
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What's happening this week, and a personal note...

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to stop by to say hello and to let you know about a few things coming up this week along with a personal note. For those of you who aren't interested in NON-stamping stuff, I've saved the personal part until the end so you can pass it by. :)

We will have two new videos on StampTV this week on Thursday and Friday. We are running a little behind in the studio due to a variety of things going on and I'm sorry for the delay! I know so many of you wait patiently all week for Wednesday to arrive so I wanted to give you a heads up about the one day delay.

A Sale is Coming....
This weekend, starting on Friday, we will be bringing back the Crazy Clearance Bin. We have tons of great stuff at Crazy Low Prices coming to the bin. So, if you are planning to grab some of our new release stamp sets, you may find some other great products at super low prices to add to your order. Stop back on Friday morning when the Crazy Clearance Bin goes live along with a few other sale items. :)

Look for this button on Friday at Gina K. Designs. It won't be there until Friday morning, but this is what it looks like so you'll know where to find the crazy deals. :)

New Ink Colors...
We have eight new ink colors that just hopped on a truck and are headed to our warehouse. We are VERY excited about them so look for them along with a new StampTV kit release coming the middle of this month. More details to come about the new kit!

And now, on to something personal...

Last Thursday, Tom, Rina and I boarded a plane and headed out to New York where we had a chance to visit with Alicia.

It was Rina's first time in New York and she loved it! (My kids have east coast blood.) If you've never been to New York, add it to your bucket list right now. Everything is big in New York. Even the sandwiches are several stories high.

The reason we went to New York this time is to celebrate Rina's Sweet 16. Alicia bought her a ticket to see one of their favorite groups, Il Volo.

Il Volo are three pop-opera singers from Italy and they are fantastic. (Yes, my girls love opera. Who'd a thought?)

Here is a clip of their music...

They were appearing live at Radio City Music Hall.

So the girls spent the whole day getting ready and they looked so pretty!

While the girls were at the concert, Tom and I roamed around New York and spent a little time at  Rockafeller Center. 

One of the days, the girls went down to SoHo to visit some of the trendy shops so Tom and I spent the day visiting Ground Zero and the World Trade Center Memorial. This is the Freedom Tower. It's absolutely beautiful!

This is something I have been wanting to do forever. My grandfather was one of the electricians who worked on the Twin Towers when they were being built and my dad was born and raised in New York. Being from Philadelphia, Tom and I spent TONS of time in New York growing up, so I feel like New York is my second home.

I can't begin to tell you how moving this place is. And if you go, take the walking tour. Don't do it on your own. You will miss out on SO much!

They have these beautiful trees all over the place and they ask you to take acorns from the site and plant them when you get home. This way, pieces of this spiritual site will spread across the world through the seeds of this sacred soil.

This was written on one of the walls in the museum. It was so moving and I felt so much spiritual energy everywhere.

The next evening, we headed to Herald Square and visited some amazing stores including a 4 story Victoria's Secret.

After a little bit of shopping, we grabbed the subway and headed to Little Italy to one of our favorite restaurants, Novella.

I loved this long weekend, spending time with my girls and hanging out with Tom. Although the trip set us back a day or two at work, it's important to stop once in a while and take time to spend together.

This month, we are in the middle of some absolutely CRAZY stuff! All really good but very time consuming and our lives are going to change a lot this year. (I can't really talk too much about it right now but I will fill you in as soon as I can.)

In the meantime, I just wanted to say thank you, for all your support, friendship and love. Our family and our little company and staff appreciate you so much. Your comments, conversations and the way you share your stories with us... well... it all means the world to us. 

Isn't it amazing how, close we all become, even though we come from all parts of the world? Our social community at StampTV and our passion for paper crafting brings us together like a big family. For that, I am so very grateful. For you, I am so very grateful.



  1. I am very grateful for YOU, Gina. Thank you for sharing your life and your passion of stamping & papercrafting with us!! You and this shop have grown and it has been great watching and being a part of it!!! Your girls' are just beautiful and hubby Tom is so handsome!!!

  2. Thank you for your willingness to share your life with is a two-way street :)

  3. For years, I have anxiously awaited your new releases and fabulous videos; now, I find myself craving more of your wonderful personal news and photos. Today's were FABULOUS! Your daughters are as beautiful as their parents.

  4. Best. Weekend. EVER! Happy birthday, Rina!

  5. Happy Birthday, Rina. Best of luck to you, Gina, and your family.

  6. Birthday wishes to Rina! Your daughters are beautiful and you all make such an awesome family. Thanks for sharing this personal trip. . .really enjoyed the pics. Best, Curt

  7. Beautiful! Love you and OUR family! :D

  8. Happy birthday to Rina! It looks like everyone had a wonderful time. Thank you so much for sharing this special time with us all.

  9. Thank you for allowing us to become part of your family.
    That's how it feels Gina.
    Hope whatever you are planning gives you everything you so richly deserve.
    Gloria xx

  10. Thank you, is never enough to express my own personal feelings regarding all that you and your staff do to educate, enlighten and inspire me, along with many others I am sure. So grateful for your sharing so much of your family and their accomplishments, what a pleasure to watch them grow in their hearts desires and mature into such beautiful young women. You and Tom must be bursting with pride!! Thank you again for all that you do and looking forward to whatever is new on the horizon and of course all the new stamps, inks, etc. So glad you had such a wonderful weekend.

  11. Gina, you've made it easy for us to feel like family by inviting us to virtually visit with you and your family. May God continue to bless you, Tom, Rina, Alicia and everyone else at StampTV.

  12. Hi Gina,
    Time with the family is always FIRST. You never get that time back or get to recreate it, or even to do it all over again. Family time is the best time, this is where we make our memories and those are forever.
    Work, will always be work, regardless how much you need to be there or need to get something done, it's only work. Is this area, you can always catch up.
    Happy Sweet Sixteen Rita !
    So, something is going to change, something Big. Wow, what could it be ?
    God Bless you and your family, thank you for sharing.

  13. Gina, although you haven't seen my name a lot, I am here, using the products I have, spreading some cheer. You are an entrepreneur in this crazy world who not only digs deep to find outstanding products for us, but opens up to let us see who you are as a person...that is truly rare and I thank you for it. I look forward to doing more business with you and enjoying more videos.

  14. Gina, I'm so glad you and your family chose to spend Rina's 16th birthday in my home town. And thank you for sharing your cheerfulness, creativity, and inspiration with us each week.

  15. Thank you for sharing. It brought back lots of memories for me. My daughter graduated from Columbia University and we made many trips there to visit. We are from OH and the first time was quite an experience.

  16. What a beautiful and blessed family! I'm from the midwest, but lived in Philadelphia and New Jersey. I worked in Manhattan for years, catching the subway to New York. It is definitely something to see and experience at least once in life! Thank you for sharing your trip, God Bless!

  17. Gina,I love all that you do.Your family is so beautiful.So glad you take time off to enjoy life and the memories you are making with your family.It brings tears to my eyes...Happy tears.Family is what it is all about...I feel like this Stamptv family is the best place to be...So beyond happy I found your company and Thankful for all that you and wonderful staff do for us..
    <3 <3 <3
    Look forwarding to your videos and you sharing your lovely life with us..
    You are the BEST:)))
    Hugs and Loves

  18. I think it's wonderful that you had some very special family time in New York. The business can wait, WE can wait, family can't. Hugs to you and many thanks for sharing this touching post.

  19. I think it is so cool that you share your personal life with us along with your stamping-crafting knowledge. You are truly genuine. Happy Birthday to Rina and it looks like you guys had a great family outing. It just can't be all work and no play. We all need a chance for a little break. Thank you for including us in that time.

  20. Thanks for sharing your trip with us! It's fun to be included.

  21. Like all the others I so enjoy your videos - I have learned so much from you (though definately not as tidy as you are) and I so envy those living in America - I would love to buy more but the postage is hectic!! so I wait for someone I know to visit America and then buy. God Bless and again love your work and your sharing with us - we are so blessed by you

  22. Thank you for trusting us enough to share your personal life. Can't wait for the new colors to come out, I am so loving all of the other 16!

  23. Thanks for sharing your NYC experiences.We live in MA so get a lot of opportunities to go to NYC and I love it

  24. Thank YOU for sharing your life here with us too. But it´s one thing, that I´ve learned too, that in this crafting world, people are much much more social to each other, than anywhere else. For some reason crafters really are a certain people of their own, and what amazing people that is. Here it never matters, if you´re healthy or poor, if you´re thick or thin, if you´re a beautyqueen or you´re more like the beast, cause we´re all just equal with our crafting, and it´s a huge love, that we all share for that, and what seems to bring all the best out of all people, no matter, where they comes from, and the funny thing is, when you´re always treated sooo wonderful and nice, you really want to be the same to everybody else too, and that makes this wonderful environment everywhere in this industry, and we all just LOVE it, don´t we? I know, I sure do.
    Have a wonderful day everyone and lots of great crafty fun here too.

  25. What a wonderful family trip. I am also in love with Il Volo. I subscribe to their Youtube Channel. Look for Il Divo and soon Forte. Love these groups too. Happy Birthday Rina. Sounds like you had a great one. Hope all of your future Birthdays are as great as this one.

  26. goose bumps reading it. Lovely to read the love between the lines

  27. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful trip to New York! I am an East Coaster who finds herself living in the Midwest, and this was almost like a little trip back. You know, I've enjoyed your videos and made some small purchases from you, but somehow this view into your personal life was something that made me want to really do a bit more business with you. I'm sure that wasn't your purpose for the post, but I do like that personal connection with someone who, if I knew her personally, I feel that I could be friends with! Thanks for everything.

  28. Gina- this story moved me. I had no idea about the acorns and I am amazed that they are honouring the spiritual aspect of this monument. My heart feels so full after reading your story. Your girls are so beautiful- and you can see it is inside and out. No doubt they take after their amazing parents xoxo

  29. Loved seeing NYC through your pictures! My son lives in Manhattan so they were familiar sights. If you like Greek food be sure to try GRK Fresh on Fulton Street.
    Great seeing your family. Happy 16th Rina. I had a sleep over with 4 of my friends!!!

  30. I have never heard the group Il Volo before and I am an instant fan. Thanks for introducing them to us.

  31. Thank you for sharing your time and your talent. I am so very grateful. Your family is beautiful

  32. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Gina. I've spent 15 years of my adult life living in upstate New York in the Finger Lakes Region and I still consider it home, even though I'm back in California now in the San Francisco Bay Area where i was raised. My last trip to NY was December 2012 for Christmas! NYC was 3 hours from me on that awful day, September 11. The wind happened to be blowing the "right" way and we smelled the jet fumes and got fallout and was furiously hosing off my lawn. Not an easy feat with 2 acres and a well. Like you, I consider myself a New Yorker through and through. However, I never made it to that 4-story Victoria's Secret. That is definitely going on the Bucket List. Thank you for sharing your trip with us. I feel like I've watched your daughters grow up on Stamp TV and what lovely young ladies they've turned into. Hugs and blessings to you.

  33. Gina, what an amazing experience for your 16 year old. New York is one of my favorite places to visit. Though my sisters live in Brooklyn, I feel the need to go to Manhattan every time I go there. Thank you for sharing!

  34. Thanks for sharing your wonderful family and your trip with all of us. I look forward to your posts, both from stamp TV and personal. Wow! That vocal group II Volo is wonderful I got shivers, I think I'm in love. Looking forward to the sale this Friday.

  35. Thank you for sharing. I especially appreicate your reminding us how important family is and the importance of time together.

  36. What a breath of fresh air! Personal memories shared with us really do include us in the beauty of community! I appreciate all you do to include us in the papercraft wonder also! You are a gem of a person, Gina! Thanks to your whole family for being ours also!

  37. Thank you for the updates and for sharing your family trip to NYC (my birthplace) made it an uplifting experience...your family is lovely and is wonderful to see! Looking forward to your news!

  38. <3. love you gina. and that you share your family is amazing. always will want you to make time to be with your family <3

  39. You have a beautiful family. Whatever is about to change cannot be that bad when you have people you love and who loves you.

  40. Gina, thanks for sharing your family's story. I especially was moved by the pictures and commentary of the Freedom Tower. I worked for American Airlines as a flight attendant and was in Hartford on that fateful day waiting to come home (to California). I have not wanted to go see where the towers were as it just brought up too many harsh feelings but now, with your sweet sharing, I want to go and get my own acorn. thank you so much for sharing your life with us:)

  41. Hey, girl! Don't worry about being a day or two late. We always know when you do get your inspiring videos up, it will be well worth the wait. And, you deserve some family time as well. Thanks for sharing a bit of yourself with us and that awesome music video. I love their music, too. I will check out your sale coming soon too. I know I will find some goodies and I am going to start saving for the new ink pads too. I really love those inks and all of your products.

  42. You are making me miss New York! I'm super glad you spend time with your family - always family first! Thanks for setting such a good example for us all! It's your sweet spirit that attracts us all to Stamp TV so I personally expect nothing but good things like the fact that your family and the spirit of the world trade center are important to you!

  43. It was a very happy accident, when I found Gina K, and the awesome stamps. What I never expected was to find such a warm community of lovely women, and men, who embrace newbies with the kindness I felt! Sharing personal bits of life, as well as their talents, makes me feel like I am among friends. I really do not go to many sites anymore. Even when there aren't any new videos I can always watch an oldie, and learn something! Or visit the gallery for some amazing inspiration. And as I have said before, the quality of the stamps, paper, inks and embellies are all outstanding! I am expanding my collection of inks, so i am quite excited to see what's coming! And, as a NYer, I am so happy you came home for a visit! Your family is beautiful, and so are you! Thanks for creating Gina K stamps!

  44. Thank you for sharing family events. I can see why your girls like IL VOLO. Really great!

  45. Also, you have THE BEST videos on the internet! Professional, good pace, great display of technique, etc.

  46. What wonderful pictures ...I too love NYC and have a trip planned for the first week of Dec. with my older daughter and her husband. They have never seen the Christmas windows, and I just love them!!! They are always inspiring to a paper- crafter! We are also taking in as many Broadway shows as we can (some days 2). In Dec 2010 I was diagnosed with cancer and had to spend most of Jan & Feb 2011 living in NYC to be at the cancer center at Sloan Kettering. My husband and I used that time together to eat in cool places and see my energy would allow. Thank goodness we knew the city before that necessary trip, because we could make good decisions about where to live etc. With my health returning, this trip is just for fun!! I look forward to the new videos and the upcoming stamp set!! Thank you for sharing both your talent and you life with us.

  47. Gina, thanks for sharing your trip to NYC. We visited our son and family in Brooklyn over Thanksgiving weekend a year after 9/11 and still saw scars of the destruction of the twin towers as we walked around Ground Zero with many people also observing in solemn silence. Our photos are very different than yours, so I was happy to see the changes that have taken place. Thanks for sharing them! So glad you had a wonderful time together with your girls. We just returned from visiting another son and family in the Boulder/Denver area, and also celebrated our granddaughter's 16th birthday. We treasure family time as you do. Blessings!

  48. Creativly you inspire me and your products are beautiful. I appreciate your style and thank you for sharing personal parts of your life. You are so blessed.

  49. Gina, thanks so much for sharing your personal trip to NYC. The girls are beautiful and I really enjoyed reading your story and looking at the pictures. I love your stamps and have quite a few, and can't wait to be able to start buying again from you. I love your product and your service. My daughter wants to take me to NY, so maybe some day I'll get there.

  50. Eventhough it's been a long time ago that i've been crafting and visiting StampTv because of an injury, my complicated pregnancy and birth, and busy times with my babygirl, i have always watched your videos and blogposts. Thank you so much for sharing and i'm so happy that i have found StampTv. Because of you, your team and stamping friends i will always love stamping! I'm even one of the few in my country (Netherlands) who have (won) your stamps. And i love all of them!♥

    You're really blessed with your beautiful daughters and husband. I hope that one day i can visit NY and all those wonderful and touching places.

    Lots of ♥,

  51. Gina, such a beautiful story and beautiful daughters. The pics are breathtaking. I have three daughters and my oldest did go to New York several years ago for New Years eve celebrations. Needless to say coming from Kentucky I was petrified for her safety. She had a great time and loved every minute of it.

  52. No worries, family first. Glad you have the memorys. See you thursday.

  53. Gina, I totally agree with your girfs , having listened to the video of Il Volo. They are awesome.! Thank you for sharing your adventure with us.

  54. Maryann Laursen, you said it all so beautifully that I cannot add much. Gina is so appreciated in many more ways than just crafting. Sharing her life, with all of us, means so much, especially to those that have lost their families. You are a beautiful Family....MORE WAYS than one! God Bless!

  55. Thank you for sharing that beautiful family time with your StampTV family. I really appreciate all you do for the stamping world. Your stamps and designers are the BEST! I'm looking forward to seeing what's coming up in the future.

  56. So glad you got to sneak away and celebrate with your beautiful girls. Sometimes you do have to put the stamps down....sometimes! :) xo~

  57. It looks like you had a fantastic time, glad you were able to get away for awhile and celebrate some family time!

  58. You have a beautiful family and sounds like you had an amazing time. I love being part of your stamp tv family, they are the best. Excited to see whats ahead!!

  59. What a beautiful family vacation. Take time to smell the roses as much as you can. Life is just way too short, trust me. I lost my darling husband of 52 years in June and now all I have left is memories of all the wonderful vacations and family times we had together. Soak it up. Thank you for sharing.

  60. So very Happy for you. It is a great Blessing to see a family being so close to each other, this sets a great example for the world to see. By the way, your daughters should be models. :)

  61. Thank you Gina - for your hard work and sharing your family with us. You make me feel like I actually matter somehow. And thank you for that. ♥

  62. Sounds like you all had a wonderful weekend. Spending time with family is what life is all about! Thanks for sharing!

  63. Thanks for the personal story of your trip to New York....loved hearing all the details of the city I love to visit.....and the video of the 3 singers was wonderful...they're so young...and handsome! I know why your girls like them so much....loved being in Italy with them on the video too.
    You have a wonderful family and thanks again for sharing your special moments with them.

  64. Gina, thank you so much for sharing you personal life with us. The towers are very emotional for me yet. I actually cried when you got to that part. My son and DIL had friends that were there so it's very personal to us too. After all these years I still gete so emotional whenever something comes up about that day.

    Now as far as you sharing time with your family, don't EVER feel guilty for doing so. The time goes so fast and then they are on with their lives and you will have the memories. I know you have a great business and I look forward to seeing additions every time they come...but I am also very happy to hear about what you are doing and the girls (Tom too). So please don't stop letting us catch up. It's wonderful to read your updates.

  65. My daughters lives in NYC too and nothing makes me happier than spending time with her, so I know how wonderful it was for you to do the same. Coincidentally, I grew up in Philly and since my husband retired recently, we'll be moving back to the area soon. I can't wait.

  66. Gina, your girls are gorgeous just like their mom!! And I was happy to see a picture of Tom. You have a great looking family and I very much enjoyed reading your post. Now I want to go to NYC!!!!


  67. Smart people know that family comes first! You are obviously a very smart lady!!!!

  68. It is so nice to hear happy stories. You have a beautiful family. It reminds us that we do need to stop once in a while and enjoy our families and life.

  69. Thank you so much for "taking us along" for the trip! Your girls are simply lovely! And I agree with them that Il Divo is marvelous. I have been to N. Y. but not since the towers went down. It is on my bucket list to see the memorial and the new tower. Bless you Gina!

  70. Lovely to see your personal pics - what great kids you have (no surprise, with such great parents)!

  71. Gina, thanks for sharing what looks like an awesome trip to NYC. You have a beautiful family! I haven't been participating in challenges on Stamp TV as much over the past couple of weeks due to family commitments, but I still find time to poke around the message boards and catch all of your videos which I look forward to every week. My Christmas list is already growing and I'm sure it will get much larger with the new kit release this month!! Can't wait to see what's ahead!

  72. THANK YOU so much for sharing a little of your personal life with us. So nice to see a family with such true values and so much love for each other and others.

  73. Thank you for sharing! This is one trip that will live with you forever. I was blessed to spend a few days in NY with one daughter when she lived in CT with her family. She showed me the World Trade Center before 9/11, and now maybe Lord willing, I'll be able to come back to see the new Memorial.
    Was able to see II Volo and blown away by their voices. Again thank you for sharing.

  74. Loved seeing NY through your eyes!

  75. I love those boys, Gina. I heard them when they were first discovered and was blown away. Still am.

    Would love to visit NY one day, but it's a bit far from Australia. Maybe one day....

  76. Wow! What a GREAT trip. I go several times a year to visit my daughter and her family. The Memorial is breathtaking. Great that you shared that with everyone.

  77. And we are grateful for you and all that you share with us :)

  78. You are very blessed Ms. Gina! :)

  79. Love you and the company. Now love family pics and, now I will have to find a cd of ll volo. Thank You so much for all the time and devotion that you put in so we can see all the beautiful cards that are showcased on the site. Kudo's to all the designers and background people that also help.

  80. Wow Gina, your daughters look like they could be models! Beautiful girls! Glad you enjoyed your time in NY.

  81. Thank you for sharing your family's trip to NYC....there's no place like it. I think by sharing your personal side it makes me understand why you can inspire so many of us with your videos and great products. I found your site about a year ago and love it. I look forward to hearing the "news" you mentioned and hope to be able to enjoy you and your products for a long time to come.

  82. Gina, thank you so much for sharing your personal news with us, the photos are wonderful.. What a fabulous trip to NYC for you and your beautiful family!
    Happy Birthday to Rina :)
    PS: good news about the videos and Big sale too ;-)

  83. Spend as much time as you can with family because when you least expect it, someone is gone. My only daughter was murdered in 2000. She had just turned 25 years old and was beautiful inside and out. God Bless you and yours


  84. Thanks so much for sharing your family time with your stamping family - we all appreciate your inspiration and encouragement as we complete our projects and explore our talents. Your girls are gorgeous! We do all need to take those moments when we can!

  85. Oh Gina what a wonderful wonderful post! It's so nice to have little peeks into your lovely family and hey if you can't sneak off now and again what is the point of owning your own business! Do you believe in Karma Gina?.....there is a reason you have such love joy and happiness in your life, it is simply the reflection of what you give to others staring back at you. Please continue to be well and happy....and of course making your awesome videos:D

  86. Happy Birthday to your young lady. Thank you for sharing this lovely weekend with us. You're absolutely right - it's very important to stop and take time for family. Thank you too for all the wonderful projects you have shared and your very clear and easy to follow instructional videos. Looking forward to more in the future.

  87. I have just sat and read your post and again enjoyed your soft gentleness which is one thing I love about you. Whatever you do you do with a kindness. I thank you for your teaching, your patience and understanding, my sister who is in her 80's and doesn't understand about computers very well sits and waits for me to send her your new videos and she has learnt so very much from you, so bless you for giving.
    With love and thanks
    Lady Anne xx
    Lady Anne's

  88. Thank you Gina for the wonderful update and the great pictures of New York and your is a truly magical city. II Volo is wonderful...even someone who might not like opera would enjoy listening to their talent....and I'm so happy for Rina to be able to spend her sweet 16th in New York with the whole family. I think change is always good (although sometimes difficult) and I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. thank you, your family, and your staff for all that you do for "us" stampers.

  89. What a great time you must have had. It's beautiful. Your girls are beautiful, too. Bless all of you and thanks for sharing.

  90. Thanks for all you do...I really enjoyed the music!

  91. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us! It was wonderful to read. You can tell by your smiles how much you love each other, and that is a beautiful thing!
    May God Bless you all and keep you safe! Can't wait to hear what your news will be, I will keep you and your family in my prayers!
    Sending you Blessings and Hugs!

  92. Thank YOU Gina for sharing your talent and family times with us. Family is EVERYTHING and ALWAYS should come first so being one day behind on a post is no biggie to this fan of yours. All the best to you and yours! I watch and re-watch your videos, not only to learn but because your voice is so very calming to me after a busy day. Thank you!!

  93. Thank you Gina for teaching me so much, I enjoy my craft (even though I'm not very good) but I am indeed improving. My husband & I are visiting New York Next year looking forward to it.. Once again thank you

  94. Reading your blog brought sweet tears to my and your family are special and REAL!

  95. Reading your blog brought sweet tears to my and your family are special and REAL!
