
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Admin Update- Information about StampTV's website

Hi Everyone,
I found a place to take my laptop where I can log on to StampTV. I want to give you an update on what's going on here. We know A LOT of you can't access StampTV and it's been down for a couple of days for many of you.

My main purpose for this email is to let you know that Gina K. Designs and StampTV are doing great and there is NOTHING wrong on our end.

It's not us, it's them. (Continue reading...)

Ning, our StampTV website provider, was recently sold for the third time to a new company called Cyndx LLC. I don't know much about this company and it may be great! But reading a lot of the comments from other website creators who have sites similar to StampTV, some are saying that tech companies are often purchased for the sole purpose of acquiring their personnel, which the new company then repurposes to their own needs. 

This has got me thinking about new and innovative ways to deliver videos, card projects and more to all of you. Having a great website isn't all that great if it's down half the time. So we are looking at alternatives and as soon as we know what the plan is, we will let you know.

Gina K. Designs is growing and we have lots of really exciting things coming in the near future! 

I do have one suggestion for you if you store your photos at StampTV and don't have copies anywhere else. Save them to your computer. If we do have to migrate the site to a new provider, we don't know what will be saved and what will be lost. All of our videos are on YouTube, so that isn't a problem. But photos might not make it to a new location. So, if there are photos you want to keep, save them to your computer by hovering your mouse over the photo and right clicking. Then choose "save image as" and add them to a folder where you can find them easily. (Just a suggestion if there are some you never want to be without.)

Also, we post all of our video links and photos on facebook, so if you haven't liked our StampTV facebook page, hop over and give it a thumbs up. This way, if StampTV goes down again or you are still having problems logging on, you can see all the latest and greatest stuff and get updates! :)

Here are all the social places to find us:





So sorry for the inconvenience. I guess that can happen if you put all of your trust into another company. If they decide to pull the plug, we have lots of other alternatives and ideas. (And, I have downloaded all of your email addresses so any changes and upgrades we make, you'll be the first to know!)

I really would rather be stamping than thinking about computer stuff! How about you? LOL! We will get through any change together because the StampTV community is the best on the web! XO

Here is my latest card on StampTV and you can watch the video on my YouTube channel: Painted Autumn in Blue

Okay, time for me to go stamp something! Make it a great day and Happy Stamping to you too!
Gina K.


  1. Thanks Gina. For the most part I have had no trouble accessing Stamp TV. I love the Painted Autumn card. I am going to make it as an anniversary card. Thanks for everything you do.

  2. I hope this will solve a lot of the issues. I know I have many times been missing in action because I could not access the site. Thanks for always thinking of your followers and members of StampTV. God bless you.

  3. I appreciate all your work on this, Gina. Stamp TV is a daily part of my life, and I miss it when I can't get on the site!

  4. Sorry you have this problem. I have had a problem seeing your posts via email. They show up as SPAM and are captured in a box which often won't allow access. I have been working around this with greater frustration every time. Hopefully your next server will not include the key words, code, etc. that trigger the SPAM designation. Best of luck.

  5. Oh my! Good luck with it all, sounds a bit overwhelming! You can run but you can't hide....I'll follow you to the ends of the earth! (not sure if that is coming off as a promise or a threat lol)

  6. You and your company are so great and we really do appreciate it and you. Of course we miss your site, but will follow you where ever you go.
    God Bless
    Bonnie A

  7. Good luck on correcting the problem. I visit Stamp TV often and miss being able to visit. Hugs!

  8. Gosh, good luck with all of that!! Came over to thank you for being a super sponsor for Fall Coffee Lovers Blog Hop!!

  9. Thanks for being a sponsor for the fall coffee lovers blog hop! 💖🙋🏼☕️🍂💖
