you for that. Your mom is very lucky to have you all as you are very lucky to have her. I wish you well with your move and all your plans.
    You have a beautiful family ..those girls are gorgeous like their mom. God Bless

  141. May God bless you and your fine family. You are so loved. Barb

  142. I think it's wonderful that you were able to sell your house and provide a solution for you to have peace of mind with your mom living with you. I moved my dad in with me the last few years of his life, and I'm so HAPPY that I did us alot of quality and FUN time together. I'm also excited for you to have your crafting at home too....enjoy your beautiful new deserve it

  143. Family is so important - we don't have nearly as much time with them as we want to. Hugs and God Bless. Maureen

  144. Gina,

    So kind of you for sharing your family and life with us this way. It is such a blessing to see your dedication to your family. Prayers and good wishes to you and your family as you walk this new path.

  145. You are such a wonderful person and it’s so great you still have your mom. I am 39 and my mom died 3 years ago. I so wish I had her around. I also have 5 kids and homeschool. You are so right about people being around and the timing of things. God know what you need and when you need it. I have been through a divorce, being a single mom, getting remarried, several miscarriages, the deaths of both my parents, and other life issues. But there always seems to have been something positive happen too. I always say “Everything happens for a reason, even if we don’t understand at the time!” That helps me get through the tough times. You just keep on doing what you are doing and love that family. Thank you for the inspiration you give!! And tell Rina she is just awesome too!! Sorry she got sick again!!

  146. Family first always....we will survive until your life is back to normal...or if like mine, as normal as it can be....looking forward to your next adventure in home life or crafting.
    Prayers for

  147. Gina, First of all please tell your mom that she does not look anywhere close to 91 years young. She appears to be about in her low to mid 60's. Now I want to say that I am praying for you and your whole family. I am so happy that you will be able to spend more time with your Mother. Please cherish every minute of it. Mine passed away many years ago and I could not even be with at that time. Good luck to you in your new home and being able to work at home. While I adore yours and Rina's videos, it is quite understandable that family comes first and that is how it should be. I can't wait to see your new home, office and craft room. Big hugs, Love and prayers, Lori Reinholz

  148. Bless you. What a wonderful adventure you are about to go on. Enjoy every minute of having your mom with you, make this time special and soak up all that love.

  149. I wish you well, Gina. This will not be an easy task but it will be one you are happy you decided to take. It shows your girls how to treat you some day. Ha ha. You have a supportive family which will help you as well. Ask for help when you need it and rest when you are tired. God bless all of you. Jane

  150. Hello Gina, just want you to know you are an amazing and beautiful person. So sweet of you and your family to have your mom move in, what a blessing and a gift to have her be with you. The greatest gift you can give your parents is the gift of your time. All of my prayers and blessings to you and your family. As a fan of yours in the crafting community we are blessed to have YOU in our lives. Thankyou for all you do for us. Love and prayers.

  151. Your mother is just beautiful! You have good genes, Gina!!! You will never regret having your mother living with you. The peace of mind and memories that will come with this adventure is priceless. My own father asked to move in with us when he was 95. I will never regret having him here for one second and now that he is in heaven, I treasure each and every one of those minutes with him. No one will ever care about your mother as much as you do, nor take as good of care of her as you can. It is so worth it! God bless you!

  152. You are so lucky to still have your mom and for sure you will take wonderful care of her just like you do so much for your daughters and, of course, for all us appreciative paper crafters. Good luck in your new endeavor, enjoy your family time and come back to us when you are able. We will all wait for you.

  153. Gina, you are an extraordinary person. Glad to see you taking care of your Mom. Amazing lady to have driven to age 91! I am 78 and also surrendered my license 2 years ago, so I know how your Mom feels. It will take a while for your Mom to get used to depend on other people to drive her around.
    Alicia and Rina look alike. Both are beautiful. Rina's videos are great. I watch them every week.
    Best wishes for you and your family. Will pray that thing go as planned.
    Stamping Hugs

  154. Gina - life does have a way of putting us where we need to be. I love your videos and crafting skills, but it's also great to hear from Gina the human too. Best wishes to you and your family, and bless you for caring for your mom. You're earning your wings.

  155. What a beautiful family...Yes family always first. Thank you for sharing Gina. Looking forward to your next kit but no rush, I live in Australia so I get mine when I can order later than you you all anyway so no hurry...:) Take care xoxo

  156. Gina, you are such a beautiful person (both inside and out). Family and life come way ahead of any crafting. We crafters understand that and it doesn't bother a bit. If truth were told, probably many of us don't get always get to watch your videos immediately any way. Our lives have things happen, too. I love your work, your designs, products and am very pleased with how your business has grown. You have a beautiful family! Glad you can take care of your mom and be in the same home. Many blessings to you and your family! Hugs ...

  157. Gina, you are a wonderful person who I am so happy to call my friend!!! I'm glad you have it all figured out, and are moving ahead. And I'll wait as long as I need to for both you and Rina to do new videos!! Love you!!!

  158. Dear sweet Gina, I am so glad that you will have this time with your Mother.....I lost my mother in 2009 to brain cancer...I am the oldest of four girls...and we all moved in with her and loved and cared for her while we were blessed to have her...she was a beaufiful soul. It was a blessing for us to have that time.
    I am sure that you know how much we all care about what happens in your life....crafters are good people....
    Your mother is go get the “baby monitor” or as I would call it.....her new Mother daughter direct line....and enjoy your blessed time together...You are a treasure!!!...big hugs....

  159. Just amazing and such a sweet story! May you enjoy the time you get to spend with your Mom cause in a flash you will only have the memories!! Life is so very Precious! You have such a wonderful and beautiful family and I truly enjoy watching and learning from you and Rina!! Hugs!!

  160. I'm sorry, but I think it is extremely selfish of your mother to allow you to do this. And as old as she is and just now surrendering her driving "privileges" speaks volumes of proof of that selfishness. At 80 and older, older people put innocent people at risk by getting behind that wheel. How many horrible accidents resulting in injury and death of innocent people have we read about because a selfish old person got confused and pushed the accelerator instead of the brake. For her to allow you and your dear husband to uproot, go through all you have to do to move, just because she doesn't want assisted living is, in my opinion, horribly selfish. From the caregiver part, I know, I take care of my partner of 32 years who is dying of MS. He is completely bed ridden and I have to do everything for him. I voluntarily left my career to stay home and take care of him for as long as I can and that has been for the last 8 years. But I did that voluntarily. . .he would have never asked me to do it. I just caution you that this is not going to be easy for you the older and more fragile she becomes. I just hope you both don't end up resenting each other. I've seen it happen multiple times. Sorry to be so negative, but this is how I see it. So if you are going to share these personal stories then you are going to get the bad and the good.

    1. My blind grandmother lived with us until her death at age 95. She was a lovely woman. One of the kindest and most giving people I have ever known. My mother and father adored her and there was never any resentment. She was an amazing person. She cooked and cleaned, she raised 3 children-with no eyesight I might add, and no one ever thought she was a burden. EVER. So, I think that, while you say you are staying home to take care of your partner and it was your choice, you seem to be very angry. Please don't be nasty to Gina. She is a lovely, kind, and caring person, and she loves her mother very much. P.S. There are many older people who are quite capable of driving. It is not up to you to be judge and jury.

  161. Oh! You have had a roller coaster of a life of late! My grandfather hated giving up his license. He fought it every step of the way. We were so worried he would kill someone... or himself. Hopefully this is the last generation that will have to go through that. With services like Uber and self-driving cars we will all be able to get around for a long time to come. Good luck with your move. And I hope Rina feels better soon. I've only had food poisoning once in my life... and that was enough. I can't imagine having it twice in a matter or weeks!

  162. Gina, thank you for the personal update. I totally understand the struggles with aging parents as I went through this same thing a little over a year ago with my mom. Taking care of her is something you will never regret but it will be tough. My only advice is to allow yourself to ask for help. Even if you have a nurse come in a few hours or one day a week. You must take time to recharge so that you can better take care of her.
    P.S. Your mom is beautiful and wow, 91...that is wonderful!!


  164. God bless you for being a wonderful daughter and mother. Family comes first. Always. The quote from Barbara Bush that's been floating around all week is do true. In the end, you won't regret the YouTube video or card kit you didn't get out on time. It's time lost with family that you'll regret. Luckily, you won't have those regrets. Kudos!

  165. Thank you so so much for the update! Been worried about Rina. She said she would have a video for us after the wedding, and now she's missed two. Poor child; sick again! :( Gina, I have to tell you that I admire the heck out of you for adjusting your life to care for your Mom! What a blessing that you are able to do this. -Shala Carter

  166. Gina, My mom moved in with me and she was there for 8 wonderful years in which we laughed and cried together, but I never regretted a single moment. When she passed, I was guilt and regret free, so you are doing the right thing. It's a big decision, and a lot to do, but the upsides always outweigh the downsides. Give her a kiss and remember how blessed you are to still have her at that age. Don't try to do everything and remember there will be times that you, too will need a little help along the way. You can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself!

  167. Gina, I understand what you're going through. My mom will be 84 and she is in fairly good health. She still lives in our childhood home, and I feel blessed that she is so spry! Fortunately, my younger brother lives with her and will for the rest of her life. I took her to an attorney so she can have the house deeded over to him, just in case. He is diabetic and can't live alone, so it works out well. My mom was in a car accident on Sunday on her way to the grocery store. She is fine, and suffered no injuries. I think we may have to have a discussion about the driving issue soon, and I dread it. She is so incredibly independent and always has been. We "take care" of her as much as she will let us, and we are so fortunate that she is so close to our children and my husband. In fact, she calls my husband "The King!" We bought a house that is on one floor this past year, just in case she needs to come live with us. Love always wins. While at times this may not be easy, it will be worth it in the end. I know, because my grandmother lived with us until her passing at age 95. (She was totally blind, but completely capable!) So, bless you and Tom and the beautiful Ruth. Just remember to take some time for yourself now and again.

  168. What a wonderful thing you get to do for your mother turned 92 last week and is very independent. We have been facing some of the same issues you are facing with your mom.I am hoping and praying we can handle them as well as you and your mother. I loved your mom in Rina's video and hope to maybe see her in one or two of yours now that you will be in the same place. So sorry to hear Rina had a repeat of her illness. Hope she feels better soon. Tell her I miss her video's but will gladly wait until she feels better to see her next wonderful card. With a loving family all is possible..bless you all..

  169. I Thank you for sharing your family with us. I'm sure your faith in God will see you through.

  170. Family first!I'm so happy you share personal things .We all go through things and for what ever reason we need to share to let people know we are human and that we have to do life and our work!
    Take care of yourself

  171. Thanks for sharing your family with us. Prayers and blessings to you all. Health and happiness too. Enjoy all the family days you can. Memories are wonderful, but one needs to take time to make them.

  172. Gina,
    What you are doing for your mom is awesome. I know your mom will enjoy having you and Tom and the girls when they’re home right there with her. You will all cherish the new memories you will be making with her. I understand the worry about her being alone. I never knew when I was going to get a call from my mom saying she or my grandma had fallen. I was only three miles away but sometimes even that wasn’t close enough. I’m sure it was hard for your mom to surrender her driver’s license, but how brave of her to make that decision on her own. She will have you and Tom to take her wherever she needs to go. Sorry Rina’s been sick again. We missed her video (and yours) but we all totally understand. Health and family definitely comes first. Please take care of yourself too. Thanks for sharing the pictures from the wedding. Keep us posted when you have a chance on how things are going. Your Stamp TV family is here for you and we all love you.
    Hugs to you and your whole family!

  173. We have an amazing God that gets us where we need to be at just the right time. Enjoy the time with your mom. Remember that you will both need time to yourselves, too. That's human nature, as you are both adult women, it's not selfish.
    Congrats on the home office and studio, where you should get less interruptions. Have fun creating!

  174. Thank you for sharing your personal story. You are taking on a big responsibility and I wish you the very best. Having your Mom with you will undoubtedly be wonderful for both of you!
    As for YouTube videos, etc....all that can wait. You have amazing talent and loyal supporters. I'm sure I speak for many when I say it is most important that you take care of yourself and your family. Your supporters will be here awaiting your return and cheering you on every step of the way!

  175. Gina, what a wonderful thing you are doing for you Mom! I can only hope my girls will do the same for me when it comes my time. Life is short and family and faith are what's important. Congratulations on your new house and may God bless you richly as you move forward. I'm happy to hear that Rina is feeling better. Your family is beautiful! Hugs to you

  176. Dear Gina, Thank you for sharing about your beautiful Mother and your daughter! The comment before mine really says it all. Thank you Judi for putting my words in such a delightful way! I understand about the driving license. I'm 74 and would hate to have to give that up. Congratulations on your new house. One day at a time, Gina.

  177. Gina,

    Thank you so much for sharing about your life and your family. I have had the privilege of caring for both my mother and mother in law during their final years. Both remained in their own homes until they died because we live less than 1/2 mile from each of them. I am now helping my 90 year old dad, with the help of my daughter who lives with him. She is a nurse and works full time, but is there at night with him. It isn't easy but it is a gift to be able to do this for your mom.

    So many paper crafters get involved in order to commemorate family-day to day, special events, losses and additions to their families, either with cards to those we love or scrapbooks to hold our memories. All of the crafting gurus, like you, that I follow share pieces of themselves, not just technical skills or products. This is also one of the reasons Rina's videos are so delightful. She reminds me of my granddaughter, even though she is older than my sweet girl.

    Thanks again.

  178. Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with all of us. They are all special just like you! Tell Rina to feel better, hugs to you all!

  179. Thanks for sharing and praying that all goes well with the move.

  180. Gina, thank you so much for sharing all this! It is so nice to know something about the person who designs all the pretty things that I buy and enjoy. You have a beautiful family and your girls are drop dead gorgeous. Your mama certainly doesn't look her age at all.
    My Daddy moved in with us for the last 7 years of his life and it was a pleasure to take care of him after he took such good care of me and my brother for 19 years. You will know exactly what to do for your mama when she needs it so do't fret about that. Treasure every minute with her, as I know you will just from reading your post. Do not worry about any of us! Family is first and foremost in all things and you know that and so do we. Now go do what you need to do and enjoy! Tell your mama that a lady in Texas says that she raised you right!!

  181. Gina,
    Thanks for sharing this with us. You’re so lucky to have your dear Mom still with you. Believe me, when she’s gone, you’ll feel so good, knowing that you did everything you could to keep her happy and safe.
    Bless you for understanding the whole giving up your drivers liscence thing. It’s somehow a huge deal for people to lose that last bit of independence. You’re an awesome daughter!
    Isn’t it amazing, this stage of life, taking care of your own mother, and taking care of your kids still?
    And you, running a business, being a wife and everything in between!
    We women are truly amazing & resourceful!!
    God bless you, Gina.
    It will all work out for the best!!
    XO Ree

  182. Thank you for sharing with us. It’s great that you can move and have your Mom with you. I get to work from home 1 day a week and I love it. Praying for you as you move and get settled

  183. Thank you for sharing. I am a 75 yo mother with issues similar to your mom's. I wish my daughter was as insightful and caring as you. You are totally blessed and so is your mom.

  184. Your mother is beautiful, you are so blessed to have her and your great family. Thank you for sharing this family moment and all the great videos you do.

  185. I love that you shared this - it's so uplifting to hear about a tight knit and loving family like yours. We all have our ups and downs but at the end of the day it's our loved ones who make it all worthwhile! Hugs!

  186. So great you can care for your mom in a way that works for everyone!

  187. Blessings to you, Gina. God is good and He will see that all works out for you. You will receive many blessings. Your family is SO blessed to have you. I will add you to my prayers. Take care of yourself. We love you.

  188. Gina, I am so glad that everyone is OK now and that you and Tom are able and willing to care for your Mom. Moving is hard, and not every family would have the love and commitment to cheerfully do it. Your Mom must be an extraordinary woman to recognize her need to stop driving. My Dad was like that, too. Not to worry about videos and such. You and Rina catch your breath. We will all be right here. Hugging you all from way over here in Texas!

  189. You are truly a beautiful person. This has always shown in your artistic work and it now shows in your closeness to your family. God has truly blessed you and your family is indeed blessed to have you. It is a wonderful thing to be able to be close to your mom at this time in your lives. You will surely be rewarded in heaven. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Love and Blessings to you and yours.

  190. Thank you very much for sharing this with us. It just confirms to me what I always suspected and that is you are a truly special person. I hope I can do the same for my family when the time comes. You are beautiful inside and out! Love, prayers and hugs to you and your family from NC.

  191. Thanks for sharing what is going on in your life. My prayers are with you and your family. I hope Rina is feeling much better. Can't wait to see your new space, but take your time. Your mom looks so lovely.

  192. So few people share their lives with the public, what an amazing woman you are . My prayers are with you all as your life takes on a new path. Xo

  193. First of all, let me say that your mother is beautiful and does not look like she is 91. I am also somewhat jealous because my own mom passed at age 69. What I wouldn't give to have those extra years with her. Totally loving the fact that you and your family actually sold your house to be able to have your mom with you. That is a very special and totally unselfish thing to do and I'm glad that you are able to do so. I know there will be lots of love in your home as you share your time together. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Sending hugs and prayers.
