
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New Release Blog Hop- Day 3

I've been having so much fun hopping through the blogs and gathering ideas for future card projects! I hope you have too!

Today, we are featuring two more of the eight new sets released last Thursday night including:

Weather or Not by Beth Silaka

By The Sea 2 by Theresa Momber

Check out what the design team has created using these sets. And as you hop through the blogs, make sure you leave a comment on each of them along the way because we will be choosing a winner from all of the comments who will win a prize package full of Gina K. Designs stamps, paper and embellishments!

Start hopping here:

Tomorrow, we have the final new release blog hop including the new One free with 3 and the Darling Divas! Make sure you stop back! 

Make it a great day and Happy Stamping!
Gina K.


  1. Fab stamps never have any stamps for weather great they are

  2. Wonderful new sets. Love the weather one. It will be grest for use in my classroom.

  3. Wonderful sets!!! The weather stamps will be great to use in my classroom. Cheers.

  4. Great sets, and I am ready to hop and get inspired and see all the wonderful things everyone has created... :)

  5. I love all the things the designers did with these two sets of stamps. As to tomorrow, I hope that the hop will still be going on later in the day or Friday. I am totally busy tomorrow.

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  7. As I love on the sea, By the Sea 2 is a must have to go along with my By the sea 2!!

  8. Just finished the blog hop and everyone show cased your new stamp sets terrifically. They are all so creative and talented.

  9. These sets are fabulous! Love the rainboot that can be paper pieced and the images and sentiments of the By the Sea set are wonderful.

  10. waw such great blog hop and so much inspiration. thank you!

  11. Just finished the blog hop and everyone did a amazing job. Love the stamps sets...perfect as I live at the beach.

  12. love the bloom tutorial!

  13. I love what you did on stamp tv today with the bloom tutorial!

  14. Great stamps today, Gina. The illustrators always bring us lots of inspiration. Thanks

  15. Love all your stamp set! Your designers are the best! Thanks for the was your usual high quality content!

  16. Well, now I am really glad I purchased all that I did, but wished I could have done more. Harrumph. I got the one free with three, but sure wished I got enough to qualify for the One free set with Six. LOL Hey, desire is there, money not so much! LOL But, love what I am getting, and BTW, LOVE your new inkpads. Wow. I don't care if they smear, I will heat set first, big deal. Like I haven't had card bloopers before? As if! LOL Gina, you are one classy lady and you and your Tom, run a really fantastic company. Kudos for that, and as a customer, kudos to ME, for finding you both, and this site. Health issues, aside, it's been a real far....and keeping on. HUGS!

  17. I'm hopping, I'm hopping, I'm hopping! So glad to see these new releases & can't wait to try them out. Way to go with the new color companions!

  18. I love all the new products. Since I am new I don't know where to start in my collection. I want it all.

  19. I can't wait to see what your amazing DT has cooked up with these 2 it's gonna be AWEsome! :)

  20. Really enjoyed the examples!

  21. I have been enjoying myself too much on this hop! I love all the beautiful stamp sets and have gathered up so many new ideas from all the gorgeous inspiration the design team has blessed us with!


  22. Your designers are the best


  23. Two fun stamp sets -- rainy days and ocean summers!!! Great ideas :*

  24. Congrats, again on another wonderful release and thanks to all of the design team for wonderful works of inspiration. The best thing is is that I can "play" because my mail carrier brought my favorite piece of mail today straight from Gina K Designs....yay!!!

  25. Great sets--my fave is By the Sea.

  26. I can see myself having lots of fun with the Weather set!

  27. That was fun. Lots of ideas/inspirations.
    I had problems leaving comments on Lee's blog. Tonight I was finally able to leave a comment - it was #1....hellllloooo I doubt that...then when I pushed publish it showed no comments.
    My comment for her was: "I liked her cards esp the CAS one. When I get on her site I usually wonder what the "pink lady" has for me today." I hope that some how or other she receives all the comments left on her site.
    Jean McGee

  28. Here I am at the start of this new blog hop, its exciting to see all the telented peoples beautiful cards

  29. Since we are just about ready to get rained on, that set is so darn cute!

  30. Great sets, as I love anything weather and live by the sea !!

  31. I love nature and great outdoors. I wishing I was there when I saw this stamps from Theresa.

  32. I thought I only liked By the Sea, but I've now done the blog hop and Weather or Not has really caught my eye. I didn't think I'd ever use a set like that, but now I see it has many different uses. Thanks to the Team!
