
Monday, February 15, 2016


Sometimes it really works out great... 

When we moved to Milwaukee, our daughter Rina found a great swim team and a wonderful coach! She gained really supportive teammates and a wonderful school with more friends than she ever had in her life! As a family, we settled in to a beautiful new community full of really great people.

Because of that change, her swim times improved drastically and she ultimately was recruited to a Big10 college with a great scholarship where she will start next September. She had a wonderful swim career over the last 2 1/2 years under Coach Robert White and is finishing up her age group swimming career at the nationally renowned Ozaukee Aquatics under Coach Steve Keller.

Check out this article! Rina Krupsky commits to University of Minnesota

And she's happy.

Alicia has moved here to Milwaukee too! (Can you hear my smile?) She is finishing up her college career at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee studying film and directing and has met some wonderful people who encouraged her to stay here after her first summer home from New York.

She thinks she may head to Europe for graduate school, but thankfully, I get her for at least another year while she brushes up on her Italian. She's had some great opportunities to work with a big filmmaker here and has gained quite a bit of experience between Milwaukee and New York. And, because she is here, she may be doing some future projects with me using her visual arts background. I couldn't be happier to have her close by!

But other times... 
No matter how many I's are dotted and T's are crossed,

things still get totally messed up.

Sometimes you think something is being done a certain way, only to find out that somewhere along that chain of command, a link went missing.

And then your customer service inbox gets flooded... without flood insurance.

And your latest incentive stamp sets won't arrive for another two weeks, even though they were supposed to be here today.

So what do you do?

When this method doesn't work...

You make ANOTHER change!
With a BETTER plan attached!

So here is what we are going to do... ready?

By the end of  May we will:

  • Speed up processing of orders
  • Go back to shipping orders by priority mail
  • Bring in  full-time customer service reps
  • Get a new phone line to allow call-in orders and have real people to talk to
  • Bring card stock back to the online store for our international customers
  • Get a better handle on inventory so we don't run out of products as often
  • and more...

I also have a couple of other surprises up my sleeve that I can't talk about yet but once the paperwork is completed, I will have some VERY exciting things to share.
(Give me another week or two on that.)

I am really sorry that some of the changes we made weren't what we all expected and that we disappointed you in the process. I hope you hang in there with us. I know. We all know. We are frustrated too. And we will fix them.

Thanks so much for reading this. I hope you had a little chuckle along the way. With our new plan, things are going to get a lot better!!

Much love and big hugs to all of you for your support!!
Gina K.


  1. awesome news on your kids. that's the most important by far. you have a 100% excellent rating for customer service. after all your years of top notch service and products, you've earned a few bumps. all of us trust you. can't wait to see the surprises!!

  2. Gina, the girls are doing wonderful and you are wonderful too! Cheer Up honey, we all love you, your family and your AWESOME business! You are a special lady and we all (especially ME) Appreciate you always!

  3. Thank goodness life is all about figuring things out....personally and professionally! (you don't see any of us trying to do what you do) wink, wink..... Be Well!

    1. I'm with you on that Donna! 100%!
      We love you Gina and we're supporting your efforts.... So... Keep on keepin' on! 😘

  4. Gina, mistakes/problems happen - it's how you react to them and fix them that makes for great customer service - I still think you're awesome! Great news about the girls; can't wait to see more (and SO happy about the cardstock being able to be shipped to me in Canada again!)

  5. I never saw a problem. Sometimes things weren't available, but as a company grows, things just change. You put such a personal stamp (haha) on your company. I wish you continued and less stressful success.

  6. So very happy for your girls...our greatest moments are when our children are happy and doing what they love! I don't own my own business,cbut I must say I truly do admire you! It's not a perfect world! Things don't go according to plan and mistakes happen. Just keep swimming😉
    On a personal note...your second Periscope on your birthday so spoke to me. I have been going through a village change myself, and your words touched my soul and brought in much needed light!
    Bless you Gina!

  7. Great updates on family news and more great updates for shop improvements, and best of all you continue to be creative. Thank you for everything Gina.

  8. Great updates on family news and more great updates for shop improvements, and best of all you continue to be creative. Thank you for everything Gina.

  9. Great news on the girls and sorry that things are not going the way you expected them. That being said I have not been dissatisfied with your customer service. I order fairly often and will always come back when it is in stock. The international shipping o the cardstock is a boon for those outside the US. Looking forward to the new changes whatever you have in store.

  10. Gina, so happy for your family, what a joy and blessing are your girls. Your customer service has always been the best and I, for one, have always been very willing to wait or be patient just to get your first class products. Don't be so hard on yourself!

  11. I really agree with Ardyth. All companies make mistakes or face problems; but, it is how companies deal with those things that makes great customer service. Keep up the great things you do. (I'm in Minneapolis-- message me if your daughter needs anything. Looking forward to hearing more about this young woman!)

  12. Best ever! Love all these pis. you did a great job finding all the perfect things to cover it. Love ya!

    1. If the worst thing that happens in a customer's life is they can't get their stamps/supplies as soon as they would like. All in all I would say it's still a great day! Keep up the great work. You don't grow without some growing pains!

  13. God always has his never fear, as long as stuff comes back into stock eventually...we can't complain to much!! Or...shouldn't anyway! LOL I totally think, after using other kinds of cardstock and ink, that yours is worth the wait! Love the stamps I've got from you too, just haven't been able to afford to many of them till I get the ink and cardstock (Ink's done...just working on cardstock now!). Can't wait to get it all, cause there are several stamps I'm wanting, not to mention dies! So glad your move was a good one for your kids, thats the most important...the rest will follow eventually. :-)) Can't wait to hear the rest of your news!! You have just made me more curious! LOL Wish I lived close to you, I'd be happy to help out here or there for some goodies! ;-))

  14. It was nice to read about your girls, I know you are SO proud of them!!! I say try to stress less when hiccups happen on the business end of things - I'm sure all of your followers are willing to be patient as they know the quality of your products!! Have a GREAT WEEK!!!

  15. Congratulations on your daughter's achievements. Don't we just love our children to bits and pieces and our parental pride shows in all things. It's awesome that you are always moving forward with your company. I'm sure the setbacks have been even more upsetting to you as you probably feel at times you are letting your loyal customers down. I understand and have just learned to shop early and often....shhh!! don't tell my husband. Hugs Gina and thanks for a wonderful company and stamping place!!

  16. Growth...sometimes it's painful. But it's great to focus on the blessings in the midst of the pain, like all the things happening with your girls. God is STILL good despite the circumstances. Sharing this reminds us all that while we are in this world, we will have tribulation but we can still rejoice in knowing the One who has overcome the world. Also, remember the promise of II Corinthians 1: 3-4. You don't know how many people you are touching (and will touch) with the comfort that the Lord brings when things don't go as we planned. Thanks for addressing the issues but be encouraged: we're not going anywhere!

  17. The info about your daughters far out weighs any inconvenience. Congratulations!

  18. Gina, you always do a great job in getting organized and your girls are amazing too - so what if stock/stamps get delayed? - It really is not a life or death situation and we are so blessed to have you bring us such wonderful fun/quality products for us to play with.
    We just need to practice being more patient for our toys. LOL!!

  19. Thanks for the update on your girls and what's going on behind the scenes at STV. I know you're really excited to have both your girls close to home and it's great that they're doing so well. Sorry about the new incentive, but hey we'll enjoy it all the more when it comes with the new release, and I think I'll actually be home this time so I can enjoy the party first hand. I am LOVING the latest STV kit and the Massive Messages. I'm glad you're going back to shipping priority mail. That's definitely good news. Can't wait to see what else you've got up your sleeve. Thanks for all you do.

  20. Gina , I can't say it any better then the wonderful posting from the crafters before me ... so
    " Dito "

  21. Gina you are doing the best you can. I have had no problems ording products in the past and I won't have when I reorder supplies again soon. Keep up the great work.

  22. Great update, Gina!! I wish I lived close enough to be one of your customer service reps! Sounds fun!! :)

  23. No worries! Thank you for the hours of video techniques and inspiration. Thank you for the great quality red rubber stamps. Thank you for ink that never disappoints. Last but not least, congratulations to you and your children for well deserved blessings.

  24. No worries! Thank you for the hours of video techniques and inspiration. Thank you for the great quality red rubber stamps. Thank you for ink that never disappoints. Last but not least, congratulations to you and your children for well deserved blessings.

  25. Gina, So glad you and your family are thriving at your new home. You do a great job for a small company. Your products and service were and are still some of the best in the industry. When I began stamping I learned from your videos. I am so grateful for all you and all your team do to encourage us all to enjoy creating. Kathy S

  26. No worries here either! My goodness - what great news about your daughters! I wished I lived closer, I would apply for a customer service position - I am looking for a job!

    Hang in there! Sounds like good things are on the horizon! Thanks for all the inspiration you provide via videos. Looking forward to hearing more good news!

    Marilyn C.

  27. YOU have made me a very happy girl Gina.I dont use a CC online due to ID theft.I have wanted some of your great products for a long time that I can call in and not have to use my card over the net my husband says go for it..I am making a list now.

  28. We all love you and all that you do to make Gina K. a star! Hanging in there with you and I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve! I think that all of the changes you are making will make gkd an even better place!! I was not complaining about how it is now, but for you to expand the way that you do things is terrific! The best part is being able to be near to your kids. NOTHING is more important than family as we all know. Keep up the great work that makes GKD THE place to make wonderful greeting cards!! HUGS Gina!!

  29. No worries. You are terrific and your service is excellent.

  30. Thanks for the update on your girls. Family is first and foremost, always! So you hit a few bumps in the road. Everyone does. Life goes on. Your products are great and I have learned so much from all the videos. Will be looking forward to the surprises!

  31. Stuff happens. In the grand scheme: Not getting the color card stock or having to wait on a stamp set? really? It isn't going to make my kids hungry or homeless, or create conflict in the world. It's a little thing. You won't lose customers over it. Things coming to us in a week instead of 3 days - lordy we have become an instant gratification world. I love my crafting, love the business I have built out of it. But - it isn't the end of the world if I don't have things tomorrow. I have the money to purchase something new, you have products I enjoy and appreciate. 'Nuff said.

  32. Congratulation on the news for your daughters. Sound like both will have a great future. I am thrilled about the forthcoming changes especially the customer service reps but most of all the phone line so we now can talk to a real person. Thank you. The growing pains are due to the successes you had.coupled with great products and growth. Sounds like you have a good handle on it and wish you and your family much success.. (Ps Would you consider changing your paper packs back to your original package I just loved the zip lock top versus the current packaging.They were much studier.) Thanks, Helen

  33. No worries Gina, after all there is always going to be bumps along our journey. Important thing you are all healthy and happy, the small glitches will get ironed out and it will be another learning curve. I loved your post and the pictures fitted in perfectly. Carry on because you are doing your best. ❤️ Gayle. Great news about your girls. I know you are one proud mom.

  34. It's ok Gina, things happen and my dad always we might not know the why's or the because but that God has a better plan for us.So just roll with it your products are worth the wait because they are awesome like you and your team of workers.
    So as to here about your daughter .Stay positive and well I got your back.;)

  35. In order to open one door God needs to shut another. So just go for it and know those that love your products as well as all that you stand for are right behind the next door waiting. If some are not, then more their loss than yours. Blessing to you and yours.

  36. Gina, love your humor! When you look at the numbers on Stamp TV, it's no wonder your are overwhelmed! And keep seeing your name and products popping up on other blogs - everyone loves you and your products. Glad to hear the kiddos are doing so great - they sound like awesome young ladies. Hugs!

  37. Gina- great news about your daughters! And... stuff happens.. that's life! Luckily, this is not a life or death situation!

  38. Gina, your happiness about your daughter being close by is felt through your words. I don't have kids, but I can tell that you have a beautiful relationship with your girls. As for shipping, availability of products, etc., I think you have done a great job using what you have and trying your best to keep all the balls in the air. Your products are fabulous and I am sure people will wait very patiently for any changes you will be making. All the best to you and your expanding team.

  39. What a heartwarming blog post in regards to your daughters. I can't believe they are already in their college years, it doesn't seem possible. Your customer service has always been topnotch and you are always so good about informing us all of any changes happening as far as your product line and/or shipping is concerned. Some things are just out of our hands. Keep up the good work.

  40. Gina, great news about your daughters -and yes, I did hear you smile! Seems you're going through growing pains, everything will fall in it's place. In the meantime, keep your great sense of humor. Blessings.

  41. Sometimes, you just have to try things a different way -- even if they don't turn out as you hoped. Now you know you can cross those things off the list. Most people understand this , unless they are totally clueless. Having just finished up a big event for our marching band, I am glad I survived but still feel as if I failed. We run the concessions. First time we've had this event back at our school, and first time me and another gal have had to plan, organize, shop, cook, coordinate etc. All in all a success, many, many compliments but we LOST money, so that hurts my heart.

    Happy Alicia is back home and big congrats to Rina. My daughter is going to Italy for another in June for school, a summer semester. Beyond excited for her but a bit scary for mom and dad! I am rambling, so sorry, no sleep for 3 days. Thanks for being a kind human Gina!

  42. Congrats on your girls! But it is not surprising since they have such a great role model in you and Tom. As far as the keeping stuff in stock, well that's the price of success. I love StampTV and it is worth the wait for me. And for you to be so forthcoming on various "glitches" that arise from time to time, well that makes me even more loyal (if that is possible).

  43. Congratulations on your daughters! How exciting ...

    As for the rest ... don't sweat the small stuff. And, it really is small stuff in the whole scheme of things!

  44. As I read over these blog comments, I see a similar theme throughout. Business/career....very important. More important: family, faith (and not necessarily in that order). Last year I survived a near-fatal car accident. God validated in a big way what I already knew: there are things of import in this life, and things of little or no import. Card stock inventory? Goes in the "little import" list. Enjoy your kids, enjoy your husband. Loyal customers will hang in there, Gina.

  45. I am sorry that the business things are not going as planned! I do appreciate how well you communicate what is going on and what to expect. I will still look forward to all the things going on at StampTV and new products when they are ready!

  46. Aww, that sounds frustrating when things don't go as planned. But I'll bet most all of your customers won't mind waiting!!! And best of all.... YOUR GIRLS ARE HOME!!! Congratulations on both of their successes. Sounds so exciting for those two!!! I wonder if Rina met one of my nurse buddies in Arizona who is also a swim coach -- Devonee M. ?? I had no idea she coached swimming! All my best! Feels like I am watching family grow up and find their journeys!

  47. Gina I have never had any complaints of your service to Canada and I will continue to be a customer. I love your girls' achievments and so nice to hear you talk about them as family is so important! I'm sure the future can only be better.

  48. Bless your heart, Gina!! First of all, I am overjoyed that your girls are doing well and you get to have them near for at least a little longer. That's the best news. As far as everything else goes, no matter what, you have always been fair and honest with everyone. It's not easy to be a small company in a big fishbowl, but you accept everything that comes your way with grace. Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us. I wish you peace.

  49. Thank you Gina for all you do. Love your company - even with the bumps in the road! Best of all, love your personal touch and honesty. Enjoy your family - the rest will sort itself out.

  50. Ahha beautiful family sweetie...God Bless, we all have these time's in life, too bad some people can't take a joke....enjoy all the love while you can, before you know it, well you you and your products, even though it took me way to long to start crafting, this is the most enjoyable thing I am doing at 61 and counting!

  51. Congrats to your daughters on their successes and wishing them both much luck in their future adventures! I know you are so proud of them. Loved the addition of humor to your post. It certainly put a smile on my face. Very much looking forward to the upcoming changes and surprises. Thanks for always doing the best for your customers, Gina! You're a special lady.

  52. Now you tell me there was a problem !NEVER KNEW THERE WAS ONE!!!!!

  53. Everyone else has already said so much, that I can only say "ditto" (just as at least one other has said) on the congratulations, family, etc. I can say that I did wonder what was "up" when I got a post from Melanie a few days ago and she had said that "Coffee Therapy" was going to continue to be the incentive for another week, or two. I did enjoy your humorous post, someone really creative did a lot of work to find and put all of those pictures together. It will be a nice piece to refer to when a STV newbie asks "Why isn't _____ available?" I won't take up any more of your time, except to say "Keep Calm and Carry On." Prayers for everyone involved.

  54. Oh Gina I am so happy that you will have your girls close now. That is the best news of all. The rest will fall into place.

  55. Well said by your customers. Thank you for all you do for us with the amazing videos. I don't mind waiting for the best! I do concur with Helen...would love it if you'd reconsider switching back to zip bags for card stock....or....carry said bags in your store. Also, I'd love to have the freebie cardstock printable file updated with new colors so I can continue to organize my paper and inks. I'm thrilled you're enjoying the bumps associated with success!

  56. Such wonderful news about your daughter; thank you for sharing it with us. I'm so excited to hear all the changes you're planning for your company. With all the great things you and staff have done in the past -- I know you will have everything under control again soon. God bless you, your company, and your family.

  57. Awesome news about both the girls!! As for your business, you never disappoint in any way! You have an amazing business and your customer service is by far the best I have dealt with. You make this Australian a very happy stamper!

  58. I have switched out all my stamps to Gina K and starting onthe papers and inks, I love your products not just because they're great products but they also come with a great stamping family, not going anywhere, it will all be ok!

  59. People can be very patient and understanding when the products are of the highest quality and that has been the case with all of my purchases from the Gina K products line. Stay the course.

  60. Hi there Gina, your girls, by the sound of it, are doing wonderful, ! and you are wonderful too! Cheer up; we all love you, your family and your AWESOME business! You are a special lady and we all appreciate you always! Love, Annette

  61. My older daughter was recruited by Columbia U. in NYC, my hometown, because of swimming. She's got her PhD, has a wonderful family, and is still swimming. In fact she's qualified for Masters-level Nationals. Great sport, and she too has made friends that have lasted a lifetime because of it. So bravo!!! (PS - Minneapolis is a great town to visit.)

  62. You know the old saying, "Man plans, God laughs!!!

  63. Delighted to hear the great news about your girls. Though you have an awesome company right now, look forward to the changes which I'm sure will make your company "extra" awesome. Love your products and all extras you do to show the potential of these products. I have learned so much!!!

  64. Great news about your family!! Hang in there where the business is concerned. Your loyal customer base will hang in there, too. Well, I can only really speak for myself but I'm absitively posolutely sure I'm not alone!! Can't wait for the surprises!! YAY!! =)

  65. I will continue to support you and your company. ( my only problem is cureless... cost of shipping to Australia !!!) Keep up the good work and Bless you and your family.

  66. Hey Gina!
    Can't wait for a way to contact you other than e-mail. It means so much to me to be able to actually talk to someone opposed to e-mail. I actually think it helps in the long run. I really enjoy your videos and would hate to think that you would ever consider stopping them, so being able to buy the products that are used in your videos is very important. So whatever changes you need to make, will be well received! Do whatever you need to do to make it easier on you!

    So Hang in there!

    Big Hugs to you and your family!
    And I can't wait to see what you have in store for the future!

  67. Warm Hugs from Maine. Can't wait to see what's new..

  68. Wonderful news for your family - you are so VERY blessed! I am blessed to have found such a wonderful company that is very generous with an owner that exceeds current industry standards. I, in my humble opinion, believe that this is due to your faith and priorities. I pray you continue to keep your eyes on the prize, running the race set before you. I have to say I love that you are changing back to Priority Mail!! Thank you for all you do - Be Blessed like Crazy!

  69. God bless those growing pains, 'cuz it means you're growing! One of the things I've always appreciated about you is your openness and honesty. There are others in the industry that could learn a lot from you and your willingness to adapt to the circumstances! And last but not least, congrats on all of the happy changes in your family!

  70. Stuff happens. You (we)can't expect everything to always be perfect. That's what change is all about. You try something, it doesn't work, you try something else, and eventually you hit upon the right combination and it's smooth sailing.

    Congratulations on the wonderful family news. I can tell you are very proud of your daughters. :-)

    I remember the very first time I ordered from you and had a question, and you called me up. We chatted a bit and I felt like we were lifelong friends. If you are ever in Florida, give me a call and we'll get together and stamp. :-)

    I'm happy that your business is growing. Yours are good problems to have.

  71. Change is always a winding path but family love and triumphs help us through. Go easy on yourself Gina life is too short Problems always sort out in the end. Customer service is A1 you always do your very best for us and is much appreciated sending u an Irish blessing May the road rise up to meet you and the wind be at your back. May the rain fall softly on your fields and may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand Take care and thanks for keeping us posted Liz

  72. Gina, I, too, give a great big DITTO to everything that has been said so far. Thank you so much for all you do to make your company all it is. Just keep doing what you are doing. None of your customers are going anywhere. We love you!

  73. Believe me, when you realize that change happens, you are amazed at how things work out! My life changed so much, but thankfully card making still works for me! I love my GKD Family!

  74. the joys of business ownership! cant please everyone - can only do the best you can at the time - love your products and your heart - glad you have hung in there to continue your business! no one else has your classy style

  75. Sounds like a lot of great changes-- particularly the priority shipping!

  76. A huge shout out to your daughter, so happy for her. Also I am sorry you have experienced problems. I have bought only a few times but I am very happy with my products and the service I received.

  77. WOW, Gina you must be incredibly proud of your two girls! Best Wishes to both in there future successes!
    Try not to stress too much on the Business 'changes', it is always the unexpected that you have to expect :) You have so many loyal customers, I think we all can be patient and deal with whatever is going on.
    Your beautiful products are worth the small inconveniences. Stay calm and carry on. {{{HUGS}}}

  78. Congrats on your lovely family and all the great stuff. I have never had anything but great service and love all the products. yeah. sometimes you just have to back up and give it another try.

  79. we can wait why would we be upset u have the best things out there and i mean the best i have used a lot of stamps and have never found anything like yours and what makes them even better is the ideals that you bring us . that in its self is great. i love the kits can't wait for the new one to come this week I'm so ready to order it . bring it on we are waiting you are the best and thank you for all the hard work you put into making all of us happy thank you so much and god bless you and your family
