
Friday, December 7, 2012

Changes... A Heartfelt Thanks

One of the hardest things in life is letting go. Whether it's guilt, anger, love, friendship, or business- change is NEVER easy. You fight to hold on and you fight to let go. ~Anonymous
Today, I want to send out a very special thank you to a group of design team members who are leaving the Gina K. Designs team.

These designers are some of the top designers in the field- full of talent and passion for the art of paper crafting.

I just wanted to thank them for the fabulous inspiration they have provided all of us over the last couple of years.

A HUGE thank you to:

Deb Felts
Emily Giovanni
Giovana Smith
Jimmi Mayo
Lori McAree
Suzanne Dean
Tina Gilliland
Vicki Dutcher

Many of them will stay on as part of our CSS team, a group of past design team members that comes together to showcase their talent over at StampTV. These ladies may no longer be part of the Gina K. Designs team, but they will forever be part of my heart. They will always be my friends... my sisters in stamping.
These ladies are full of class and talent! We will miss you all and we wish you the best of EVERYTHING the paper crafting world has to offer.

Much love,
Gina K.


  1. I second that! Missing you already, but know it's not the end! Xoxo

  2. Well, I'm going to be stamping around and trust me... you can run but you can't hide! Hee Hee Just kidding. It's been a FABULOUS two years and I wouldn't trade it for the world!!! Thank YOU for all you've done for us all, Gina. *BIG HUGS*

  3. Gina, You have a heart like no other. I personally love your comments.

  4. I, too, will miss there talent on this website but am sure we will find it in other places. Thanks for giving to us the last 2 years.

  5. Wonderful talent is always missed, but I know we will not lose them forever. They are still out there and we will find them !!! Thank you for all you have done to inspire us.

  6. I've loved my time on your teams, Gina! Both CSS and the design team! Thank you for everything! Love to all of the girls...I am so happy for their friendships! I'm so glad this is not "goodbye," but rather, "see you soon!" xoxoxo

  7. great time here with gina and the ladies. I am sure we will see all of them around the web, as they are all passionate about paper design!!!
    ava g

  8. I am saddened by this news but grateful that I had the opportunity to be inspired by each and every one of you in one way or another. My sincerest wishes for much success in your future endeavors.

  9. Will miss you all, and can't wait to see what your next crafty endeavors will be. Wishing you all the best...hugs!

  10. Gina what will all these ladies be doing ? They will be missed .You are all heart you said it so nicely and with grace .

    1. Each of them has their own wonderful path that they will be following! I am sure if you stay tuned to their blogs and facebook pages, they will update you with all of their wonderful new endeavors. :)

  11. Very sad news, I will miss their GKD inspiration, I wish each and every one of them good wishes for their future endeavours. Gina you have a way with words just beautiful :-)

  12. Dear lovely ladies! I will miss your enthusiasm, your talents and wonderful inspiration that you have offered over the past few years. I want to thank you for that. But I also wish you God's blessing in your future endeavors as well. I hope to see you all around here and there and still find that inspiration. Good luck and all my love.

  13. These wonderful ladies will be missed! I know I will enjoy your wonderful blog and will continue to find great inspiration but.... they will be missed!

  14. The quote by Anonymous is one of the truest I've ever heard in regard to change. I will copy that down and I'm sure I'll use that quote from time to time. Sorry to see you Ladies leave, but I'm sure I'll see you again. Best of luck to you all.

  15. Thank you, ladies, for sharing your wonderful talent with us these past few years. I will miss your input with the Gina K designs, but treasure all that you shared. Good luck with your new adventures and hope to "tag" along on your bogs.

  16. Good luck to the ladies leaving to persue their new adventures in life. We will miss them.

  17. What a lovely fond farwell to these outstanding GKD designers. Their creations have always been so inspiring and I will miss them in the regular line-up for blog hops. Good luck, ladies, I'll see you in blogland!!!! :>)

  18. Well this is a bit of a shock. I feel as if I have come to know every one of you, and have looked forward to seeing your beautiful cards for inspiration. You will certainly be missed, but I know I will see you all around. You can't hide your amazing talents. My very best wishes to you Deb, Emily, Giovana, Jimmi, Lori, Suzanne, Tina and Vicki.
    And such lovely words Gina. You have class and style, and I'm sure all the above designers will agree with me. Thank you!

  19. Thanks for all the years of inspiration! Best wishes for happy adventures to come.

  20. We will sure miss you. I am a new cardmaker and have so enjoyed all the talent you have shared. It was a very exciting thing to me when I found Gina K Designs. Thanks so much for sharing all your inspiration and knowledge.

  21. We will miss them at StampTV, but it's just a step in a different direction. Enjoy wherever you go and what you are called to do there!

  22. Big sqishy HUGS to you all!!!!! What a fabulous time we've had and I know you all will doing some amazing things in our papercrafting world....cuz you already are!!

  23. WHOA! It is going to take a while for me to process this... I am going to miss seeing your GKD creations every release but thank you SO MUCh for all the inspiration and friendship you have given me over the years ladies. Best wishes to you all... sniff sniff... DON'T GO!!!! :(

  24. Wow! That's some major talent and sure to be missed.

  25. Some fabulous talent in this group. You'll be missed, but I know you will be doing great things on your blogs and other places! Good luck to you all and thanks for all the inspiration you have provided.

  26. Thank you ladies for all your great inspiration. Wishing you all the best on your future endeavours. Will miss you all.

    Dear Gina,
    Don't know if you are planning on filling their spots on your design team but I would LOVE to showcase your beautiful stamps, just saying! :)

  27. Yes I well miss all of you, as I love looking at all of your work and wishing I could be as good.

  28. Such a privilege to have worked with these talented ladies! Thank you all for the amazing inspiration and beautiful designs. Miss you already!

  29. You all will be greatly missed, thanks for the awesome inspiration & best wishes for your future.

  30. Sincere thanks for the help and inspiration.
    Bon Voyage!

  31. It has been a privilege working with you (albeit for a short time), but thank you for such beautiful work with my designs. It has been such a pleasure seeing your wonderful designs.

  32. To Deb, Emily, Giovana, Jimmi, Lori, Suzanne, Tina, and Vicki sending God's blessing on wherever the future takes you. Your talent will be missed here, you have been an inspiration for me for the past year and half. Blessings to each of you.

    Suzanne Dean
    Tina Gilliland
    Vicki Dutcher

  33. Ahh. You ladies are all so great that I hate to see even one of you leave. Seeing your great work has been a great insperaton. Where=ever you go--whatever you do you will all be fabulous. We will miss all of you. G
    God Bless and the best of luck.

  34. Wow. This is a surprise! You have been a true inspiration to me and have helped me learn and improve during the past year. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will miss you!

  35. To each of you... Whatever your next endeavor, wherever your creative paths lead; wishing you all the success you deserve and more.
    I don't think good-bye is right, just seems to final, so I'll say so long for now. You will be missed.
    Hugs 'N Blessings

  36. That's a major turnover! I'm sure they have wonderful future plans, and I hope you have some talented replacements waiting in the wings!

  37. Deb, Emily, Giovana, Jimmi, Lori, Suzanne, Tina,
    and Vicki---you are talented designers and wonderful friends. I wish you much luck in your future endeavors and consider myself lucky that our paths have crossed. xo

  38. Well, every now and then, things DO need to change and give a chance for furthering their future and giving another person to show/prove their talents! Now I know what you were talking about on FB Gina!! I am sorry, but at least you have made some good friends!!

  39. OMGosh, so many farewells! I'm sad to see them go, but happy they will stay on as part of your CSS Team! Good luck, ladies...I agree 100% with will be missed by all!

    Gina ~ "This" is exactly why you are so successful! You are not only very talented, you are gracious, professional, and a true mentor to everyone who visits your site ~ Thank you for all you do for us!!!

  40. May all of you have much success in your life as your day changes from StampTV to other creative venues. Thank you so much for your contributions.

  41. I am new at paper crafting and have learned so much inspiration from all of you. Good Luck

  42. WE sure will miss all of you good luck with what ever you do.jossie38

  43. I am so sorry to see you all have given me such inspiration and I wish everyone of you success and happiness in your future endeavours.

  44. So sorry to hear this news. I am fairly new here, but I have been so inspired by the wonderfully talented people on this site. You will all be missed! Good luck to you all!

  45. Ouch! I am stunned! So many people leaving. I wish only the very, very best to everyone. Yes! All will be missed by me. I have been learning so much from the shared talents.

    (Does this mean this site/business is done?)

    So close to Christmas, also. I sincerely send warm blessings to all. Thank you!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No, not at all. I will be announcing our new design team soon. We are all busy getting ready for our new January release including matching ink and more! Lots more inspiration on the way. Just some changes. It's all good. <3

    3. Thank you for taking the extra time to write, Gina. It sounds like you have exciting projects coming. I do sincerely thank you and 'your team' for 'helping' me 'bump' along my way. <3

  46. Such a great group of designers- will be missing them all! Good luck to all you ladies in your future endeavors and wishing you much happiness!

  47. Sorry to see them go. I have found inspiration from their work since I joined Stamp TV. I only hope the new members coming aboard will have as much talent to offer. Thanks for all your hard work, Ladies!

  48. My goodness! That's a lot change all at once. Good luck to all of those ladies in their next adventures!

  49. Best of wishes to all these talented ladies may your journey open like the wings of a butterfly.Hugs to you all:)))
    Ginak I am so excited with the new ink to come out.The announcement of new members.Boy that is alot
    to do at the busiest time of the year.Hugs and thanks for all you do for us throughout the year.
    Sorry that I have'nt taken part in blogs and such.Many doc appts and such.But make the next year bring us all to blossom and grow.
    Hugs and loves:)))))

  50. It is always such a wonderful experience to be able to see what's coming up next. I wish to echo the comments above and will miss you very much, and will check all of you on the net to see what you're up to creatively.

  51. You will all be missed but I will still be stalking you gals to see what you are up to!!

  52. They will all be missed. Thank you for all the inspiration and for sharing all their beautiful projects.

  53. Change-so hard to embrace for ALL of us! I have learned most of what I know about crafting from all of you on the DT here and I am a follower of most if not all of you now! I am sad you won't be a part of this team, but I am so thankful to Gina that you became part of my crafty life! Best wishes to all of you because you are a very special and talented group!

  54. sorry to see them go they are very talented people

  55. My heart feels very heavy. Wishing you ladies all the very best, looking forward to seeing where your paths take you. Gina, you are always ever gracious. I know STV will continue to soar!

  56. Well we are sorry to see you go, but it sounds like you'll still be around too! Plus we know all of your Blogs and when we need a little more inspiration we can track you down! Good luck in all your new adventures! (((hugs)))

  57. Will miss all your talent and inspiration. Good luck in your new endeavors. Will see you around in blogland.

  58. God bless your new endeavors. We will miss you here but I am sure we will find you elsewhere.

  59. I am sad to hear this news. All of your wonderful talents will surely be missed. The inspiration you have given us is amazing. When one door closes another opens for even more adventures!

  60. Wishing you well. I will miss you a;;.

  61. Best wishes, happy holidays, and good luck in your future endeavors. You will all be missed but since I receive emails daily from most of you, I will be able to follow where ever you go.

  62. Dear Gina K.
    It is really sad that your wonderful designers are leaving. We will miss them.
    I have a question for you, I was trying to contact you about some guidance about becoming a demostrator. How can I contact you directly?

    1. Hi Katherine,
      I don't know much about being a demonstrator anymore but the best thing to do is to contact a rep from a direct sales company you like. You can sign up to be a demonstrator by signing up from someone who is already with a direct sales company.

  63. Gina, lovely tribute to your outgoing design team. I am sure that they will always be special to you and all your blog fans. I have enjoyed their talent and inspirations. I am sure that we will see them around in blog land.

  64. Deb, Emily, Giovana, Jimmi, Lori, Suzanne, Tina,
    and Vicki you will all be missed! I loved seeing your projects for the new releases! Bl in your futures!essings

  65. Best wishes to all of you because you are a very special and talented ladies who have inspired all of us with your wonderful work! Good Luck and you will be missed!

  66. How very sad - these ladies have provided so much inspiration and encouragement - I'm sure, to all of us. I have found their cards to be springboards for new ideas, and would like to say a huge thank you to each and every one.

    Thank you for all you've done for the stamping community. Personally, you've made a huge difference to me and my crafting abilities.

  67. So sorry to see so many of the design team leave. I have enjoyed seeing their work and will miss them all!

  68. Thank you all for all of the beautiful inspiration! You will definitely be missed; but I will still see you around the stamping community! All the best!

  69. I'll be sorry to see so many design team members leave Gina K. I have enjoyed and been inspired by so many of their projects. I'm also looking forward to the next chapter of designers for Gina K. You remain my #1 stamp and website company. Good luck to all!

  70. I have only been here a short time but I have felt as if I knew all of you and I to will miss you. I hope to see you all somewhere on the web and may God bless you all in what ever you do and where ever you go

  71. So sad to see this wonderfully talented group of ladies go but know that they will still be around sharing their creativity with us in some aspect. Thanks, ladies, for sharing your heart and your talent with us. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for you all.

    Gina, will you be choosing new design team members or have you already done that?

    1. Our new team will be revealed very soon. We are all busy working on our January release. :)

  72. Best wishes in your new endeavors. Thank you for all the neat cards and trappings. You'll be sorely missed!

  73. Best wishes in whatever you do.

  74. WOW! I will miss all of you. Good luck on what ever journey you take.

  75. I will miss seeing your cards on the releases and hops, but I sure hope this isn't goodbye completely. My crafting has been completely transformed since coming to Stamp TV and learning from all of you. Good luck in your future endeavors and I hope to be seeing some great things from all of you.

  76. Thanks to all members of the design team who have inspired and delighted us in the sharing of their talents.

  77. Been inspired by your site and your team. Happy New Year.

  78. Great "BIG" blog hop and candy. Happy New Year

  79. Such a great team. Happy New Year.

  80. I have been following your site for many years and really love all the videos. Thanks for a chance to win the cute snowman set.

  81. I really love this snowman set. Thanks for a chance to win. Happy new year to you and your team!

  82. Thanks for another great yr with nice designs, videos and inspriation. I appreciate the opportunity to win a GKD stamp set.

  83. I am new to this site and am absolutely in love with it!!

  84. Thank you Gina for the chance to win a product of yours and for all the tutorials you have made to help me learn my hobby/craft. I really have learned some incredible things that have helped my cards get those ooo's and ahh's! Hat's off to you! AND I love your paper! (Had to mention that!)

  85. I like the bright red cardinal on the card.

  86. This blog hop is GREAT! It made me discover StampTV! Thank you!
