
Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Welcome 2014.

So much has changed in just one year.

Alicia moved to New York for college.

She is so happy there in the middle of all the action! She is meeting people, making films and learning so much. I couldn't be more proud of her and excited for her future!

We moved to Milwaukee.

We love our new town, we love our new home. I love living in a big city. You can the girl out of the city but you can't take the city out of the girl. I've already started to discover amazing restaurants, shops and other unique places that only big cities can offer. I feel more alive!

Rina is at a new school.

She is doing so well in school. They have bumped her up to more advanced classes in both math and science. And she's making some really nice friends.

She is swimming with a new team.

Her new team mates have embraced her. :) Here she is getting a hug from a team mate.
She is learning so much with her new team. She knows it won't happen overnight because there are a TON of changes being made to her strokes and she is getting used to the new training schedule and style but she feels great and she loves her team mates so much. Her new coach is great and she really likes his coaching style.
And our business is growing and expanding into new product lines coming soon. With a few new pieces of equipment, the Gina K. Designs line will grow in some amazing directions over the next six months. We are really excited about all of this! I can't wait to share more with you.

SO much change.
And so much better...


Sometimes you get in a rut.

As Albert Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." The results were the same. Over and over again.

It was time.


My word for 2014 is Reclaim.

This year I will reclaim the parts of my life that began to die out in 2013. I will reclaim happiness. Reclaim peace. I'll reclaim friendships, trust, success, desire, creativity, fun, laughter, confidence, inclusion, respect, health... all of which were fading fast where I was.

I don't expect instant success. I know that it took some time to fall behind and it will take some time to gain it back. But in my new positive environment, I can already see so many of those changes taking shape. I already feel 100% happier. And so does my family. :)

I am thankful for the lessons of 2013. I learned a lot about people. I learned even more about myself.  And when the past comes to call, I think I will let it go to voicemail. It has nothing new to say.

Welcome 2014. Time to Reclaim me.



  1. What a great post. Happy New Year!

  2. Awesome. Happy New Year to you! It already appears that the changes are good! Love your word for the year. :)

  3. Great News I wish you all the best you are a wonderful person.... still waiting for 12x12 cardstock for the Silhouette lol ... just something to think about Happy 2014

  4. Sounds good! I'm on board...:)
    Happy New Year!

  5. Wishing you and your family a happy and successful year!

  6. What a great attitude!! Up is the way to go and Positive is the mind set to take. Thank you for sharing your new
    re-claimed life. God Bless and "hang in there". Hugs Linda

    1. Reclaim is a word I haven't heard in such a long time, but all the more fitting for 2014. There are aspects of my life that I plan to reclaim to bring about much needed changes in my life. Thanks Gina for that inspirational post.

  7. Happy New Year Gina...your new direction can only revitalize you...looking forward to all that presents itself in 2014!!! Thank you for sharing so much!

  8. Happy New Year! So many great things happening for you my friend! Here's to an awesome 2014!

  9. I am way, way older than you and I can tell you that even though I resist change it is good. After bucking it for many years I decided that just maybe I should give in. I have been healthier, happier and I know deep down inside that God's plans for me are way better than I ever could think up. Good luck and I will pray for you.

  10. Happy New Year, I envy you, sounds just wonderful!!

  11. Sounds so upbeat & positive! Can't wait to see what new things will be presented.

  12. I am amazed that someone with such a beautiful personality as you have, should have suffered at the hands of others.
    Shame on them.
    May you continue to find peace and contentment in your new surroundings.
    Gloria x

  13. Wonderful post Gina. Happy New Year.. I pray for a fruitful 2014

  14. You look amazing!! Looks like the changes are working already. I remember your kindness and promptness in helping me when I had a question about placing an order in 2013 and I was so impressed that you actually called and spoke to me personally. You go girl.

  15. Wow you really have it all together there Gina. Good luck with your move and everything you do in 2014!!

  16. Beautiful post, Gina! Wishing you and your family the very best in 2014! And looking forward to your new product lines.

  17. Congratulations, Gina! What a great post- and what a fabulous year you have planned!

  18. Congrats on your move. Sounds like everything in 2014 is going forward. Happy New Years to you and your family.
    Keep those great videos coming too.

  19. HI Gina Happy New Year to you and your family. I just found this in my email and decide to read it immediately ( I don't always do that ) What an awesome and inspiring post So happy for you and want to thank you for adding a little hope and joy to my day!! Big Bear Hugs, Janet

  20. Happy New Year, Gina!! I'm ready for 2014. I lost my dad on 11/30, then my neice was at Arapahoe High School during that awful mess. I just need this fresh start!

  21. All the best to the best! Happy New Year.

  22. What a great post. You are fortunate to have such a great family. I am looking forward to seeing your interesting and informative tutorials this year!!

  23. Such positive thinking Gina. Happy New Year to you and look forward to new challenges for the year ahead. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us all.

  24. Hurray for "Reclaim!" What a wonderful focus for a new, exciting and wonderful year. Thanks so much for sharing from your heart.

  25. What a wonderful note to share. Thank you. I may just borrow it as it speaks of a lot of what I want for myself this year! Good luck and many blessings to you and your family! :)

  26. Happy New Year's Gina!! I am Happy for the new changes in life for you, how exciting. What new and exciting things are happening for all of your family too. I sure enjoy all of your tutorials, you have taught me a lot. Thanks!!

  27. "And when the past comes to call, I think I will let it go to voicemail. It has nothing new to say." Brilliant! I absolutely love this. I've been stuck in a negative rut for so many years that I think it has limited who I am and what I am capable of. I think I will adopt your motto and apply it daily. Thank you! All the best to you both personally and professionally in 2014, may it be your best year ever!

  28. Feliz 2014! Y que Dios siga benficiendo sus caminos y trayendoles felicidad y exitos. Realmente admiro tantos cambios positivos te sigo ya hace bastante tiempo desde Costa Rica,tus tutoriales y trabajos y me encantan.

  29. Glad to hear the move went well and you are loving "Miltown". I miss it all the time as I am from there. Looking forward to benefiting creatively from your regeneration. 2014 rocks!

  30. yeahhhhhhhhhh for "RECLAIM". Welcome 2014.You go girl.

  31. Thank you, Gina, for your encouraging words for the new year! I will apply them to myself daily. I am a huge fan, and wait for your creative inspirations. Happy New Year to you and your family and staff. Thank you for all you did for me in 2013.

  32. Your choice of word "reclaim" is inspiring. It gives me new perspective. It's a good word!!

  33. The best of the New Year to you and yours. Enjoy traipsing up to Schroeder - did it for many years both for swimming and diving. Great facility.

  34. Good for you and your family. Happy New year Gina. I really like your word and I just might have to put that as my word for 2014.....hope you don't mind sharing. :)

  35. You go girl! I know you have it in you.

  36. Glad all good things are coming your way Gina and really glad your girl is swimming hard to just pick up and start over--you are blessed she is such a good kid.LOVE your word for 2014--have to think on mine for a bit.Congrats on all the great happenings in your life.

  37. Wish you the very best in 2014. I am excited for you and your reclaim project.
    I am also very excited about your coming new products. Can't wait to see them.
    You take care,

  38. Happy New Year, Gina! Thanks for putting things in perspective for me. I was thinking this year was going to be about starting over, but I think you've got right idea. It's all about reclaiming!

  39. You are on your way my dear. I can take a lesson. Great aspirations, thanks for sharing.

  40. It is always good to hear that someone wants to improve their outlook on life. You are headed in the right direction and it sounds like you have touched many of your followers. We adore you and hope only for the best for you. I must admit that one of your comments several months back kind of worried me thinking you were contemplating taking a step back and chilling for a while. This would have been ok if taken for the right reason, even though you would be terribly missed, but the talent you have and the teaching skills to us are so much more than you will ever know. Soooo on a much lighter note, yeah you are doing great and we still can look forward to your videos. Bless you and cheers to a new year with you and your family.

  41. Thank you so much for sharing the wonderfully heartwarming encouragement. 2014 is going to be a very happy and big year for us all I now suspect!

  42. Happy New Year, Gina. I don't know where you are in Milwaukee, but I'm out in Waukesha & hope we bump into each other some time.

  43. Blessings for the New Year! I do hope you'll continue your great tutorials, especially since I just introduced my 14 year old, 9 year old, and 7 year old granddaughters to your web site during our family Christmas a few days ago. They loved stamping and coloring while they were with us. I look forward to seeing what is in store for you (and us, your followers) in 2014.

  44. Thanks for sharing, Gina! Here's to a wonderful year for you and your family. You are a special lady! God bless!

  45. I think we could all use a little "Reclaim". We somehow get in to a rut and don't even realize it. Best of everything to you and your family in 2014, I have a feeling it's going to be a great one.

  46. Happy New Year! Hope your dreams will come true-and you will be blessed abundantly! I love your site and everyone that works there is wonderful! Thank you for many hours of inspiration!

  47. As one who has always enjoyed your tutorials and your kindness and ability to share your talent with others, I commend you on your positivity for 2014. My only gripe, which is no fault of yours, is the difficulty those of us on the other side of the world find in being able to share in your products. The ridiculous cost of shipping penalizes many of us who love your products. Any thoughts on a franchise system being set up in New Zealand? Blessings to you and your family - you are one beautiful person Gina.

  48. Thank you for your wonderful post. You put into words what I couldn't say myself.

  49. Gina, Congrats on finding yourself...again! I have done it and it is not easy, but what a wonderful feeling when you do it! Keep up the great work. Happy new year. You are loved by so many people!

  50. I wish you well in Milwaukee and hope you will be happy there. Funny, we lived in Milwaukee all our lives until 9 years go, to the central part of the state to live in the country and woods. The peace and quiet are just perfect. If you get a chance, hit the first Mama Mia's out on Silver Spring Dr. They have the best pizza, garlic bread and antipasto salad. You'll love it. Well, can't wait to see what's going to be new with GinaK designs! Woohoo!!

  51. Happy New Year, Gina! I wish you and your family all the best in 2014!!!

  52. Blessings on your new adventure and Happy New Year!

  53. Gina, you don't let others dictate who you are. You are right in moving on, and, as you move up, you leave the weights behind you!...God give you the Peace that only He can....I've learned much from you, I'd like to say, "thank you".

  54. HAPPY 2014, GINA! Wishing you many blessings as move forward to "reclaiming" happiness, peace, friendships, trust, success, desire, creativity, fun, laughter, confidence, inclusion, respect, and health!

  55. You are doing great. Be proud of all you have already accomplished and keep on going. Best of luck to you and the rest of your family in 2014.

  56. You sound like me, and many others I imagine. Good things are coming for 2014. I hope you are blessed in your move and all the reclaiming of your life! Hugs,

  57. Happy New Year to the talented, loving, enabling, innovative, thoughtful Ms. Gina K and family. Your positive energy is amazing. Don't ever stop.

  58. Oh Gina, you don't have any idea what your words have done for me. I lost my beloved husband of 52 years in June. Last night as the clock struck midnight I couldn't stop the tears. It finally has dawned on me that he is gone for the rest of my life. I've been so down all day today until I read your post just now. I'm going to be fine, I can do it now. I just know I can. Thank you for your beautiful inspiring words. God bless you Gina.

  59. Beautiful words spoken Gina. I look forward to spending 2014 with you. Happy New Year.

  60. I'm so happy for you and your family's reclaimed happiness and I wish you the best at reclaiming all that you desire. Thank you for sharing. I wish you all a Very Happy New Year!

  61. Happy New Year Gina to you & your family!

  62. I'd love to sit down with a glass of wine and talk about 2013 - and maybe 2012; love the line about letting the past, when it comes calling, go to voice mail -- I'm going to work on that! My word is Discover -- looking forward, all new things, starting from scratch, the past can keep the old I'm thinking, love the idea of Reclaiming, but I may be past that. Maybe a bottle of wine.... :) xoxo Mary

  63. Gina, I am so happy to hear your positive attitude. I don't know what went on in your life in 2013 but I can say that God will not give us more than we can handle! In my Bible Study class we have what we call a "God Box". It is just a paper box and when something is negative in our lives or going wrong, we write a prayer request on a piece of paper and put it in the God Box and then let God handle it. You would be amazing how relief and comfort over comes you doing this small act! I hope you will try it. Just remember God is always with you. Many Blessings for 2014 Dottie

  64. Wonderfully personal post! thank you for sharing your family, your life and yourself with us, Gina! Wishing you much happiness and success in the New Year!

  65. Congrats on your move and the great progress with your girls. I wish you the very best in 2014 and going forward. Celebrate you!!!

  66. This a wonderful post about new beginnings. I, particularly like this: "And when the past comes to call, I think I will let it go to voicemail. It has nothing new to say." This phrase a keeper. Have a happy and blessings filled new year!

  67. Wonderful post, Gina! As the song says, "knowing when to leave can be the smartest thing that anyone can learn." As you reach out to reclaim the positive light and watch the negative recede into darkness, I pray that G-d will send his angels before you to clear the way!
    Happy New Year! Happy New LIfe!

  68. What a heartfelt post this is Gina. I will always stand behind what Gina K stands for in her business. I have ordered from you for 3 years and only 1 time was there a stamp problem, I called GKD and the problem was solved within minutes. Thank you.
    Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful! Godspeed.

  69. Sending you big happy bunches of blessings for your wonderful new beginning, Gina! What a beautifully written post to share as you embark on 2014 in so many new ways. You just never know how 'close to home' some of your words might be striking. ;) Best wishes to you & your family.

  70. So glad that all the changes have worked out so beautifully for you and your family! Thank you for all you do for us! Happy New Year Gina! All the best to you and yours!

  71. What a lovely post!! You look great, Gina :) All the best for the coming year, and Milwaukee sounds like a wonderful city. Take care!

  72. I'm so happy for you, Gina! I know you'll love living in the city - I can't imagine living anywhere else! Your attitude is so positive and you sound great - starting out again is exhilarating and soul caressing. Continued joy and success!

  73. Gina, it is so good to Reclaim while you can. I am glad you made the choices that will make you and your family the most content. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Judy Wheeler

    1. Your words are always so inspiring to me. I, too, am going through a big change in my life, and your words make everything make sense: reclaim. I must reclaim the parts of my life that are fading. With no fear, only great hope and conviction. Thanks for putting it all into words for me. And CONGRATULATIONS on reclaiming your life!! You deserve it!!

  74. Welcome to your new life Gina and may both of you be very happy together as you share your joy which will be born in 2014...
    Love and Huggles ~ Lady Anne xx

  75. So glad to hear that the move went well & you are HAPPY in your new home and the girls are happy in their schools. Looking forward to new products, ideas, etc. from the NEW YOU. I was born and raised in Milwaukee. Great city. However, I now live 40 miles NW of their in a smaller town. At my age I don't like all the hub bub & traffic. Still have family living in Milwaukee, and visit often. Happy New Year to you and yours. God Bless.

  76. Such lovely sentiments from such a lovely lady, thank you for Stamp TV and Gina K Designs, these are two of my happy places. Have a wonderful and prosperous new year x

  77. What an encouraging message. I, too, have gone through major life changes in 2013 and look forward to peace and serenity in 2014. Look forward to your new products.

  78. May 2014 be full of blessing for you and your family Gina!

  79. I Gina for you and family and friend on your blog have a Happy New Year with all the blessing coming around

  80. Wishing you all the best in 2014. You are the best.

  81. Happy New Year, Gina and family! I love your video's and your card-making.
    Greetings from Belgium!

  82. "Reclaim" is such a great, positive verb! May you have all the fun, laughter, and creativity you can squeeze into each day in 2014!

  83. Gina, You have made lots of changes this year. For yourself, your family and your business. Your future seems so clear and bright. My best to you and your continued growth. May 2014 be all that you can make it.

  84. You are so awesome…Truly. I loved reading this post and can't wait for what's in store for you and for GKD! <3 <3 <3

  85. Gina--good luck in 2015. I hope you do reclaim your life and it is an awesome year for you and your family!

  86. Happy New Year Gina! I wish you all the best in your new digs and place in Life. After the health issues I have been through,, the new normal for me is taking a while to get used to, but I am hopeful. Your post rang so true for me as well. Beautiful !!!!

  87. Great post! You are an inspiration. Best wishes to you and your family for the coming year.

  88. Happy New Year. Let's all get inspired.

  89. Great post. Lots of luck in the new year. Can't wait to see what is coming up!

  90. An awesome word of wisdom. Your positive attitude reminds me of a book I read recently called, "The Noticer" by Andy (something). May all good things come to you in 2014.

  91. Thanks for the inspirational jump start to the new year. I am making some changes this year too, so your words were a real joy to read.

  92. All the best in 2014 to you and your family, Gina. I too want to reclaim my life in 2014. Good luck.

  93. So happy for you and your family, Gina! I can hear the happiness in your voice! You are such an inspiration! Congratulations on all your success! Wishing you all the best in 2014! Big Hugs!!

  94. You know I wish all that very bestest and wonderfullest changes for you and also for Tom and Alicia and Rina!!!! You help inspire me...and so many others!!! Let's bring on 2014!!! Love you!!!

  95. So HAPPY to hear you sounding SSSSOOOOOO positive about the future. We should all take your message to heart. Happy New Year!

  96. Blessings to you and yours. Thank you for sharing "Reclaim" & your list. Thank you for sharing your business with all of us. Excited to see what will come next for you.

  97. Change can be VERY good....good for a stagnant life, good for the soul! Be well my friend! And as far as your business goes, we are with you vey step of the way!

  98. Gina, such inspiration!
    Wishing you happiness & a healthy New Year!
    Dee B

  99. Best of Luck and God Bless you and yours !

  100. You are one Awesome Lady… Again thanks for your Positive attitude, and out look, I was loosing that in myself, and I didn't like it.. Now I feel the light shining again… Best wishes to you and your lovely family through this new year.. :) (((BIG HUGS)))

  101. Hello Gina...wishing you the happiest of New Years! I just love your inspiration word. Mine is forgiveness. Without judgement of who's right and who's wrong. Just letting go of all the negativity and angst that I have been holding on to.

    Blessings to you and your family. Big changes...all good.
    You continue to inspire all us!

  102. are such a positive influence on all of us who watch you. I am so involved with teaching our card industry here in our little town of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. This year I will be 70 with no signs of slowing down. Crafting keeps me young and the wonderful people that I meet in person and through the internet. Thank you for all you do.

  103. Happy New Year to you Gina! You have no idea how inspirational and fitting your message is for me right now. Thank you for writing this and sharing.

  104. Gina you are such a beautiful and talented woman - I know where ever you go and whatever you do - it will be not only a blessing for you, but a blessing for all of us that love your ideas and talents. GOD gave you these beautiful talents and you have put them to such a good use - everyone gets to enjoy them! Looking forward to 2014 and all the new things your life holds for you -- you are now just across the "big pond" from Michigan - take the Lake Express and come to visit sometime -- our town needs a wonderful store with all the types of products you carry! We welcome you with open arms! GOD BLESS you and your family in all the years that follow.

  105. Gina, I cannot tell you how much your "Reclaim" part of the post touched me. You verbalized everything that was weighing on my heart with my own life... I printed out your post and have it prominently displayed. Thank you for that beautiful insight and summing it up so well!

  106. Love your post! Wishing a Happy & Healthy New Year to you & your family and the many people at Gina K. Designs!!

  107. You are such an inspiration, Gina. Can't wait to see the new products ahead. Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family.

  108. I've been in that "place" did the right thing! Congratulations on making a tough decision, have fun exploring! It will renew your spirit!

  109. Happy New Year to you and Yours Gina. Out with the Old and in with the new. Looking forward to it all


  110. Congratulations on stepping out in a new venture in a new place! May all your kindnesses to others be returned to you a hundredfold! Blessings to you and yours in 2014!

  111. Sounds like your life and your company are going in the right direction. Looking forward to what you have in store for us. Happy New Year.

  112. I'll be praying God leads you where He wants you and will mold you into who He wants you to be. In His will is peace and joy, no matter the circumstances. Thanks for sharing your life and your talent with us.

  113. You go girl! God will lead you where He wants you and where you will be the very best! Hugs

  114. Good for you and it sounds like it will be good for your customers! I like the thought of reclaiming and I feel the need to reclaim as well. Success wished for all of us!

  115. Gina you inspire me each day.So happy for you and your family.Can't wait to see what will be coming our way this year.Congrats and Happy New Year.Hugs and Loves

  116. Accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what will be. Accepting what is and letting go of the negative can be so hard. I have also had to do this. Sounds like you are moving forward in faith. All the best.

  117. Happy New Year and Congratulations! Did your store/company also moved from McFarland to Milwaukee?

  118. No desire to live in Milwaukee, Madison is big enough for me. But it doesn't mean I don't like to visit, I do! For great custard check out Gille's on 76th and Blue Mound!
