
Friday, November 20, 2015

The worst juggler ever...

Hi Everyone,

I thought I would take a moment to share a personal post with you. If you aren't interested in personal stuff, I promise, I will be back to stamping very soon. (Just disregard this post and head straight to your stamp room!) :)

So life...

Yep. It's gets crazy sometimes...

I was so grateful this week to be part of an online show called This Crafty Life. Viewers send in questions and I had an opportunity to answer them live on the air.

One of the questions was about how I juggle business and family and what advice I have for other women wanting to go into business. My initial thought was, I don't! I'm the worst juggler ever! Can't you see that? Balls dropping everywhere?! I am just about the worst juggler there is!

But I want you to know that it's by choice.

I could have gone to the winter CHA every year and really promoted my business. In fact, I think that my business would have be a LOT bigger if I was a master networker and put myself out there.

But Rina has a swim meet over that time every year. And I didn't want to miss it.

You see, I made a commitment to myself and to my family that the order of importance would always be
then business.
Business last.
But why?

Well, the way I look at it, I can always make money but I can't always be in my daughter Alicia's latest film project in college. Or hang out on set with her while she is making her magic.

This is what we did last weekend. Tom and I  played the mother and father of her lead actor in her latest clip for her film.

Here is Alicia with her actors and camera man directing one of the scenes. (She's really good at this!)

And how lucky am I that I got to be part of this! 

This is what I did yesterday morning at 6:00 AM. Rina needed senior pictures featuring her swimming life so we kind of broke into the high school pool and had a super fun photo shoot!

Here is one of the photos that I took.

And of course we had some funny ones too! Think Little Mermaid, part of your world...

And of course the fierce competitor... with arm floaties... LOL

Again, I will never forget us bargaining our way into the pool, pretty much bribing the custodian with donuts and promising not to get in the water... fingers crossed behind my back... Good times.

And then there was Wednesday when I had a doctor's appointment in Madison and decided to stop by my Mom's house for a little bit. A little bit turned into a few hours and let's say I made it back home in time to get ready for bed.

But you know what? 

My daughter Alicia is going to graduate from college soon and who knows where she will go next. 

Rina signed to swim for Minnesota next year so she will be off to college.

My mom is going to be 89 years old. Say no more.

Time with family is limited. I know I should have been recording a new StampTV video this week when I was running all around with the kids and my mom. But, I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world.

You see, I am not rich. I have a tiny two bedroom home. I have 12 year old cars with 200,000 miles on them. I have no fancy toys, (other than my stamping stuff.) I haven't had my hair cut in almost two years. 

But what I do have is something that can never be taken away from me. 

It's my memories. 
My time well spent. 
My close connection with my children.

See, you can always make money but you can't get back time. And no matter how much money you have, you can't use it purchase the time back.

Once Rina is off to college, I will have a lot more free time! You guys will get so sick of me posting new videos and new ideas, you won't know what to do! LOL! And it's just around the corner.

So, I want to apologize for the many balls that I have dropped over the last year. I hope you understand how important Gina K. Designs and StampTV are to me. But when my kids call, I will always let the balls fall and run to them. I know you guys would do the same. 

And by the way, I made the best card ever last night and I will have a new video coming up but it won't be up until next Monday.


Because Rina has a swim meet all weekend and I will be working on my bleacher butt. :)

Much love,
Gina K.


  1. You have it exactly right! My kids are 16 and 12 and I feel the clock tick-tick-ticking until they're gone (some days I wish it would go faster! lol!). Love to hear about your family life and look forward to seeing more on Stamp TV when you're ready!

  2. Just the way God intended moms to be. You are amazing and I love stamptv. You are always so honest going about your business. That is what makes you stand out from the rest...

  3. So true, Gina! My kids are in their 40's with kids of their own and there is no going back. I think of all the fun times I had with my kids when they were younger and wouldn't trade it for the world! So happy to have had those times and the bleacher butt to go with it! LOL

  4. I like the way you think. God Bless!

  5. good for you! Some people don't figure it out until it is too late and some never do. You have your priorities in exactly the right order. God bless you

  6. Your priorities are in perfect order! I made the decision last year to drop by design team work because it was taking away from my family. If I wasn't creating, I was thinking about my next creation. And, while I miss the perks and free goodies, I cherish my family time even more!

  7. Business can wait and so can we! God expects us to live in the order you wrote so no apology is necessary!! Enjoy your girls now as they will be off on their own soon. But you already know that. You DO HAVE YOUR PRORITIES RIGHT!! When I see these young bloggers with several children posting constantly I always wonder how much time are they REALLY spending with their children and husband. They could learn from you! Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. You can't go back so have no regrets and do what is most important to you.

  9. I guess you explained not apologized. Sorry for that error in my comment.

  10. It is nice to hear from someone that has their head on straight instead of listening to all of the craziness happening out there these days. Time spent with our children/grandchildren/parents/spouses is priceless and should always come first and never taken for granted. Sometimes easier said than done, but a goal that we should all strive for and, for our own sake, achieve. Have fun and cherish your family, Gina!

  11. this brought tears to my eyes. your words are so true. my mom died, my son moved away. I have all the time in the world now. your time will come but this is also your time. just a different one. you are one smart cookie.

  12. I really appreciate your viewpoint as it's not always easy to state in public that God is always first and family is always second, then comes all the rest. I'm thrilled you were able to spend such precious moments with your daughter. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Thank you so much, Gina, for boldly stating your commitment to God and family!

  14. You have life EXACTLY RIGHT! Don't change a thing - Except maybe see your Momma as much as you possibly can. I lost my Dad a year ago and truly regret not spending more time with him the days and months and years before he died. We can all wait with anticipation for your next cards, while you spend much needed time with her and your family.

  15. You have your priorities in the right order, Gina. Nothing more important than family, especially your kids because they grow up and leave so quickly. You are blessed with a beautiful, loving family, so enjoy them. There's always time to grow your business! Hugs to you for keeping things in perspective, and I believe many of your fans out here appreciate that about you and support your business because of it.

  16. You go girl. You drop all those unnecessary ball and keep the important one...God & Family up. Videos as you say can come later. If anyone is having Gina K withdrawals, they can go look at some old videos. There are really some nice ones that I haven't seen. I couldn't sleep last night and did just that. Saw some great ones! God bless you and keep you a strong juggler.

  17. Shows you have your priorities straight and I think we can all respect that. Nothing is more important than God and family, so kudos to you. We can all wait for your fabulous ideas!!!

  18. Gina, you have all your priorities in the right order--exactly as they should be! Prosperity is not riches--it is not things--it is in knowing that we have our life in balance. And when they look back, your daughters will say 'mom had everything in life so perfectly balanced--I want to be just like her'. And they will be because you have given them a great example! Keep on juggling--but know that those 3 important balls, even though they may dip a little lower a times, will always stay aloft! <3

  19. You go girl! Yiou got your priorities in order and that's all that matters. My oldest turns 18 next week and I'm feeling seperation anxiety already and he has no plans to move out; just the impending knowledge that my children will soon be growen up and on their own gives me anxiety. You spend all those years as a mom teaching your kids to be independant but then no one prepares you for when they actually become independant. Keep dropping those balls for your kids. God is in control and he takes care of the money. After all he owns everything and honors someone who puts Him and family first. God Bless!

  20. Yes, you are right!! My GRANDCHILDREN are your children's ages!! Time FLEW right away. God and family time is what I treasure. We just found out this past week that my husband has an aggressive form of cancer. Who knows how long our "happy little life" will continue?? Only God knows. I'm SO happy that God is a big part our lives. He is our comforter, our protector, and our guild!! You'll never be sorry for the time spent with your family.

  21. Your Heart and Mind is in the RIGHT apologies EVER!!!!

  22. Never apologize for living your life. Life is too short and the love of family and friends too precious to spare!!! Like you said money can't buy lost time! Your projects are wonderful and worth the wait!

  23. Gina, You are AWESOME!!! I love the fact that this is how you run your stuff, just goes to show you have your priority list in order and I applaud you for that. Congrats to you and Have a Happy Thanksgiving <3

  24. Gosh...Gina you really have nothing to apologize for you are doing what most mothers would do and in the exact same order. No explanation needed as far as I am concerned. My kids are long gone into their own lives with their own families so I am feeling truly you are on the exact right path and don't change your course.

  25. I have so much more respect for you because of the choices you make and the order you make them!!! I totally get and appreciate everything you shared!!! I am the same way.....I too once used to share lots of videos and files I created and had to slack off due to health and family reasons....and the time is now coming around for me to get more of my time back......I truly admire you and wish you and your family and very blessed and prosperous (in every way) 2016!!

  26. No kidding. Same here. My children don't live at home any longer, but I still put them first when I have an opportunity. I don't have my mom anymore and I would give the world to get back that time, but I can't.

  27. I commend you for making the right choices. You are so right, time is precious with our families and it sounds like you had a fun week (which you deserve, by the way) :-)

  28. Amen, she says through tear-filled eyes.... You're the kind of mom, daughter, wife, friend, etc. everyone should have! You're juggling just fine, and your priorities are where they should be {not that you didn't already know that}. May God continue to bless you with a lot more time with your loved ones. ;)

  29. Well said. You go girl! Too bad more parents don't have your attitude. Love you!

  30. The world needs more people like you! You have your priorities in the right order, good for you!!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Enjoy the time while you can, you never know what tomorrow will bring. We will all be here later.

  33. You are successful (in business and more importantly) in relationships because you have the right priorities. Keep up the great work with keeping your life in the right balance. Thanks for the reminder.

  34. Good for you Gina! My kids are all grown and the grandkids are mostly grown...and the greats are getting up there...but I would still drop everything to do something with any of them! You have your priorities in the right order!

  35. You Go Girl! I love hearing about your personal life, it make you more real!
    Love your videos too. I have learned so much from you! Karen in VA!

  36. Gina, I have been following you and have been a member of StampTV, I think, since 2011. You have always been an inspiration to me and I have such deep admiration and respect for all you do. Juggling is tough and is always fraught with tough choices. You go girl! Choosing family first, in my opinion, is always the right thing to do. XOXO, Tracy

  37. Gina, you are so right. Never deprive your family for something so less important. Your work ethic is all that ir should be and displays values of far greater importance.

  38. Preach it, sister! If I were not already a fan I would be hitting the like button now.

  39. You won't hear me complaining about your priorities! I love GinaK Designs and I love hearing about your family exploits. I'll be here when you get back from that swim meet! Have fun "bleachering" it!

  40. I am so proud of you. We have one chance in life to do the right things. I think what you are doing is great, if we had more families that thought the way you do, it would be a better world that we live in. God bless you and your family.

  41. Ha! You defintely have your priorities straight. Love Gina K. We will just keep promoting you on the stamping sites. That will take care of business. Besides the f u somers you do have will always be back regardless. You cannot get time back when it is gone.

  42. Gina,you have your priorities right. Wish everyone could be so organized mentally. You dont think you are, but you obviously have given this thought. You have a great family, good kids because of your values.

  43. Ha! You defintely have your priorities straight. Love Gina K. We will just keep promoting you on the stamping sites. That will take care of business. Besides the f u somers you do have will always be back regardless. You cannot get time back when it is gone.

  44. You have everything in exactly the right order, Gina. Don't let anyone make you doubt that. God meant us to work to live, not live to work. No one ever said, "I wish I had spent more time at work" on their death bed.

  45. Heck, the main reason that I follow you and do business with Gina K Designs is because of your priorities! (Ok, and as an army vet who deployed after 9/11 and had to leave my family behind for nearly 2 years, I also fell in love with your reason for getting into stamping in the first place). No need to be a master juggler or business superstar. You're building so much more. Love you to pieces, and the best card ever video will be great, as usual!

  46. Good for you! Spending time with family whenever you want should be a perk of owning your own business. Not all moms have the opportunity to say I'm not working today so I can be in my daughter's movie or I'm going to get bleacher butt or I'm going to visit my mother. Good for you and you have a lucky family!

  47. Gina, I think you have done a great job. Spend as much time with your family as you can. Another chance will not come and my Mother has been gone for 30 years now but I still miss and think about her all the time. I'm so glad I had the chance to take care of our Grandchildren when they were small and I was able to do it, but I couldn't now. I do get to see them a lot though. Makes me happy. Just do what you can and I watch your videos over again anyway. Take care, Joyce

  48. WAY TO GO bleacher butt Mom/Daughter. Your priorities are straight.

  49. You are such a great woman Gina and no apologizes. Children and family are much important than playing with stamps and ink. I will wate for your next video, you give me much inspiration.
    Have a nice weekend and enjoy your children and family. (Me and my husband have no children, we have a cat and she passed away last december at the age of almost 15 and i still miss her so much)

    Hugs Thea
    sorry for my school english , long ago ;-)

  50. Very inspiring and SO ME! We all have priorities and I also choose business last. Many years ago, when my three children were young, a business opportunity with a promising future came up for me. At that point, my husband and I both agreed that we didn't need a two-career household, one was good enough. It was the best decision in our lives. I still worked full-time but made sure I was available and present for homework, school projects, performances, games, victories, prom dress ups, doctors appts, board game nights and that important shoulder to cry on. We had college visits and HS Graduations, dorm room decorating and College graduations. One is currently working in the OR alongside the surgeon, another is getting her Masters next month in Social Work and Sociology while the third is a junior in college interested in the Forensic field. My children are amazing and we, without a doubt, made the best choice. So did you! I look forward to more ideas and videos soon, Gina! Happy thanksgiving and God bless you and yours!

  51. From a regretful mother.. YOU ARE SPOT ON! I always had to work, sometimes 2 jobs and my children paid the price for me gone or too tired or just not involved. Your priorities are exactly what they should be. Never apologize.

  52. Thank you for this post, Gina. There's a lesson here for all of us who sometimes walk that thin line between choosing what is important and what is truly important for the soul. You have made all the right choices. I put my crafts on the sidelines while I was working. Now I'm retired and can truly enjoy every minute of craft time. The downside is that I'm an older senior. But! I have no regrets of the sometimes difficult choices I have had to make over the years. Good for you!!!

  53. Tears in my eyes beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  54. Thank you for that heartfelt post. Many years back I switched from Splitcoast Stampers to Stamp TV. I made many friends here and rarely missed a day of gallery viewing. I did at least one challenge a week and loved everything about your site. Then you changed your challenge policy so only projects with your stamps could win. Since I could not then and can not now buy your stamps I moved to another site. I miss Stamp TV! I truly believe you have your priorities in the right place and wish you continued success in your business and much happiness in your personal life. Keep posting, I like knowing how things are going for you.

  55. Thanks for sharing this. I feel the same exact way. Enjoy your swim meet!

  56. You have your priorities right! You are wealthy in family, it's all you need!

  57. Thanks for sharing. Spend all the time you can with your kids and your mom. I don't have kids, but I'd give ANYTHING to have my mom and my grandma back - they were a huge part of my life. You have blessed us with STV and your wonderful designers and stamps. I so enjoy the gallery, the videos, the friends I've made there and all the inspiration I've received from you and your DT. Thanks for all you do.

  58. No apologies needed. This is EXACTLY why you will always get my business. Your priorities are spot on, and you take excellent care of your customers. Well done, GinaK. :)

  59. I love seeing people choose family over work. I am retired now, but think back to the a decade in my life when I spent way too many hours working. I love spending time with my children, grandchildren, and greats. Best thing ever.

  60. Hi Gina, thank you so very much to tell us a "really story". I have friends in the USA (Virginia) who thinks the same way!!
    Your way of live is really good: family before money!!!
    Warm greetings from Belgium.

  61. You've got your priorities right Gina. There is nothing more important to me than my family. My children are all grown and married with children of their own and now I sometimes drop everything for one of my grandkiddies. I spent loads of time with my mum whilst I had her, she died at 87 and I'm so pleased we spent that much time together and thankful that we were so close, Carry on just as you are Gina, being a mum is a full time job!! Pat x

  62. You are doing exactly what GOD wants you to do. God Bless you.

  63. Gina, you are truly amazing and yes life is busy for us all. Do not apologize, keep doing what you're doing with and for your family because they are what really matters the most!! God Bless You and your family!

  64. Oh Gina you are amazing! You are a perfect parent and a wonderful business owner. It is wonderful that you get to spend the time that will never be forgotten by you or your daughter together. You have your priorities in the right order. I am happy to have found your store and stamptv and wish the best for you and your family. God bless.

  65. you have it right , Gina. You are so down to earth. and I love to read your blogs.

  66. happy tears....LUV u and i love that your honest..heartfelt and just all around sooooo awesome....i HOPE your girls know what an AWESOME role model as Mom, wife, daughter and business owner you are! You are doing GREAT!! i DO LOVE the videos and cant wait for more but I also thank you for doing it the way you do. so THANK YOU

  67. Our biggest treasures in life are our children and family. There is no need to apologize to us for having your life priorities straight. I am nearing the end of my life and know all too well how important family is. Thank you for all you do for us; and good luck to Rina this weekend.

  68. In my book you're not dropping balls if you've got your priorities set. Which you do, by the way. Your polishing the ones you embrace and the other ones, well they may collect a little dust but in the right time they will have their day in glory.

  69. Great post, Gina! I totally agree! 😀

  70. I am so glad you shared your story. It helps me with my choice to put God and family first. Hugs and prayers!

  71. Thanks for sharing your story with us. I look up to you, as you have your priorities correct. You will not regret it.

  72. Gina, never apologize for doing the right things. Like the balls, we can always bounce back. Both my daughters are grown and on their own. I cherish every minute I can catch with them. We are miles apart but talk each day and tell them we love them each and every time. Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your truly blessed life.

  73. Really enjoyed your post today. Funny how perceptions can be way off. In my mind I pictured you as super rich living in a large home with an awesome craft room in one wing!!
    Enjoy the swim meet this weekend!! And have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your sweet family!

  74. When your youngest is off to college, craft as much as you can because when the grandchildren arrive it's a whole new story! Mine grew up two doors away. I love my children but it is almost like I am in love with my grandchildren! They are both in college now and I miss them so much. Glad the holidays are close so they will be home. Two of my four children have passed on so I know how short life can be. Cherish, cherish, cherish!

  75. You have it right, Gina. God and family trump work every single time. When my daughter was small I was a single parent, so I had to work a 9 - 5 job, and I missed out on a lot. Then I opened a stamp/scrapbook store and was my own boss. I was my only employee, and every afternoon I would close for 1/2 hour and pick up my granddaughter from elementary school. She was in kindergarten when we started. She would come back to the store with me and she had her own art supplies and stickers and she created. We had the most fun. And we created some great memories. She just graduated from high school this past year and she's a wonderful artist. I like to think she got her start in grammy's store. :-) But I was able to be with my daughter when her second child was born, and I was able to get someone to watch my store and go on field trips and go to afternoon school play performances. I was able to spend time with my mother before she passed away. Then we had a year of non-stop hurricanes and lots of clean-up, so I made the decision to close my store. I only have a small webstore now, selling my stamps. I have a 9 - 5 job and I miss out on so many of the things I was able to do as my own boss. So, do what is best for you and your family. Your loyal customers will always be here for you (and even though I have my own stamps, I have become a loyal customer). Money isn't all it's cracked up to be. As a matter of fact, I had someone tell me once that the more money you had, the more you had to spend to maintain that lifestyle, and you know what? They are right. So, keep your priorities where they are. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    P. S. Are we going to get to see Gina the starlet in your daughter's production?

  76. You'll never regret those choices!! May God bless you and your family. Enjoy your videos so much!

  77. You made the best choice! You will not regret the time you spent with your family instead of your business. I am a bit older, with grown children and now grandchildren. I made a choice to work part time so I would be available to my husband and children. The return on my investment is much better than a larger bank account. God bless you and your family especially this season of joy.

  78. You got it right. They should come first. And we will be here when you make anew video so have fun with the family and make memories with them now. Bless your mom and being able to spend time with her. Mine is gone now and i wish she was here to see her ggs and how he is growing up. Thanks for a little look into your life.

  79. Very well said Gina! Life is too short and our children grow up oh so fast! In this crazy world in which we live, you learn very quickly how important spending time with loved ones is. All you have to do is turn on the TV, or pick up a newspaper and see in the blink of an eye how the things we love can be taken away from us! Enjoy every precious moment with your family - in the end our memories are all we have to sustain us.

  80. yep. you have the priorities exactly right! God will bless you all AND your business for that!!! Enjoy your family while you can. They grow too quickly and soon are out of the house and have families of their own. Sometimes you will see them (for holidays, perhaps), and sometimes you won't. Keep the priorities!! Good job!!!

  81. Your priorities are perfect! I don't really see balls being dropped:-) you post pretty frequently...who cares if it's on a schedule. Just always happy when I see one pop up:-) Have a great time this weekend and with your lovely family.

  82. Gina -- family is always first for me as well. I don't promote my business and it suffers greatly ... But I don't have a "staff" and when family calls I must drop everything. My mom is 92 and I'm her caregiver. Sometimes if I have a rush order, she helps me as best she can and I love it! She is always my "employee of the year." So maybe someday my business will be more of a success, but taking care of my mother is more important to me. Hang in there -- use shatter proof balls! LOL

  83. I am so proud of you and no you will always be so glad you put the Lord and family before the business. And, I found your blog post very uplifting and filled with awesome wisdom. Thanks for sharing and I wish you and your family a wonderful life filled with many more memories. I think sharing so much time with my family is important more than making a card or two as well. Cards can always be done but seeing my kids and grandkids is not always an option these days.You have a wonderful Thanksgiving and count those blessings! I will try to do the same!

  84. Perfect post!!! You have your priorities right!I am starting my own business and following the same thoughts. The family always comes first! I am starting my own business and following the same thoughts. The family always comes first! This is the meaning of success!

  85. That is fantastic Gina! I have the same philosophy. And my life is so much richer for it. Thanks for sharing this and encouraging folks to value what is truly important. Now I love you even more :-) Hugs!

  86. This brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful...Priorities, you have them down right. This post has me reevaluating my own. Thanks for sharing!

  87. I cannot express myself enough to let you know how much I admire you for your decisions. Both are children are grown with famlies and have moved far from home (too far, as far as I'm concerned!). I cherished every moment I do have with them now and cherish all our great memories of them growing up. Videos can wait - family cannot. God bless you.

  88. God bless you for getting your priorities in the right order.

  89. Gina K and Stamp TV will still be here after the swim meet, after the acting, and after visiting your mom. You can never get that time back with your family. You enjoy yourself and don't feel an ounce of guilt over it. If more people put family first I think this world would be a much better place.

  90. Amen, and that is why we love you! Time passes way to fast… Enjoy! (((Hugs))))
    Love how Pigmarie Dills said it…. "You are polishing the ones you embrace"… :) <3

  91. The moments we create now, will be the memories we have for our future; so create what you want to treasure, for you never know how precious they may become.

  92. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us. It is so refreshing to hear that you have your priorities right! God must come first if we are to have a worthy life. God bless.

  93. You are doing well. I am happy that your priorities are the way you say. God first. Family second. The company will still be there providing. If not, well, Tom can always set of a law practice.

  94. You have your priorities just where they should be! Spend time with you family especially your kids they grow up so fast it makes my head spin! God bless you and your family!

  95. You have it exactly right!!! Life is short & these memories are & will be precious for your children and yourself. When you get it right God will do the rest! Much respect...God Bless!!

  96. Great blog. God bless. You are a very wise woman with a great head on your shoulders. Happy Thanksgiving.

  97. Great blog. God bless. You are a very wise woman with a great head on your shoulders. Happy Thanksgiving.

  98. Your priorities are just the way they should be. Kids grow up faster than they used to, and every milestone will be a fabulous memory, And memories are priceless.

  99. Gina, I wish more parents were like you; these are the kids that turn out so well because they learned from an early age that they are important, that they're loved, that their parents are proud of them. . . sure, not only for what they've accomplished but also for who they have become. Congratulations for being one of those moms who taught her children those lessons.

  100. I was in your shoes when my children were younger. Now it is my grandchildren I run of to be with. Football, swimming, and many awards ceremonies. I wouldn't give any of it up. My memories and their memories can not be bought with all the money in the world. Here it is 40 years later and my business is still thriving with all the balls I dropped (and still drop) over the years. Enjoy these times.

  101. I'm happy reading these emails from other women who also have their priorities straight. My mom was 89 when she died recently and I miss her. My granddaughter just had her first baby and I keep wondering where the time went, but I have happy memories of my children and grandchildren. Time is too short! Keep enjoying life, even if it is crazy.

  102. Yikes! My emoji happy face turned into question marks! Sorry!

  103. Perfectly stated. Enjoy your family.

  104. Gina my heart goes out to you for the order in which you live your life. Our parents have all passed on to a better place. My kids are grown have families and two, a son and a daughter live thousands of miles away. One son lives here. So we see two of our grand kids very seldom. Life is short, I totally agree with you, as long as we have our needs fulfilled. Let's keep our priorities in order. We will not vanish if you do not do a stamping session everyday. In fact I might get more done also. LOL. Keep up the good work and God Bless you for your organization in life. Thanks for all you do for us. Eileen

  105. Yes ,that me my family has always come first even before my needs and wants. Why ?well to me it means everything I want to be there for them out of love.

  106. Nice to see someone who has their priorities straight!

  107. This just made me love you more!

  108. This just made me love you more!


  109. Gina, your a good Mom and doing a fantastic job. Your priorities are exactly where they should be. And, yes you can't get back the years that your spending now with your daughter. Enjoy ever moment!!!!

    1. I think you have your priorities right and I'm the same ,I have a chronic pain situation .My two daughters live about just over an hour away ,it really hurts me too travel and it's so bad when I am traveling and for weeks later.but nothing would stop me doing it .Ipray to our Father sometimes I'm blessed others not ,but I always know God first .We serve a mighty Lord ,Amen .

  110. Gina, no need to apologize for having your priorities straight. Never short change your children of your support. They will remember. You lead by good example so rest assure when your girls get married, they too will remember and be in their children's lives too. Be proud.

  111. HOORAY for GINA! I applaud you for the dedication to your family. In world today, there are too many people that put family last and what a pity. You are absolutely right and I am right behind you in your choices. Hands clapping!!!! for Gina and Go Rina!!

  112. Yes, Gina as is seen by the overwhelming notes of support, you have it all when you have God and your family in your life. I changed jobs at one point in my life and took a $15,000/year cut in pay so that I could be more flexible to spend time following my boys (3) and their athletics. That is what life is really all about! I respect you more and more every day for your inspiration and now for your love of faith and family. Thanks for keeping it REAL!!!

  113. I'm into grandchildren now, Gina. And everything you said applies double b/c I'm there for my children AND my grandies. So wise that you have learned this early on b/c it's tragic to look back with regrets. I think your post is magnificent and your wisdom is important to share. Blessings on you.

  114. BRAVO! You get a standing ovation from me, Gina! I knew I liked you a long time ago. You're good people and you've got your head on straight. God Family Business...Amen, Sister! I wish you and your lovely family all the best!

  115. Families are what life is all about. Enjoy yours and you are right, there is always time to make money and Time is non-refundable, once it is gone, it is GONE.

  116. Wow..same priorities as mine! I now have grandchildren and a small business and I keep it that way because I want time with I'm sure you will someday. You must be happy and don't apologize...I feel there are a lot of us in the same boat....enjoy it while you can!

  117. It sounds as tho you have it going the right way Gina..take time for family,there is families out there that aren't close knit and those that use to be and got separated along the way and don't try to connect again..we will all wait for those beautiful ideas you have stashed away . Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  118. I completely agree with your order of priorities! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  119. How wonderful. You got your priorities just right !!!#

  120. How wonderful. You got your priorities just right !!!#

  121. Gina, I love when you share your personal stuff. As a mom of a 30 and 35 year old your priorities are in exactly the right order. I worked part time from home while our children were growing up and I would not trade that time with them for anything. At our 35th Anniversary party they both spoke and shared how much they appreciated the time we had given them rather than a bunch material things. How we were always at their games and all the funny memories of riding in the same van for 10 years. Time is something we can never get back and making memories is what is important. And yes, we still make lots of memories like playing a modified version of capture the flag using marshmallow shooters a couple of months ago when we were all together. God bless you, sweet Gina.

  122. Now that I am a great grandmother and looked back over all the years that I had to miss what I thought at the time was "very important", I realized how in important they really were. I wouldn't trade one of those days for all the fun I had with my girls, granddaughters and now great granddaughters (that's right all, every one are girls). Life goes by all too fast, so grab every minute you can with your family, all the rest can wait. Thanks Gina for be up front with us and for letting me remember some of those fun times myself.

  123. You will always be proud of your priorities and the time you gave to your family. After they are moved on and (welcome to empty nesters) it gets awfully quiet and images of them as little children float through your mind, you will have countless memories to help you always. I was there for my kids and have those memories as well. Work will be there but our family may not. I've never seen you drop a ball. I've only seen you be a wonderful mom, wife, daughter and friend. #noregrets

  124. My one son is grown now and I do not regret one day of running for his gymnastics. Now we are retired and I have wonderful memories of his childhood and not what if I had stayed with him. You keep doing what you do and you will find out in the end that there are things that money just can't buy. And those are the memories you will hold in your heart.

  125. Gosh Gina, I hope you never change. You do not have to explain anything to me. After all, what you share with us is free. It is not like you have a contract that has to be filled for us. Your family has that contract all wrapped up and I hope they always will. They are very lucky to have you and Tom for parents. I wish all families had that kind of commitment. There would be a lot more well adjusted and happier people in this world.

  126. Gina Sweetie - I loved reading your post - no need to apologize - you have your life in the right order and its wonderful that you share that with us! Sharon

  127. I always say that the kids will only that age once and if I don't participate by attending then, I will never have another chance. Went to many games and activities for my children and now it is time to do the same for my grandchildren. Love seeing them participate and watch them grow up. I will watch your stamping segments when you get back to it.

  128. You are so awesome. Our values are the same. I love it! I so miss those days with my sons at the football and baseball fields. When I think back, I can smile and remember the fun times. Memories are so precious, and when they move and start their own families, seeing them every so often is hard. Enjoy your daughters and the memories! Thanks Gina. Looking forward to seeing you on screen soon.

  129. Good for you Gina. God and family first. Always.

  130. This is so sweet letting us see a little portion of your life. I've always loved watching you create but now I feel like I know you. Is that crazy? It's like as you were telling this, I was sitting right there watching it all unfold. Thank you for sharing your story. Now I'll appreciate your videos even more because you're real just like me (and broke) ha ha ha ha

  131. It's nice to get to know you better. You have the things in life in just the right order. Enjoy your Mom, your Husband and your Daughters because before you know it your grandchildren will be having children - I have 3 greats with another on the way and I often wonder where the time went. God Bless you and your family.

  132. and this is what I love... my girls are now 27, 25 and 24. I did everything with them... out of town at least once a month for baton competitions including a big one at Disney every year, and every other year going to Nationals in Ohio (we are in Florida). Others couldn't understand it. All three of my girls live 200+ miles away now, one in Indiana, one in Virginia with my grandson, and my youngest is the closest and she now works at Disney. I miss the times we spent together. :(

  133. You will never regret these choices!

  134. What a beautiful post and God Bless you and your family. You are doing life right! Your family always comes first. This post just makes me appreciate your videos, products and customer service even more! And you are NOT the worst juggler ever, believe me. Maybe we should start a thread on the worst juggling bloopers we ever performed while trying to balance life and work! I bet that would be a funny thread and maybe help us all realize - we can't juggle everything, but we can choose which items end up on top! It might also let us relax a little and laugh at the notion that we can do it all!

  135. My already healthy respect for you just grew by leaps and bounds! Your family is very, very lucky. None of us could EVER be upset with you for being a good mom (your girls are gorgeous by the way). We will see your next creation when we see it, lol. The suspense builds waiting to see what wonderful new project you will have for us. Hugs to you and your family. I hope you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

  136. WOW! With tears in my eyes, I thank God for you and your priorities. God bless you, Gina, you definitely have it right and the blessings make you a very rich woman. Thank you for the inspiration. I do and will watch all your videos.

  137. Gina, thank you for sharing. Your loyal friends and customers will stand by you and keep cheering you on. Now I feel bad, (but understand) for getting sad that an order is still not here. I will remind myself you are definitely worth waiting for. God Bless.

  138. Your perspective is spot on Gina! That order is the way it should be because that is the way God intended it to be. Bless you and I love have taught me so very much and I thank you!

  139. now that i got a glimpse into your life,you seem real and approachable.please carry on making videos (when you can) for people like me that likes to learn more than basics and learning how to do it well. thank you for all that you do do including having a healthy home life.

  140. Because of that.....i LOVE more than ever Gina!!! Blessings!

  141. I agree with Edna's comment. Sorry we are so impatient at times! Your products are so great we want it immemdiately. However, it is always so much fun when a Happy Box arrives, always glad I waited! You have your priorities exactly right and please never change them!, Hugs!

  142. Gina, I just loved reading this. Amen to your priorities because having God first helps the other ones to be in place as they should. I know your life is busy and complicated, but I loved your peaceful post. Thank you for all you do to encourage us. I don't often shop but I do watch your videos and always learn something new. Thanks for being who you are.

  143. God Bless You, Gina! Thank you for sharing your honest and real life with us. Sometimes us moms need to hear what others go through to know that what we are doing is All Right!!! You are an amazing woman, mom, and entrepreneur! (Also love the fact that you live in Milwaukee! I originally grew up in West Allis and my husband is from Milwaukee. He joined the Navy in 1981, we married in 1983, and we have been in Virginia Beach since then). Go Pack Go!! ; )

  144. Great job, Gina! Family should always come before work. We crafters can afford to wait until the time is right for you.
    Best of luck to Rina this weekend!
    ...and best of luck to you developing your bleacher butt!

  145. God is well pleased with your priorities. So are those of us who truly love you. Kudos to you for being a wonderful and respectful Child of God, a loving wife/mother/daughter/family member/friend. Thank your for loving your craft of cardmaking so much that you excitedly share it with us! Thank you for letting us be a part of your life!

  146. Gina, I always heard that when all is done the only thing that remains in life is family. So you enjoy them to the fullest and you will never have any regrets. May God Bless you and your family. Happy

  147. You certainly have your priorities in the right order. God bless, Dar

  148. You definitely have your priorities straight!! And I am so very happy to see so many posts agreeing with where you are. Keep up the good work - I'll take whatever you have time for AFTER God & family!

  149. very that you are so honest, and that you love your family. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving together!

  150. So wonderful to see a CEO that doesn't have "ME FIRST" attitude. It makes me want to make it a priority to do business with you for my products. Thanks again and your family is SO FORTUNATE to have someone with such a caring attitude! God Bless You!

  151. Gina I love your honesty! In my eyes you have not dropped any balls, but are carrying the right ones!!! Wish and pray God's blessings over your family and business!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  152. Damn straight and now look at all the photos you will get to scrapbook with one day ;)

  153. It sounds to me like you are juggling just right!! Family SHOULD come before business...with God before them, so WELL DONE! Love your video's, but if you miss so you can spend time with your family...oh well, that is WAY more important! Enjoy the weekend with your family!!

  154. You owe no one an apologe. We all have to prioritize and hope we made the right move, nothing easy about that. I consider you a very brave woman to be swimming in the shark infested waters of business. Our children should always come before business. You can never get back the time spent with business instead of your kids. Thank you for being a mom first.

  155. So very well said Gina.. You are a beautiful person inside and out... You are so right family first... Keep up the good work ..

  156. Our families are our greatest blessings, and I promise you that you will never have regrets! I thought I would get so much more accomplished once I retired, but now we have 11 grandchildren, and as much as I love making cards, nothing makes my heart melt more than getting to snuggle with my precious grandchildren! Enjoy every moment, because they slip away before you can blink! :)

  157. Family is beautiful, complicated and full of uncertain twist and turns. We must embrace each precious person in our life and let they know that they hold a special place in our lives. Congratulations, Gina you have found the key to real success.

  158. Gina, don't ever let people make you feel bad for spending time with family. They are the most precious thing that God has given us. I look forward to your tutorials, but I love you for the person you are. God Bless. Carmen

  159. Gina,you did just so just like Noah,God first then enjoy the blessings God blessed you with.If only others would do the same,we might not be hearing the sad stories on the news.we will be here when you post your next video,trust me you will someday wish you could just have one more day with Rina,when she is away starting her young adult life.Love you

  160. Dearest could not have put it any better than you did..GOD, FAMILY,WORK ! The response that you have here just proves HOW RIGHT YOU RIGHT YOU ARE ! ! ! We will always wait for you ! ! ! BLESSINGS AND LOVE!


  161. Your priorities are exactly as they should be, so many times people get caught up in things and lose sight of what is really important!!!

  162. What a great post! I think I love Gina K and StampTV all the more because you are the best juggler: God, family then business, you have it all right. That's your legacy, making life work by making memories. I'm sure your daughters, your mom and your husband appreciate your commitment to them. You are a more satisfied woman and successful business person because you have such strong values. Thanks for sharing your personal story with us, God bless and Happy Thanksgiving.

  163. I was the same way. My God first and formost then my family and then my stamping fun...My mother is gone now and in her last several years alive, I did not stamp at all. My time went to her mostly and I don't regret it. I can't get her back. My girls all live close to me and when they were living here at home..I did not stamp at all. They were my life. Again, I don't regret a single moment of it. When they come to visit me.. again, I don't stamp. Im not the greatest stamper, But that's ok too. I mostly send cards to those in my church and they think I am the very best. (Please keep my secret) They don't care about a particular technique. They just enjoy getting a card from me. Yes, I would do exactly the same as you are doing if I owned a business. Stamping is my hobby and that's exactly how it will stay. And I won't regret it.

  164. sounds like you have it all in order and will have no regrets. I just drove 7 hrs. to sit with the GrandDog while daughter and family go pick up Grandson from college.But come Monday we will all have lots of family time for a few days.The 2 boys are swimmers so I know how much commitment that takes for the Mom. Look forward to your videos.

  165. sounds like you have it all in order and will have no regrets. I just drove 7 hrs. to sit with the GrandDog while daughter and family go pick up Grandson from college.But come Monday we will all have lots of family time for a few days.The 2 boys are swimmers so I know how much commitment that takes for the Mom. Look forward to your videos.

  166. You are a wise woman and I am honored you shared that hard won wisdom with us.

  167. It's all good Gina! Bravo to you!

  168. Change nothing Gina!! You are living the life God has planned for you and your feet are firmly on the right path. I admire you for your love of God and Family. Stand Tall, be Proud of who you are and what you stand for. God Bless you in all you do for in turn we are blessed with your creative mind and talents.

  169. You've got it right....almost. While things will slow down some when your daughter goes off to college there will still be needs for Mom. My "kids" are 60 and 58 but I still drop everything when one or the other needs me. That's what being Mom is all about. Love your cards and your videos but I'll wait for them while you build those so important memories with your family.

  170. Oh Gina .... That's the good stuff. Don't worry we will still be here.

  171. Oh Gina, I am so glad you wrote this post! I so agree with you! I have never regretted putting my 4 children ahead of church commitments (my "job" is being a pastor's wife), but I do have a few regrets where I put filling in at church ahead of my children. I appreciate your honesty and I applaud your heart and your values. I have always loved watching you, and now I feel this bond with you about God and family before business. You go, girl!

  172. No apology-priorities are straight and perfectly stated. I have 3 sons and (for now) 3 grandsons, I always prioritize my schedule around them. <3 Have a happy thanksgiving.

  173. Bless you Gina. Your heart is in the right place. Your time was well spent.

  174. Believe it or not I once worked in a health care job where my supervisor had those same priorities: God, family then job. Over the years we got a new boss and things changed dramatically. It was time to retire!! I loved your post and I am just as glad as everyone else that you take the time for your family. God Bless!!!

  175. I was so moved by your words today.... Then I read the comments..... What a Blessing to be able to get to know so many wonderful folks.....May the Lord Bless and keep all of you!!!! Thanks to all of you!!!

  176. I was so moved by your words today.... Then I read the comments..... What a Blessing to be able to get to know so many wonderful folks.....May the Lord Bless and keep all of you!!!! Thanks to all of you!!!

  177. This is awesome and I admire you. Once your children are gone they are gone. Do all you can now. You will truly miss it. Trust me. And you are right a business can wait.

  178. Gina, it was so good reading your post. I totally agree with you about spending time with family. Enjoy them, God bless and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  179. You got it right Gina! Your videos are worth waiting for... we'll be here. Have fun with your family. Happy Thanksgiving.. we have so much to thank God for.

  180. You got it right Gina! Your videos are worth waiting for... we'll be here. Have fun with your family. Happy Thanksgiving.. we have so much to thank God for.

  181. Your priorities are on the money. You are so right about the relative importance of time spent with family versus making more money.

  182. Gina you have it all right . Good for you what your doing first is very inportant
    your right once they are gone they are gone .. Keep up the good work ...

  183. You are such an inspiration. My kids are grown and live in different cities, but they know I love them and I know yours are grateful too. I wish my Mom was still around so I could tell her thank you for all the stuff she did for me that I didn't think about at the time but as you get older you realize how lucky to have great parents. I hope I said that the way I wanted it to.

  184. Reading this made me realise we all have choices in life and I know you have made the right one. Money seems so often take first place with some families and they just don't know what they miss out on. Enjoy all the time you have with yours, the rest will all fall into place.

  185. Gina, thank you for sharing. You made me cry. My four kids are all grown with families of their own. I am blessed with 10 grandchildren. I would give anything to turn back time and be able to hold my babies again. I started college when my twins were 9and my other 2 were teenagers. I was an untraditional student and strived very hard to prove people wrong that I couldn't do it. I did do it, graduating nursing at the top of my class. I gave up so much time spending time with my family striving to be the best. I regret that now. I would give anything to get that time back. So take all the family time you can get. It is worth it. Even though we have 4 children and ten grandchildren, their lives are so busy, With school, soccer, basketball and dance, they don't have time for us. I guess I taught them well. God bless you Gina.

  186. My older daughter was a swimmer from age 6 through college: that sport got her admitted to an Ivy League school where she excelled. She still swims - Masters and triathlons. Best sport ever! So I know just how meets can become a parent's standard way of life. NEVER GIVE IT UP! And with any luck, her children will do the same for her someday.

  187. Be proud because you got it right.There are no "do overs" when it comes to time with family. Bless you and your family.

  188. Your priorities are spot on and for that, God has blessed your business. Just look at all of the supporting comments, how fast your business has grown and it's thriving. You have a full line of wonderful products out there on the market and keep stamping affordable and fun. Your business model is perfect and you are a wonderful wife and mother, not to mention a wonderful woman that I've had the privilege to watch all of these years grow and change. You are right where God wants you and you are content with it. I have regrets that I didn't spend some of the time that I could have with my 4 kids, but you won't have those regrets. You've got this Gina and I totally admire you for taking a stand for what you believe in and doing it. Rina looks like you. I see you in her face. She's beautiful. Take the time you need to. We will all be here and still have hundreds of videos and a strong community for our GKD fix. Hugs and blessings to you.

  189. Gina, you are an amazing person and I love how genuine you are. Wonderful that you had the opportunity to be in one of Alicia's productions. Perhaps you will be discovered. :) Just wait until the girls give you grand-babies! Your life gets even richer. Hugs, Debbie
