
Friday, November 5, 2010

release party afterglow...

What a fun release party last night! There were a lot of creative people there last night. If you didn't get a chance to see all of the projects that the design team posted, most of them should be in the featured gallery at

New products

Last night we released 6 brand new stamp sets including our brand new StampTV kit. We also released two new Basic Grey patterned paper packs and two Spellbinders die sets. To see everything that's new all in one place, click
here and it will take you to our "What's New" category at

New StampTV kit

To get a better view of what's inside the new Winter Wonderland StampTV kit, click here to watch a video showcasing the supplies. :)

As we bid farewell to our challenges hostesses, we've added a new feature on StampTV. One of the things you've told us you love is to watch projects being completed from start to finish.

Introducing Video Challenges

Color Spotlight Episode
Starting this Monday, we will be airing three weekly StampTV episodes. On Monday, I will be hosting a video version of our color challenge. Like our color challenges in the past, this will be posted in our challenge forum, however, it will also be posted on the home page and in our video tabs as well as Youtube and Vimeo.

I will show you the colors for the challenge of the week and then I will complete a project in those colors. These episodes will feature other stamp sets in the Gina K. Designs collection to provide you with more inspiration for those sets too! We would LOVE you to play along each week and post your cards in our gallery. We will be giving away prizes to randomly chosen challenge winners just like in the past.

Sketch Spotlight Episode
Sketches are a great way to get your creative juices flowing and to try a new card layout, stepping outside of your normal card making box. Every Friday, I will show you a new sketch and then make a project featuring that sketch.

Again, we would LOVE you to play along. These will be posted just like the color challenges featuring other Gina K. Designs sets and prizes will be given away as well.

Wednesday will always be dedicated to the StampTV kit just like it is now. Love that! :)

So, I better get to work. I have LOTS of videos to plan for and lots of projects to make.
Thank you all so much for your continued support of Gina K. Designs and StampTV. I appreciate you all SO much. XOXOXO

Gina k.


  1. I am so excited for more GKD episodes! thanks for throwing a great party last night!

  2. Gina,
    Last night was so much fun. It was a first for me and I couldn't wait to order most of the sets that had been released. I did not get the kit however, but would have loved to. Think I overdid as it was. Can't wait to get my stamp sets thou. You and the rest of the designers sure put together some great sets. Thank you.

  3. Love your videos Gina, so I thrilled to hear this new idea for challenges!

  4. Wow Gina, that's ambitious and I'm thrilled. Would you have ever DREAMED that you would be the star of your own TV network and Goddess to many of us? I'm so jealous of you as I would love to have a job like you instead of one I don't like.

  5. What exciting news! Seeing all the ideas is what I love about Stamp TV. You're the best, and thank you for all the wonderful things you do! Kathy Adams

  6. Great new stuff! I have missed surffing around.
    Just checking out what I have not been able to check out in a long time which are blogs and other places online. It is good to find your new blog. I have been away from all crafting things for far to long not due to my own choice but, when you almost die getting back to life and putting things you love to do makes you thankful.


  7. I am so glad you are going to be doing more videos of projects,and thanks for a great release party,I love all of the new stamp sets.

  8. YAY!! I'm excited. I always love to see cards from start to finish. I was thinking of doing a video about the Anatomy of a Card myself but I don't have anything to video with. LOL ideas ideas going around in my head. THank you for giving us this site.

  9. Wow that is a big undertaking! Can't wait to see tons of fun cards with all of the stamp sets you offer.

    It's a good life!
    Terri E.

  10. That sound like a lot of fun! I had problems with my health and had no energy for crafting and i hope i can play again with the challenges. :)

    Debbie Meijer

  11. Well you know me that Morning + Coffee = Gina K Videos. I LOVE this new concept and look forward to Monday.....WOW Now that's a FIRST! :)

  12. Hi Gina, just wanted to say thanks so much for the latest StampTV episode (parial embossing) which was in response to a question I had on the forum--very timely! It makes perfect sense now and I can stop wasting my lovely Pure Luxury Heavy Base white trying to figure it out.

  13. Lovin' the challenge videos, Gina, especially seeing you work at lightening speed! :)
