
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Release Blog Hop- Day 2

ETA: This contest is now closed.
The winners of today's contest are:
Joan V said...
So cute. Love the little altered picture frame. Thanks for sharing


Sonya van Stee said...
Both cards are beautiful! Love the string around the bunch of carrots - that was truly inspired!

Congratulations- send your name, shipping address and stamp set choice to

Today, the design team has outdone themselves with samples from the new stamp set by Theresa Momber called Whimsical Wishes and the new Gina K. Designs set Garden Fresh, with images by Heather Rollin.

As you hop through the blogs, make sure you leave comments along the way because tomorrow evening, we will choose 2 winners from all of the blog comments who will each win a stamp set of their choice valued up to $24.95.

Start hopping here:

  • Theresa MomberIllustrator Whimsical Wishes

  • Tina Gilliland

  • Vicki Dutcher

  • AJ Otto

  • Carolina Buchting

  • Cathy Tidwell

  • Deb Felts

  • Donna Baker

  • Emily Giovanni

  • Giovana Smith

  • Janice Whiting

  • Jennie Harper

  • Jimmi Mayo

  • Lee Murphy

  • Melanie Muenchinger

  • Michelle Woerner

  • Suzanne Dean

  • Tami Mayberry

  • Tomorrow, projects featuring the new One free with 3, Bold and Beautiful.


    Gina K.


    1. Can't wait to see all the inspiration. My order should arrive tomorrow, so I can start CASE-ing.

    2. Another fun hop...lots of inspiration.

    3. Gina, just finished day two hop, and it was great as usual, totally enjoyed, wish I had gotten the reminder of the day one hop earlier, totally forgot about it and tried to do it today but alas it was closed, Unfortunately I do not get the email reminders from stamp TV until later n the evenings for me, it is right now at 8 pm and I just got it for today, and some times I am asleep by then, so disappointed I missed yesterdays, but still left the girls some love as they are doing such a wonderful job. And I am so excited that my new stamps are on their way, hopefully maybe i will get mine by tomorrow or Friday, you are so speedy on deliveries. I have been purchasing your stamps for about 1 and 1/2 years and you and your site and designers are all awesome, always a pleasure!!

      See you around, have a great summer.!!!


    4. Looking forward to hopping around again. Everyone has such different and inspiring ideas.

    5. Just finished the hop, Gina! FABULOUS've got some of the best talent for inspiration.

    6. Another fun hop! Loving that Garden Fresh set!

    7. Enjoyed the hop. It was nice to see all the different ideas for the stamp sets.

    8. A great fun hop with wonderful designers!

    9. great blog hop! love the new stamps and designers are awesome

    10. Gina, another wonderful day of hopping and lots of inspiration. My order is on it's way....whoohooo.

    11. Great blog hop..always enjoy seeing everyone's creations..

    12. Lovely cards, today. You have a great design team. Thanks for sharing.

    13. Missed yesterday but so glad you sent a reminder today! Would have hated to have missed all the wonderful projects the ladies did! Great design team! thanks to you all!

    14. Another wonderful blog hop. I was unable to find Suzanne Dean's project(s) today.

    15. thanks gina for the chance to Win and hop!!

    16. Day 1 was awesome! Can't wait to see what Day 2 has in store!

    17. Gina All those cards are Special, you have great designers!!

    18. What a joyful and delightful blog hop viewing all the spectacular artwork done by the designers. I loved every stop on the hop.

    19. Love these new stamps - and look at that darling bracelet up there with the dangling fruit! How cute is THAT?!

    20. I just finished hopping through all the blogs, amazing talent. What a DT you have put together. Sure hope I win some stamps Thanks

      Cute these new stamps are a must haves

    21. I think that carrot image might be my favorite image from the whole release!

    22. Great bloghop, I've seen some gorgeous cards! Thanks for the inspiration.
      Jenni B

    23. I'm off to hop! This is exciting and I know they're going to be gorgeous!

    24. This is such a great way to start the day, Gina + DT + Coffee = Fun, Fun, Fun! Thanks off to hop!

    25. These hops are wonderful. They are so inspiring and it's so much fun to see what everyone has created.

      isabelzito at verizon dot net

    26. These sets have so much versatility as demonstrated by your very talented design team. Great job one more time!

    27. Really do not know how you can keep out doing yourself Gina but these cards and your designers are just FANTASTIC!!! Keep these great stamps coming.

    28. Wonderful Hop. Thanks a bunch for the chance to win.
      Hugs, Jessica

    29. Loving the blog hope. Love the projects your uber-talented DT came up with. Thanx for the chance to win!


    30. Love this hop. So many great ideas.

    31. Thanks for a second day of hopping.Didn't get to finish yesterday's, but will enjoy today's.

    32. I am enjoying this hop beautiful cards and great people. Thank you for sharing.

    33. thanks for another great blog hop and perfectly beautiful stamps, Gina and team.
