
Friday, January 4, 2013

January sneak peek #1 and a shipping update- please read!

Hi Everyone!

We are so excited about our new release coming up next Thursday night! And one of the things that everyone LOVES about Gina K. Designs is our One free with 3 stamp set.

Each month, we offer a stamp sets valued at $19.95 that you can get for free with the purchase of any three full size stamp sets. (Three mini sets, duos and singles equals ONE full size set for this promotion.)

This month's set is full of love, friendship, sweets and tweets!

Stay tuned tomorrow because we will have more sneak peeks and a couple of illustrator card projects to share with you as well!! 


Shipping update from our year end clearance sale

We know TONS of you ordered a total of thousands of stamp sets from our year end clearance sale. At 40% off, many of you took advantage of that great offer and lots of you have upwards of 16 stamp sets in your orders! We wanted to let you know that, all of those stamp sets were rubber so it is taking MUCH longer than we anticipated to get them all produced so shipped to you.

Our clear stamps are ordered from a huge manufacturer who can mass produce them very quickly, however, all of our rubber stamps are produced here in our little factory. We can produce LOTS of rubber, very quickly, but our cutting machine can only do between one and eight stamp sets at a time. So that is where the delay is. We know you love the precut rubber and we won't send anything but the highest quality precut rubber stamps to you, but it may take a while longer to process your orders.Well, maybe a lot longer.

Tom asked his cousin Mike to come up from Milwaukee to help get them done faster. Mike showed up yesterday, suitcase in hand, and I haven't seen either Tom or Mike since he arrived yesterday morning. They camped at the factory overnight in a tent, taking small shifts and alternating with half hour naps here and there but they don't plan on stopping until we get caught up.

Numbers wise, the sale was about 4-5 times as many orders as our usual release. We did expect high volume because of the great prices but not that much. For that, we say THANK YOU! You are the BEST customers in the world and we appreciate your support more than you will EVER know! But, we also want to say we are SO sorry that you have to wait so long to get these stamps. I'm a stamper too and once I hit the place order button... well... I want it NOW!! 

So thank you so much for your patience. We won't send you anything but the best and we hope that the beautiful images along with the great prices will make it all worth the wait.

Also, we don't charge your credit card until we are ready to ship your order, so if you chose the credit card option instead of paypal, you may not have seen the charge come through yet. (Paypal charges you right away.)  But we promise, we are working as quickly as we can. 

Now, I'm heading over to the facility to take breakfast and coffee to my two favorite guys and make sure nobody fell asleep at the cutter.

And one more note- this setback will NOT delay your new release items from shipping due to the high level of clear stamp sales instead of rubber. (We can handle that ourselves without the machines!)

More sneak peeks tomorrow~ stay tuned!
Gina K.


  1. I must be one of the lucky ones. And I have to say that though I love the stamps I bought, I was happily surprized when the older designs were pre-cut as I didn't expect that! Thanks for all your hard work and great designs and products!

  2. Thank YOU Gina for the update. I was very excited to have received my order so quickly last week. Thank you for the GREAT sale! Happy New Year to you and your TEAM.

  3. Although I am very happy for you and the Brand, I do not envy you! :) Here I am kicking back after the Holidays, enjoying all the peace and quiet and slow paced activities, and you are still going full throttle! And a Release coming next week too.....Good Luck Girl! Hope you have a lovely Keurig Coffee maker--I would recommend, Dark Magic with an IV drip. Happy New Year! Oh and such a very cute stamp too! :)

  4. Adorable little guy!! Can't wait to see the rest! *HUGS*

  5. Great read Gina! I believe, for me anyways, if I had ordered and it came later, I would be grateful as you take great pride in your items...and I, for one, wouldnt be upset about the delay! Thank you for taking such great care and continued success!!!

  6. Little birdie looks so sweet! Thanks for the update on the shipping. You are so right when you hit the submit button you want them right away. A big thank you to your hubby and his cousin and all the other background people that make this site a great site!

  7. Well, now, you just do what you can, and I will be happy when I get them. Like you said the "great prices" will tide me over until I have the stamps in hand. Thanks again for the great sale. I used Pay Pal, so I'm done, just waiting. I am patient when I have had a great savings in price. But, that's the only time!! LOL Otherwise, I am like you: I want it now!!
    Appreciate the update though, due to your normal quick turn-around, I would be worrying about now. Thanks to Tom and his brother, don't stress!

  8. OOPS, I forgot to mentioned the cute little bird with present. Darling!! Can't wait to see the entire image. What a sweet sneak peak. (Say that three times really fast.....) Bawhahahaha. HUGS

  9. Gina I know what it is like to work with these kind of machines,You just can't speed them up..
    They work at there own pace.Thanks for the update:)))

  10. Adorable image can't wait to see what you make with it!!

  11. Kudos to you Gina, for clearly explaining what the shipping situation is and the (exceptional) steps you are taking to deal with it. I'm not waiting on any orders myself at the moment, but if I were, I would feel completely reassured by learning this information.
    Keep doing the great job you all do with this fine company.

  12. I am sorry that I wasn't able to take advantage of your great sale, but I know the wait would have been worth it knowing the quality of the stamp order I did get earlier. If I lived close to you I would volunteer my time and come and help.

  13. No Worries mate! from down under:)

  14. You are the best Gina, that is why I love Gina K products :)

  15. Thanks for the update on my order!

  16. I didn't order but I have to say- Tom and Mike (and Gina)ROCK

  17. Sigh, I guess I'll put my inks and cardstock away! Lol!! Thanks for the update:) you guys are awesome. Too bad Santa can lend you his elves!!

  18. I love your products and I did put in a big order (for clear stamps so my order has been shipped). I wouldn't mind waiting, however, because it is always worth the wait!! Wish I had more time, money and space!

  19. I did now just get my order. With how quick your orders usually come and your first update on the shipping I wasn't worried. You do have the order status area too and your email when the order ships I was just patiently waiting. Your company is the best and always do so much for your customers. We all appreciate it very much.Three cheers for you and your staff!!!

  20. Oh, that new one free with three image is so darling. Right now they want kid cards at OWH and I am not too good at those because I don't have a lot of kid images. But this would fit perfectly. I can hardly wait to see more.

  21. What a cute bird. I bet you are really tired Gina. Keeping up with everything you have to take care of. Take care of yourself, and I can't wait till everything is done and you can take a deep breath and relax.

  22. Love that little stamp.....

  23. Wow! Tom and Mike are real troopers!

  24. Cute birdie! Thanks for the update on orders. Yes, I'm waiting... I figured you were overwhelmed with orders, which is a good thing. So, I'll continue to be patient. :)

  25. Thanks for the update on shipping, I'm excited to get my new stamps, but will wait with a smile, knowing that I am getting an excellent quality product made in the good old USA.

  26. I didn't order anything (I missed the sale, go figure!) but I think it's great that you posted this. Good luck with all that cutting and may you have a prosperous new year!

  27. Please share our biggest thank you's to Tom and Mike when you take them their food! I love ordering from you - but I don't feel that chomping at the bit to receive the pkg because I know it will get here in its time. Then I am extremely happy to see what comes out of the box!!! It never fails. Take it easy(er) if you can Gina. Looking forward to the Release next week. Thank you for the peek of such a tweet birdie! Aloha, Rosy

  28. Thank you for the update Gina. I wondered when the credit card suddenly had more money in there:) No worries, it will arrive in time. Big thanks to you, Tom and Mike for all the hard work in making these stamps.The new stamp looks great looking forward to the new release. AND a BIG THANK YOU for the mystery envelope and Merry Little Christmas pack (my first time ordering one.) It finally arrived two days ago:) So loved the brads, copic markers and glitter. Happy New Year, hope you have a really good one. Hugs from New Zealand.

  29. Thanks for the update....but no worries - still trying to catch up from the holidays...and to get ready for CHA!
    Paper Hugs,

  30. Hi Gina,
    Be kind the the greatest guys in the world for all their help.
    I can wait, it will be worth it :)
    Happy New Year to you, your family and all the staff at Gina K Designs.

  31. Even tho I didn't. Order this round I love you and I know your customers feel same way. Tell the men in your life they are awesome and we appreciate the hard work they are doing. Have a teat day.

  32. THANK YOU TOM AND MIKE!!! It will be worth the wait! Love the sneak peek!! Thanks for the update Gina, Happy New Year!!

  33. Thanks for the update, Gina.I'm not worried about receiving my order a bit later,but I'll love it when they DO arrive! Your stamps are always top-notch, and am thankful for the care your crew takes in making sure our stamps are the best--and they are!Happy New Year to everyone there, and get a well-deserved rest after the rush is over.

  34. Oh my gosh Gina this is why I LOVE your store. I did't buy anything this time but I was lucky enough to win one of the Wed challenges(my husband thought I won the lottery I yelled so loud!) and even got an explaination that it might be late....a free package! I loved your story of Tom and Mike and I chuckled thinking you might need to use this little birdie on a card at the end of it all for them! LOL! You and your Hubs truly deserve ever bit of success that comes your way and I wish you huge success in 2013 along with health happiness and many laughs! Happy New Year Gina K!

  35. Gina, I missed the sale but kudos to your guys, what dedication. The reason I like shopping with smaller companies -- they care. Can't wait to see the new releases on Thursday. The little bird is really cute. I can see a lot of possibilities.

  36. I live birdies! Oh, now I'm excited! So glad to see you back. Missed you!

  37. How did I miss the sale???? bummer

  38. Happy New Year to one and all, but especially to those 2 hard at work gentlemen cutters! Love the sneak previews and can't wait to see the full sets!

  39. Wow, that sounds like a lot of work, good thing family is coming to the rescue! I recently won some of your rubber stamps and can attest to the high quality!! I admire your honesty and loyalty to your customers :) Happy New Year!

  40. Thank you so much (you Tom and Mike) for all the work you have done =). I'm like a child who wait her Christmas present!!!Hope the best for you, for 2013!Kiss from France.

  41. I’m sure your customers would understand. Plus, I think would appreciate your openness. Things should always revolve around quality, especially in businesses that are very personal in nature. The stamps reflect you, and it is expected that you’d want to protect your reputation. :)
