
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sneak Peek #1

Get your Colored Pencils, Watercolors and Markers ready for this beautiful new stamp set by Theresa Momber!

Coming August 2nd- More Sneak Peeks to come!

Gina K.


  1. Ooooo...I love flowers. Can't wait to see more.

  2. Nice! Looking forward to the rest!

  3. They look just like my flowers out in front of my porch! My flowers start off as green, then yellow turns a little white then pink and purple now. They continue to change colors towards a red burnt color as they live through their season. Really neat flower because they are really perky then flop down just like the new stamp when they are mature. They are so beautiful and the stamp is so realistic! Great Job, Theresa!

  4. And paper-piecing!!! Beautiful!

  5. Brown-eyed Susan's grew all over in Southern Missouri where I grew up! I can tell I'm already in trouble with this month's release, Gina.

  6. Oh, I can see so many pretty cards with this one.

  7. Love it already - coloring is what I like to do and this looks perfect!

  8. Gina I am a real flower person!!!! Lilacs and carnations being my two favorite but I love all flowers. This tease is a great flower. Cannot wait to see the whole thing. Hope you will have even more flowers and maybe some trees and leaves which I love as well. I have been a follower of yours for a long time. Loveeeee your blog and videos. Had to get a higher speed internet so I could receive your videos I will have you know!! Now that is true love of your site. LOL LOL Have a great day and God bless. ekc

  9. Or it could be a purple cone flower which are also abundant in Missouri.

  10. I think they are Purple Cone Flowers, one of my most favorite flowers in my garden......unfortunately the bunnies seem to love them too. Guess to insure that I have them I will have to get that stamp's GORGEOUS!

  11. Honestly, I don't need any more flower stamps, but who am I kidding - I automatically gravitate towards them! Can't wait to see the whole set.

  12. I would love to see more flowers that are coloring friendly! There's that word again. These are so beautiful and can be used in so many ways.
    LIke Laurie said, I don't need any more but how can you pass up one that has so much potential? LIke spotlighting or raising up one flower of the 3 or coloring crazily with glitter or glitz...awesome Gina!

  13. Oh how very nice.I see a ton of potential here. I am tring to catch up on all the other stamps in your collection that I want and it isn't easy with you presenting new ones this lovely, since this is another "Gotta have".

  14. Love coneflowers! Wonder what other delights are in store in this set!

  15. Beautiful, can't wait to see the rest.

  16. Looks like another beautiful Theresa set coming our way. I love florals, they are so much fun to color and this flower is timeless.

  17. I love these flowers, so many things you can do with this. I can not wait to see the rest of Theresa's creations.

  18. What a great design - love it!

  19. Love it and everything Theresa.

  20. I can already tell that I have to have it!

  21. JUST love flowers, can not go wrong here, can't wait to see more!!!! LOVE Theresa's sets, so versatile!!
    Bring it on!!!

  22. Diana from Monroe, NCJuly 29, 2011 at 9:17 AM

    Love this !!! Theresa has some really nice stamps, can't wait to see the rest of them.

  23. This is going to be a fabulous set to own, I can just feel it ......cannot wait.

  24. Very nice! Can't go wrong with one of God's beautifully colored creations!

  25. How pretty! Looks just like my corn flower that are green for some reason,lol. I have had others that had color to them but not these they are totally green. look forward to the rest of the stamps.

  26. What a beautiful stamp. I am so in love with it. Can't wait to see the rest of the set. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Just went out an took a picture of them and now they are getting a littl pink in the center but one is still green really pretty cornflowers.

  28. Awesome stamp and it is being released on my birthday. Can't wait to see the whole set.

  29. Love this stamp, can't wait to see the whole set...

  30. Looking forward to all the new releases. Love this cone flower.

  31. Cone flowers are one of my favorites. Can't wait to see more.

  32. You can never have to many flower stamps as far as I'm concerned!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  33. Gina, I'm a new comer to your site. I know this will be my first ginak stamp set!! Love the cone flowers. Your projects are true inspiration! Thank you!!!!

  34. Oh I like and I can just imagine what I can do with it.

  35. Gorgeous can't wait!!!! These flowers belong on my desk top in a vase!!

  36. I love these---just wish someone would do some gladiolas!!!

  37. Love these flowers. Can't wait to see more.
    Elaine Wood
