
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Growing Pains and Some Personal Stuff

Hi Everyone,

What a crazy couple of weeks it's been for all of us at StampTV and Gina K. Designs

This blog post will have some business information and then at the end, a little personal post. So for those of you who prefer to not read the personal stuff, the dotted line will divide the two. :)

These last two weeks have been Spring Break in our area and we have been operating with a very scaled down Cast and Crew. A few things got away from us in our attempt to run at half staff, two of them being the endings to last weeks videos! NOTHING is more frustrating than watching a project come to life and then getting cut off right before the best part! We deeply apologize for that and today, in lieu of making a new video, we decided to fix our mistakes and redo the two from last week, complete with endings.

To watch the full video for the Petals and Wings Friendship Card, click here: Petals and Wings Friendship Card Project

And to watch the full video for the Masculine Card with Masculine Tags Card, click here: Masculine Card with Masculine Tags Card Project

Shipping Update
We are still at about 10 business days for orders to leave our warehouse due to an unexpected heavier than usual volume this month combined with many of our staff taking Spring Break to be with their families. We apologize deeply for the delay and we are working around the clock to get orders shipped as quickly as possible. Customer service emails are now caught up and we are able to handle the daily volume with no problem. Please keep in mind that customer service is closed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday so emails will be returned on Monday if you contact us on those days each week.

So what does the future looks like when it comes to ordering?
This month, something magical happened and Gina K. Designs had more than quadrupled the amount of orders that we have ever had during a new release. 4 times as many orders this month! WOW! We couldn't be more grateful for all of the wonderful word of mouth that you, our valued customers have shared with your stamping friends.
We have grown... and fast! Honestly, we were so very unprepared for that kind of volume and growth, we have all been running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

Not ready...
Dropping balls all over the place.

We are so sorry for that. We are stampers too and we KNOW how frustrating it is to place and order and watch it sit there, doing nothing for days on end. So, we need to get our butts in gear and give you the service you deserve.

Here is a peek at our plan to make things better for our customers:
1. We have made arrangements to add several new staff members to help with packing, shipping, manufacturing and customer service.

2. New equipment. Yep- it's time. We have already starting the process of adding a second stamp cutter to our manufacturing facility. This is where the MAJOR choke is for us. We can make TONS of stamp sets in day, but we can only cut a few at a time. So, it makes sense to invest in that area so stamps can be manufactured at a much quicker pace. With these new measurews, we should be back to our speedy selves, even with all of the extra volume.

3. Now, it will take about a month or two to really feel the effects of these changes because we are kind of sticklers about customer service and quality. That means we need to train these new folks to make sure quality comes first. And installation of the new equipment will take a little while due to electrical updates, delivery and installation of the new machine and the training required to cut the stamps properly.

This is all very exciting to us and we are eternally grateful for the loyalty and trust you put into our company and products. We ask that you hang in there with us the next couple of months to work through these exciting changes and we will continue to work around the clock to ship your orders as quickly as possible.
Of course our videos and new products will continue to be released and the changes will go on behind the scenes.

Our Next Release
Yeah, about that... We planned to have a new release on April 12th. But honestly, that's ridiculous! It would be very unfair of us to release new products when many of you are still waiting for your shipment from our last release! You see, it's not all about money for us. It's about the service first. And your orders that are currently in our system NEED to be our first priority. So, out next release will be postponed until April 26th.

Something for You

We have a couple of new 6 X 6 paper packs coming out during our next release and because you have been SO patient and loyal, we will be providing a coupon code so you can choose one of them for free with your new release order. It's the least we can do to say thanks SO much for hanging in there with us. We appreciate you. You are the reason we are growing. We will never forget that! Look for the coupon during our release party on April 26th.

So there are the updates... Now, I need to go make stamps, pick and pack orders and work on some new videos. Make it a great day!

And for those of you who want a little personal news, read on.
To the rest of you-
Much love ~ Gina K


We had a wonderful Spring Break and shared some quality time as a family. With Alicia home from school, the four of us headed to the beach for a little R & R.

My girls, being kids and having fun playing in the water. Gosh, I love that!

During our time away, my Mom ending up needed colon surgery. It was extremely rough and she's still in the hospital. Although she is doing a little bit better, it's going to be a long recovery. And because she is in her mid 80s, healing and rehab will also take a lot longer.

It's been pretty stressful- feeling so behind at work, feeling guilty for taking a break, missing my daughter now that she's back at school and caring for my sick mom. But this is life. This is how things go sometimes. When it rains it pours.

I found this little quote, and it's helped me alot over the past two weeks...

That's my new mantra. And for someone who tends toward being a perfectionist, it's a hard lesson to learn.

But it's true... you can only do what you can do. Whether it's running a business, being a mom, or being a daughter... you can only give your best and no more. Whatever is left to do will still be there tomorrow.

One more quote that really got me this week is this one:

So in the middle of this crazy, wonderful storm of life, I am adjusting my sails...
I am so thankful I have you- my stamping friends and family.

You are my rock.




...thanks for that.... thanks so very, very much...

With love,


  1. Gina, as a mother, daughter, and business owner, you are a class act all the way!

  2. Loveya! Blessings and hugs!
    Kim Marie

  3. Gina,
    So sorry to hear about your mom. Wishing her a speedy recovery. Glad you had a good break. Goodness knows you deserve it. Keep your chin up. "This too shall pass." Keeping you & your family in my thoughts and prayers.


  4. Outstanding Customer Service, as always Gina. You are awesome.

  5. God is GOOD!! I'm so glad STV is growing, it will all be worth it. Praying for your mums recovery, and looking forward to the new release! Blessings to you Gina..THANKYOU!

  6. Thanks for the update, Gina. Love the quotes, especially the first one.

  7. Thanks for always putting customers first, Gina, and thanks for being you. Hugs!!! T

  8. Thanks for the update Gina--it is great to see a company put its customers first, instead of $$$$$$.

    Prayers and gentle hugs for your mom. Looks like a relaxing vacation--so glad you had fun!

  9. Gina, I noticed the stress in your last video. I was wondering what was going on in your life. Now I know. Thank you for sharing. You have wonderful products and seem genuinly a nice person. Prayers for your business and your family. Hang in there.

  10. Gina, Thanks for the update, and for being so real! I am awaiting an order, and I don't mind one bit.
    Prayers and Blessings,

  11. It is so special for you to share personal stuff with us folks "out there". I would love to see these quotes on future stamps :D.

  12. Thanks for the update Gina. Sounds like God is truly blessing you with this business. I have been with you since you started and I have to say, I have NEVER been disappointed in your products or service..You are the best..Have fun and be blessed.:)

  13. Thank you so much for posting this, for keeping everyone updated. I am glad that you were able to enjoy some time off with your family. I hope that your mom continues to get better.

  14. FOUR times the orders?!! How exciting! Sorry to hear about your Mom though, I do hope she has a speedy recovery. HUGS!

  15. Gina......Just keep going the best you can. That's really all anyone can ask. All of us (your faithful followers) understand and will stick by you. You have been there for us, providing GREAT products and service so now it is time for us to be there for you during difficult times.

    I hope your mother makes a full recovery. She will certainly be in our thoughts and prayers.

    We love you!!!

  16. Thank you for your consideration in updating all of us. You needed the time off, so don't let yourself feel guilty for not one more second. You are a faithful, loving, wonderful daughter and I know your Mom appreciates all the time you can give to her. The Lord will prosper your business as you keep your priorities in order. I consider you a friend although we've never met in person. I look forward to your posts and products :) {HUGS}

  17. You do a great job, and we appreciate all that you do. Never feel guilty about spending time with family. They are the rock that lets us stand up! God bless you all, and enjoy a virtual hug!

  18. Gina- you should never apologize for wanting to spend time with your family!! Hope your mom recovers well. Work will always be there- good luck making the adjustments you talked about, I'm sure it will have a positive impact for your company.

  19. Gina, thanks for being you! I totally agree with what everyone has already written to you. I appreciate your concern for your customers and sharing your business and personal news. I think you are doing everything you can in both areas. I loved the quotes and immediately wrote them down. The first one hit home as I am a perfectionist too. It takes one to know one.LOL!

    Sorry to hear about your Mom's surgery and hope her recovery is smooth and steady. I am sure she knows that you are doing all that you can for her.
    Hang in there! Corrine Ann

  20. There are several blogs that i follow not just for tutorials or crafting ideas etc but also because the person behind them comes through as an amazingly grounded and genuinely good inspiring person and this is one of those blogs :)

  21. I do hope you read every post. It just shows what a classy woman you are, and how much we all respect and admire you. I am new to this stamping community, but by far, you are outstanding. Not just the great quality of your stamps, not just because your videos are like a friend sharing with you, it is because you are so real, and honest, and wonderful. I love to read about everything, from the stamp stuff, to the swimming meets, and everything in between. hitting a rough patch and having a little spin out, that is ok, Gina. I will not go to another company. I will not stop watching your videos. Who you are and what you do inspire me every day.
    May God place His loving and healing Hands on your Mother and she recover quickly.
    You are one in a million, Gina.

  22. Thanks for sharing, all you do.
    Prayers for y ou and your Mom and family and all medical folks.
    hang in there.
    you are loved

  23. Gina, I can not say anymore than everyone else has said except for one thing, YOU HAVE AN AMAZING STAFF, THEY ARE ALWAYS SWEET IF THERE IS A PROBLEM THEY GO BEYOND THE NINE DOTS TO HELP NO MATTER IF THE PROBLEM IS BIG OR SMALL. Thank you again for being you. Hope Mom does well. Love to all!! Sandi

  24. Love your mantra and it should carry you through those rough happy for you and how far you have grown
    I will gladly pop in and help you pick orders and sort stamps...a few might follow me home though! lol
    Happy and a blessed Easter to you.

  25. You are blessed to have a great family, a mother to love, a wonderful business and surrounded by people that care. Having so much can sometimes be stressful, but you are handling everything beautifully!! Take care.

  26. Congratulations on your success. You have a great company and you are so genuine.That's what keeps us coming back.
    Glad you had a nice break with your family.
    So sorry to hear about your mom! Prayers are with you.
    "One day at a time,sweet Jesus".
    God bless.

  27. It is all the strife we go through that makes us the people we are today, I have to say I like who I am and I think you should be of like mind as you are a remarkable lady, one so many can look up too and admire and aim to be like. As an old gal wh
    With love and blessing ~ Lady Anne xxo has lived through too much pain and heart ache I feel I'm someone who can judge really well and I like what I see with you dear lady....

  28. Bless You Gina- glad you enjoyed your family time!!!

  29. I too send good healing vibrations and many prayers for you , Mom and Family. As has been said over and over in these posts, you are an amazing and loved, very respected Woman, not just by us , your Customers, but by the entire Stamping Community. ....and only good shall follow you as you trust in the Lord Our of my favorite quotes.

  30. Big congrats! And even bigger hugs! GinaK Designs will always be my favorite stamp company.

  31. Gina, you have always been first class!! And now you prove it again! I am glad to see GKD is having growing pains due to increased business! When you gave the description of running around and dropping all those balls, a funny picture came to mind that would make a great stamp, lol!!! Most of us would totally relate!

    It's now secret that sucessfull businesses go through the "gangly" stage of transitioning to handle increased production, no way to perfectly forsee it coming and no way around the "high water jeans" part of it! lol! Your post and solutions show you are handling it well and with your customers foremost in your mind. Great job!

    On a totally different note, while looking at the picture of the stamps not cut/cut I thought, "how is that done" and I have always been a fan of "How it's Made" show. I think many of us would love to see your version of "How it's Made" GKD style of how you make the stamps, the process, production etc. (no "secure" info of course). Of course when things are not so crazy and hectic!! Your videos are always wonderful and IMO these would be also!

    Thanks again, and keep it up!!

  32. Gina, what a lot to take in and take on!!! I'm praying you lean on the Lord, His shoulders are big and broad and He will help you carry all this, actually He will take it from you and give you rest. "Come to Me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28.
    I have to commend you for how you are handling the backlog of orders. So thankful for your honesty and humility.
    I know you must be feeling so very torn with your mom recovering from surgery and still having to run the business too. Keep leaning on the Lord.

  33. Well Girl... HUGS... You are loved!!!


  34. No worries...we totally understand :) Here I am in Mexico with my daughter and still checking your blog, ha

  35. Gina, as always, family should come first. I applaud you for all you do and how you handle business and family.
    I am a huge fan of your company and products and glad that you are growing.
    Just remember to breathe!

  36. BIG HUGS!!! Simply are the BEST and we're always right beside you!!!

  37. Wow, Gina! Such a great communication. I wish you much continued success.

  38. Gina - You are blessed by the Lord moment by moment; for with every breath we have an opportunity to praise Him, serve Him, love Him.
    You are doing this right now with yourself, your family, your business, and your customers. Thank you for all that you are doing and prayers for God's healing for your mom and your family.

  39. Take all the time you need. We need you to stay healthy too! Prayers going out to your family. *HUGS*

  40. Gina you may be right that stampers don't like to wait, but I also think the majority are lovely people with big hearts, and I for one understand and think it is wonderful how the quality and customer service has provided you with success in your wonderful venture. If I have to wait for an order to arrive, I know it is worth waiting for, you are a truly wonderful person and you deserve to put your family first at times. Thank you for all you have done for me in your guidance and teaching. I look forward to seeing you go from strength to strength, you truly deserve all your dreams coming true

  41. Well said Gina! I wish you patience, strength, and a good sense of humor to get you through all the changes that are taking place. hugs, Barbara.

  42. Wow Gina.. what a lovely message and explanation! I actually do not have an order in..but if I did I would be more then happy to be patient! Just shows what kind of Customer Service GKD and Stamp TV has behind the scenes! Alot of companies would make up excuses..or put people off.. You always go above and beyond..and I recommend your companies to anyone who will listen! Thanks for making me proud both to be a member of Stamp TV and owner of GKD stamp sets! Just waiting on money to place my next order!

  43. Growing pains are a sign of...growth! Congratulations on that! Adding your mom to my prayer list. Love those quotes--they'd make great stamps!

  44. God Bless you Gina, and congratulations on your growing company! You are one in a million. Hope your mom will recover very soon -- with all the prayers being sent, I'm sure she will be fine! Sending prayers and hugs to you. Keep on smilin'.

  45. Gina know that you have your priorities in the right spot, your family and yourself first, everything else, the business, the messed up video ends, the short staff, the new equipment and expanding orders, they are all secondary to those you love and cherish.

    Life is very short, enjoy every moment you can spare with your Mom. I wish her a speedy recovery, I've been there, and it isn't easy.

    I love your new mantra, I may have to put that on my mirror so it reflects back at me each day.

    Just a thought, but if you had an address we could send cards to your Mom it might brighten her day and ours!
    Hugs, Patti

  46. Thank you for keeping updated. You do have your hands and heart full, but your mind keeps reminding you of good life lessons you have learned. Hope your mother recovery goes well.

  47. Hello!

    Hang in there girl! You are a wonderful woman and have a great blog and product. I love your quotes - they are just what I was looking for and will be my mantra during a difficult time. Sending prayers and good wishes for you and your family and wishing your mom a good recovery.


    Barbara Diane

  48. Gina, I am glad you took a few days to be with family and relax. It is so healing for me when I am stressed to be with the ones I love. Love your products and your videos, you are doing great. Waiting a couple of weeks will make me use some of my stash, so you are doing a good thing (LOL)

  49. Congrats on the business expansion! Love your "Positive Attitude"! Breathe...and let GOD adjust your sails <3

  50. You're doing a great job Gina. I have learned so much from watching your videos so thank you for making them. I still don't know how to get to the challenges and do them but I will eventually get there. I hope your mom is doing better and my prayers are with you.

  51. Thank u for the update, may your mom heal soon

  52. Gina you deserved a break! Glad you took it. You can't be the best you can be without taking care of yourself first. Sorry to hear the news about your Mother. I wish her a speedy recovery. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. You do a fabulous job and I learn so many things from your videos! Keep up the good work. BTW - your products are worth waiting for! Big Hugs!!

  53. You are doing fine -- and good things ARE WORTH WAITING FOR -- so putting us off a bit, can only be wonderful!

  54. Thank you for the update and personal news. I'm so happy for your business growth. What a wonderful feeling to know you have made good decisions. I'm a crafter, Mom, Grandma and retired business owner so I've gone through everything you described. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. I really hope she's getting better each day. Bless you all.

  55. thanks for the update gina . will always continue to watch and order. take care and good luck with mom sometimes life is a test .

  56. Gina- my mother had double-resect colon surgery this time last year when she was 86. Wanted you to know she is doing fine-still living alone, doing her own shopping and errands, drives herself wherever she needs to go, etc. Hope your mom does the same!

    Wishing you and your family the best.

  57. Sorry about your Mom Gina. Take care of family first by all means. I know what it is like and sometimes we just need to step back and take care the more important things in life. I have been there and am there right now with personal family issues. Your customers will understand I am sure and will wait for you to catch your breath. Sounds like exciting things happening though at Gina K. Designs and I will be looking forward to hearing all about more later in the month.

  58. Hello Gina....I very much appreciate your blog and the wonderful inspiration and stamps/ideas you share with us through your products and great videos. Life is not always a calm pond ... sometimes it is a raging ocean. A verse of Scripture which I stand on and repeat often is Philippians 4:13 - 'I can do EVERYthing through Him Who gives me strength' (emphasis mine). Keeping you all in our prayers!! Cindy

  59. Gina,Congratulations on your growing business. I absolutely love your videos and your products.It can be draining at times when there is so much on your plate ... but the Lord never gives us more than we can handle. He is there is hold our hand, and carry us when need be. Prayers for a speedy recovery for your dear Mom. May God's amazing grace cover you and your family.

  60. Hang in there are doing a wonderful job. I love STV and all of the wonderful things I have learned from you. I visit this website daily..I look forward to the StampTV emails everyday. What a wonderful site you created.
    Glad you and your family had a wonderful vacation..we all need those. Your mom is in our prayers..Have a wonderful Easter.

  61. Gina, Thank you for the business update and the note of what is going on in your personal life which always come first. I hope that your Mom's recovery will be speedy. Remember, God won't give you anything that you can't handle. Hang in there ~ all will be well.
    P.S. I have enjoyed your video's so much and love your stamp sets. Marlene

  62. Aww Gina first thank you to you family and your team. Thanks to your family for the support, because family is so very important. When you have a full time job and a family is nice to have a family that supports you. I think your family for their support in your dreams. Without your dreams I wouldn’t have great creations and inspiration. I believe family is important. I tell ya if my husband and kids didn’t like that I craft I would be a crafter.

    Second I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I know what it’s like to have a mother have surgery and need your full support. I hope that you get the chance to enjoy a little more spring break with your girls. I don’t mind if you do. Smiling!

    Thanks to your Team. I tell ya they are awesome. Working to support my habit and love crafting. Thanks Team.

    Blessing My Dear!

  63. Awe Gina...hang in there.
    Will add your mom to my prayer journal.
    I love your candid blog posts... makes us all feel more like friends than just the "owner of an awesome stamp Company". So many of us care about you and are excited to hear about you and your successes with GKD!

  64. Gina, you are the best at everything you do. You are the best when it comes to customer service and keeping your customers informed. Thank you for all you do and being you. Keep repeating those quotes as there are better days ahead. Your mom is in my prayers.

  65. Your company is the kind of company I would want to work for. You put family and customer service ahead of dollars. I think it's worth waiting for orders when you know what's behind it. Thank you for your honesty. I hope your Mom recovers quickly and smoothly!

  66. Your honesty and transparency are an example to every business owner! Personally, I rejoice that you treat your staff so well . . . that you allow them to take time off when their kids are out of school. Knowing that makes is very easy to be patient about slower than normal shipping. When it takes longer to receive an order than it usually does, I smile just thinking about the fact that you employ moms and you make it possible for them to put their families first, just the way you do. There are few "bosses" that do that. Believe me, I know from experience! You're awesome, Gina! Hugs and prayers to you and healing hugs for your mom. If you'll tell us her name, perhaps some of us can make her a get well card.

  67. Prayers are on the way for your Mother and Family may she heel fast. also I think we know how Life goes so dont worry we will stay loyal. Its ok to take time off you have had so much going on. we all have to do this so our heads can change course and get back to things at hand.
    Love to all
    your Faithful fan

  68. Gina everything you do with your company is an indication of your love and passion for what you do and never feel you are in it for the money! Now about that second quote....Pleasssse make it a stamp!!! Best wishes for your Mother's speedy recovery

  69. As another perfectionist and having experienced similar events, I empathize with you. Your customers will understand, and as you have read, offer their support and prayers. You are a wonderful person... So be good to you said, you can only go what you can do! All my love and prayers to all of you.

  70. Thanks for sharing your life with us. To us, you seem perfect - but perfection is not all it's cracked up to be - so don't worry about it. We love you just the way you are! Hope your mom does well. Life's challenges always come in bunches. This too shall pass! Hang in there.

  71. Sending hugs and well wishes to you, your family, your staff and your mom. Blessings from above to you all.

  72. We have all had times when the mountain of things piling up in front of us seems overwhelming and not doable. However, just take it one day at a time and there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. You are an amazing person and just pay attention to your sails. Adjust as needed. Love and prayers.

    Lorraine M.

  73. Can only imagine...but! I know we serve a BIG and AWESOME God and what you can't do, He is right there beside you doing the rest and always giving you strength. Your whole family are in my prayers ('specially your Mom!) You are a wonderful testimony Gina!!

  74. Gina, I will pray for your Mom's recovery and for God to give you strength to continue to be supportive to her. Thanks for updating and letting us know what is going on. You and your staff do a great job in giving us quality products and I don't mind waiting. Congratulations and best wishes for continued success in your business. You deserve it.

  75. Precious blessings, to you, your Mom, family, and your business!
    Take care,


  76. Wow - you've been standing in the rain for some time now, and you're still seeing the rainbow in the distance. I love you, Gina, and I am so happy for the growth in your business. You truly have the best company out there, hands down. Congratulations on the growth, and on being able to spend time with your family. I will gladly wait for my stamps, anytime, because family must come first. Prayers for your Mom's recovery!

  77. Thank you for explaining some difficult issues that have been going on. As a customer, I appreciate that.

    As a person, your mother will be in my prayers and just another little quip to keep you going - God has promised that he will NEVER give you more than you can handle and HE will ALWAYS be there to help and guide you.

    Thank you.

  78. Thanks so much for the information and wonderful customer service. It is greatly appreciated. So happy to hear your business is growing. I love your products and the grat projects you make. I hope your mom makes a speedy recovery.

  79. Godspeed to you, Gina! You have been such a blessing to me and it was because of you I came into the stamping world. You, my friend, are MY rock {of course, besides the Heavenly One} and I'm praying for you and your family. Love those quotes...gonna keep 'em for myself.
    Love you always,

  80. Our prayers are with your mother Gina, and with you and your family. When we are little our mother's take care of us, and when we are older we get the chance to take care of them. I hope that things smooth out at work, Alicia has a great but safe time at college, and you get a chance to create beautiful things!

  81. Wishing your Mom a speedy recovery and wishing you the strength to get through this. Above all your family is THE most important thing on your plate right now.

  82. Okay, THAT is why I totally love you! You bring such positive energy to the crafting community and I look up to you. Thanks for being you!

  83. Dear Gina - thank you for always being so professional and yet so open with us. I appreciate that about you. We don't expect perfection from anyone, not even you. May your mom get better sooner, your kids always be safe and happy, and you & dh be in love forever. Another fan - Rosy

  84. Thank you for the explanations. Your personal touch is appreciated, and your story is relatable to many fans. Love the Elizabeth Edwards quote -- will use it on a card for a special friend. E-hugs. Char

  85. I can identify with your experiences. Will be thinking of you. I sincerely hope you received a bit of 'healing' by sharing your last 2 weeks, let alone other personal issues in your life.

    I feel sharing and supporting each other is valuable to everyone. (but that could just be me.) :)

    blessings to you and yours... and all.

  86. Dear Gina
    The Love in your Heart will carry you through all this... wishing you Joy
    Elaine Sherry

  87. Gina: You do it all so well. Of course, we your loyal fans and customers will be patient while you grow and improve. We love your product, your customer care, and you. Best to your Mom. Hope her recovery is quicker than you think.

  88. I skipped all the way to the end to read the personal information. Thank you for being willing to share your current tribulations. You are more to us than just a talking head. I am glad you are trying to leave the perfection for your card=making. Blessings to you and your family.


  89. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad that your business is doing so well.

  90. the bumps in the road are to remind us how lucky we are when it's smooth...I like to always think how lucky I am that my life is boring most of the time-boring is good.

  91. Sorry about your mom's surgery. She will be in my prayers.
    All your delays are nothing. Life happens. Don't worry so much and just keep on truckin'. A delay in receiving your newsletters, products and videos is a small inconvenience but well worth the wait.
    Have a nice Easter.
    Sandy M

  92. You are a class act.
    Patience on my end is definitely not a problem
    I appreciate your business, your professinalism, and your sincerity.
    Blessings to you, your family, and your business.

  93. Gina,I'll pray for healing for your mom, strength, peace & wisdom for you.

  94. Gina, thanks so much for being so transparent. Your candor and willingness to share your life with us is really appreciated. I'm going through stuff with both my folks right now (Mom is 89, Dad is 93) so I know exactly how you are feeling. It's tough to have our folks get older and have health issues. They depend on us now instead of us depending on them. I'm thinking of you my dear.

  95. It's so awesome that your business is growing during these difficult economic times. Goes to show people still know how to have fun. :)
    Prayers for your mom's quick recovery. Kat Bass

  96. Glad you got some quality family time in, sorry about your Mom, thoughts and prayers are with you at this time!

  97. You've been paying attention to the trainwreck that is PTI, haven't you? **wink* Kudos on the BEST customer service ! THIS is how customers SHOULD be treated. I'm off to buy some of your stuff. I need a new source for cardstock! thanks for all you do:)

  98. What a blessing you and your business are to so many of us! I echo the comments of so many, sending prayers and hugs to you and your family, asking God to give you the strength and energy to take care of your mother, your family and your business, and yet take time for yourself. You needed time with your girls. Thanks for sharing about the recent stresses you encountered. With a huge following of customers who love and support you and are willing to wait patiently for their orders to arrive, it's a rare business with customers who are that patient! Continued blessings in your business and renewed health and healing for your mom is my prayer for you. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. You are loved!

  99. After reading about your personal news, I feel almost silly commenting on your business news. But in addition to sending you well wishes for your mom's recovery, I do want to commend you on the professionalism you are showing with your company. Sincere, honest effort and taking responsibility... your company absolutely deserves all the success it is experiencing. Others would do well to learn from your example. You're wonderful.

    1. Dear Gina,
      Wishing your mom a speedy recovery and many healthy years ahead. So glad you were able to spend time with your family -- you should never feel guilty or apologize for that.
      I am impressed by your customer service commitment and know that you do your best.
      Wishing you strength, health and happiness.

  100. Taking a break is important for all of us. We need to be able to "refuel" our spirits now and then. I'm sorry about your mother....having an 89 year old mother myself I know how hard it can be for them to recuperate.

    As for orders being slower than should always be first!!! And be sure to take care of yourself along the way.

  101. Wow you are super - thats the important bit - family are important - take care of yourself too
    Good wishes from Ireland

  102. Gina, I'm so happy your business is doing well. Sorry to hear about your Mom. I'm glad you got to get away and enjoy your family. Take one day at a time. All you company's success is coming your way because you have a great product and you run it the way large companies could take some lessons!! I look forward to the next release!!

  103. My ex-boss always signs his emails "FCF"...not his stands for
    Family Comes First!

    You do what you have to - we'll keep stamping.


  104. Oh how I remember being in the middle of the sandwich - but remember one of my favourite quotes from the Bible - 'and this too came to pass'
    Easter Blessings

  105. You are the BEST!!! but remember you are human!!! Consider yourself hugged and take care of yourself ,too. May God bless your family at Easter and always. Vicki

  106. WOW! That is exactly what I LOVE about your company. Your family comes first, as it should, but your customers are such a close second. You provide some of the absolutely best customer service I have ever encountered! For that you have my "forever" purchasing support. Wishing you and your mom our support and prayers.

  107. Gina,
    I pray the Lord's comfort and strength to you to carry your load. I pray God's healing touch on your Mom. And I praise God for the expansion of your business!
    I believe we all have these trials to prove us, and you are a proven child of God's!
    Take care and a deep breath and perservere onward and forward and upwards!
    Cheryl McAskill

  108. Hopefully, your mom will make a marvelous recovery. Thoughts are with you. Thank you so much for the wonderful customer service and products you and your staff provide. You are an inspiration to us all.

  109. Never like stamping until I started watchig Stamp Tv and your vidoes. Can't wait to get started. Just trying to decide which one I cannot live without. Speedy Recovery to your mother.

    Happy Easter and God Bless,
    Mary Ann

  110. are one remarkably awesome woman! Congrats on the increased business and new stamp cutting machine. Prayers for your mom's speedy (or not so speedy) recovery. Don't feel guilty for taking a little break - you deserve it. We love you and your products, so we'll never be far away - LOL! Bless you and your family!

  111. Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers as we pray for your Mother's recovery. The reason most of us follow you is that you are such an inspiration to us in our daily lives. I can understand your need for perfection, but just remember - we appreciate you for who you are and your belief in family first is one of the qualities alot of us admire the most!

  112. you are the best!!!!!! best of luck juggling care for you and your mom. that comes first.

  113. All the very best to your Mother hope her recovery goes well.
    Congratulations on the success and expansion of your business you deserve it.
    It is one of the most difficult lessons in life to learn but oh so important to come to the conclusion that you dont need to be perfect and conquer the world alone and it isnt all going to come to a screaming halt if you take time out to smell the flowers ! Thanks for the two quotes they sum up life perfectly.
    All the best for a bright future

  114. I too, cannot say anything more that has not already been said. Since discovering your website I have not returned to the one and only that I used to buy from. Your company far exceeds any other in price, quality and everything else. Thank you for being YOU...a WONDERFUL PERSON ! May God's Blessings always be with you !

  115. Congrats on the huge increase in business - the whole GKD team earned that with the fabulous service and integrity exhibited day in and day out. Will keep all of you in thoughts and prayers as all these transitions take place for you, your family, and your crew at GKD. God bless you!

  116. Gina, I am tired just reading all what you've been through. Don't ever feel guilty for taking time for yourself and your family. I love the Elizabeth Edwards quote. I'd love to see that in rubber. It would make great cards.

  117. Keep doing what you are doing. You will get through to the other side of it all eventually. I have learned a lot from you and LOVE your products. Take time for family as it is the most important thing. Have a blessed Easter.

  118. I am a new fan. You give wartmth thru all your videos. Keep on shining!!! Prayers to you and your family. Terri P.

  119. Gina,
    Soooo sorry to hear abour your mom. Keep your chin up. This too shall pass! Glad you had a nice break and DO NOT feel guilty about going. You had no idea your mom would have to have surgery! Of course you miss your daughter. I've been there and done that as well. But you know the old adage "Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Take time out for your family. They are more important than anything else!

  120. Very impressive, I think. So many companies have forgotten what customer service is... It's kind of a list art To that end, I say thank you.
    I'm sorry to hear about your Mom and I'm saying prayers for her recovery. I will say though that I believe good recovery pays you back 10-fold, BUT so does bad. Therefore, take the time you need and do what is right. You won't regret it.
    Hugs and prayers to you and your Mom. :)

  121. Gina - thanks so much for continuing to share with this community - I too don't have anything different to say - your Mom will be in all of our thoughts and prayers and you as well as you help her through this - many of us have also walked this same path with our parents. You and your employees give the business your "all" and it shows in the quality products you put out there for all of us - we support and understand the growing pains - it is what keeps us all supporting GinaK and StampTV. As soon as I read the quotes I too thought "she needs to make those into stamps!" Have a blessed Easter

  122. Gina I think you are doing an amazing job. You have to remember "stampers" are a patient bunch..for the most part we allow for the hiccups in life and put perspective on things. So stamp orders are a wee bit is NOT the end of the world. So don't worry dear Gina. You have come so far in such a short time. Be proud! Your Mum is in my prayers.. take care Wanda
    PS: Breaks with family are important! NEVER feel guilty about that!!

  123. Gina, as I'm retired and speaking from experience, I can tell you that your health and family come first. I worried so much over things at my job, I developed a syndrome called IBS. I read that it was stress related, but just couldn't believe it..till I retired. A month after retiring, I was suddenly well. So try to relax..just do the best you can and that's all you should expect of yourself.
    BTW, I just want to tell you that I love your stamps. The impressions are so deep, I don't have to worry about ink getting stamped in an area of the paper where it shouldn't be.
    You and your group do great work..don't be so hard on yourselves!

  124. Thank you, thank you, thank you for EVEEERRRTHING. A B I G Amen to all the above comments.
    I appreciate you and your company.
    Jean McGee

  125. Congratulations on quadrupling your orders - great success and well deserved. I'm sure all appreciate your delima of being short staffed and under equiped and everyone will be patient and understanding as everyone is grateful you care so much about your customers. So sorry to hear of personal issues but remember there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Take care.

  126. Gina, Thank you for caring so much. It is refreshing to know that such a genuine and talented person leads the wonderful Gina K Designs.

  127. It's great to hear about the growth of GKD! You really put yourself into everything you do and your dedication is admirable. I'm so glad for your success and to be part of this stamping community! It really is like no other. : ) On the other hand, sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts are with you and your family as she recovers. Sending lots of love and support your way!

  128. To Gina, the DT, and packers, shippers etc -- Love you all and want to tell you that I really appreciate your integrity and the compassion you all have for your customers. Thank you for the update and for peek at your personal life. I feel as though I know you from watching all your videos! lol Praying for your mom and for you all as well. Keep up the good work, and take time to smell the roses.

  129. i received my order and it was great. First time I ever ordered too! I am glad that your business is growing. I am waiting on orders from about 3 other companies so I learn to be patient. I would rather have quality than quantity. Thanks for your hard work. I put your mom on my prayer list.

  130. Gina - you and your family are on my prayer list. May God grant you a peaceful heart and keep you wrapped in His arms. Congrats on the big increase in business; your products are well worth waiting for. God Bless!

  131. Get Well wishes to your Mom. You are a Super Star. Congrats on your business. Keep up the
    good work. Barbara W.

  132. My prayers are with your family. Those two quotes are great and they would make great stamps for adding to cards.

  133. Hi Gina, Thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us. I am sorry to hear about your Mom. With all of our prayers she will get strong again soon. May God bless you in whatever you do. I love StampTV and GKD. I have always been satisified with my orders from you and I have never had trouble receiving them on time. If for some reason an order would be late I would know it was because you had no control of the situation. Take care and make time for family. They are so important and time goes so fast and soon they will be out of the nest and you all want to remember the good times you have all spent together. Keep up the good work but be sure to take care of yourself.

  134. Hang in there. I know life gets hard, but things will settle down soon enough. Keep a positive thought and know we are saying prayers for your Mom. Sending many hugs, and thank you for the update. Just get yourself enough rest and try and go with the flow.

  135. What a lovely message. It's nice to know business is 'too' good, for now. It's understandable to have a need for adjustment and it certainly seems that you are doing your best as a business owner to provide good customer service.

    Good luck with the business changes and family issues. I love your videos and products and you are a classy lady.

  136. Congrats on how good your business is........That is great....My thoughts and prayers to all for your mom's quick recovery!!!!!! It sounds like you needed to have that spring break.
    God bless all

  137. Don't feel guilty Gina!! You are a PERSON not a machine!! People understand and love you for your personal touch and sincerity! Congratulations on your expanding success. You deserve it and you deserve the time out with your family! What's the point otherwise? Sharing other's thoughts with regards to your mum, hoping for a stress and pain free recovery for her.

  138. Hello Gina...
    I can understand how you feel. We miss our kids and we are kids still to our parents and feel the need to help them..Too much to do and too little time to do it in. Stay strong... enjoy each day and remember that in a car the rear mirror is small because we are looking at what's behind...the front window the one we look out of is in front of's the future. Keep looking ahead..Keep going forward.
    Take care of yourself too. If your not OK then it's all pointless. Take care and GB you and your mom and family..

    pat...make it a Happy Easter anyway.

  139. Gina,
    Hang in there girl. Trust in the Lord and he shall make all your paths straight. It is tough being wife, mother, daughter, working women/business owner. But you just take one step at a time and do the best you can each day. Don't ever feel guilty for taking time away. If you don't you burn out...and then where would we be with out your wonderful stamps and videos????!!!!
    Hugs and Happy Easter!
    Judi H

  140. Gina, I am so totally with you on what you have been going through these past few weeks. My mom (after many years of suffering through the effects of Alzheimer's)passed away a few weeks ago - a blessing, truly because she no longer suffers and can be with my dad; month-end, quarter-end and fiscal year end @ work made me feel stressed and guilty for taking time off all on top of previously planned (& much needed) dental surgery that I didn't want to put off - yet again! The roller-coaster ride of everyday life is eased when I can escape with my stamping and card-making which brings me to YOU! Thank you for what you do - the quality of your stamps and paper is AMAZING and cannot be matched; your videos are OUTSTANDING, so informative and have brought me light years ahead in techniques with this new hobby of mine. To quote from one of my fav stamp sets: YOU GO GIRL! Don't ever feel guilty, we all try to do the best we can and that's what counts. For those that know you and love you, that will always be more than enough. May you have a blessed Easter and again, thank you, thank you, thank you for just being you!! with fondness, Tracy P

  141. Gina, you are really great lady & I am so glad to know you. Enjoy your family, as they should always come first!

    Thank you for being up front about the delay in shipping and stepping up to do something about it! But most of all--thank you for letting us know. I, and I'm sure many others, can be patient when we know what is going on.

    You & your company are really a class act & I'm glad to support you!


  142. Gina, you are an inspiration to me!
    You and your family are in my prayers.

  143. Gina,
    I have 3 to added for your comfort:
    1. Faith makes things possible... not easy.
    2. Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my (your) God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly. 1 Chronicles 28:20 (TLB)
    3. God ALWAYS has your back!
    Be at peace and know that all will be well and the HE has you gently cradled in His loving arms.
    Marilyn in Texas

  144. I wish I lived closer I would offer to help out! I can't imagine a more fun place to work! As we all know... with progress comes headaches~we'll be patient! Best to you and your family...Kim

  145. What wonderful thoughts Gina! Hope your mom gets better. Be strong! Hugs! Mojca

  146. Dear Gina....You are a GREAT person, have a great company....share everything in your wonderful family 100% and always deserve the best!! So hang tight, Gods prayers to your mother, Happy Easter and I will be praying for you as always. Take care and stop the OCD u said...there is always tomorrow. Glad u had such fun with your girls. Water looked fabulous. We love you Gina. And we all will continue to support you and your family and your WONDERFUL Business. evette k. ciampo

  147. May God shower you with blessings this Easter season, and you be stronger and have more faith for the trials that come and go.
    Paper Hugs,

  148. God bless sweetheart, special hugs and kisses from Carlisle, England.
    Will say a prayer for your mum, hope she fully recovers. Keep her tight, you can only ever have one mum.

    Be strong

    Marge ad xxxxx

  149. God bless sweetheart, special hugs and kisses from Carlisle, England.
    Will say a prayer for your mum, hope she fully recovers. Keep her tight, you can only ever have one mum.

    Be strong

    Marge ad xxxxx

  150. Wishing you all the best to you and your family Gina!

  151. Love and prayers to you and yours, Gina.

  152. Gina as a former business owner, I felt every word you put in your blog. There's a lot of pressure but be assured you have a loyal following and we'll all wait because you, your videos and your products are worth it. Hang in there!

  153. Hi Gina K, my friends and I LOVE your blog and stamps and so look forward to watching the videos and placing orders. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!! I will say daily prayers for your mothers speedy recovery and for you, to figure out how to balance it all. You are a classy woman! Thanks for all you do!!

  154. Gina, prayers for you and your mother as she recovers! And, wow, you are my favorite business person of all time. The amazing customer service that you all provide is second to none. Thank you for laying everything out there and being so real. You. Rock.

  155. to begin, I have to tell you what a first class company you have here. I'm not a customer, but soon will be, just because of this one post. you treat your customers with kindness and respect. you can't even begin to know how this is missing in so many crafting online stores these days.

    next, I will be saying prayers for you and your mom. may healing take place just as quickly as possible. your quotes are lovely and I hope you can take them to heart. do what you each day and leave the rest behind. spend time with the people you love, loving them with all you have. that is what is important. the rest will sort itself out if you do your best with what you have at the moment.

    Have a most beautiful Easter!

  156. Hey Gina, try not to worry about us stampers, you're only human afterall, and who would guess that with all that you accomplish each and every day? Best wishes to your mum for a speedy recovery and I have to say, you should try not to feel guilty for taking leave, it beats getting burnt out from stress.
    Take care

  157. Gina,

    First ... {{{hugs}}}!!

    Second ... you are truly a very talented, wonderful, honest, respectful person and those of us who are your fans and loyal customers know this. Don't feel bad!!

    I've been through a very extremely tough patch last year as I almost lost my Husband and it's so understandable you need time away! Time to catch your breath, to "reset" and just have time to yourself. Don't ever feel guilty about that. Personal care is so very very important.

    Prayers for a full recovery for your Mom too!

    Remember that you're such an inspiration, creatively and business-wise too.
    Hugs & Prayers

  158. Just had to pop by and say Gina, you are awesome! Love you! Prayers for your mom too! Julie

  159. You do not need worry about us. We will always be here waiting for you. Family is priority and important, so if you need to take some time off, please do. We need to cherish every moment we can with family. Happy thoughts and prayers for you and your Mom.

  160. I've only recently become familiar with Gina K Designs and StampTV. I've devoured your wonderful videos and so appreciate the way you present yourself and the projects and your company. Thank you for your helpful information and your soothing voice for a beginner like me. I wish you peace in the eye of the storm and the space to feel it...take care :)

  161. Thanks for the communication! It is so important to let your customers know what goes on behind the scenes and the changes you are making to improve the situation. We all love your products and the generosity in sharing your ideas. You are truly an inspiration.

  162. Great way to communicate with your customers. Your honesty is refreshing! You deserve every good thing that comes your way... I am not surprised at all that your sales have grown so much.

    I hope your mom gets better soon!

  163. I've come a little late to this post. I'm not an 'ordering' customer, yet. But I appreciate your honesty & your willingness to share with all of us. I am thankful that the 'almighty dollar' is not at the top of your list. Family should always
    come first! Also, have you given any thought to turning those quotes into rubber stamps? I love them! Keep up the good work that you do. Praying that your mom is doing better. Pam

  164. I too am late reading this post. I'm sad to hear that you've been under so much stress. I can totally sympathize as a small business owner who is also dealing with serious family health issues. Bravo for being honest and forthright with your customers. I'm sure they all agree that family comes first. I hope you won't mind if I borrow the second quote to use on my blog. It really speaks to my situation at the moment and I hope that in sharing it I will help someone else cope with the stresses of life.


  165. I'm excited for GKD's growth!!! Sounds like a lot of work though--phew!! Hang in there, Gina! Grace to you during such a dynamic time for you at work and home. Much love, Janice :)
