
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New Release Inspirational Blog Hop- Day 2

Hi Everyone,

I am thrilled by how much you enjoyed yesterday's blog hop. What a fabulous day of inspiration!
And today, we will do it again with three more exciting new stamp sets including the new set by Beth Silaika- Wicked, Becky Oehlers- You Say Goodbye and I say Ello, and Tami Mayberry- Take Note.

Wicked by Beth Silaika
You Say Goodbye and I Say Ello by Becky Oehlers
Take Note by Tami Mayberry
And as you hop through their blogs, make sure to leave a comment on each of them because we will choose a few random comments and those stampers will each win a Gina K. Designs Grab Bag that could have anything from stamps to paper and embellishments! To see the list of winners check the Big News forum at Stamp TV a couple of days after the hops.
Start hopping here:

Beth Silaika – Illustrator Wicked
Becky Oehlers – Illustrator You Say Goodbye and I Say 'Ello
Tami Mayberry – Illustrator Take Note
If you missed our release party video, many of the new stamp sets were featured in techniques and projects so check it out here: Release Party Video
And today on StampTV, the new set Take Note by Tami Mayberry is being featured along with our first scrapbooking video using Project Life.
See what all of the buzz is about and find out how you can put scrapbook pages together in just a few minutes with this remarkable system and the Take Note stamp set. Click here to watch today's video- Take Note of your Memories
Thanks so much for stopping by! I will back again tomorrow with another link list for another fantastic hop!

Make it a great day,
Gina K.



  1. wow to the project life card! How convenient all the numbers match u for her swim stuff to ho with your project, hee! I'm impressed! Super creative!

    1. You can do that with anything if you think about it! My next page will be parent weekend at Interlochen. Just have to actually go and experience it first... camera in hand, of course!

  2. Love these stamps and definitely checking out this Project Life thing...seems easier than scrapbooking and probably more my style. Great picture of Rina and LOVE how you used Tami's set.

  3. Love to see the new sets in action and I think it's great you are doing a scrapbooking video and hope there's more to come.

  4. Love Rina's picture! Great idea - Project Life is ALL the rage!

  5. Love the video today, and thank you so much for the free cutting files, all I can say about these two sets is hurry up mr postman :-)

  6. Love those stamp-sets, wish they where mine ^_^

  7. had not heard of project life before- looks easy to use

  8. I am not a scrapper. I made one scrapbook and was not that enthused. Maybe someday. But right now I am off to hop and get some exercise. LOL Have a sweet and wonderful day Gina!

  9. Great creation for your memories! Thanks for showing us how to get this done :) Love all the blues to tie into their swim team color!

  10. Just finished the hop and there were some amazing ideas along the way.

  11. Great stamps! So glad I have the Wicked set, being from the Boston area it should be mandatory to own it! :)

  12. It's so inspiring to see how everybody uses these stamp sets! Very smart business practice because it makes me want them more, lol!! :)

  13. It is so fun hopping and seeing what everyone makes with these sets.

  14. I just love the "Take Note" set. Finally, the perfect size stamps to go with so many things that I have. Woohoo! This set is going on my list to Santa!!

  15. What fun sets! Love that action shot of your daughter!

  16. I guess I will add these stamp sets to my wish list.


  17. Louise (Mamilou) (Ontario)October 3, 2012 at 9:49 AM

    Great new stamps sets.... Lots of inspiration
