
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Final Preview Day and some announcements

ETA: This contest is now closed.

The winners of Framed Greetings are:

coachrobin said...
I saw you post on Facebook, so thought I would check it out. I love making my own cards and didnt know this stuff existed. thanks for sharing the new designs!
Robin (From my Blog)

NancyS said...
Omigosh, Suzanne, I love, love, love this card. The background is GORGEOUS, the feeling is modern and perky, and the black and white against the background really POP! Thanks for sharing your amazing talents with us. (From Suzanne's Blog)

Luv 2 Create said...
Love the added shaped backgroung. Wonderful disstressing (including the jean strip), and color.
Marcie (From Cat's Blog)

Ellen Sutton said...
Love the colors! Beautiful card!(From Jennie's Blog)

Congratulations to the winners- please send your name, address and the name of the set you won to Thanks to all who played along!

As our February previews come to a close, I have a couple of anouncements to make.

First, my sweet friend Carolyn King will be stepping down from the Gina K. Designs team however, you will continue to see beautiful GKD projects on Carolyn's Blog.

Carolyn, or Cammie as many of you know her, has been my friend for such a long time. I absolutely ADORE her and I am so honored to have been blessed by her creativity and friendship over the years. None of that will EVER change- she is just making room in her life to spread her creative wings.

Carolyn's beautiful stamp sets will still be available through GKD and when she is inspired to release more, we will be right here to encase her ideas in rubber.

Best of luck Cammie! I love you with all my heart.

We are excited to announce the addition of two new positions at Gina K. Designs.

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to Lee Murphy. She will be taking over as our Design Team Coordinator.

Lee has worked with us as a Design team member and Moderator for a long time and she has already been keeping me organized for a quite a while. I am so excited and honored to have her step into this new role with our company! :)

About Lee:
I'm so excited for this opportunity to help Gina and put some of my OCD to work!! LOL Being a part of Gina K. Designs has been so incredible and fun!! Watching both GKD and Stamp TV grow has been amazing and there are always so many new facets and changes to explore and embrace! I'm so thankful that Gina believes in me and hope I can truly be a support and help to her as well as my fabulously talented fellow DT ladies and our awesome Stamp TV members!!

And another exciting addition to our team!

I have had several opportunities to work with Sharon and her creativity never ceases to amaze me. She is a coloring goddess and I have learned so much from her. I am honored that she has accepted the position to work with us!

About Sharon:
I started stamping in 2004 and I love to color! :) But that wasn't always the case -- when I first started stamping, I just wanted solid images I could stamp and go! But once I tried coloring line art images, I was hooked! I love all kinds of stamping techniques and will try most anything at least once! Outside of cardmaking, I really enjoy using stamped images for making home decor items and scrapbooking photos of my 8 & 11 year old girls.

Now on to today's previews!

Today, the design team is previewing our brand new One free with 3 stamp set called Framed Greetings.

This beautiful stamp set makes cardmaking easy! Stamp the frame, choose your greeting and cut it out using Nestabilities Labels 16. It's your focal image and greeting all in one! And it's available for FREE with the purchase of three other stamp sets starting tonight at 10:00 PM central time.

Would you like to win this fun set?
Here's what to do- Visit each of the blogs listed below and leave a comment, (including here on my blog.) The more blogs you comment on, the more chances you have of winning!
Tomorrow, I will announce 4 randomly chosen winners who will each win this new set! (The winners can choose a different set valued at $19.95 when they order any three stamp sets to replace the one they won.)

Ready to get inspired?
Check out these design team member's blogs:

And here is a special invitation for you:
(If you are reading this through email or a reader, you will have to click over to the blog to see this part.)

Can't wait to see you tonight!
Gina K.


  1. This set looks wonderful. I can't wait to see how everyone uses them.

  2. Welcome to Sharon, she is so creative and just adore Lee and her managing skillz! Sad to see Cammie leave, but know she won't be far...blessings to you Camster!

  3. These stamp sets will make it all very easy!

  4. Woohoo... Congrats Lee and Sharon! I know you will both ROCK at your new positions! xoxo
    Thanks Gina for your very sweet words. Love you much!

  5. I saw you post on Facebook, so thought I would check it out. I love making my own cards and didnt know this stuff existed. thanks for sharing the new designs!

  6. CONGRATS Sharon!! Woohoo!! OH Cammie....we are soooo gonna miss you girl!!! Wishing you many blessings in your new chapters!!! And thank you are amazing!! Hugs to all!!

  7. Goodbye Cammie! You will be missed, but i will still be visiting your blog. congrats to Lee and Sharon. I have already noticed Lee taking charge and keeping things running smoothly and have long admired Sharons talent. Good call Gina!

  8. I'm sad to see Cammie go, but I know we will continue to see her work using your stamps!! It's so great to see Sharon on board, she does gorgeous work and I've followed her for a long time!!!
    Congrats to Lee, so happy for her too!!!

  9. Wow...wonderful looking set. Beautiful

  10. Wow--some wonderful changes and sad goings for Gina K Designs. Can't wait for the release tonight--is it time yet?

  11. Every card I've seen so far is gorgeous! Can't wait to see the rest.

  12. Fabulous new stamp sets I can't wait to see the full stamp sets and more designs tonight. Thanks.

  13. These look great! On to the hop!

  14. Love the Framed stamps, and can't wait for the full reveal - what an extrodonary group! Lots of changes! Best to Cammie, congrats to Lee and anxious to work with Sharon!

  15. Great set and looking forward to tonight's party.

  16. I love your stamps! Frames especially :)

  17. Congrats Lee and Sharon! Good luck to you, Cammie.
    Gina, all of your new designs are winners! Congrats to you as well on this soon to be successful release.

  18. This is a set I'm sure to use. Can't wait to see the projects done with them.

  19. I get off work at 10pm tonight. I'll be tuning in as soon as I get home :) Can't wait !

  20. Sad that Cammie is leaving the DT but know she will still be around and sharing her great talents. Sure excited to see Lee taking over as DT coordinator. she will do a fabulous job. Sharon will be a great addition to the DT. Change is good sometimes! Love this new One Free with Three set. Can't wait for the party tonight!

  21. What a great set-have to see the projects done with them.

  22. So sad to see Cammie go - as a regular, however, the fact that she'll keep her creative fingers in our lives here at StampTV is comforting. Good luck, Cammie!

    Congratulations! Lee and Sharon. Woohoo, for all of us.

    Am really excited about the party tonight, Gina! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these new sets!

  23. Oh boy! I like this set! Thanks for the chance to win!

  24. Congratulations Lee and Sharon! I'm very sad Cammie won't be part of the team but am glad she'll still be around. :) Looking forward to the release party tonight!

  25. Guess I'm going to have to order 3 more stamp sets so that I can get this one free. Love it and the possibilities for using it. I'd love to win it.

  26. Gina,
    Sorry to see your team changing, but guess that is a part of life, I don't know many people here yet, just getting to, but you all seem to like one another and get a long so well, and love everyones work. I am sure whom you picked next will fit in perfectly, you seem to have great taste!! Love all the new sets so far!! Can't wait for tonight!!
    Thanks for all you do! On to finish the HOP!!


  27. another great set - stamping and nestabilities go hand in hand

  28. Great Previews again this month, Gina! Change is inevitable, though. We'll be sorry to see Cammie step down, but will welcome Sharon and we congratulate Lee on DT Coordinator! Can't wait to see the full set reveals tonight!

  29. Congratulations to Lee and Sharon. I am so excited about the new stamp sets. Gina K. Designs and Stamp TV has changed my life..:) Thank you all for all of your wonderful creativity and for sharing with us.

  30. This has been my first blog hop this week and it was such fun and inspiring. What a talented group of ladies! Looking forward to the release party tonight.

  31. Counting down to 7pm tonight! So excited about seeing all the new products and even more excited to shop

  32. Congratulations to Lee, welcome to Sharon and good luck to Cammie! I'm looking forward to the party tonight.

  33. Great looking set, have enjoyed seeing the creative juices that each one has shared with us. Will be checking in tonight at the release party, it will be my first. Thanks so much.

  34. Congatulations to Lee (she is AWESOME!) and Sharon! Sad goodbyes to Cammie, but I will continue to follow her! Love all the new stamp sets and the DT has done a fabulous job creating eye candy for us! Can't wait for the releases tonight!

  35. I absolutely love this set. I love label stamps especially when they coordinate with spellbinders dies. It makes card making so much easier. Thanks for another great set!

  36. I'm sorry to see Carolyn leave the team, but glad that she will still have her blog. Welcome to the new team members looking forward to the party tonight.

  37. Thanks for the great inspiration your sets give us to share our creativity with those we love! Keep them coming!! Love it!

  38. Oh, I love this set.
    Done the blog hop and must say; Everyone done a Fantastic job using this stamp set.
    Thank U 4 this opportunity of winning.

  39. Love, love, love this set! Farewell to Cammie and congrats to Lee and Sharon!

  40. oh my... this set is awesome... thanks for giving us a chance to win it! I'm enjoying seeing how all the design team members have used it... so very inspiring

  41. This is a great set - love it. Congrats Lee and Sharon! I will see you around blog land Cammie! Good luck!

  42. Congratulations Lee and Sharon! Wonderful release so far, I am loving this set.

  43. I am excited to see the new stamps used and the creativity that comes from them...Congrats to the new members and Cammie best of luck to you, we all know that you will succeed in any adventure you do...thanks for the info of cardmaking and scrapbooking.
    Tammy Moquet

  44. Congrats ladies! I love this set! How cool is that, you can match the stripes colors to your dp, love it!

  45. Well, just finished my hop for the day, and it was GRAND! As usual, had fun and all the cards made with this set are awesome and even combined with other sets it show how this set will be a must have, makes creating a card beautiful and it can be quick and easy!!!

    Thanks for another great set Gina, see you tonight!!


    Fairly newbie here, only have about 10 sets of stamps so far(love them all), but will hopefully be adding on tonight!!!

  46. Beautiful stuff Gina! Tonight's the night! Sorry to see Cammie go -- but you're right, I subscribe to her blog and I'll be able to see her stuff; and I LOVE Lee's work and Sharon's! Looking forward to your ch-ch-changes! :)

    PS, I think your husband may know an old friend of mine who works at a big insurance company out there!

  47. Great new set. Would love to have it.Can't wait until tonight.

  48. Love those samples and a person can never have too many sentiments!


  50. Gina- I love this set! Congrats to Lee and Sharon and their new positions with GKD. Sorry to see Cammie leave, but it's great to know she'll be popping in on occasion!
    Off to finish the hop and then have to make the margaritas for the party tonight. Who's bringing the chips and salsa? LOL

  51. Welcome Lee and Sharon, goodbye Cammie! I can't wait until tonight. I am so excited about this new stamp set.

  52. Congrats to Lee and Sharon! We will miss you, Cammie! Another great blog hop with terrific inspiration. Thanks ladies!

  53. This set is wonderful. Love all the samples so far!

  54. beautiful stamps..they keep getting better and better..thank you!!!

  55. I must tell you Gina, I am loving your inclusion of a nestie-friendly label stamp in with the 'one free with three' sets lately. I certainly would not mind if this trend continued. I love the stripes in this label and isn't this a fun nestie shape too? Congrats to Lee, welcome to Sharon and best wishes to Cammie.

  56. I love this set, Gina. You again make available a free set that will make it easy for all of us to look like experts.

  57. Congrats to Sharon and Lee, Best Luck Cammie. I am off to see all the great creativity with the new set.

  58. Beautiful! I'm so glad I came across your site!

  59. Love this set of stamps Gina! The samples in the blog hop so far, are wonderful! Thanks for letting us play along. Now, to stay awake long enough to join in tonight. LOL!

  60. Sounds like all kinds of exciting changes!!
    Can't wait to see the DT samples today and the release party tonight!!

  61. This looks like a super versatile set!

  62. Am so looking forward to seeing all the samples from the DTs!!! Great set.

  63. Your stamp set is beautiful! I love to see different ideas on how to use it.

  64. cammie will be missed and welcome to the new ladies.

  65. Congrats Lee and Welcome Sharon!!!
    Love this new stamp set awesome.

  66. Congrats to Lee and Sharon....wishing the best to Carolyn in her future endeavors...and Gina...many thanks for your ... and products...there are some great new stamps being released!!! LOTS of great possibilities for creativity!!! Thanks!

  67. stampandweave from SCSFebruary 17, 2011 at 10:43 AM

    Congratulations Lee and Sharon! Best of luck Cammie!

    I'm not as familiar with Sharon as with Lee, but I'm excited for them both. Lee is very generous, sweet, funny and talented, and I'll thrilled at this opportunity for her.

  68. I think you have another winner with this set! LOVE your website and your fabulous videos.

  69. WOW what great sets! I hate to see Cammie leave but I know that Sharon and Lee will be a great asset to the team!

  70. Congratulations Lee! What an awesome choice for DT co-ordinator.
    I always love to see Cammie's projects. She always has such a fresh approach to designing with any stamps she gets her hands on. So glad she is not leaving completely.
    And congrats to Sharon. I am not familiar with her work, but I know if Gina chose her, she has to be super talented. Looking forward to what she has to share with us.

    As for the previews! Wow! I am loving everything I see this time around. And the DT did an amazing job as usual.

  71. Wow! Everyone did such a great job with these! Very inspirational! I want to make cards this weekend for sure!

    Joe Morgan

  72. I can already tell I will love this set - love my nesties labels and sets that match!!!

  73. Looks like a very versatile set. Definitely loving the new things coming our way!

  74. Wow! Congrats to Sharon. I've been a fan of her work for some time. I know she will make an awesome addition to your team Gina. Of course I hate to see Cammie go, but I know we will see many wonderful things from her in the future.

  75. Love this set - love frames, etc that coordinate with spellbinders!! Everyones samples were inspiring. Another must have!!

  76. Welcome Lee and Sharon, I have followed both of their work and it's great.

  77. I too am sorry to see Ms. King go, but I know everyone must grow..Good Luck!
    I also love the new stamps..thnx for sharing


  78. Not sure if I can join in tonight; out of town guests. But sure have enjoyed the previews.

  79. Congratulations to each of you in your new life opportunities!

    This stamp set is great!

  80. Gina, had to do the blog hop and come back after stopping off here first to enjoy your invite to release party this evening. Your GKD DT has made so many creative hits using framed label stamp image for rock, grunge, Victorian, subtle buttons and bow vying for an ornament, and Valentine accent was super to name a few (if I could type more I would. Time to scoot out the door to shovel as DH is prepping winter gear. New storm last night calls for attention this morning.)
    Keep Looking UP! mt23stamperatyahoo

  81. Another wonderful set from your team.
    Best wishes to Sharon and to the new team members. Looking forward to what is to come.

  82. I adore sentiment stamps the most! What fun and I can't wait until they're released!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  83. Carolyn enjoy your new journey, thank you for sharing your creative ideas with us. Welcome Lee and Sharon. What an amazing set, good luck to everyone.


  84. Very nice! RosieG(gramig05)

  85. So long (for now), and welcome, welcome.

  86. Me love blog candy.....gotta have some please. So long to our friend Cammie...u can not be replaced......but a big welcome to Sharon and Lee. This is a great place.

  87. Welcome Sharon, so long Cammie and congrats to Lee. This new set is wonderful. I love any sets that match the spellbinders dies. What a great combination.
    God bless,
    Peggy Allen

  88. Lee, congratulations, I am always inspired by your blog and creations. Cammie, you will be missed, and welcome to Sharon. I am sure we will love your creations. Labels 16 is my favorite nestie from the summer CHA so I was very excited to see the one free for that set.

  89. Congrats to Lee and Sharon! And we're all going to miss you very much, Cammie.

    Prepare to be dazzled as never before, everyone. The Queen of All Things Bling is the new DTC! LOL

    Big Anne on StampTV

  90. Excellent set! I can see many uses for it. Thanks Gina K!

  91. What a fun week.Loads of inspiration and creative ideas.

  92. Wow what a set You always blend in the nestabilities! I am sorry your friend is leaving StamTV But I am sure she will stii be around for you!!

  93. Spring is in the air here where I live and I find that Spring always bring changes and a renewal. May all the changes at Gina K. be good ones for everyone. Thanks to all of you for being a part of my life and creative journey. God bless.

  94. Another gorgeous stamp set! Thanks for this hop of inspiration. Best of luck to Cammy and to the new designers!

  95. Love these stamps! SO USEFUL for frequent use. Keep these great stamps and ideas coming. Thanks!

  96. Congratulation to the new designers!
    The new set looks so great!

  97. Wow, big news today! I am sorry to see Cammy move away from regular work here, but am super excited for Lee and Sharon! I can't wait to get to the hop!

  98. I first of all want to say a goodbye to Cammie and to wish her the best in her new endeavor. It was also fun to have the oportunity to meet her in person along with Mel and Janice. What great ladies they all are.
    Next, I welcome Lee and Sharon. Both of them are very talented and will be a great addition to the team.

  99. Sad to see Cammie go, but i know we will see wonderful things from her. Congratulations Lee and Sharon! I'm so excited for you! :)

    Love that free with three stamp! :)

  100. I am a newbie to your both sites and all I have to say is WOW!!!! I feel like a kid in a card store, so much to see and buy. The talent is beyond. I am so happy I accidentally found your sites.

  101. I love your blog and appreciate all that you share. I'm adding more wonderful sets to my wish list!!! Some I just know I Need! Thanks, Glenda

  102. WOW! Gina, so exciting things happening! Congrats on what seems to be another exciting release....and changes, changes, changes...good luck to Cammie and big Whoo hoo to Lee and welcome to Sharon. Very exciting happenings.

  103. All I know is that when I grow up I'd like to be half as good as all the members of the Gina K Design team. I can only practice and dream!!

  104. This is an awesome set! I love when stamps coordinate with the labels dies!

  105. Oh, I want this set soooo badly! They are beautiful and can be such a blessing to so many people! Thanks for a chance to win. The blog hop is so much fun. Having my parents and in-laws up for dinner tonight....going to have to kick them out early so I can be back on here tonight at 7.....can't wait. Thanks!

  106. Great release. I really like it. Cant wait to see what new and exciting changes are comming.

  107. Congrats to Sharon & Lee... Farewell & good luck to Cammie, thanks for the fabulous inspiration. I just love this set...I love when the images correspond perfectly with the nestabilities!!! Looking forward to getting it.

  108. Beautiful DT creations as always! I can't wait to see the full reveals of the new sets!

  109. Looks like another great release! The DT is doing a great job on the Sneak Peeks. :)

  110. Congrats to Sharon and Lee. Sorry
    Cammie is leaving but will still
    check out her blog. Love Sharon's
    work and beautiful coloring.
    Looking forwards to seeing all the sets.

  111. Change is good. Sure you'll miss your team member but it is good to spread your wings and sore.
    Love the stamps. perfect with nesties. Would love them.

  112. I really love this stamp set! Thanks for a chance to win!

  113. You did a great job with this set Gina. The designers showed the endless possibilities. I can even see glitter in the stripes and I have other sets from you that I am betting sentiments will fit. How about a shaker? Will try my best for the release party, it will be my first!


  114. Just saying, great job! I love the releases. Thanks so much for the opportunity to share.

  115. What a wonderful set of stamps! Hope to win them.

  116. Want these sets. Thanks for the inspiration.

  117. YES, i'd love to win!!! thanks for the weekd of fun blog hopping!
    linda patti

  118. I love the look of these frames. SO much exciting inspiration from all of the blogs.

  119. What a gorgeous stamp!!! I LOVE how everyone used it.

  120. Love all of the stamps in these new sets. And thank you for the chance to win one. Awesome.


  121. Stamp TV is just the best. Gina you manage to keep stimulating us with ideas, techniques and how to to use them to the best advantage. Welcome to the new team members. Juel

  122. All the best to you Cammie! Congrats to Lee and Sharon! Looking forward to the release tonight!

  123. I love this stamp. All the cards were wonderful.

  124. I really love today's stamps and would love to own them , which I am sure I will!! Thanks for another terrific hop.

  125. This set looks fantastic. Can't wait for tonight.

  126. I am excited to see this set out. It will make our cardmaking much easier for the different ministries that our group does. See you tonight.

  127. Lvoe the hop! See you tonight at the Release Party.
    CONGRATS to Lee and Sharon. We'll miss you Cammie.

  128. another day of great stamps and great designs - thanks!

  129. love this! can't wait for tonight! who won yesterdays stamps sets? With all the other announcements I didn't see the winners posted.

  130. Oh my...I'm loving these new sets for the Nesties labels!!

  131. How versatile! This set looks like a real winner.

  132. This Framed Greetings set is quite an economical stamp set with all the greetings. Love all the diffenet looks and effects.

  133. Another great day of visiting and peeking at a great set of goodies. Looking forward to the reveal tonight.

  134. Can't wait for the party and release of exciting products.

  135. bring on the party lol what fun time it will be!

  136. This set is AWESOME, Gina! Can't wait for the release party tonight!

  137. Thank you Gina, this is the first time I have posted a comment, but I am so happy to be here! Congratulations to Lee and Sharon!

  138. Gina, the DT have come up with so many stunning designs. The stamp set is absolutely awesome - thank you for giving us the chance to win the set. Pat x

  139. I love this set. I have to have it.

  140. We're all going to miss Cammie but I'm so glad Lee is moving up to DT Coordinator! And welcome to Sharon. Great new sets, Gina. Looking forward to the release party in a few hours. :-)

  141. You are such an enabler with these beautiful new stamp sets! We may have to invest in a larger house to accommodate my severe addiction!!

  142. This will be a great release -- there are so many new sets I want! Congratulations to Sharon and Lee!

  143. Another great blog hop with so many ideas! TFS

  144. I really love this set, actually I love them all!

  145. Can't wait. You have a really talented team. Really Great Cards! SandyT

  146. We are going to miss Cammie, but welcome to Sharon and Lee. I know we will enjoy their work. Sure do enjoy all the new ideas that everyone has. Thank you.

  147. I really like the combination of the two fonts.

  148. Love all the creative ideas here~ so many possibilities~ thank you for the chance to win a beautiful fun set!

  149. I hate to see Carolyn leave, but contratulations on whatever you plan to do. I will certainly follow you on your blog. Also congratulation also to Lee Murphy and Sharon Harnish and I look forward to seeing your wonderful projects. Gina the Framed Greeting is a beautiful stamp set.

    Linda D.

  150. Really like this frame/focal image with sentiments that coordinates with Nesties.

  151. What an awesome set! And congrats to the new DT. :)

  152. Well, it is bitter sweet announcement - losing one prime designer which I love her design but having 2 new members steps in

    Want to wish Cammie good luck in her new endavour and welcome to the 2 new addition which I am sure will be great

  153. Sorry to see Cammie go:( Love her cards, etc. YEAH for Lee! She is an inspiration to me! And congrats to Sharon, looking forward to getting to know her creativity:) Hope to 'see' you all tonight.

  154. Sorry to see you go cammie and good luck to all your new endeavours and good luck to sharon and Lee. May your future be bright. thank you Gina for all your inspiration. gina kinde

  155. I can't wait to see the full release tonight! At least I don't have to work tomorrow so I can stay up late.

  156. Well I have been hoppin and hoppin and I have to say I am so in love with this buy 3 get one free set! Have really enjoyed the time hopping this week! Another great release!

  157. HI Can't wait for the release tonight. Loving all of the stamps.
    Cheryl C

  158. I just LOVE this set!!!! Best wishes to your new designers and to Cammie! :)

  159. I can't wait for this release tonight, Loving stuff so far.

  160. I really love this stamp set--Framed Greetings.... it says it all. Your cards have inspired me. Thank you for displaying the Framed Greetings cards. :)

  161. I just have to get the labels 16 set, now.

  162. Can't wait to see what awaits all of us tonight! Congrats to all the designers...this sets looks amazing...can't wait to see how you use it and what you make with it...Thanks for the chance to WIN such a GREAT set!

  163. Change makes for exciting times ahead! I love stamptv!!

  164. If I did! Thank you LEE for all your help. I now have a blog spot...

  165. Another beautiful set!! Great job Gina and all the
    Design team


  166. Whoooo, Hooooo!!!! Congratulations to you both!!

  167. Exciting-I'm hooked on stamping and I visit this site most days. Looking forward to seeing the new stamp set and the new free with 3!!!! Sad to see Carolyn go but I'll visit her on her site. Love Lee's work already and look forward to seeing what Sharon has to share! Julie Milnes

  168. OOOOO, I sure could use a new set too! I've been being inspired lately here at your blog and I'm anxious to work with some of your stamps! Thanks for the chance. Louella Turvey at
