
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

this journey...

Transform... it's my word for 2013...

It's not just about transforming the physical... it's about the mental side of life too.

I let things get to me, way too much and way too often. And they got to me to a point where my body became physically sick. Waking up felt like just too much. The aches, the pains... and they were not just physical pains but they were mental pains too. I went to the doctor. My blood pressure was through the roof... and my diabetes was out of control. I had no energy and my heart was racing all the time.

I learned over the last couple of years that if you want to protect your body, you have to first protect your mind and your soul. You have to get rid of the thoughts that over time will make you sick, or worse... they will kill you.

I lost my best friend to cancer a little over a year ago and, although on the surface she was the most positive person I ever met, underneath- she worried... about everything, and she took everything that everyone said to heart. If they were upset, she was upset. She tried to fix everything for everyone. She wanted everyone to be happy. She was the most selfless person I EVER met. And she's gone.

The thing that she didn't understand, (and it's something I am only just beginning to understand) is that some people are happy being unhappy. It's their comfort zone. To feel defeated is easier than doing the work. To blame others is easier than blaming themselves. It's safer to agree with the pack than stand up for what's right  and find yourself alone.

Some people will always have a problem with you, no matter what you try to do to fix it. But rest assured- it's not you, it's them. It's really, really, REALLY them. And they are so unhappy- no matter how happy they look on the outside.

So what do you do to deal with it?

You simply let it go.

You let them go.

You can be pleasant and kind but you have to mentally walk away. You can't fix it, you can't change it, you can't help them... you have to let it all go.

And you know what will happen to you if you let it all go? You will find peace like you have never experienced before. You will make room for the postive people who have been waiting for your attention.

In my case, I felt born again. I wanted to eat better, I wanted to exercise, I wanted to work on my business and I wanted to enjoy my children... and I could do it all, guilt free!

When you let go of what holds you back, you will spring further than you ever thought you could!

As of today I am down 10lbs. My blood pressure is perfect and my diabetes in under great control. I haven't had a headache in weeks! My business is growing, my marriage great and my children are learning and growing every day.

Is it perfect? No. But I read that a true champion has long term memory of her successes and short term memory of her failures so I refuse to dwell on the failures. You will only see me dwelling on the positives. It's where I prefer to live.

It's not easy. There's a LOT of self-talk. You have to replace what you've heard in your head with what you should be hearing... and it takes time. Lots of time. But time well spent.

And now that I've started to let go of the negative, it's no longer poison... it's FUEL. Try me... Go ahead... Tell me I can't do something... Watch me...

this journey... it's my year to transform. It's only February... come with me...


Coming up later- my version of Weight Watcher Soup.


  1. awesome post Gina! i have been following you for awhile on stamp ALOT of those to one day sit down and make a few is a work in progress just like our attitudes. thanks

  2. Wow, is all I can say, Gina! You go girl! You could have been describing me, because I've had th same problems. Thanks for the incentive to get back on track again with my life.

  3. Keep on keepin' on, Gina. You are an inspiration to many.

  4. Fantastic post! Great advice to us all!

  5. Thank you for your post today - seems to be just what I needed to hear!

  6. You are awesome and an inspiration to me. I've been dealing with my stamping mojo. It left town and I can't seem to get it back. I've been a stamper for many years, but it has nearly died on the vine. I'm having a hard time creating even a simple card. I had stopped looking at all the beautiful blogs with cards because I knew I couldn't hold a candle to them. But now I'm trying again to see if I can get creative again.

    Thanks for the inspiration and positive energy.


  7. Hi Gina! Boy did I need to hear that! I am truly inspired by you in my crafting life and now in my spiritual life. Thank you! I'm in! Let's grab each others hand and do it together, my friend! ;)
    10,000 Blessings (and more to come!)
    Valerie Martin

  8. Gina- boy, can I relate! ;) after my cancer diagnosis, I had this same epiphany. Life's too short, I choose to be happy, focus on the positive and all the rest is simply background noise that I am learning to drown out each day.
    and rule #2 for me, stress. Don't sweat the small stuff- This one is really hard one for this A type personality that tends to be an over achiever in my every thing I do. ;) <3

  9. Gina, no truer words were spoken...just like a trooper!! You mean so much to me. I've been following you for going on 3 years now, and you are THE one who got me started in making cards. I'm here today because of are my inspiration. Thank you so very much!

  10. You are learning to live life. Good for you and all those you care about. You will be a positive force for them and yourself.

  11. What a beautiful and inspirational post! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! May God bless you always!

  12. Great post Gina!!!!!!!!! perfecto... let it all go, skip along be happy enjoy that journey.... you have my attention, i am walking right beside you..... it's going to be fun !!!! looking forward to more shares!!!!
    ava g

    1. gina, did you notice how up beat i am on a move foward basis, the only way to keep that smile on.... creatively find solutions to enjoy that journey

  13. I'm very glad for you Gina...:)
    It sounds as though you've decided to live your life your way.
    I send you good wishes for continued peace and clarity...:)

  14. Preach, girl, PREACH! That was better & more inspiring, truthful & open than any sermon I've heard in a while! Thank you for sharing your journey into clarity & happiness. I will be referring to this post quite frequently!

  15. Gina, I will gladly take the journey with you and transform my life. I too have had a difficult past 6 months but I am ready to move get on with my new life. Thank you for the inspiring words and thank you for your wonderful company that is the place that I can lose myself from all the worries and have fun.

  16. Gina, I, as many above me, know what you are saying (and beautifully, I might add) but we needed to be reminded - to have the existing synapses reconnected to the conscience mind. I thank you and I am making that journey as well! Blessings.

  17. So glad to hear you are feeling better - and thanks for the uplifting words. I couldn't agree more with your statement that "some people are happy being unhappy" - it sounds simple, but when I read it I thought how true and profound that statement really is. I choose to be happy!

  18. Oh so encouraging Gina...thank you!
    Hugs and Prayers,

  19. Wonderful words to live by! I have recently decided to be more positive myself and worry more in the present, find joy every day. You're right that it takes time and isn't easy, but well worth the effort. God bless and best of luck.

  20. I hope I can reach your postitive attitude. It's almost like you were talking about me, but I haven't quite reached those goals. You have inspired me to keep trying.

  21. Boy, can I relate. Making cards is my stress reliever and for a long time I felt like a failure in this because I would copy your ideas for most of my cards. But I have let that go because I know I'm not a creative person, but I do love making beautiful cards. So now I "borrow" your creativity in whatever way I can, and once in awhile I come up with an "inspiration" all on my own...woo hoo! Thank you for all you do for us stampers. You are the best!

  22. Thanks, Gina. I lost my very best friend to cancer Nov 13, 2012. She, too, was the crutch for her family. The one everyone went to. She always tried to fix it. Selfless. Completely. What beautiful advice. And it really is true. Something we all need to remember. Thank you.

  23. WOW amazing how many of us are in the same situation. I am glad your shared this with all of us. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Many blessings!

  24. Awesome post Gina! Thanks for sharing! Your advice is so true! I so love it!! I so need to be reminded to Let Go!! Thanks and You rock!! :)

  25. Beautiful post! Thank you...and blessings to you..

  26. Powerful words! I too have diabetes and have been dealing with it for 20 years. I know exactly what you are talking about. You are the only one that can control your destiny and it sounds like you are well on your way. I have forwarded your posting to my daughter - we just got off the phone and talked alot about the same things you blogged about. So I thought it was like deja vu - everything happens for a reason. I have followed you for quite a long time as well and I love your style and how you craft --- but you must take care of yourself first. Thanks for reminding all of us what should be important.

  27. Just wanted to add - that I found this so inspiring that I am going to print it off and post it by my computer at work ---- so that I can read it whenever I want. Thank you!

  28. Awesome...thanks for the little pep talk. Hopefully I can go to work tomorrow in a better (healthier) frame of mind.

  29. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic. It sure hit home for me and you discussed some really good points. I find myself worrying about things I have no control over. Time to let the negative go and move forward with positive! Thank you!

  30. Thank YOU, Gina. How I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us. When I read it, it felt that this was written specifically for me. And even though I've been aware of this issue and have worked on it, I know I take too much of others' stresses on myself. And I've definitely been known to take a burden to the Lord but instead of leaving it there, I've picked it back up and put it promptly back on my own back again. But I love your journey and how it's impacting your health and am so glad for you and your family too! Thank you again for sharing this with all of us, I hope and pray that this year will be a great year of growth in this area and others especially in my spiritual life. That next February I'll be in a different place regarding taking on others' stresses as well as learning to take mine and leave my burdens with the Savior who loves me so! How grateful I am to you, Gina! Know I'll be praying for you too.

  31. I can so relate to this and really need to work on it. Found it inspiring and after the day I just had I very much needed to read something like this.

  32. Well done Gina, you go girl, you have learnt a valuable lesson that not many folk see. Yes it is hard but I believe in you and just know you will succeed...
    Love ~ Lady Anne xx
    Love ~ Lady Anne
    Cards by Lady Anne

  33. You're an inspiration...and I'm so happy for you, Gina!

  34. Wow Gina I thought you were describing me! This is such perfect timing and such inspiration. I printed this out 3 times and have it at my craft desk, vanity and in my family room to remind me to remember the good and positive and let go of the negative. Thank you :)

  35. so very true, it is hard but you have to stay positive in all things, glad you are feeling so much better!

  36. Thank you for the words in your post. It was powerful. It was also a good time for me to hear those words. So yes, I would like to travel on this journey. Your stamp tv set is something I look forward to so much. It isn't just a stamp set for me, but something that allows me to relax. Thank you for all you do; you are amazing.

  37. I love your word for 2013 and for sharing with us why you chose it. Much of what you wrote reminded me of myself. I have been working very hard to get rid of the negativity in my life and focus only on the positive.Stress can make us eat too much, put on weight, play havoc with our health and even kill us if we let it. My issue is with my daughter I love her so very much but I realized just a few days ago that I can not help her hard as I tried. I have to let go and let God help her and show her the way. I do not want to have another stroke or any other issues with my health. So thank you so much for for giving me even more strength thanks to your positive words. Keep positive and smile. I still have to write about my 2013 little word. Thanks for the gentle push :)


  38. Dear Gina,
    That was a wonderful inspirational post and one that reached out to me just when I needed it. My stress is a marital one with the added complication of depression( not me),I felt a sense of peace when I read your post and realised that I could embrace your new philosophy and use it in my life.
    I took a copy to show my Psychologist and she asked if she could keep it so that she could use it to advise her clients as well, as your words are so wise.
    You are reaching all corners of the world as I live in Australia and I wish you great health and happiness as you have given me a special gift via your words.
    Many many thanks.

  39. Gina, thank you for sharing. I figured this out a few years ago and I agree it is a journey with a great deal of self talk going on!

  40. May God bless you on this journey Gina and may you continue to know the true joys in life.

  41. very true, like what the saying goes.... you can not please everybody. no matter what good deeds you do people will bring you down (crab mentally). its going to be tough but we need to be tougher. I am also trying to let go of things that are done to me that is very hurtful but just like what you said "its really them"........

  42. Thanks for this today! We all need to learn that we need to take care of ourselves! I committed to getting weight off and it worked! I love WW! Keep tracking!

  43. Thanks for this today! We all need to learn that we need to take care of ourselves! I committed to getting weight off and it worked! I love WW! Keep tracking!

  44. I first got around to catching up on email reading, and thought this was a very good read!! And how true it is. Life in itself, is a journey. I am going to forward this to friends. Thank you Gina!!

  45. I'm sorry about your friend. I'm just catching up to all this. A beautiful sentiment here, Gina. Good luck! You have MANY well wishers on your side. Cheryl D.

  46. i'm sorry about your friend. your words bring me hope in my illness of copd,

  47. After 4 yrs of multiple fractures I too realised I would not heal until I changed my life. Our business has been sold, we are selling our house and moving countries. I am fortunate to have an amazing husband who stands beside me on my journey. I will be following my passion to work with animals which is when I am at my happiest and I have realised (at 58 yrs old - I am a slow learner !!) this is my path in life. It feels good to shake off the chains, a little daunting, perhaps, but liberating to know I am finally following my true path. Along the way I have removed myself from the negative people I once knew and have learnt to protect myself from the harm they do.

    Thank you for writing such an inspirational piece from the heart. May you attract health and true happiness in all you do.
