
Monday, July 18, 2016

We have a winner! Deco Foil Giveaway Update

Thank you all so much for your comments! I read all of them and you guys are all so nice! Sounds like you guys are all very excited about deco foil like I am! :)

Tom and I printed all the comments, cut them and threw them all in a hat! I closed my eyes, reached in, stirred it all around and the winner of the Deco Foil Giveaway is:

Gina, You are truly an inspiration to me. Since I stumbled upon your website about three years ago you have been my Shero. I just love all things sparkly and would love to own the Deco Foil bundle. It would take my crating to another level. I believe that I told you in one of my emails to you that "I want to be just like you when I grow up." But the most amazing thing about that email was that you actually responded to the email personally. I thought that I was sending an email to one of your staff members. Thank you for your inspiration and keep crafting. May God bless and keep you.
Congratulations Brenda! Send your shipping information to and we will get that package sent out right away!

Thanks so much to everyone for playing along!  I hope you all have a wonderful evening!
Gina K.


  1. Congratulations Brenda, enjoy this awesome gift.

  2. Very happy for you Brenda, keep inspired, God bless.

  3. Congratulation Brenda...Enjoy the fun you will have using your Deco should post some projects.

  4. Congratulations Brenda! Have fun!

  5. Congrats! Way to go!!!! Enjoy your gift.

  6. This is so precious! I loved reading her comment and Gina, you are A++++ as a business owner and so cute how you picked the winner! Congratulations Brenda -- you are no moving on "to the next level" on your GKD journey!!! Happy trails and may all things glitter ♥

  7. Congrats Brenda! I'm sure you will have fun creating Sparkly Cards! I loved you comment too!

  8. Congrats Brenda and once again you are the BEST...Gina K!!

  9. Congratulations Brenda. What a sweet comment and Brenda, if you read this... Gina is the Best! <3 :) Have fun foiling! :)

  10. Congratulations Brenda! Have fun with all your new goodies!

  11. Congratulations, Brenda! Have fun playing with all your new goodies!

  12. Congratulations Brenda. Have fun with your new toys and hopfully post some of your creations

  13. Congrats Brenda- you are so lucky to win this!

  14. Congrats Brenda!! Can't wait to see what you create!

  15. Didn't enter this contest, but I do CONGRATULATE YOU BRENDA ! Know you will have so much fun!

  16. Gina, is there any possibility of your putting a package like this together for sale?

  17. Congrats, Brenda, and thanks again, Gina, for offering the prize!

  18. Congratulations Brenda! I am so happy for you.

  19. Congrats Brenda, God bless and keep you!

  20. Fantastic Brenda! Not only did you win but what you won is fantastic!! I am always so grateful to Gina for offering so many prizes to her grateful members? Customers? Fans? All of the above! But you won the jackpot! I can't wait to see the cards you put up using all your new foil colors and accessories. Awesome!! And another thank you to Gina and STAMPTV people. I won too this week for the
    Weekly MIUM challenge, not quite the treasure chest you got but I am equally thrilled and grateful.

  21. Congrats Brenda. I know you should have lots of fun with a new way to create.

  22. Congratulations to you on you win, Brenda! I loved reading what you wrote to Gina! You sound like a very nice person, and I am so glad that you won!! I'll bet you are really excited! Can't wait to see what you make!! :)

  23. Congratulations Brenda, I hope you have lots of fun with your foil and other goodies. I Hope to see some of your cards too. Enjoy!

  24. Congrats Brenda, enjoy and have fun.

  25. Congratulations Brenda! Happy Crafting! Gina you are an inspiration to all of us. Your videos are done so very well. So easy to follow! Your cards are beautiful. I am very thankful that I found you! Some day I would love to come and see your new store! Have a Blessed Day! And Keep Crafting!!

  26. congratulations to brenda! gina - a question for you, hope you see it. do you think running a warm dry iron over the parchment enclosed paper and foil would achieve the same results for those of us who don't own a laminator? thanks!

  27. Congrats Brenda! What a great prize, have fun

  28. Congrats Brenda! Hope you enjoy your wonderful prize.

  29. I am so jealous of you brenda. Just wish I had won it. Have fun creating.

  30. So happy for you Brenda enjoy the goodie's and don't care forget to post some if your creations.😉

  31. Congratulations Brenda. I am sure you are going to have hours and hours of fun with your great gift. We all wish for something so great to play with. once again congratulations..

  32. Congratulations Brenda ! Thank you the awesome giveaway Gina! That was very kind of you to have this awesome giveaway!

  33. Congratulations lucky lady. Have fun!

  34. Sweet! Bless others with your blessing-I know you will enjoy! God bless you, Gina!

  35. Happy Dance for Brenda - enjoy!

  36. Congrats, Brenda. Excited to see what you create.

  37. Congratulations to you for being the big winner this time around, Brenda!! Happy stamping!

  38. I am so jealous of you Brenda!!!! Just kidding, I'm actually happy for you. Just to say, Gina is the real thoughtful and caring. I had a problem with an order a couple of years ago and she called me on the phone!! I was literally shaking....I was speaking to Gina K. I can never say enough good things about her. She is just as nice as she is pretty. Marsha from New York.
