
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Another sneak peek and a slight change in plans...

Hi Everyone!

Today, I have another sneak peek of the new StampTV Kit and a sob story to share. (Not really the end of the world but, you know...)

First, the fun part! Can you stand the cuteness? Here is another little friend of the "Friends 'til the End" stamp set from the new Autumn Wishes StampTV Kit!

Autumn is a great time to catch up with friends and just look how happy he is? And see that cute little swirly thing? Well that is a separate stamp that can be used for a lot of effects in this particular stamp set! I can't wait to show you more!

Slight Delay

Our release date has changed. Instead of this Thursday night, it's going to be next Tuesday night instead. 

You know, I was really on top of things this time. I have over 1000 patterned paper packs ready to go, card stock is sorted, new incentives waiting in the wings and then poof! 

I knew there was a problem when the postman arrived yesterday holding nothing but junk mail. The dies were out for delivery. But then, the dreaded status changed. 

The dies that we ordered were returned to sender. Why? A small typo in the address. SO, we have to wait for them to travel back across the country and then back to Milwaukee so we can pack up all of those kits. 

I tried everything to intercept them to no avail. But you know what? Mistakes happen. And there are so many worse things in life. And when you see this kit, I promise, it will be well worth the couple of days of waiting! :) (Can you tell I really love this one?)

So, we will just keep doing sneak peeks and having fun and then on Tuesday night, we will party like it's 1999! 

Make is a great day and happy stamping!
Gina K.


  1. Aw, Gina--your kits are ALWAYS worth waiting for!!!!!

  2. Things happen out of our control some times and we just need to go with it.Feel so sorry for you as it will be somewhat disappointing for us but I know you try your best to get us the products as soon as you can and then have this happen would be SO disappointing but not to worry we understand.

  3. A bummer for sure, but no one has been hurt or died or had any other tragedy befall them, so it will all be fine! We can all anticipate a little longer and be that much more excited come Tuesday. I'm sure it's worth waiting for based on the first peeks at the stamp sets!

  4. I am so excited, this is the first time I will know about a new release when it comes out instead of months after.....yay!!!!

  5. Just makes me want it more!!!! If you work for a living, these things happen all the time, no problem!

  6. Good attitude, yes these things do happen to all of us! Cute little bee and I love the font for the sentiment!

  7. Your cute critters are darling and so are the trees! No worries about the delay! You go above and beyond to be the best wife, mom, daughter and business owner ♥ It shows in every way possible and a delay is not a problem.

  8. Always a beautiful kit and So worth the wait!!
