
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

a new me.

A new year.
A chance to try again. A chance to get it right.

I don't know what it is about the turning of that calendar page but it always makes me stop and reflect about the past year. And every year, I feel the same way. I think, "I'm glad that year is over, I hope this one will be better."

Better? Better how?

In 2011, everything was going so well in my life. My marriage was great, my kids were happy and successful. We were all healthy. My business was a dream come true and I got to share that dream everyday with the man I loved. All four of us were living our dreams and were all so close to each other. We shared everything.

So why was I glad to see 2011 go? And why was I seaching for better?

I finally realized how I had been letting other people affect me. I learned that the number one reason that some people won't let you in is not because you are a failure, but rather because you are a success.

Jealousy does weird things to people. And the sooner you realize that, the sooner you will see everything much more clearly. And the sooner you can stop taking it personally.

It's a new year. It's time to stop living for the acceptance of others and to start accepting yourself for the wonderfully unique person you are. It's very freeing. It actually allows you to be more successful because you are no longer afraid of the consequences of your success.

My mantra for 2012 is:
"How others treat me is their path. How I respond is mine."

I'm glad 2011 is behind me and I really do hope 2012 is better- not in the blessings that I receive, but rather in the way that I view them.

Gina K.


  1. Awesome words Gina! You inspire so many people, me being one of them! Wishing you a wonderful 2012!

  2. great post gina! so true. thank you for sharing... here's to 2012!

  3. Very true! Here's to a wonderful beginning to a new year!! ♥

  4. Love those words. I think God has you right where he wants--inspiring others with your awesome work. If others want to be jealous of how you inspire the rest of us, that's their problem. We all have our gifts and need to use what God gives us, not be critical of what others have. Have a wonderful GOd filled year.

  5. Gina, sorry if people have been making you feel less than you are. Please know that each time my YouTube subscription shows StampTV with a new video, I get a bit excited. :) You are an inspiration.

    And I do agree with you... I need to learn that as long as I live a life that is pleasing to God, then that's all who matters. I answer to Him, not my fellow man.

    Have a wonderful 2012! :)

  6. Wow Gina love this post, thank you for sharing, I for one love all you do and tho a little jealous you are able to live your dream, I am so happy for your success, as I benefit by being able to be a customer, not to mention all the lovely friends I have made through STV, and the lovely special offers and free stamp sets at GKD. I hope you and your family get all they wish for and a little more in 2012. I am looking forward to spending another year with you and your wonderful team both at STV and GKD, and I promise I will try not to be such a dizzy blonde, so the lovely Lisa will not have to put my orders right this year:-)

  7. Great Mantra Gina--and best of luck in making it work for you!

  8. Thanks for sharing your heart Gina, I love your 2012 mantra. Many Blessings to you and yours in 2012!

  9. Wow! That is EXACTLY what I needed to hear/read! Thanks so much Gina! You are an inspiration and a blessing to me. I love your videos, your techniques, your StampTV site... but mostly I love your character and personality. You portray a love for others and a generosity that has become rare in our world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  10. So true, Gina. Thanks for sharing those thoughts. We all should live that way.

  11. You are sooo right, Gina - I wish I knew why the world is like that .... My son keeps telling me to "accept it and move on" - but it IS hard. I'm going to use your mantra for my year also !!!
    Thank you !!!!!!!

  12. What a blessing you are Gina, great path to take for 2012.

  13. Beautifully said, Gina. It's sad that people would feel jealous rather than be inspired by your success. Here's to a peaceful and kind 2012.

  14. Beautiful reflection of the year. The important things in your life are great, and that is what counts, but sometimes the rest of life gets in the way. Your mantra will help get past those "bogged down" moments. You and your team are a big part of my enjoyment of each day! You have accomplished a dream, and you are sharing it so generously with others. Thank you!

  15. Wonderful words to live by Gina,wish you and yours many Blessings in 2012.

  16. Gina, you are a gracious woman and I look forward to every post or video you make. Have a wonderful 2012!

  17. Way to go Gina! It's not a sin to be happy and successful, especially when you are so inspiring to other people.
    Be true to yourself!

  18. Happy New Year Gina. I wish you continued success in the coming years. It's always a pleasure to watch your videos. I learn from you every time. Great words to encourage yourself and the rest of us. Thank you for all you do.

  19. What a wonderful post! Your words for the new year do inspire me. We all need to try not to respond to the negativity of others when we are doing our best. I want to use that mantra on one of my art journal pages. Thanks for the inspiration! Have a fabulous 2012! *HUGS*

  20. you are a blessing to me and so many others! Thank you for a great year of inspiration. you use your talent and gifts to bless others what could be better than that!God bless you.

  21. Love your mantra, Gina. So, so true!!

  22. Thank you for being you and for sharing your wonderful talent! Also thanks for sharing your heart! I love your mantra for 2012! Happy New Year!

  23. Perfectly put, Gina!! I believe 2011 was a blessing to me and my family as well and quite honestly, I too have decided to live MY life the way I want and not how others "expect" I should. I am free to have who I want in it and to let others actions affect me only if "I" want. I am blessed, happy and loved by those that truly matter to ME. (P.S. You are included in my life's blessings. *HUGS*)

  24. Sounds like you've moved to a better path! Wishing you much continued success! I very much appreciate your creativity and am looking forward to another year of wonderful videos! Thanks so much for sharing your talents!

  25. Beautiful and inspiring post, Gina. I'm going to adopt your mantra for my own this coming year! Good luck to you and to all of us who feel the same way. May we all succeed! Happy 2012 everyone!

  26. What a wonderful reminder. I think we all deal with these same feelings on some level and can relate. I'm a new stamptv member and have really been inspired by your videos and products. I appreciate your genuine & sincere spirit. Blessings to you in 2012.

  27. Beautifully said!!!

  28. So very well said Gina. I know exactly what you are talking about and I think another way to put is to be comfortable in your own skin and thankful for what you have. This really came to light in 2007 when a spinal cord tumor left me with balance & walking issued but I am so thankful that I can get around with a walker and thankful for my hubby for always being there. God bless you and your family 2012

  29. Honestly, Gina, you are so right. I have experienced the negativity due to jealousy of another simply by being me. It took years for me to accept and not let it affect me. I finally realized that behaving on insecurities can make one behave in either very negatively or very positively (that is, realizing the negative energy is a waste).....take the high road.

  30. I am so sorry to hear that someone, or some people, have hurt you in any way, shape, or form Gina - you are one of the most kind, generous, sweet and talented people I know! You do not deserve that. I am glad you have found a way to not let it affect you on the inside. I wish you and your loved ones every happiness and every success in life because you deserve nothing but GOOD GOOD things! HUGS!

  31. I have felt this way for over a yr now. And you brought it to life. I can't control others feelings but I can mine & not let them get to me. I am sharing you saying on my FB no truer words. God Bless you & yours & thank you for your wonderful hope to never lose even go back to old ones

  32. Sonya van Stee said it so well. I look forward to your blogs, tutorials, stamp it all and have learned so much from you. Success is what this country needs to strive for, not the reverse and should be commended. Well done. Happy New Year.

  33. Gina, this is beautiful and I love the quote. It's so true. Eventually we would hope that everyone would respond to the goodness, love, caring and sharing that you teach to us by your wonderful ways. You are making a difference in a lot of lives by your example. We just have to feel sorry for the people that are closed emotionally to the outpouring of love. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  34. Well said Gina! May this year bring happiness to each of us and acceptance for all that cannot be changed. Happy 2012!

  35. Gina, your mantra is perfect! It certainly relieves of performing issues, confusion, and hurt feelings. I've come to the conclusion that while I care deeply what others possibly think about me, it's not always relevant. I wish "happily ever after" could happen with all those I care about, but personality clashes, misunderstandings, and "trying to figure things out" often cause walls to appear. Like you, I've learned not to take things personally. Sometimes it has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with where a person is at that time in their life. I've always admired you, and thought what integrity you bring to the stamping world. (NOT that it matters what I think! LOL) Happy New Year, and Happy New You, Gina. hugs, de

  36. I like your mantra! My mantra this year is "Live to the Lord and not to others." It's hard not to take things personally and to shake off other's feelings/opinions etc. You have a wonderful company with a wonderful design team. Wishing you the best this year!

  37. Gina, thanks for sharing yours. Wishing you a blessed new year of 2012.

  38. What a great post - thank you for sharing. Your words are so true and I love your mantra.

  39. May you have a wonderful year in 2012,
    I know I counted last year in days and I am so
    So happy that this year my calendar will be
    use for happier stuff .

  40. Three cheers for you Gina! I'm sure your words speak for many of us, your fans. I love watching your videos because you make them so personal. You continually inspire us each day to enjoy life.

  41. Happy New Year, Gina and much continued success with your company and your family. I had to accept that once again my co-dependency has tried to take over my life and it was again time to accept that I cannot control or be everything to everyone I can only be myself and guess what...I like me!

  42. Very profound! Have a great year! And thanks for all the inspiration you bring to us. Looking forward to what's in store for us on 2012!

  43. Gina, you are such a brave person to share what is in your heart with so many people. I admire you so much. You are a great teacher and your videos are so inspiring. I wish you and yours a very Happy New Year. You go girl!

  44. So sorry that negativity has clouded your year. May those who have caused your discomfort find some healing by sharing in your light and life rather than in trying to compete with your blessings. Happiness in this life comes more from comparing our blessings with those who are less fortunate and then trying to reach out with encouragement and love to them. Thank you Gina for all your inspiration and instruction.

  45. wow, gina. nicely said... for every positive we have there is always a negative. learning to view that negative differently can change a lot for us. thank you for sharing this with all of us. i know i could use some of that insight.

  46. Perfect way to start the new year and the new you and the new me! :)

  47. Wonderful words to live by. Have a blessed year.

  48. What a great way to to start the year. As I ended the same way. Wondering why people tend to do what they do. Always striving to get their approval. I believe that I am also going to move forward to a better life. My hope is that You will be happy with who you are and Have great sucess. Thanks for all you do. I watch everything regularly and have no plans on changeing that.

  49. Love your mantra for 2012! Congratulations!! And you are right, it does free you! I'm glad I "got it" several years ago when I started doing what I wanted to do instead of what others expected me to do or thought I should do. I have an inner peace now that no other person can take away from me! It's wonderful!! It is all about your attitude to the world around you. Nothing can hurt you if you don't let it! It's your journey and you only have one life - Live It Your Way! Big Hugs!!

  50. Great post, Gina. I am not one for resolutions because I don't stick to them. But I do enjoy the fresh feeling the beginning of the year projects. It's totally inspiring. As was your post.

  51. Gina: I don't care what anyone else says; you are an awesome woman. From my perspective you have always had your priorities straight and your business is not only successful but has helped to connect people and change lives. Keep looking up and God will continue to send His blessings down to you.
    Big Hug!

  52. Happy happy new year everybody!
    Specially to you Gina, and thank you for your "magnifiques" projects.
    I will continue to be your fan!
    Bonne Année!

  53. Gina, Happy New all that you can be and don't stress about all that others are or are not. When ever you wonder about how you use your talents just think that daily, people are receiving cards that have been made becaue of you, your teachings and your success. It's a "Wonderful Life" and you touch so many more then you will ever imagine!! Thank You and Hugs

  54. Great quote! I have always told people "What other people think of you is none of your business", but your quote says that much more eloquently. Thank you for all you do - you are an amazing woman and well deserving of a blessed life. May God bless you abundantly in 2012.

  55. There are so many good thoughts sent to you here for all you have done to make a better tomorrow thru your talents. You are a "Special Lady" and don't let anyone tell you differently!
    I send God's Blessings to you each and every day!

  56. Gina your words are true. We have a responsibility to treat others the way we want to be treated and once we have done that, we have done well. I am responsible for my behaviors and attitudes. I must insure that I am pleasing God and not man. You GO GIRL!!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Gina, what you wrote is very true. We are not here to be stressed about someone else's feelings about us. We are here to be the best we can be to please ourselves and God. Last January, I was diagnosed with a treatable, but incurable blood cancer called Multiple Myeloma. After that, I decided to change my attitude. I am no longer stressed. I try to keep calm in all situations and also try to help others keep calm too.

    You are such an inspiration to me. I look forward to all of your blogs and videos. Keep them coming! Happy and HEALTHY new year!

  59. wow, Gina, i love this philosphy, you are right, sometimes this does stop growth, i will remember this in times when i look at what happened. I am working towards reviving my business and am hoping this New Year brings prosperity to all of us. You are a great inspiration. My 6 year old loves your videos, so do I. Happy new YEar

  60. Gina - You are an inspiration to all of us - your videos and blogs are very helpful to me in my creations - between you and my friend Margaret I am back making cards again. I was ready to give it up - I use to be afraid what everyone thougt - but no more - I live my life according to where God guides me and if others do not agree with that that is their problem, not mine. 2012 will be a great year for all of us - Looking forward to a great year with you and your staff.

  61. Gina, thank you for those words. They are very inspirational. I love what you do and appreciate it very much. Have a wonderful 2012.

  62. This is spoken from a heart that really wants to honor the Lord in all she does. I look forward to your blogs and your videos and all the marvelous ideas you pass on to us. May the Lord honor your desire this year and bless your family at home and at work.

  63. Gina, you are an inspiration in so many ways to so many people...that is success! I can't thank you enough for being you and for sharing your heart with everyone. May this New Year be all you want it to be!

  64. What a powerful message. May 2012 be a blessed and Happy New Year for you and all.

  65. Good for you! When I read the title of your post, I thought "What? I've always admired Gina. What could she be changing about herself?" I read your post and giggled... last night (after some dumb girl drama yesterday), I came to the same realization of myself. Cheers to and I have no doubt that you will have an amazing 2012!!!!

  66. Wonderful insight to share...many need to hear & embrace this truth! Blessings to you & your family & business this year.

  67. Gina, those are some wise thoughts and words. When we strive to please man instead of God we get it wrong. But ... we're also human and want to be accepted by others. It's a push/pull isn't it? May we all look to our heavenly Father each day and seek to please Him in all that we do and say.

    Thank you for your products/video's and for sharing an amazing talent with so many.

  68. Gina, you are an awesome inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and creativity. Blessings to you and yours.

  69. Well said Gina - well said! Blessings to you and your family!

  70. So very true! Over my lifetime, I have learned to let go of the pressure of trying to please everyone. And I'm so much happier now that I'm just trying to do what's right for me and my family!!
    Have a wonderful 2012!

  71. Gina....we are blessed to have you as inspiration and part of our daily life! You are an encouragement in so many ways! Thank you so much for being YOU!! <3

  72. Gina, I really needed to hear those words today! You made me realize that a person I have been dealing with is giving me a hard time because I am a success. Your mantra will help me cope this year. Thanks for all the great inspiration you provide through StampTV and your wonderful blog hops. I'm looing forward to another year of great inspiration.

  73. Love the new mantra!!!
    Reminds me of this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt:
    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

    Hugs in 2021, Gina!

  74. Hello!

    Your post hit home as this is what I am attempting to accomplish in the new year. It seems to be something so simple to do but yet so complicated - especially if loved ones are affected by opinions of you. My oldest son has disabilities and I have been in battles for years on his behalf, needing to answer to the whims of so many to find help for him. This has transferred into my personal life and consumed everything I did and was until I no longer know who I am other than 'Jim's mother' and so this year I will be fighting the same battle as you are - to just be me. It won't be easy but I wish you all good things in the coming year! I love your blog and check it every day! I was sad that I never got to visit you at your store in Madison when you were there! Wishing you a happy day!


    Barbara Diane

  75. Gina, thank you so much for putting into words exactly what I have been experiencing. We recently got a poison pen Christmas card - unsigned. While it ws so hard to get something so vile at a time of year when peace should prevail - I have a pretty good idea who send this "card" and I realize that she i so very unhappy in her life and she needs a target. I don't like being a target, but I do wish her peace.

  76. Beautiful words. Sometimes jealousy grows from someone seeing in you something that they wish they had and knowing that for them it is not possible. "Live in such a way that those who know you, but do not know God, will come to know God because they know you." I for one love what you do and how you inspire so many people.

  77. Hi Gina, Wishing you a wonderful 2012..........hope it is everything you want it to be.........hugs pat

  78. Gina,
    I have you and stamp TV to thank for my stamping hobby. I first met you at a convention in Madison well I guess it was about 3 years ago. It was the November before STV started. I loved going to the store and meeting you all in person. It was always a special part of my month, everyone was so sweet, kind and helpful. Although now I'm back and forth on STV depending on the goings on in my life. I peek in more than you know. Everyone there has been nothing but kind and I can't imagine you would allow anything else. Please keep being who you are!

  79. These are really words to live by Gina. I too, look forward to a wonderful year. Thanks for your wonderful website. I sincerely appreciate all your hard work!

  80. Gina and your family which includes your stamping family too!

    I consider myself to be your extended stamping family. I look forward to each day to live to its fullest and being positive.

    I'm extremely proud of you and StampTV being successful. Each day I'm thankful for the successes of you and your staff. The sharing, giving and personal touch that all of you present is a reason to celebrate all of your successes! Your success is my success, so thank you, Gina, StampTV and staff!

    May you and StampTV continue great success each day for years to come!

    Big Hugs,

  81. I love the words in your Mantra. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to your videos and have had so much fun and enjoyment in making the cards. I am fairly new at this but enjoying every moment. Thank you.

  82. Love the quote...wrote it on a post-it and attached to my monitor! Thanks for this past year, and looking forward to more wonderful inspiration this year.

  83. Bravo to you, Gina! Great words to live by. You inspire so many of us to be better at our craft, on a professional level and personally. You have great values, a beautiful family and loads of talent. Have a wonderful 2012! May God continue blessing you so we may continue to be blessed by all you do at GKD and Stamptv.

  84. Wow, Gina. I also had an epiphany at the end of the year as well. I had removed toxic people from my life while battling aggressive breast cancer. The problem was I was still letting them affect me. So my NEW YEAR is all about complete release from them, the pain they caused, and the negative way they made me feel about myself.
    I started looking at your blog and stamp videos to inspire my creativity when I let them crush it. Seeing all of the beauty you and the design team created made me feel uplifted in a way that was fun, yet familiar. I began to feel as though my friends were showing me the way back. Every video you posted was like a hug, a friend sharing something. And that has brought me back to the place in my heart and soul that wants to burst out and create once again.
    Your success and StampTV and the Ladies of the Design Team are so important to me. I look in the magazines for their names and show my family..."Look...this is from Gina K.! How awesome is that!!!"
    I hope for you, the continued success of Gina K, StampTV, and to the marvelous Ladies....Keep creating, because you inspire!
    With a grateful heart,
    Cindy D...Creative Soul

  85. Bless you Gina, your rock solid faith has helped make you the success you are and that is so admirable. Your success is an inspiration to me, to go further and create with more objectivity. I don't need to be especially successful. Watching you and realizing that I too can do these wonderful projects leaves me on top of the world. Thanks for all you do and the time you spend helping others believe in themselves.

  86. Excellent words and thoughts; thank you.

  87. It seems to me that 2011 was one of the best years for you because it gave you this wisdom and insight. And the ability to express it so eloquently. We are all guilty of feeling too personally the criticism of others and that is part of being human. But we need the wisdom that you expressed so well, to weather it and put it in the file where it rightfully belongs. I have a feeling that 2012 will not be one that you are glad to see go. :) Thank you for sharing this, and thank you for all of the loveliness that you bring to the rest of us.

  88. Gina, these are very wise words and you are lucky (or wise) to find this out before I did. I still struggle with how a sibling treats me! I'm going to take your mantra and write it on my forehead so I don't forget -- well, maybe on the mirror... :) BTW, I AM jealous of you! Having your dream come true, your kids in good shape and being able to work with your husband?? HEAVEN! I have a wonderful husband, wonderful (and grown) kids, I love my work -- most of the time! Don't let the negative people get you down -- I did and it's definitely not worth it! I've actually been thinking of contacting you about taking on more work -- girl scouts are always looking for women who have done wonderful things like you have -- starting their own business for example. If my daughter weren't already out, and if I were still active as a trainer, I think I really would have called you about it! You are a fantastic role model, a nice person, a good mom and a happy wife -- you recognize your blessings and you value them. And you're smarter than I was darn it! Much Love Gina! Mary

  89. Nicely said Gina, words to live by in 2012!!!

  90. Be happy girl you deserve to wish for the best! You're the best and don't let anyone tell you any less! God has blessed you with a beautiful mind and gave you the wisdom to come up with all the talented ideals - YOU ARE BLESSED and thank you so much for sharing your blessing with us. You inspire me - you bless me! luvya Adios, glad

  91. That was so true. Just wanted to say thank you for sharing so much with us especially your talents.

  92. Gina, wonderful words - great inspiration! I feel the same way, in that Jan. 1st is a new day - a new beginning. I have been truly blessed with the world's best husband, 2 great kids and two wonderful grandsons, good health and great friends. Can't ask much more than that. I must confess I am a little jealous of you because you can "play" with all (and own) the stamps, card stock, and materials in your line - but I'm so grateful that you are willing to share your fantastic ideas with everyone with your super videos. Thanks so much for sharing.

  93. Gina, thank you so much for your words! They are just what I needed to hear for myself! I don't know you personally, however, I do follow your blog and Facebook, AND I watch ALL of your video tutorials and have learned so much! You truly seem genuine and have such a sweet spirit about you. You even called me once about a question I had concerning my online order. I was most impressed. Your heart shows through, so keep on sharing!

    Blessings to you dear sister!
    Vickie White

  94. Gina, thank you for your candor. I admire and respect you and am sorry that there's someone in your life who brings such negative energy. Thank you for rejecting the negativity. Thank you for the beauty and inspiration you bring to my life.

  95. Thank you Gina! I think I also need that attitude also. I'm dealing with a work problem and I think this is the answer. Thank you for your timely reflection. I'm sure it will help many. Happy New year! May 2012 bring you all good things.

  96. Gina, your thoughts were beautifully expressed and are an inspiration to all who read them. The year 2012 will be a better and even more successful year because YOU will have made it that way. Sincere best wishes to you and your family....and to all the beautiful and talented people at Stamp TV.

  97. Words well spoken! I pray that you are very blessed in this coming year :0)

  98. Some of our best lessons in life are learned the hard way, don't you think? I learned this one (and many others) through the loss of our sweet Desiree almost 14 years ago. I'm not bothered by the pettiness from others, nor do I "allow others to hurt me with their words" if I know without a doubt that they are undeserved. I struggle with unrelenting pain from an auto accident nearly 8 years ago and at times it's difficult to get through a day and feel like I've accomplished anything. A mantra, if you will, that I live by is:
    I didn't CHOOSE to be in that accident. I didn't CHOOSE to get hurt. I didn't CHOOSE to have this awful pain, BUT...I CAN choose how I will deal with it today!
    This realization of "Choice" has made a big impact on my life. Praying that you hold onto who you are in Christ Jesus and not what others might try and put upon you. When I am struggling...I put on Praise music, worship and I.....DANCE!

  99. Gina, I am so happy for you! Just don't forget that your caring ways are part of who you are and what makes you special!!It is awesome that you have confidence to know you can care about others and it isn't important so much if thay care back. You are doing God's work, planting the seeds and He will take it from there! You are such a blessing to us all! Wishing you bountiful blessings in the New Year!

  100. Well said! Thank you for a wonderful year of creativity and inspiration. Have a wonderful New Year.

  101. Gina, your mantra for 2012 is so GOOD! From what I know of you via your blog, you are a wonderful person! The pride you show in your children, the things you share with 'the world''s GREAT!!! Unfortunately, there is always room for doubt in ourselves and it is amazing how just ONE person can bring it on! yourself and follow your mantra. I am sure good things will come from it.

  102. Gina, thanks for sharing your heart with all of us who love what you do. When I found your site over two years ago I loved the stamps, but mostly enjoyed watching you share your creativity with professionalism. Your kind,inspiring words also drew me to GKD. Recognizing the gifts God gave you is what really matters--not what others think, do or say. Blessings and hugs to you and your family in 2012!

  103. Mind if I use your Mantra as my own! You are right on with your understandings.

  104. A-MEN!!!!!! You are so right! People want you to stay where they'd like you to be for the rest of THEIR lives!! It seems you share so much of yourself in what you do, AND you like sharing. Sounds like a win-win to me. I'm so glad I found your website. I look forward to learning and enjoying something new every day. I'd like to borrow your mantra. It's a WINNER.

  105. Your words are beautiful, and a life lesson for those yet to learn it.

    I did share your mantra for 2012 with a dear friend of mine who is going through one of the "downs" in life right now. I'm sure it will help her.

    Happy New Year to you and your delightful family.

  106. I know exactly what you mean!!! You go girl and enjoy your success you deserve it. I have learned a lot from your site.

  107. Good for you, Gina! You're just catching on to what the rest of us already knew - how awesome you are! :)

  108. I feel like I just wrote those words about me. I've experienced everything you just said. It has always hurt but I've tried to just live my life as usual and ignore those ugly people, they will never change. I love your site and if I didn't then I surely wouldn't waste my time reading your blog. Happy New Year!

  109. Great words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing.

  110. Gina, what a great outlook for 2012!! I feel the same, so hopefully it will work for me too... The best to you in 2012

  111. Love your post and your mantra! Here's to God's blessings in this new year!!!

  112. Dear Gina: Those are indeed words of Wisdom. You are a Beautiful person inside and out. A Very Heartfelt wish for a Great New Year for you and yours. Thank you, Jo Ann

  113. People will only hurt us if we let them. It took me many years to learn that and now I allow no one to do that to me. I answer to God and no one else. He has blessed me in ways no one else would understand. I'm glad, Gina, that you realize you are the only one who can make you feel less than. Have a blessed new year and continue your creative work. You are blessed!

  114. "It's a new year. It's time to stop living for the acceptance of others and to start accepting yourself for the wonderfully unique person you are. It's very freeing."

    I can not believe that someone else feels the same way. I wasted 2011 trying to do what you said in the above quote. I too have decided to start being who I really am. If others can not accept me for who I am then it is their loss. Here's to a much better 2012.

  115. Thank you so much for sharing your words of wisdom for 2012. Your post is very enlightening and will do my best to live life this way and to pass it forward. Happy New Year!

  116. Gina! I did the same thing as you describe for a loooooooong time … and I just learned to put myself first. Than a whole new world opened and I will never forget that moment. I wish you all the best in 2012 and I look forward to be a part of your creative ideas by watching your presentations. Hugs! Mojca

    p.s. sorry my englis is not so good :P

  117. Those words are very powerful. It is a slight twist on my mantra, "it's not my circumstances that matter, it's my response to them." I like the added dimension of taking responsibility for what I can change - myself -- not any body else. That's their path. Thanks so much for sharing. Pray that 2012 is a joyous year for you.

  118. It is sad but true, sometimes we just have to get to a point where we let go of what others think of us. Being true to yourself is all that matters. You are an inspiration to me in all you create. Thank you.

  119. Gina,
    I am so sorry to hear that you have been feeling this way. Yet I know EXACTLY how you feel.
    In my case it is because of my nature ... to be a caregiver, to be one who freely gives to others, to always be there to help. However this also makes one a 'target' for those who harbor guilt, as they in turn express their criticism.
    Over the holiday season I came to the same realization ... life is too short to care about the words of others. I've always told my child that the people who have the need to put others down in any fashion are only doing so to make themselves feel better.
    I don't know you .. except from StampTV, but I will say, you have been a welcomed part of my life. I SO ENJOY listening to your videos and appreciate all that you offer to us.
    I'm not alone to say ... WE APPRECIATE YOU! :o)
    Wishing you the very best in 2012!

  120. Profound words to which a lot of your followers responded. Good words to live by. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us and allow us to take from it what we would like so that we can all try to become happier individuals.

    Barb from Toronto, Canada

  121. Everyday is a new day if we don't like what the day before brought us we have the will to change. You are an inspiration to us all Gina. We only get hurt feelings if we allow the hurt in. You are strong and everyone loves your work and for the few who do not, need to find another place. Hugz, Dottie

  122. Gina, it took me until I was A LOT older than you to realize that! And Im a lot older than you. Wonderful, reflective words. Thank you. You are an inspiration to so many. Rose G.

  123. Thank you for sharing, Gina. Definitely words of inspiration, and beautifully worded.

  124. The realization that people might not live up to the greatness we see in them, that we cannot make them the people we believe they sh/could be and that they might not care about us the way we care about them, we begin the understanding that the only thing that is exactly what it seems and the only thing we can control is ourself. When we learn to love and trust ourself, the good people in our lives are frosting on our cake - - and the not so good never make it into the mixing bowl

  125. It was repeatedly told to me from a young age by my mother (whom we are brought up to believe), that I would never amount to anything, and trying to achieve anything above normal was completely discouraged.

    After many years it was realized that someone doing these things has their reasons that won't or can't be shared, but for some reason they feel good by belittling or trying to limit others.

    My feeling is to be sorry for them.

    If a person can be true to themselves and make the most they can of their life and enjoy it to the most they are able, that is a positive, and nobody can take that away from us no matter what is said or done about us.

    so. Thanks for all the good you and the stamp tv bunch create. We are so fortunate that you decided to share your talent with us.

    have a super 2012 all.

  126. Gina, you are such an inspiration! Not only with your creativity, stamps, techniques, and ideas, but now with an introspective and personal insight that simply resonates with me. Thank you beyond words for sharing your spirit with me and all your grateful readers

  127. Gina Everyone has your feelings. There is always someone that gets you down. I love your mantra for 2012 and will print it and post it in my office...Everyday I read it will make me feel better and not react to the negative feelings that sometimes overcome me there....Thank you and Happy 2012

  128. Thanks Gina, I needed to read those words.

  129. Hi Gina, Like so many others I can't wait to see Stamp TV in my email. I love your videos and the talent you share with each of us-you are a Blessing to us All. What a great mantra for us all, 2012 will be a good year. God put us all just where he wants us, I'm so glad to be here enjoying your site. Thank you

  130. Gina you are such a blessing to so many people. I look so forward to your videos, and your "Words of Wisdom". You are one of those special people who are beautiful, both inside and out. Blessings for 2012.

    Doris N. Rose

  131. Awesome, just awesome. Words to live by. Thank you for sharing your talent and wisdom with us all.

  132. Thanks for sharing- I'll hold that in prayer

  133. AMEN!!! sister. I have lived my life for a long time with that mantra.

  134. Thank you for being so brave as to share something so personal. We can identify with what happened to you. But remember if some one is ugly it's their problem. I had a problem with a co-worker when I met my husband(jealously also). When you share your trials (as when your daughter went overseas and to school) I had to cry too. I hope by all these posts you can see how many good people care. I look forward EVERY week to each new video (and revisit older ones) cause it's like having a visit from a dear friend who loves what I love too. I send out alot of cards but don't know any one I can really have a "card talk" with. God Bless you Gina.

  135. What a great bit of wisdom. Wish more people would live the words of your mantra. Wishing lots of successes this year. I will always be a fan.

  136. Gina, you have been a total inspiration to me from day 1. You are a very wise and very kind lady and if folks take issue with that, it's very much their loss! Here's to an incredible 2012 for you and your lovely family!! More power to your elbow!!!

  137. Touché! You are so right... jealousy is an ugly trait; natural, but ugly none-the-less (sometimes anyway). But it falls back on what you said, I think... not the sometimes the feeling you have, but how you react to it. Things happen, good, bad, or indifferent and without our control. However, how we deal with them is a choice, and I believe it is our choice. Maybe the saying... Glass half full; glass half empty. I believe we have many blessings; we just have to open our eyes wider sometimes to see "the full half". =;o)

  138. This is so true, Gina. It's coming up on two years ago that a "friend" of mine just stopped everything. We had been such good friends that we even vacationed together. I have no idea what happened, but she cut me out of her life completely. I racked my brain trying to figure out what I had said, not said, done, not done, and I couldn't come up with anything. Finally, it occurred to me that it wasn't my problem at all. I have everything I need just knowing and trusting God's promise that He is with me always and will never forsake me. Thanks so much for the inspiration you give to so many others. Keep the faith, and have a blessed 2012!

  139. BRAVO! Gina VERY WELL SAID..!!!!!

  140. absolutely LOVE it! I'm making it MY mantra for this year as well! thanks so much for your inspiration!

  141. I SO needed to read this today. It made me feel hopeful and at peace with myself. Thank you for this post and for being a wonderful inspiration.

  142. Gina - Your mantra is so true! Thank you!

  143. Amen, Sister! I agree with you 100%. I'm so happy for you that this burden is lifted from your heart. Thank you for your inspiration and example to others.

  144. Sonya Van Stee and Lynne said it so well.Keep up the good work and enjoy all you do.Thank you for sharing a little of your feelings. It is hard for some of us to try get over the hurt others cause. Thank you for your wonderful website. You help others more than you know. When things are not going so well I will go to your site and you will always have a healthy/ happy outlook that rubs off on others. It has helped many a times. Our prayers are with you for 2012.

  145. I am sooooo happy to have found your website and your store. TYTYTYTY! Keep up the good work and know there are many of us who appreciate you and all you do.

  146. Wonderful mantra to live are a wise woman with great talent and many blessings. You inspire and encourage so many people, you are a blessing to many. This world would be a much better place if there were less jealousy,arguing, passing judgement ( which is not ours to pass)and if we could just all accept one another and get along. I'm impressed with your goal for 2012 and know you can achieve it. I wish you and your family blessings, happiness,health,love and prosperity in 2012 and beyond!

  147. Gina, What wonderful words!! I am taking them to heart. Its going to be a better year for me. Thanks! Georgia

  148. Your an amazing lady, those words are just what most of us needed, especially at this time of economic hardship, may your year be as wonderful as you *smile*
    Love ~ Lady Anne xx

  149. Thank for your words of wisdom. People need to know that things could always be worse and be happy for what they have.

    Also I so lost on the blogs. Everytime I go to one there seems to be different names on the list than what I saw prior to changing blogs

  150. Wonderfully said and so true, hope you will have a good 2012! =)
    Hugs, Elenor

  151. Thank you Gina, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this words. I thing God inspired you to write this and in this way encourage other. God be with you in the new year and bless you! Love you!
    Julia from Norway

  152. What a great "mantra', we should all incorporate it into our lives. I wish everything you dream of for you and yours in the 2012, Hugz

  153. Beautifully said Gina. Thank you for so much inspiration you give, especially to me. Hope 2012 is an even better year for everyone.

    Happy New Year

  154. Thank you Gina for all you do for us inspiration,brightening our day by always being there for us, not to mention your teaching I certainly appreciate you and all you do. Have a blessed new year

  155. How true your words are, and if people would read them and apply them to their personal life, everyone would feel so much better. Beginning to accept yourself and love yourself, and what you do in your own life is the most satisfying thing a person can do. Love your mantra and the things you present and share on your website. Happy New Year, 2012!! May it be a good year for everyone!!

  156. Wonderful post, Gina! You sure inspire me with your website and your new mantra.... Wishing you a good 2012....

  157. Gina, I love your videos and have enjoyed the products I purchase from you. Your service is FIRST CLASS as are your videos. I'm sorry if some people have tried to put you down in any way. When I worked at church the pastor told me that expression about "What someone says or thinks about you is none of your business" which sounds like a strange thing to say, but he also told me that when someone is trying to put you down it is because they are tryng to make themselves feel more important. Keep you chin up and know that you have a lot of fans out here!!! The older I get the less I care about what others think. :)

  158. Nicely said, Gina! I wish you even more success in 2012 and in the years ahead! Thank you for everything you do for us at StampTV. I have learned so much from you and I appreciate it. All the best to you and yours!

  159. Thank you...that is so very well stated! I love your blog/site/inspiration. Please keep up the good work and keep us all inspired

  160. Gina, I once saw "What others think of me is none of my business". Sure makes that worry bug go away. Now if I could do that ALL the time! Happiest New Year Ever! And it WILL be better.
    I can't figure out the "profile" thingie...

    Patt J Pruett

  161. Gina, I am happy I read this post! It actually filled my eyes...I too had the same thoughts for myself for the new year!... I cannot control how others behave/ react but I can control how I react to their actions. God bless you.

  162. I love your way of thinking, YOU GO GIRL! here,here for a "better' 2012

  163. WOW, so much said in so little words! Inspirational, thank you,

  164. Gina, it was so nice to hear your realization. I dealt with the same one many year ago. There is nothing better than living for our Creator and knowing that what HE thinks of us is what really matters. Like you said, if someone doesn't accept you, that is their problem...not yours! Happy 2012! Wishes for continued success.

  165. I read and just reread your post. It made me think of something I read by Gloria Steinem. This reminds me of you ~ hope you like it...

    "I have met brave women who are exploring the outer edge of human possibility, with no history to guide them, and with a courage to make themselves vulnerable that I find moving beyond words."

  166. Hey Gina - You're AWESOME just like you are - Do NOT let how others think/feel affect you. God made you just the way He did because He wanted someone JUST LIKE YOU! Hope your New Year is as awesome as you are! :)

  167. This post gives me chills!!! I have been reading a book called, "approval addiction Overcoming your need to please everyone". It's very good!!! I like what you said about jealousy and success!! I hope you have a FREEING 2012

  168. Hi Gina, I think I know what you are talking about. Sometimes when I share things I have made or things I have had published, the response I receive is sort of ho hum. I don't share to be showing off, I share cause I am so darn excited about it! I just love stamping!! :) Cheers to 2012!
