
Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Just a warning- this blog post has nothing to do with paper crafting.

I remember back in January, lots of us were picking our "word" for the year. It was a word that we would focus on... a word that was important to our well-being.

Well, to be honest, I didn't even remember what word I picked. I searched my blog and all through my facebook page until I found it. It was "TRANSFORM." Ah yes. Transform.

Well, my life has transformed into something completely different in the last year. I've lost weight. I got my blood pressure and blood sugar down into normal range. I have done quite a bit of house cleaning in my head and I have "thrown away" a LOT of the things that were not good for me. I'm truly happy and I feel a sense of peace.

Now don't get me wrong, there is always something to stress about. But I've made the commitment to get rid of the things that weren't serving me well, the things that were intentionally hurting me and I've replaced them positives.

I also went from having a senior in a small high school for the arts in the Northwoods of Michigan to a college student living in the heart of New York City.

Yes, I was so nervous for her. But she belongs there, no matter how much I'd rather have her right here at our local University. But I'm not stupid and I know that she wants to be a filmmaker and director. That's not going to happen from Madison, WI. She belongs in the biggest city in the country, where at any and every minute you are making important connections and learning from the people who are actually doing this stuff.

Typical day on the streets of New York. Filming an HBO show

I'm originally from Philadelphia so New York is my second home. (My Dad was born and raised in Brooklyn.) 
Alicia and me in Little Italy
I really wanted to hate New York when I took her out there. But I couldn't. I just can't. I love New York with all my heart and soul and I don't blame anyone for wanting to live in the middle of all of that action, energy and excitement. And you know what else? It's safe. How can it not be? There are always a million people around you everywhere- you are NEVER alone! And New Yorkers are truly some of the greatest people in the world.

Grand Central Station
As of yesterday Alicia is doing great, loving her classes and she's really happy that she is living her dream.

Alicia in SoHo- She fits right in.
My girl. :)

More Transformation to Come

My life is just beginning to transform. Over the next couple of months, more major personal  transformation is in store for me and my family. If every once in a while we miss a day or two of videos, I hope you will understand that some of these personal changes require some of my extra time, but I'm not going anywhere. I just might need a day off here and there. :)

I've learned a lot this year. I've learned that letting go is hard but not letting go can be fatal. 

I've learned that you don't have to be super woman. People will love you even if you drop the ball once in a while. 

I've learned that some people ask how you are, not because they care but just because they're curious. Get the broom and sweep them away.

And I've learned that paper crafters are the most supportive, awesome people in the world. I am honored share this passion with you. Thanks for getting me through this year of change and transformation. Your sweet comments on my blog and on facebook and instagram have helped me more than you'll ever know.

Autumn Splendor Stamp Set
So sorry about no videos this week. But I was completely out of underwear. I just had to get caught up. I promise that next week will be full of stamping inspiration! XOXO

Make it a great day and much love,

Alicia and me, last night in New York together

I've closed comments on this article. Thanks so much for your love and support! XOXO


  1. "completely out of underwear" kind of sums up my week too. Better get to it or I'll be borrowing my husbands. Keep up the good work, I look foreword to you next installment.

    1. Ha-ha! Melissa! That's one thing I can't do without...

  2. Awww...I just love you Gina! Thanks for sharing that! xoxoxox

  3. From one Mom to're all grown up! :) Your daughter looks like she was born for that City.....they won't know what hit them! Best Wishes.....take a day or two or three....whenever....we know where we can find you! Enjoy this moment of your life, it truly is a wonderful moment! Been there, done that! (((hugs!))

  4. What a joy to read this blog. Thank you for sharing so much and good luck with your transformations and changes.

  5. Lol, you got me with the underwear! But, I have to say, without realizing it, I have been transforming as well. I am a cancer survivor, and my treatment caused such havoc on my body. Diagnosed in 2005, it was never ending treatments and surgeries until 2008. In 2010, I fell apart. I had no strength left. I was spent. Even with the best support and love, I felt alone, mutilated, tired. I turned to my crafts as a way of therapy. And along the way, I found StampTV, and you, and a community of amazingly talented and big hearted people. I started to expand my ability, and my wanting to learn. And as that happened, I was letting go of all of the pain, the fear, the hurt of having cancer. I was living again. And loving my crafty life! So when I was diagnosed with diabetes earlier this year, I was upset, but determined. I started a new medication, got a stationary bike, and lost, so far, 22 pounds! My sugar is down from 339 to 120-150. It's getting to the point of normal. And, it happened because I was inspired. By some stamps. And a very lovely lady, who makes videos. And shares them. Thank you, Gina. You helped pull me up. And to your wonderful team, thanks as well. So, go get that laundry done. Have lunch with Tom! Because this lady can wait for a video, or a post, or anything else. Because it is worth it. Your daughters are so very blessed, and will be great successful women! They have the greatest inspiration!

    1. Aw Cindy, you made me cry. I'm so happy you are a tough cookie and a survivor! Keep up the great work!

  6. Totally get what you're saying GinaK. Please don't ever apologize. Real life is what it is. Sometimes it takes precedence over everything. It's all good.

  7. Great post, Gina. The picture of Alicia in Soho is so beautiful... needs a frame! I really loved this post and hearing about your transformations. Watching your videos has helped me back into my craft room and I appreciate that more than you could imagine!

    1. Thank you! I think I will get a frame for that one. XOXO

  8. What an inspiration you are Gina. I so need to do some transforming; been hangin' on WAY too long to some thoughts and actions. Thank you for showing that it can be done if you try! God Bless You!!!

  9. I have been in transforming mode these last six months. I have had to "sweep away" people who had become more of a negative than a positive in my life (and after 18 years of friendship that was hard to do!) And I have had days with no clean underwear!! But I am at a good place, all caught up (at least with the washing) and moving forward!

  10. Wow! How I truly enjoyed this blog today! It is a joy to hear from someone who has "been there" and done already what I am attempting to do! I have realized truly that a precious few really care about you and the many more are honestly "just curious." I am thankful for the "precious few" and enjoying the freedom that indeed comes from chucking the "many more!" Sometimes you don't realize how very freeing it is to walk away from something or someone until you do it. You don't realize until that moment how "bound" they had you. Thank you Gina for sharing a part of what makes you YOU and allowing us to learn from it. Your manner of doing the things you do has been an inspiration to me and I for one do appreciate you. I am not a Mom so I cannot empathize with you when it comes to sending your "bitty bird" from the nest and having the strength to let her go, but I can tell you that I will breathe a word of prayer for her along her way. God bless as you pursue your new path to freedom and enjoy the little things,because at the end of the day, those are the big things :)

  11. Bless your heart, Gina! I'm in that transition stage, too. My children are stepping out on their own, I'm reevaluating many things in my life, and I'm adjusting to the fact that my roles are changing... some shrinking and some expanding. It takes a little floundering and a LOT of praying, and even some tears mixed with the laughter along the way. Thank you for being who you are. You are loved and appreciated more than you know!!


    1. Thank you Tricia! It's not easy but so worth it! XOXO

  12. All terrific excuses, Gina! Time with family is priceless and you cannot get it back. It's more important than your videos, despite us crafters missing them.

    I'm a proud subscriber and so happy that you've found peace in your heart for many reasons. It's time for you to celebrate these moments! Congratulations to you and your Alicia! I hope she has a very successful college/working career!

  13. Maybe we need to declare this week as "catching up" week. I've done the same thing, cancelled a couple social activities and am even taking time off from crafting to just get caught up on things at home and to rest my brain. Do whatever you need to do Gina, you have an awesome company!

    1. I think you're right! Back to school, end of summers! It's just crazy. Thank you!! XOXO

  14. Thank you for your blog today! I feel how your heart can ache and at the same time burst with pride seeing your daughter grow in the path she has chosen. I'm at the age of transition, not the same as yours but yet changes are coming. I am blessed by how my grandchildren are chasing their dreams, the oldest is getting married in Oct to a wonderful young lady placed in his life, the next has a love for newborns and is looking for a job in a NICU.
    As Tricia said "it takes a little floundering and an Lot of praying" We love you and think of you and yours as an extended family

    1. So glad we can flounder together!! XOXO Thanks Kathy!

  15. Congrats On your transformation. Your are an amazing mom, and a great inspiration. You take all the time you need for you and your family. I know you will be back with even greater inspiration for all of us!!

  16. Ah KNOW we all have days where we are just completely "out of underwear"...;) and you are never alone!!! You will make it thru this transformation with the grace and class and love you exude!! You and your family have more great things in store!! Enjoy each part of the journey for what it brings and what it teaches you! Hugs and Love to you all!!!

  17. Thanks for sharing Gina, Thanks for reminding us to focus on the positive and what is really important to each of us individually!

  18. I'm cheering for you, Gina! Keep on transforming & blossoming. I'm working on this myself too. Trying to clear out the toxicity & make room for all the love, creativity, and support. Big hugs to you!

  19. Gina, all of the people I have had the joy of meeting, in person, on the phone, and through our blogs has made it an amazing journey through the medical crisis, this past year has taken me. All of you have lifted me up, and have brought me back into the fold as I get back on the recovery road. I am glad that I consider you my extended "family" .

    1. Karen, I agree! My internet friends are among the best! XOXO

  20. Somehow no matter what the situation you may be in there always to be a kindred spirit who has been going through the same issues or has already dealt with them. This has been a sorrowful year for me as I lost my mother 2 months ago but I remember the love that we had for each other and look for the positives. Thank goodness for you Gina, your wonderful company and community of stampers that I know I can go to and find enjoyment.

  21. You are looking great! Congrats on the weight loss and getting BP etc under control!
    Good luck to your daughter in New York - how exciting for her!
    LOVE your company and all your stampers - you are the best!

  22. Awesome. We all need to rejuvenate, to re-establish ties with family, peace, and love. And I love that we can choose to add to our family-friends that surely qualify.Work will always be there, toxic people will always be there, but we have the choice to give them time. Illness, loss, and the things that we cannot choose all all bearable when we have peace, love, and family.
    Thanks for being family for so many of us, Gina.

    Ps. You don't have to reply to us all. Just soak in the love. :)

  23. Gina, thank you for all your wonderful inspiration & sharing! As a mom who watched her youngest daughter move out east (Washington DC, not NYC)several years ago, I know how hard it can be. I have admired you for years & enjoyed meeting you and your family on the cruise several years ago. Keep up the good work!

    1. It's so hard to let go, isn't it Debra? Much love! XOXO

  24. I find it so amazing how you, Gina, have touched so many lives and they you! Isn't life grand!! Keep up whatever you are doing because you always look great.....God Bless and looking forward to many more years of crafting:) Ciao

    1. Aw, thank you Debbie! I think you guys have done WAY more for me! XOXO

  25. I love that you know what is best for you and aren't afraid to do it and share it with others. Congrats on keeping true to you this past year! Paper crafting is what we do - it doesn't have to be who we are. Taking that break is necessary and I have no doubt when you are back next week you will knock us over with your gorgeous creations.

  26. Gina you are one in a million...A beautiful,caring,loving,mother,wife,to your family.
    I see it in your posts,pics..How sweet is that and it shows inside and out...
    You have a Rock to me and cherish you <3
    Love your business and you are such a classy lady...
    You are living your dream...
    Your daughter is living her dream..
    I love STV and the whole family that comes with it..
    Thanks you my friend...
    I have become a stronger person,because of your site...
    I have so many *AMAZING* friends..
    <3 <3 <3 you all..
    Thanks for sharing~~~
    Hugs and Loves:)))

    1. Aw Tammie! Your sweet comments and communications here and on facebook always make my day! XOXO

  27. *You are a Rock to me...I put have..forgive me I should've read it first...

  28. I have had some of the same worries as you when my daughter did a study abroad program in Shanghai last year, or first went off to college 2 yrs ago, or just last month went 5,000+ miles away to a Disney internship in Florida.But, I too, know that these experiences are necessary for her chosen field. I wish you and your daughter the best!

    1. Glenda, we always hope we did enough to prepare them! It's hard to be a mom. But I think we did well because both girls are thriving! XOXO

  29. you won many hearts today.. thanks Gina for inspiring all of us..

    1. Aw, thank you! It's so wonderful how we've all become friends and support each other! XOXO

  30. So much "food for thought" here....thoughts that are present in a person's everyday life!! Be truthful with yourself, and live your dream....whatever it may be. We are all survivors.

  31. I love your videos and your blog. You have helped me so much with my card making. I am learning to live again by myself ( Lost my hubby of 60 years 1 1/2 years ago ) and it is still hard. Having and enjoying new great grand babies.
    Thank you Gina .
    Angel Hugs...Bobbie

    1. Aw, thank you Bobbie! Give those grandbabies a squeeze for me! XOXO

  32. Love your blog your stamps and you!! Love how real you are and that to me says it all!! Thanks for sharing with us!! YOU ROCK!! :)

  33. Thankyou so much for sharing Gina, love you blog, love your inspiration. Hugz

  34. your girl is as beautiful as her mother. You are doing a great job for us viewers, thank you

  35. Whatever change(s) make you happy is/are what all your fans want for you. You are our inspiration in life and in card-making.

  36. What a beautiful tribute to a year of transformation. Letting go of your kids is hard. When my two sons, 27 & 29, came to visit, we had a blast. When it came time to let them go, I cried like a baby. The difference is, they did, too. We've grown closer over the years we've been apart. Hang in there, and remember there's still room to grow even though you're apart. That's important!

  37. I placed one of your quotes on my refrigerator at the beginning of this year. Remember this: "How others treat me is their path. How I respond is mine." Gina K

    Sometimes when I'm upset about something someone has said or done I read that quote and say ok that's their path. I think I'll take another. It has kept me going. THANKS!! You are an inspiration to me! Personally and with crafting. : )

    And...Congratulations on all your accomplishments! BIG HUGS!!

    1. Aw Becky Jo! Thank you so much. One of my favorite quotes for sure! XOXO

    2. I love that quote to Becky! I've been telling my daughter that for a long while now, took me a while to start practicing it myself though!

  38. All the best to you, your daughter and family as this time of transforming continues!!

  39. Gina I love this post... You are a great inspiration to a lot of people, not just your cards, but you as a person... I'm so thankful God let me come across you on u-tube. That was around July of last year.. I always know that god brings people into our life's for a reason, a season, and sometimes a lifetime. I had only made scrapbooks, not really any cards or much stamping. Thanks for opening that world to me... Congratulations on your transformation, in every aspect of your life....
    ((( BIG HUGS )))) Karen Hightower

    1. Thank you so much Karen! I'm so glad you found us too!

  40. my life came to a sudden and ugly halt the beginning of August... took me 5 weeks to come up to the surface again. My friends are the ones who called, wrote & shared their experience... and half of them were my online art friends... do what you need to for you and know that we are here when you are ready to be here... blessings to you!

    1. Friends, whether in your neighborhood on online are such a blessing, aren't they? XOXO

  41. Really enjoyed your post today, Gina. Happy for you and your family that things are going well. Love the pictures of Alicia in New York. I have been blessed the day that I ran onto your site. I have learned so much from stamptv and all your illustrators. You give so much of yourself to all of us too and you certainly deserve to take a break now and then. Best wishes to you and your family! Hugs!!

  42. I am grateful to find your videos through YouTube, admire elegant and impeccable work. I like your stamps and inks, my intention is to learn a technique as well as his own to complete my craft skills. I would like to see in a video presentation on how to make a Stamp TV-Gina K, his workshop, his innovations, everything about this art.

    I speak Spanish and English so... so, excuse me for my English writing.

    Thanks and successes with their new changes.

  43. I'm so glad you are taking time for yourself...and your underwear! We have all been there. Take breaks, grow, make's all good!

    1. Haha Molly! I think Tom appreciates the laundry getting done too! XOXO

  44. Gina, I'm so pleased you've chosen to share a bit more of yourself to give us the GINA in that K Designs. :-) Having been a small business owner, I know how challenging it can be and how draining too. You don't need anyone's permission to have a life too, but am so glad you gave yourself permission to do that and share it with us. I love your work and have learned so much from you already. Thank you for sharing what you do so wonderfully well! (((hugs)))

    1. Thank you Von! I feel like you are all my friends. That makes it easier to share stuff! XOXO

  45. What a wonderful post! And one I needed to hear, I too have had to let go of a lot of negativity over some really bad stuff I went through this past year, I lost people I thought were my friends but who turned out to just be users. Had a lot of hate and resentment still inside of me and was struggling with wanting revenge to be honest, but I finally realized the only person I was harming with these thoughts was myself. I let it and the bad memories go and gave myself permission to be happy in my self and in my family and in my REAL friends. So big hugs to you Gina, you are awesome and we all understand needing a break now and again, especially if you are out of undies! :)

    1. It's so hard when you realize that someone isn't who you thought they were. But letting go opens that spot for someone who really wants to be there. XOXO

  46. Loved this post, Gina! It's hard when they go away, but as you obviously know, it's the right thing. Your underwear comment is a phenomenal metaphor-even if it was true!

    1. Ha! Well, Carla, I didn't think of it that way but I guess it sure was! It is hard to let go, but so much harder to NOT let go and have them resent you, right? XOXO

  47. What a heartfelt and inspirational post! Thanks for sharing. As someone whose second home (but first love) is NY, I thank you for the trip through the city. Today, 9-11, is a perfect day to share transformations...a new life...a better life. Alicia is going to be just fine!! Haven't you met her mother????

    1. Awww, that is so sweet! Thank you so much!! XOXO

  48. What a wonderful send off for your darling daughter. Letting them grow up is the hardest thing but having them leave home and being close is even harder. Blessings to you Gina you are a true inspiration to us all.

  49. While we 'let go' we are also keeping them close because forever they are our children. As they grow we also grow with them. To see them develop into their own is the most amazing reward and then as time passes and we are fortunate enough to see them grow with someone they love and they then have a family we are blessed with grandchildren which is another cycle in our lives. During all these changes in our lives and theirs the one certainty is our love for them. Separation and letting go is the hardest and takes some time to get used to. When we have reached the acceptance stage of the change it is time for me, stop and smell the roses', get some new underwear! and continue on life's journey with renewed energy and interests - STAMP TV and all it gives us.

    1. Thanks so much Tina! I feel like I have so much support! I appreciate your comments!! XOXO

  50. Awww! Gina! What a beautiful post! You made me cry! Personally, I sat down to read this just after I put a load of white in b/c I too had put my last pair of undies on! :)
    I am having a hard time letting go of my girls. My girls are 15, 11 and 6. My oldest is academically brilliant (lazy and idiotic at times at home though.) I have never let her have a sleep over, go to the mall w/ friends etc. I don't trust anyone one. With my middle daughter it is even worse b/c she is "delayed" and doesn't think before she does anything.
    Everyday I feel like I am loosing them. They hate me and don't understand the rules and boundaries I have set. I am afraid that b/c I am afraid of them getting hurt, I have push them away. They can't wait to "get out and leave the house." It breaks my heart!
    I have ofter thought (and prayed) about your daughter prematurely going to Fine Arts College in another state! My anxiety for you was as if she were mine!
    You are so inspiring to me and I have always LOVED how your share from your heart. You are open and honest both personally and professionally. I simple adore you!
    Have a blessed day w/ laundry! ;)

    1. There is still so much time to build confidence and trust. Start small. A trip to the store alone. I sleepover with a close friend. The more you see they can handle, the more your will feel okay with them handling more. It's so hard. Why don't they come with a manual? XOXO

  51. You go girl. I think everyone needs a transformation once in a while in life. You are a great role model for us and your family. Thanks Gina for your honesty. When life gives you lemons make lemonade.

    1. Yep, lots of lemonade! Besides, lemonade is awesome! Thank you Chris!! XOXO

  52. Gina, As one who is on the 65 year old side of things and whose children are grown, I can truly assure you that you are on the right track. So many of the things (and people) we worry about or think we need to spend time on really are unimportant. Sorting it out is a lifelong journey and I am glad you are beginning the journey now instead of waiting and regretting! Blessings on your journey.

  53. Thank you for the heartfelt and personal peek into your life. You've touched many of us going through our own transformation process. Our situation may not be exactly like yours, but we can certainly relate to the importance of letting go what doesn't work and moving forward with positive changes. It's good to know we're not alone and we're blessed with a community of people who care about us--some we don't know and will never meet.

  54. I know what you are going through and it can be a very difficult period in our lives. I am 62 and a full time caregiver for a husband with Alzheimers. This year I have finally realized that I have no time for the 'takers' of this world and needed to focus on living the most positive life I can for everything I do affects my husband one way or the other. I am learning how to protect my heart and my spirit. I learning that even though this is hard for me - I can find joy and God's blessings in each day. And so you know - one of God's blessings has been the discovery of you and your business. I "escape" through card making at the end of my day. And let me say, the quality and spirit of your products have been wonderful to work with and have brought many smiles to some very sad days. I am a faithful follower not only because of the quality of your products but now having a tiny peek into your life has brought me a renewed spirit. God bless you, your company for all the joy it brings to people like myself, and bless your entire family. You are an inspiration to so many .. in so many ways.

    1. Aw, thank you Jan. Bless you for being such a good wife! XOXO

  55. Gina, you are one in a million! I love everything you said in your post. Not only have I learned so much from you about stamping and crafty related things, but you have given me such insight into the important things in life: family, taking a little time to actually enjoy the things that we are blessed with, and letting go of the "negatives" and replacing with the "positives".
    You always inspire me in so many ways whether it is in your videos, your blog, or on facebook. I have laughed with you and cried with you. I look forward to many more years of watching you "transform".

  56. Hooray and good for you, Gina! Taking care of yourself and those you love should always be a top priority! Good for you in supporting your daughter's dream!! Thanks for sharing your transformation!!!

  57. Great inspiration to each of us. Glad things are working out so well for you. May they continue.
    Sincerely, Edna

  58. Totally understand and I am in the same place you are with your daughter. We uprooted everything 2 years ago when my daughter was in high school, moved to Los Angeles, so she could go to school here at one of the top art colleges. She wants to be in animation...Good luck to your daughter in following her dreams, it is great that you are so supportive of her...hang in there, it is tough to watch them grow up and spread their wings...

    1. Yay for those parents that are willing to uproot to make sure their kids get what they need! Good job Julie! She will be forever grateful!

  59. Wow.........Gina you have me all teary eyed this morning. I don't belong to facebook but clicked on the icon on the main page. So glad I did. Can I say one thing you look.......... MARVELOUS! So happy for your daughter doing her dream and making it a reality. I love stamptv but we all need some time to take care of ourselves and family. You are doing one great transformation. Lots of hugs. I just came across this verse again from when my kids were small............dusting and cobwebs can wait cause I'm rocking my baby to sleep. Take the time and enjoy cause they really are the best times in life.

  60. Gina--I have a huge smile on my face from reading your post. It sounds like your new transformation is a wonderful step and I bet you are one proud mama of the young lady in New York! Congrats and Continued Success!

    1. I am so proud of her Barb! And thank you so much! XOXO

  61. Very very well written Gina!!!! Sounds like your daughter is doing well... Kudos to you and your hubby for raising a confident daughter!!! I may not post or play along as often as I would like but I still drop in on my Stamp TV family and see what's new.... I am just finding it hard myself to balance it all! Continue to take care!

  62. Glad that things are coming together for you, Gina! Time to take care of yourself and your family is always good! All the best to you, and to Alicia as she pursues her dream - she has such a bright future ahead of her! Hugs!!
