
Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Day in the Life...

That was the name of my first blog... a day in the life...

It was way back in 2006 or 2007 that I started blogging. I blogged about stamping, family and all sorts of other things... kind of like I do now. But back then, I had a 9 year old and an 11 year old that needed me... a lot. Now they are 16 and 18, and although they still need me, it's in a much different way.

A lot can happen in in a few years. In fact... Gina K. Designs happened. StampTV happened. 


Turned into this...


Turned into this...

Which turned into this...

And is now this...

And quickly becoming this...

And now we enter a new phase. 

At the end of the summer, Tom and I found a couple of new options to help us run our business a little bit more effectively. It will be a lot of behind the scenes stuff, so not much will change at first. But over the next 6-8 months, we should be providing you with better shipping options, faster service and more new exclusive products. 

But with these new wonderful options came the difficult decision to move our family from McFarland to Milwaukee.

With Alicia moving to New York, we planned to move last August. But Rina really wanted to give her high school swim team one more season. 

I am really glad she did. 

She had an amazing season and left behind 24 new team and pool record in McFarland, several other pool records across the state, new conference and sectionals records, all new best times and two silver medals from the state meet. She also helped McFarland go from 10th place in the state last year to 4th place this year. 

She also managed to get straight As in school. She really gave everything 100%- all of that while her entire life being uprooted. I couldn't be more proud of the way she has handled every card she's be dealt over the last few years. She's handled it all with class and grace. And she's stronger than ever before!

She is so excited for this next chapter of her life. 

Now the great news is, Milwaukee is certainly not far. In fact, our Madison warehouse will stay just like it is and we will go back and forth a lot. Plus, my mom and sister will still be here in McFarland, so we will have lots of opportunities to visit friends and family.

Tomorrow morning between 8 and 9 AM, the truck will arrive and we will be moving from the little village we have lived in for the last 18 years to the big city of Milwaukee.

Although it's hard to uproot and start over in a new community, a new school, and a new swim team, our family is actually pretty excited! There are lots of great things in store for all of us.

So, if it takes us an extra week to get back into our normal StampTV video groove, you will know why. I am up to my eyeballs in boxes! Plus, with Alicia coming home for Thanksgiving, well, I just might take an extra week off to enjoy my little family and our new little home in Milwaukee. :)

Thank you ever so much for letting me share another piece on my life with you. The stamping community is made of friends. Friends we love, friends we support and friends we have yet to meet. Thank you all for your friendship. It means the world to me. 

Oh, and a LOT of you asked what the procedure was that I had on Monday. No, I didn't get a face lift. Ready? I had to get a colonoscopy. Yep. And guess what? I apparently have the colon of a 20 year old. I don't have to go back for 10 years. And that's good because it will take me 10 years to forget what that awful prep drink tasted like!

Once again, I love you so! Thanks for always being here for me.
Two weeks from now, we will be stamping strong again together. XOXO

Much love always,


  1. You know I love you Gina! You and your family feel like an extension of my own family!! We know it's scary....but we also embrace big changes and have never had to live with regrets of not knowing!!! Sending you all lots of love and hugs!!! And looking forward to some fun new photos of you all in your new home for the holidays!!!! <3 <3 <3

  2. Gina, I am so thankful for your life... I love StampTV and you've done an exceptional job providing super quality videos and products. You're one of my first influences in the cardmaking world... Best wishes to you!

  3. Hope your move goes smoothly! Here's to new neighbors and adventures. CHEERS!

  4. Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes,,,! Im one that doesnt like changes...BUT, I will and can do them when its for the better! And so glad to hear everything came out all right...pun intended! :P!! BIG hugs!! to you and all of your distant cousins I claim, lol!

  5. Thrilled for your new chapter~~hope it will be as lucrative and prosperous as your last chapter~~enjoy your new home and pics please when you get all set up :)

  6. How exciting for you and your family! We love visiting Milwaukee! It's a great city! May you all have many memory making moments in your new home!

  7. change is hard, but can be great, and often necessary. How SO very exciting for you- a whole new chapter of adventures awaits!!

  8. So pleased for you and your family Gina have a 'nice' time moving :)

  9. Change is scary! Change is good! Hope it all goes smoothly for you and your family!

  10. I moved from a dairy farm near a town of 200 people in Western WI to Milwaukee several years ago, I loved Milwaukee but I liked my home town better and after 3 years I am back in western WI, but you're right ... if I hadn't taken that job and moved I would have regretted it some day. Best of luck to you in your move

  11. You are an amazing LADY who has had an amazing life and business..... I appreciate you more than you could ever know. I love your products, your desire to help us all, and your love of God and family, I am sure you have many of your girls friends who look up to you as their roll model... (as I am sure both your girls do too.......) Be safe on the move and I can't wait to see what you have in store for me next! Diane Wolfsbauer

  12. Thanks for the update. What an exciting, but somewhat scary decision you've made. I know things will go well. I love Stamp TV and the friends I've made there and love your products. Glad your colonoscopy went well, and I agree, the prep is definitely worse than the test and I'm glad it's not a once a year thing. I'm looking forward to the next release and all the great things I know will be coming from Stamp TV in the new year.

  13. Wow! Lots of changes for you. But how exciting! I will be praying that everything goes well for you in the move and the time you get to spend with your girls. They've both grown into gorgeous young ladies. Just like their mama!

  14. Your fans will follow you wherever you go because you are an inspiration to us on so many levels. Your products and videos are only a small part of it. We love hearing about your family, because sharing that makes us feel like FAMILY!

  15. God Bless you!! Another great adventure in life, how exciting!

  16. Gina, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful daughters with us! You must be simply bursting with pride in them and their accomplishments. I wish you and your family nothing but continued peace and joy as you begin this next chapter in your lives. Thank you for allowing us to know the lady behind the Stamp TV name.
    Big ole Texas hugs to you and your family,

  17. Living life to the fullest. TFS - exciting stuff! Best of everything in the new business decisions.

  18. Well, this means that you will be living closer to me and that is so cool! I am about an hour from Milwaukee!!!!

  19. Safe move!! Love Milwaukee!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

  20. We will love you wherever you choose to live. Take all of the time you need in setting up your new house and dealing with the changes in life. Spending time with those girls is more important than making a new video. I have two teen daughters as well, ages 14 and 19, so I know how important talking and being the mom is.

  21. They're beautiful girls! Best wishes to you all!

  22. What an interesting bend in your road. You and yours will be making new memories, in a new place, but you do all this with God and you know things are meant to be--God Bless You All and Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for all your really classy card ideas. I love everyone you'ver made.

  23. Well, the most important thing is you are healthy. Good luck with your move and Happy Thanksgiving.

  24. I am glad things want well for you! I hope your move goes off without a hitch hitch I am sure it will. I would love to see photos of your new place! Take good care and blessings to you and your family!!

  25. Best of luck with this big change.

  26. Gina - I am so excited for you and your family as you embark on this new chapter in your lives. You are such a special lady and wish you nothing but the best cause you deserve that and so much more. I will be including you in my list of people I am thankful for and blessed to know. Hugs, smiles and love!!!

  27. We just moved to our retirement location - from New Jersey to rural Maine - and I have some idea of what you're going through, but it will certainly all be worth it! Hang in there -eventually the boxes will all be emptied and recycled and you'll be settled in your next phase. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! Thanks so much for all the wonderful videos and great products.

  28. My husband and I moved about 20 times, and our two daughters went to four different high schools between them. (No, not the military) We all are relatively normal, and our now grown daughters are gracious and poised and comfortable in many settings. So, it can be managed. The good news, is our last two moves were 13 and 10 years apart! So things do settle down. Good luck, and enjoy the adventure!

  29. The best to you and your family, Gina........Milwaukee is a neat city, speaking from experience. I lived there for 17 years, after graduating from high school and furthered my education in the nursing profession. We uprooted our family and moved to west central WI, where I've now lived for 38 yrs. Change is good, so take advantage of the opportunities offered, and considered yourself and your family blessed. Enjoy your new "digs"!!

  30. All the best to you and your family, Gina! Have a safe and uneventful move and we look forward to having you back on Stamp TV.

  31. oh...I am really hoping that your new shipping options show some love to your Canadian neighbours ;)

    Have a great move!

  32. Prayers for you and your family. It sounds wonderful and exciting. We are all happy for you! God Bless!!!! Looking forward to many more years from Milwaukee!!

  33. Wishing you the very best on your move. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your lovely family. I know you're so very proud of each one of them.

  34. Milwaukee is a great place. You will love it and all that it has to offer. And don't forget to explore the sleepy little city just south of Milwaukee - Racine. LOL

  35. I'm so very happy for you, Gina! And happy for your family as well. Cheers to your daughters, as well! They carry this in stride by your own wonderful example. Enjoy this new, unfolding chapter! Change can be so inspiring and exciting! ((((hugs)))) and best wishes,

  36. Gina how exciting on your move.Your family is so beautiful.Yes you should take extra time off and kick back and enjoy your family.Congrats on the next chapter in your life.How exciting...Oh I so remember my colonoscopy like it was Yes now I have 7 more years to go...Happy for you and so glad I have you part of my life.XOXOXOXOXO Enjoy your Thanksgiving...Hugs and Loves...Oh can't wait to see what you have to bring to us.Thanks for everything you do:)))

  37. We love you too, Gina! So glad you are excited about the changes, and so proud of the business you have grown!! You deserve every bit of it! Happy Thanksgiving!

  38. Thank you for sharing your life stories with all of us. You are a great inspiration to everyone. Congratulations and Good Luck with everything you are doing. We will certainly miss your videos for the next few weeks but we all understand and are excited for you as well. Hope you manage to have a wonderful thanksgiving,which as long as you are with family its always good no matter what. Congratulations on your clean bill of health as well. Take care and see you again soon.

  39. Cool! I live in Milwaukee!! Hope to run into you someday!

  40. You have two beautiful daughters and I can see why you are so proud of them. I hope you take all the time you need to enjoy your new home and your family. Family should always come first. Happy Thanksgiving!

  41. Congrats and big hugs! Sounds like you and the fam are embracing the change which is awesome! I LOVE change - it's good for the soul and makes one stronger! Enjoy the holidays! :)

  42. Hope the move goes smoothly! My hubbie & I just traveled thru Milwaukee in Sept. on our way to visit family & friends in Toledo Ohio. Leaves were not quite turning yet.
    Have a lovely Thanksgiving & enjoy your family time!

  43. first let me say that I am happy your little procedure went well, I had one and the prep is the worst!!!!

    I grew up and lived in an area of New England where we knew everyone and at the age of 51 we moved from everything we knew to North Carolina. No regrets, met some wonderful people and picked up my first stamp this year thanks to you. I look back at the first cards I made and laugh - sure have come a long way.

    Best wishes on your move and I this past week I did order supplies and they arrived at the speed of light -

    Thanks for all you do for us and enjoy your move, your family and Thanksgiving.

  44. Best of luck with your move and transitions. I have thought about you a lot this week as I am making my Christmas cards from your designs and the wonderful Seasons Greetings stamp kit. Happy Thanksgiving!

  45. You can tell everyone loves you and what joy you bring into their lives. I wish you all the luck in the world with your new home and new adventure. Change is good!
    I look forward to do more stamping with you. Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday with your family. :)

  46. Best wishes for a smooth transition. Change is constant and can be a good thing. Enjoy your family for the holidays. Will be waiting for your great videos

  47. We're just getting over our big move. We moved from a large city to a much smaller town back on July 31st. Take all the time you need! No one is going anywhere. LOL

  48. You are loved much more than you know Gina. Thank you so much for providing your readers with the life changes and family updates, I really enjoy reading about your incredible family. You've got a lot of courage to be uprooting this time of year with two major holidays right around the corner, hope all goes smoothly. I've been with you since just about the beginning of StampTV and I know that without you, StampTV, and your wonderful staff, I probably wouldn't even be stamping now. Thanks for ALL your inspiration, great products and friendly Customer Service.

  49. In my lifetime, every time I've made a change, it's turned out great! I had to learn to take chances, but a good friend was my cheerleader and always encouraged me along the way. I'm so thankful that I didn't just "get stuck in a rut" and follow the predictable path! Change is good, as long as it's well-thought-out. Good luck in your new venture!!!

  50. Life is so full of changes...but changes involving moves are like an adventure, so take time to get settled and know your neighbors, and we'll be looking forward to more fabulous things you have to share with us on StampTV. So happy you had a good report on your "procedure"! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Dee

  51. All the best to you and your family Gina hope everything goes smooth. And thank you for sharring with us .
    Faye Baker

  52. My son and his family live in W. Allis just outside of Milwaukee. You are going to love it. I hope your move goes smoothly and stress free!

  53. I had a colonoscopy last year- with the same comment from the dr that I wqas good for 10 years before needing another one. But I was thinking- 'yeah- like I'm ever going to do that again!'!! the prep ws terrible!!!
    but it is good to have it done

  54. Gina, I love this site, and I have learned so much from your videos.. All the best in your move and your new 'digs'. Change and new adventures can be good for the soul... Have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family, and I'm sure we will all be waiting for your return.... Hugs Gail

  55. I lived in Wauwatosa for 2 years and loved it! Enjoy your family & new home.

  56. Hello Dear Gina and Family,
    Thank you so much for sharing your family news - it fun to know more about you. Take the extra week and do enjoy your family over Thanksgiving & as long as you can.
    A blessed Thanksgiving to All, God Bless,

  57. How exciting for you. The actual move - not so much. We'll be neighbors! Waving from Waukesha!

  58. Sounds like you've been super busy making changes! And it sounds like this is going to be good for the Krupsky Family! Wishing you a smooth move, and hoping the unpacking is easy! Sending blessings to your new home...may it be as filled with love and joy as the one you are leaving!
    And "that" procedure...glad it went well! You have to take good care of yourself, because we all love you, Girl!
    Happy and healthy Thanksgiving to you and your family! XO

  59. Gina, I am new to your site and to stamping, but admire you and your great talent. Congratulations on your daughters accomplishments and good luck in your new house.

  60. wishing you all lots of happiness in your new home, gina! and, speaking from experience, i agree with you about that prep drink - it's just awful!
    happy thanksgiving to you and yours!

  61. So you're moving to California???

    Just kidding! I am very happy for you and your family. I love Stamp TV and I love you. You are always my go to when I need inspiration. Thank goodness for you tube. Many blessings!!!!

  62. We spent ten wonderful years in Milwaukee! Who knew (esp. as Canadians) what a hidden gem of a city it is. Great theatre, music, food...I hope you are living on the East side, "closer to the Lake." I left my {heart} in WI! Best wishes for a quick settling in period.

  63. I was born and raised in Milwaukee! You will love it. Most of the suburbs surrounding the city of Milwaukee will remind you of McFarland. Take care and have a wonderful holiday season.

  64. Best of luck to you and your family, Gina. Big changes....big {{{hugs}}}.

  65. I miss Milwaukee so much....:You will love it.....The lake front is amazing...the architecture is beautiful...the domes...Ohhh the things to do and see...and the inspiration which will be available....Best wishes...things will work out....

  66. whew, I thought you was going to close up shop, especially with the way the economy the way is is. Good luck with you move, and God bless you all.

  67. Hi Gina,
    Happy for you and your family! Milwaukee is an exciting city! Our daughter graduated from MIAD. I love all of your tutorials and am looking forward to your return! Glad your test results were good news! Blessings to you and your famliy.

  68. Many best wishes on your move. I love your cards and always look forward to watching you make them. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family in your new home.

  69. How exciting! Wishing you the very best in your move to Milwaukee. Take the time you need and spend it with your family. You need to cherish the times you have with them.

  70. So happy for you all. Can't thank you enough for all you have taught me. Happy days on your move and new house! Just a side note: I have had over 20 colonoscopies because of Crohns disease. Yuck! Not my favorite thing!

  71. Praying for you and your family as you enter this new chapter! Sounds like it is a welcome change for you...I've been there with the change and moving-one I looked forward to, this last one I did not. But God is giving me grace to adjust (I've only been here 6 years! lol)
    Thank you, Gina, for sharing your life with us. I appreciate your company, your devotion to good customer service and bringing us in...I feel like family and I've never met you!

  72. Thanks for sharing you new adventures. You have a beautiful family. Have a great Thanksgiving. Look forward to your videos when you return to Stamp TV.

  73. Good luck with the move and looking forward to your return.

  74. Good luck with your move and have a great Thanksgiving.

  75. Gina, Thanks for sharing all of this news about your family and your new endeavor with your business. Change is enviable and can be scary. But rest assured, that your have build a solid foundation for your family and your business. So enjoy all of your previous hard work, all will be great for you. Best Wishes!
    The best part for me is that you will be closer to where I live. I always said I wanted to work for your company, and it was only 1 1/2 hour drive away. Now it's even less! lol

  76. Milwaukee is my hometown and I lived in South Milwaukee for 46 years before moving to Florida. Great place to live. Love your designs.

  77. Glad to know part of the business will stay behind. I live not far from McFarland, in Madison. I love your videos and look forward to more. Don't let the move stress you out. And you're right, that prep stuff is nasty!

  78. I'm excited for you! Take your time, spend it with your me we all can talk amongst ourselves for a little while--it'll be good for us to get to know each other a wee bit better! Happy Thanksgiving! And CHEERS to new beginnings, they are sooooo much FUN! xo~

  79. Good luck and best wishes on your move! You should make the saying you have in your post - about not having regret - into a stamp! It is awesome!

  80. So happy for the next chapter in your lives. Sounds exciting. Wishing you all the best and hope you have kind and patient movers. Enjoy your time with your family over the holiday. But then, hurry back, we miss you!!

  81. So excited for you and your family! Enjoy your time off, although, I know you will be very busy getting settled in a new place. We have been in our house for 37 years. I would hate to think about packing up all the things we have accumulated in that time. lol Best of luck to you always! So grateful to have found StampTV and the wonderful people I have met here. You are the reason I love stamping so much. I have learned everything I know from you and your videos. So, thank you and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  82. Good luck on your move. Take time to enjoy your family and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. God bless.

  83. Having moved a few times with teenagers, I know the difficulties and care needed to make that move. When my youngest daughter was 16 we moved from Ohio to Washington DC and it turned out to be a wonderful thing for her. She grew so much from that move and to this day has fast friends still living in the city. Moves can be a challenge, but they can also give you wonderful gifts!! Good luck..I know this will be a exciting time for all of you!

  84. Timing is everything..and if we listen to what we are being told by our guides..everything is always for your own good. I know this to be so true and I have moved several times. There will be many Blessings for you and many happy moments that will enter your life. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with Family & Friends. Blessings Gina, to You and Yours !

  85. Best wishes for a smooth move and a blessed Thanksgiving are a special lady!!!!

  86. Best of all wishes, Gina. You are one amazing lady (and wow, those girls sure have grown when I wasn't looking!!!)

  87. We will be uprooting soon too. We have only lived here 11 years, but have made some great friends. It is hard to leave them behind, but they know I am off to a better life and new start. Good luck to you and your family with move. You will have friends and followers wherever you go! Hugs and blessings.

  88. Good luck to you and your family. I'm sure you will be happy and successful.

  89. Love your videos and cards Gina! You are a true inspiration. Enjoy time with your family and your new home! You deserve it!

  90. Good Luck with your move. A big year next year as we will be uprooting as well after 48 years, but not moving too far away, just retiring close by. Hugs and blessings to you and your family. Ursula

  91. Gina,
    Blessings to you and your family. Life is a journey...filled with lots of chapter pages...Each story tells of a different phase of life. Enjoy every moment of it. Prayers & Hugs

  92. Wow, Gina~it sounds like you and your beautiful family are going through some wonderful and super exciting changes!
    Best wishes to you all, looking forward to seeing more pictures soon. :) XOXO

  93. Happy Trails and see you in two!!

  94. I would like to start out by saying you demonstrate not only the most wonderful cards but the personality to go with it. You have inspired my friend and myself more than you will ever know. She and I just made 246 cards for a Church conference and most were patterned after the cards we have watch you make. I am so glad I found you on youtube. I tell my husband, that card was similar to Gina K's card. He knows what you look like and he sees your end card and always thinks thy are "really nice". I say all that to tell you that you are my greatest inspiration. I am so glad things are doing so well for you because I think you do so much for others. Thank you so much.

  95. Best of luck on your new adventure, I am sure you and your family will do well. Love and hugs

  96. I'm still having nightmares from the taste of the colon prep i had in September--Yuck. Best wishes for the new journey you & your family are taking. Hugs

  97. I am so happy for you all.Your daughters is a great kid to handle this change and make such a sacrifice for the good of the family.My husband was transferred from Ohio and all our friends to Michigan.We did not know a soul and it was pretty scary. It has now been 11 years and our son and sweet grands are here.God closed a door for us but threw the window wide open.We still miss our friends in OH but are excited for the next few years and what it will bring.You and your family will make new memories and after a while your life will seem that is was always supposed to be that way.I wish you luck and peace Gina.Oh and thanks for the honesty about your procedure.Everyone needs to have that screening... now it is part of your reg preventive care..No husband put it off and I nagged him into it.They found polyps and removed them.If he had waited he might not be so lucky.Thanks for sharing.GOOD LUCK and will be praying for your big step through your open window

  98. Life is good. God is Good. Embracing them both makes it specially GOOD.

  99. I love reading about the blessings in your life and look forward to all the future holds for you!!

  100. Gina, sending you good thoughts and blessings as you move to a new City, settle into a new home, and enjoy having your family together for the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving ...may it be fun, festive and filled with lasting memories!

  101. Lots of exciting things happening in the life of your family. Relax and enjoy it. And then get back to your great creative self. Blessings this Thanksgiving and my best to your two lovely daughters.

  102. Gina it is sogood to hear you are making a life change, but after you are there a few months you will begin to enjoy it just like in your old surroundings. Have a safe trip to your new place and try to enjoy your girls and husband during this holiday season. Looking forward to all your new ideas as I try all of your videos and love each and every one of them. God Bless and Iwill be thinking of you and your family! Beverly LeMay

  103. Best of luck to you and your sweet family in this move. Blessings!

  104. It's not the end of the book but the start of a new sequel. No one can take away the memories. Hope all goes well with the move and can't wait to see what you have in store for all of us next! Thank you.

  105. Gina
    What ever you do is going to be exciting because your an exciting person and your family seems to be the same way.
    thank you for sharing so much personal stuff with all of us. Moving can be scary but also exciting and new. It will be a challenge to learn all the new things you need to do to start again. It'll keep you young Gina. like starting over only with more experience. you have a lovely family. I wish you and your family Good Luck and Blessings and have a Happy Thanksgiving.'s a new adventure. LOL


  106. Gina it is because of you and STV I started my paper craft journey, the very best with you move and your big life changes. I will always be a fan, much love to you all x

  107. I wish you nothing but success and happiness as you begin a new phase in your life Gina. Good luck and lots of love to you and your wonderful family. Pat x

  108. Gina and family, thank you so much for sharing your lives with us. Best of luck in your new home and may God bless you and your business exceedingly abundantly in the coming year and on into the future. Hugs, Judi

  109. Wow - your life is full Gina. I hope you have time to read all of these comments. You are loved and you have a lovely family. No matter where you live, home is where the heart is! Now what stamp set did I get that from??? :) Best Wishes. Love your work and your website. I've been using your site for quite awhile now and have enjoyed all of your videos. Thank you!

  110. Thanks for sharing...may the best of circumstances have you celebrating daily, as the gifts you offer (your talent and grace...among your many gifts) are returned to you.
    Be well Carole

  111. Raising my glass...............heres to the next chapter in your life and family. Best wishes! Cheers! (clink)

  112. Gina, so glad all is going well for all of you! I recently made a move from CA. to TX. not even knowing where we would live, but it was all about being by our Children& grand kids. So far it has turned out pretty well. You are so right about regret, as we get older we do start to look back.Glad you are taking a chance(not really cause your company is AWSOME) on not looking back with a regret that you didn;t take a chance. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

  113. Absolutely... NO REGRETS! Family FIRST. You only get the time you get... you young years are vital and by the looks of those pictures, you did GOOD... REAL GOOD! Congratulations!

  114. Good Luck in your family move tomorrow. Welcome to the Milwaukee area! Congrats on the positive results on your test on Monday..... and the prep is horrid!

  115. Congratulations on starting this new chapter! What I really want to say most is thank you. Thank you for having your procedure. My little sister just finished the last of 12 rounds of chemo. So many people put it off too long. In her case she was younger than most so she hadn't checked yet but there are so many that just don't want to be bothered. Then its too late. Thanks for doing it and talking about it.

  116. I'm excited for you! Spend it with your family that is what is most important. We appreciate the time you spend with us it makes us feel like part of your family. Enjoy every minute with your girls and make many new memories that you can keep sharing with us. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! And Embrace the new adventure you are embarking on

  117. With Change comes GROWTH and heres to new horizons for you and all your family! Godspeed!

  118. What a relief that all the news was good! From the time I read the email saying you had news until I got to your site I was holding my breath! Nothing but good, better, and best could be wished for you and your family! I lived in Waukesha for several years and loved my life there, as I have in everyplace I've lived. And your family will be loved no matter where you are. Special congratulations to Rina for her successes; to Alicia for 'conquering' the Big Apple; and to you and Tom for all your many talents, good natures and personal and business successes.

  119. WOW after that many years in one place that is a scary move. Congratulations to your girls and their achievements and to you and your husband for all that you have accomplished as well. Wish I was close enough to lend a helping hand in the move. Be safe and enjoy the thanksgiving holiday with your friends and family.

  120. So much happiness in your family. A new opportunity to spread your joy. Best wishes and prayers that God blesses you beyond your expectations! Enjoy your family! Family always comes first! We all will wait for you! :-)

  121. I wish you and your family the best. I know how valuable it is to be never family. I just moved near mine after being apart for 15 years. I can't wait for more videos but take your time. We will be here.

  122. you will love Milwaukee (Laverne and Shirley did) and your new life.
    Glad all went well with the procedure.
    Keep up the amazing work. I am addicted to your videos.
    Monica from Toronto

  123. I'm a novice stamper but love your videos! And I learn so much from you about how to do techniques or easy fixes for messes we make!:) Each time you do one of your personal blogs, I read them and get teary because you're like my "personal best friend" who comes to visit me every day and show me how to do thngs!Good luck with your move and my prayers go with you!

  124. Best wishes to you and your family in this move and may you always be blessed richly. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving too. I am glad you are at least not leaving the business as we would certainly miss our Gina who always shows us great ideas and has wonderful products.

  125. I believe in change--Matter of fact, I have a quote I have kept for 30 years easy : Change is the only constant, Hanging on is the only sin.....
    Its positive and if you view as such it will be. Congrats and enjoy your new journey.

  126. Best of luck on your new adventure. Any chance of a store opening in Milw....... Sure do miss the other one. Please keep us updated.

  127. An exciting time and new chapter in your life. Best of luck on the move and can't wait to see what new things you will have.

  128. Make new friends, but keep the old
    One is silver, the other is gold...

    Maybe it is time for some "silver" in your life and I am sure God will bless your faith and courage to move forward! I am one who hesitates to make change myself and tend to get in deep ruts. I pray you will have many wonderful new memories in your new home and keep connected with your old home as well! Congratulations and have a Happy quick, swift, nothings gets lost, broken, or stolen Move!

  129. I am totally impressed - all the huge changes and I hear no mention of the HORROR of moving and unpacking all your craft supplies. We've moved a few times and each move has been fabulous. But I admit, we won't move again simply because I can't/won't face the bazillion boxes of crafting essentials. Best of luck on your move!

  130. Good luck Gina in your new home. Change is always a hard thing, but I'm confident all will work out. Looking forward to stamping with you in the next couple of weeks again.

  131. Gina, I have moved so many times in my life that i'm used to change. It can be exciting! I'm glad your test went well. I had one done recently also and my, my, I have to do it again!! I couldn't drink the prep, and I tried so't wait to see pics of your new home! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!!

  132. Good luck with your move.
    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your pretty girls!

  133. Sounds like a lot of fun! And we need to see pics of the new place!

  134. Gina,
    When I first gave scrapbooking a shot, I was a nervous wreck. It took so much time, patience, money, patience, time, and even more money. I liked it, but I knew it wasn't for me - and then quite by accident (I googled paper crafts) I came upon your Stamp TV - and I've NEVER looked back. Thank you for helping me learn in a unique fun way. It's a daily part of my life, and I have you to thank!
    Good luck in your new endevours

  135. Gina,

    Good luck with the move. It will be another new adventure for you and your family. You're a wonderful teacher and have quite a following. We will all stay tuned for more from you.

  136. Good luck in your new home. You have so many fans that will wait until you are ready to resume. Enjoy Thanksgiving with your wonderful family.

  137. Welcome to the Milwaukee area - which part of the metro area will you be located in???? Change can be good - and there are soooo many artful "opportunities" here. The bad part is the packing/unpacking!

  138. I'm sure it was a huge decision Gina. You've been under so much stress - moving, business, little decisions/big decisions, packing, packing, PACKING, colonoscopy (drinking GoLytely which we fondly refer to as GoMuchly) and more than anyone of us knows. Yet, you keep your outlook so positive.
    Safe travels, happy moving, good health and happiness ♥

  139. Good luck with your move, you are my favorite youtube to watch. Your cards are always beautiful and you make them so easy to make. Thanks.

  140. Congratulations on all of the exciting new adventures! And to your beautiful girls!
    Happy Thanksgiving Gina!
    Sending you all Blessings and Hugs!

    P.S just had to have one of those done as well, and in regards to that awful drink...You and me Both!! ACK!! LOL

  141. Thanks for sharing your life with us, Gina. Though we have never met, I feel like you and our whole community of stampers are old friends. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with so much to be thankful for.

  142. Thank you for sharing I love your stamping videos. Hope and pray all goes well with your move. Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving with your family!

  143. Gina... Sounds like a lot is happening but all positive!!! Good luck with all the change you have going on in your life and may your Thanksgiving be one of the bests ever despite the hustle and bustle of your life!!! We love you too!

  144. Gina, I've been thinking about you a lot these past few days as you deal with most of your life surrounding you in packed boxes. I've moved many times, and I know it's not easy. Just remember you are in the thoughts & prayers of your Stamp TV family, and we love you dearly! You have a lot of support through this.

  145. So I had to come read this, since I am SO out of the loop. How exciting that you moved to Milwaukee -- Greendale from you Facebook post, I think? Great community! I looooove downtown Greendale. We visit Taste of Home quite regularly, & that whole area is just so gorgeous. I'm wondering why you picked to move to where you did?? Did you build a house, or buy existing?? I am in Waukesha so not too far from you at all :) Good luck with everything & happy holidays to you & your family !

  146. Best wishes to you and your family. I so look forward to you wonderful videos.

  147. About 4 years ago I stumbled upon StampTV - and ever since then its been a regular destination on all my devices. I love the art, forums, learning, sharing, and overall sense of community.

    As we get set to kick off the holiday season, a special thanks to you Gina K and all of your family who support this "network." Abundant thanks and blessings to you!

  148. Congratulations on the new changes-change can be good! It can also be scary but with your outlook, I bet the future will be bright!! Have a terrific Thanksgiving.

    Oh, and that magical cocktail, I agree, it tastes terrible, but the clean bill of health is worth it, right!! Congrats on that as well, we need to keep you healthy........

  149. Wishing you much happiness on your new move, and enjoy every minuet ofd your family...........

  150. Congrats on all the wonderful things going on in your life… :) God is good.. Just want to Thank you for being such a great inspirations to a lot of us. God bless and again enjoy all that you are and all that you do… :) ((( Big Hugs )))
